
A Drastic Step (Dropped)

The modern world is a fierce battleground where the strong prey on the weak. Even those with power want more of it, much more those who haven't. People lust for power! In such a time, it may be because of living with ease. It may be because of interest. How about money? Fame? Influence? Whatever it may be, what if it is granted to you? What if it is granted to everyone? A chance to gain power! Of course, SUch an oppoRtunity isn't without a catch, the battlefield is reVerted back to where It all began, a View as to why pEople wanted power in the first place.

DuhLion · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

Chapter 18

Chapter 18: Pure.

Lee was the most anxious as he was the first one to bolt inside the tent.

When they entered Claire's tent, fortunately there wasn't anyone there. It was only Claire having a nightmare. Relieved that they had nothing to worry about, Titus and Uncle Brown went back to their tent. Titus just wanted to stay true to his promise to help and obviously keeping her safe is included, hence he took action immediately. But since she wasn't in danger, he had no more business there, it was not like he knew how to comfort someone. As for Uncle Brown, he was just looking forward to what the result may be. Who knows? Maybe after their situation stabilized, he might gain a daughter-in-law (i.e Lee's girlfriend).

Lee stayed because despite feeling relieved, he was still frowning. He looked hurt at the sight of the painful expression on Claire's face. He wanted to somehow ease some of her pain. He intended to reach out his hand but then he remembered that they were worlds apart. His hand paused and was suspended mid-air.

'Alas, this is all but a dream. You and I are not destined. Oh god, have pity on my poor soul.'

Lee gave a profound sigh expressing his deep affection and unrequited love for Claire. Others may be after her for fame and riches, and/or her beauty and temperament, but for him it was her character. She might be proud but it was noble. She was gentle as she was kind. Originally, he was the same as those who only drooled for her beauty, but it all changed into genuine affection when he accidentally saw her giving alms to an old beggar. There was no one in the street except her. Her guards were in the shadows and apart from Lee, no other person was able to witness it. Though he only saw it for a brief moment as he rode the hover bus, it was deeply imprinted in his mind.

Knocking himself out of his stupor, he shook his head and was about to retrieve his hand when suddenly it was grabbed by Claire's delicate hand and held it tightly. In fact she gripped it so tight that if Lee had not gained strength from the crystals, he would be aching right now. And then Claire started sobbing. Moved by her touch, even if it was unintentional, he braced himself and used his other hand to try and wipe her tears...


Indeed all was going well for the young man. Claire suddenly jolted his hand making him lose balance. He was already in an awkward position thus he had no choice but fall. He somehow managed to avoid falling on top of her by placing his free hand right above her shoulder but it created a very ambiguous scene. At this moment, they looked like a cuddling couple in heat and the man was getting ready to eat to his fill. 'Fortunately,' it didn't stop there. Claire seemed to be bothered by the slight commotion and decided to turn. Lee had no choice but to also turn. And just like a cherry on top of a dessert. Claire suddenly hugged Lee as if he was her teddy bear back at home. What made the matter better was that they were both facing each other!

Lee had a thought, 'Oh god, I indeed asked for a blessing but isn't this too fast? And what's with this double-edged way of granting it?' He didn't know whether to laugh or cry.


Morning came and a piercing scream that could put the roosters to shame resounded.

Of course Titus and Uncle Brown knew that Lee didn't come back to their tent but they trusted him to not do anything reckless hence they let the affectionate youngster comfort his beloved. However, judging by this scream ughh... All they could hope was that he didn't cross any boundary.

Claire just woke up when she saw Lee's half dead face with dark bags under his eyes. It took her some time to register what was happening but she eventually realized it. What's more was that she was hugging him! She wasn't dumb and she knew that this was probably her fault but embarrassment overtook her and she screamed aloud.

Once he got pushed away by Claire, Lee somewhat missed the feeling. Those two soft buns pressing against his chest were just heavenly. But he didn't have time to reminisce about it now and he strived to muster up strength and get out of there.


All the while, the atmosphere was awkward to say the least. However, since Uncle Brown was there, the mood gradually lightened. They started chatting. After that Uncle Brown took Claire to the management office to inquire about the possibility of travels, which was basically asking for when her father will arrive. Indeed, all forms of communication were destroyed, even the satellites were rendered useless since they had no way of contacting it from the surface unless they rebuilt one. But it would take time. However, there was still communication between Cities, it seemed. It was through the use of messenger birds!

It was an 'ancient' way to say the least but it hadn't died. It was instead put into careful consideration as there was no chance of it getting hacked like those computers. Originally, this was only a secret way of receiving and delivering messages prior to the chaos, but now it had played a crucial part in this run-down world. Fortunately they were birds and could fly, otherwise the trained birds would have been killed from the earthquake. It was also purely 'black' rain and didn't have any lightning nor thunder so they survived.

Lee and Titus stayed behind. Titus suggested to make it a daily routine to activate the rapid flow of mana since it could bring great benefits. If only they could do it as they wish and didn't have a time limit each day. For now, Lee called it meditation as it was short. He was too lazy to say 'increase the mana flow,' and it also was not pleasing to listen to. In short, it's not cool. It would be quite hard to meditate if other people were around since they would be sitting with their eyes closed. They would look suspicious and vulnerable. Especially now that Claire was here. So Lee proposed a bold idea.

What if they could meditate even if they were doing something? Of course Titus was made the guinea pig.

Proofread by: @lynn