
Miyuki Akane


Miyuki Pov


My name is Miyuki Akane owner of Akane Beach Resort, the most well known resort in all of Fiore.

We where heading back to Akane town, after a successful week of frolicking. My maid Leiya forcefully made me take a few days off. She said that I was working a bit too hard for months now, and needed rest.

However, on our way back we were attacked by bandits along the way. Our guards were an elite bunch trained and led by the former mercenary Mason. We were confident that they could repel the bandits easily so we didn't particularly mind the ambushed.

Mason and the guards put up a good fight and even subdued and killed some of the bandits. But, when we were sure of our victory. That man appeared, he was Hugo "the beast", boss of the bandits and the most wanted man in Akane town. He defeated Mason in a confrontation knocking him out. Then he lead his men in slaughtering our other guards. Some of them were captured, mostly women as "they would fair a good price as slaves" said Hugo.

Me and Leiya my personal maid trembled at the sight and worried for our well being.

"Don't worry Mistress, we'll pull through this even if it means I have to sacrifice my self" assured Leiya. Even though she herself was trembling so much from fear. She braced herself and took out a kitchen knife from somewhere, while facing the entrance of the carriage her little back covered me.

Because of Leiya's show of courage I steeled myself and put on a brave front. However, I did squeal a little when the door was forcefully opened.

The bandits mocked our bravery and was about to drag us out of the carriage to be played with. I paled and shivered at the thought.

But then a sudden sound from a gun resounded. Followed by a flop from somewhere. When both of us and the bandits looked at the location of the sound, we found Hugo on the ground with a giant whole on his head, dead.

Then a tall handsome man with white hair appeared in front of our carriage door blocking the bandits. He spoke a few words, jumped up and then bullets rained down on the bandits. I was worried our captured men and the carriage itself would get hit, but found out after everything calmed down that it was needless worry.

The man stood before the carriage door and spoke a few words. When he reassured us that everything was alright, I fainted.

I drifted in a comfortable space of never ending darkness as I slept without care after the incident with the bandits.

At some point I felt suffocated so I struggled, then woke up. Apparently the cause of my suffocation was Leiya's enormous breasts. She hugged me while sleeping causing my head to be buried in her bosoms.

We we're still in the carriage when I smelled this heavenly scent coming from somewhere. I peeked outside and saw that it was already evening. The man that rescued us, cooking a dish I've never seen before. The guards who survived were already awake and eating. It seems like we moved a little from where we were attacked since I couldn't see any signs of battle in the surrounding. On the contrary it was the perfect spot to camp.

He looked at my direction and noticed I was awake. He called out smilling and asked "Hey there, are you feeling any better?" He was so handsome that I felt my face go red from his smile and responded late "Ah, Yes I'm feeling a lot better. Thank you for helping us" I said.

"No problem" he said then continued frying.

"I hope you don't mind me using your cooking equipment" said the man. "I don't mind at all" I replied.

I walked towards him and sat at a tree stump. Then asked "Are you by any chance a mercenary?"

"Well no not really, just a passer by" he said.

"I see" said Miyuki while pondering of ways to reward Cram.


Third person POV


"Well let's just forget about those things for now. By the way, my name is Cram Lib a wanderer. I came across your predicament while heading towards Akane town." said Cram.

So he was heading to Akane town as well. Maybe I could repay him for saving us, thought Miyuki then said "Oh, how rude of me. My name is Miyuki Akane owner of Akane Resort, if you don't mind Mr. Cram I'd like to invite you to our resort. I'll give you the best room and accommodate you free of charge. You can also stay for as long as you like as gratitude for saving me and my men" said Miyuki a little smugly as he waited for Cram's reaction.

It was indeed Cram's turn to be surprised, although he didn't show it on his face making Miyuki pout. Inwardly however, he was shouting Jackpot!

He didn't have money from the beginning and was in a dilemma. He thought of ways to make some money and one involved hunting bandits and robbing them. And as if being driven by faith, he saw a carriage being robbed. He did get a little agitated because they were scum, but still came out slaughtering all of them and taking all their money.

But, who knew that saving a random carriage would solve all his problems. The beautiful lady who had blond hair, a cute face and a curvaceous body that exuded maturity and sexiness was actually the owner of the famous Akane Resort; where Natsu and the gang stayed during the Tower of Heaven arc.

"It'll be my pleasure to stay at your hotel" said Cram calmly without showing his excitement.

"Good, I'll prepare your room as soon as we get back" said Miyuki.

"Thank you, now would you like to try some Karaage" asked Cram.

Intrigued, Miyuki asked what a Karaage is. To her surprise it was a wild potato dish. She tasted the dish and immediately fell in love with it.

"It's delicious, this the first time I have ever tasted this kind of food" said Miyuki as kept on stuffing herself.

"Your exaggerating" said Cram as he watched Miyuki eating. He thought, what a cute woman.

"No no, I'm quite serious. In fact, I'm even willing to buy this recipe" said Miyuki.

"Really? hmmm, well you don't need to go that far. I'll just give you the recipe when we get to your hotel" said Cram.

"Are you sure?" asked Miyuki excitedly.

Cram laughed at her reaction and said "Yes"

After that they enjoyed a few minutes of peace while sharing stories. Then Leiya, Miyuki's maid woke in panic because her Mistress wasn't beside her when she woke up. The last thing she remembered were the bandits that tried to "play" with them. She feared her Mistress suffered the worst so she shouted and caused a commotion.

When she got out of the carriage, she was startled as it looked like everything was alright. When Cram noticed her he froze for a few seconds while thinking "Huge!"

Miyuki noticed Cram staring at Leiya's breast and glared at him. Cram faked a cough and averted his gaze. Then Miyuki explained everything that happened to them. Leiya cried a few tears of joy when she heard what happened. She was thankful to Cram for saving them all. When she finally settled down from her excitement, her stomach growled. Cram offered her some Karaage which she thankfully ate.

After praising Cram the whole evening for his talent in cooking. They eventually got tired and went to sleep.

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