
Chapter 19: I Have A Secret For You

Katherine's POV: We decided we'd leave once the girls woke up so we could tell them we were leaving, however we ended up waiting an hour before they woke up. Alison walked down to join us for breakfast before leaving, then I saw Anna walk down, that girl needs to dress up a little more. She was wearing the most revealing thing possible! God, that girl is in so much trouble when we get back...

Alison's POV: I saw Anna walk down the stairs, I did not expect to see her like that, the last time I saw her she didn't look this gorgeous. Her hair looked like she freshly curled it, she didn't even need makeup because she had perfect skin matching her beautiful eyes and black hair! But what she was wearing really drew me in, she was in black and red lingerie and a silky black robe, she walked down the stairs grazing the railing with a light smirk on her face. I could tell she was trying to make Katherine mad and it was working, she looked furious at Anna's appearance, I could differ, I think she looked perfect. The way her lingerie curved with her slim waist and perfect figure, puberty hit that girl like a bitch, she was always beautiful but now she was the most gorgeous person I've ever layed eyes on...

Anna's POV: I saw the way Ali was looking at me go down the stairs, she was watching my every move, I gave a slight smirk to show her that I knew she was watching, and to piss of Katherine! I knew I'd pay for this but I got to say, it felt pretty damn good to show off a little. Once I got down I asked Nik what was for breakfast, he said that we were eating homemade pancakes, Nik makes the best pancakes I've ever tasted! We ate for a little while and once we finished Katherine came up to me and said that I should never do that again, but now I'll just do it some more! But sooner or later everyone left and now me and Ali have the whole house to ourselves. But we didn't stay at the house, I decided to take Ali on a proper tour of the town, and our first stop was a place I've been dying to go to for a very long time. A tattoo and piercing parlor! I'm taking Ali to do something edgy and dangerous for once in her perfect little life. Ali was dressed in a pretty little tank top and a pair of shorts, me on the other hand, I wore a cropped tank top with a pink-rose floral patterned skirt. We both had our hair down, except she curled hers and I straightened mine. Then we left, and once we got there she looked amazed, she lives by herself in a house Ian bought for her, she's basically rich because of this family so she doesn't barely get by. I asked if she wanted a tattoo or a piercing, surprisingly she said a tattoo...of a sign, the sign of a vampire, it was very unique and not many people know of it either. Once hers was down we went to the piercing side of the store, this was now my turn, I had the dude pierce my belly button, he said a bunch of infection stuff and how I needed to keep it in for so long, but I'm part vampire, I don't get sick infections so we just paid and left...

Katherine's POV: We arrived and went to the meeting place, everyone is super secretive around here, nobody tells anyone anything, that's why we couldn't take Anna and Alison with us, even they can't know because they're still children! Anyway, we would be back in about 4 hours, then I can give Anna a proper punishment...

Alisons POV: I can't believe I got a tattoo, Anna gave me some of her blood and said that it would heal up quicker so it was just a regular tattoo. I was sort off grateful for that because it hurt like hell. But anyway, we went back to the house and we decided to catch up for a little while until everyone got back. We talked all about how everything has been since we last saw each other, she talked about Elijah and how she brought him back but only got to see him for less than a day until she had to kill him again because her crazy grandmother possessed her, crazy family...check, but I'm glad Anna isn't part of that crazy! I had to tell her, if I didn't before I left then I'd regret it forever, so that's exactly what I did, I told Anna I like her...

Anna's POV: HOLY HELL! Ali just told me she likes me. I know I said I could never have feelings for her but I think it's pretty obvious I did, I couldn't tell her though because then if she got compelled or something we'd be screwed, so instead I just kissed her. She looked shocked for a moment, then when she realized what just happened she leaned in again, into a passionate kiss. We did that for at least an hour before we started to get undressed, I asked if she really wanted to do this and she nodded as if allowing me to take her. I pulled of her shorts and lifted up her shirt, she did the same, and we leaned in for another kiss before having some mind-blowing sex...

Katherine's POV: We walked through the door and didn't see any sign of Alison or Anna, we decided to check on them in their rooms, we figured they were hanging out in Alisons room, so we went in there, nobody was there so we checked Annas room and we couldn't believe what we saw. All of us, Kaylee, Nik, and even Ian, we all saw Anna on top of Alison kissing her neck! I ran over there and yanked them off of each other, luckily they at least had panties and a bra on, wait no, not luckily, that's very bad. I started yelling saying that Anna needs to not sleep with everyone who shows her the slightest bit of attention. She was shocked, but why wouldn't she be, I pretty much slut shamed her in front of everyone...

Anna's POV: I couldn't believe what Katherine just said, basically calling me a slut in front of my whole family, and Alison! How could she do that? I felt tears start to drain down my eyes, I couldn't let them know I was weak, I had to be strong in front of them all, I did a quick spell that threw Katherine against the wall, she fell, coughing and unable to get up, I walked over to her with a stake and stabbed her in the stomach, I whispered in her ear while she was trying not to scream in pain, I told her to never say that me again or she'd regret it. She took it seriously too! Katherine and everyone else besides Alison left the room, frightened I might add! I walked back over to Ali with a look of sorrow in my eyes, she immediately said that it was ok and how sexy I looked doing that, I smiled, forgetting all about what just happened and pulled her in for another kiss, then soon enough we both fell asleep next to each other...

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