

Morning, the time of day when the roosters crow and the birds sing, and the time of day I hate the most. For when I wake up I know it is another day in the tragedy that is my life. I probably would've been happier if my uncle left me in the village rather than bringing me to the clan estate. It all started right after I came. I was put into a small hut with a small pool of water outside of it.

The roof was starting to decay. There was only two rooms, a bedroom and a cultivation room. The bedroom only had a wooden frame and a old beasts skin blanket as a bed. A spot for only one light-source, and a single walled off spot for a "bathroom" if you could even call it that. I mean can you call a little closet with only a toilet and only water wet napkins kept in a sandwich bag a bathroom?

"Don't think this is because your only a love child. I mean, technically it is but only because we can't prove how much of a relation to the clan you are." My uncle stated. "Even though your surname is Shen you aren't considered apart of the clan unless it is proven you are related by blood. So I can only put you in a outer disciple home." I stood waiting for him to leave so I can rest but after a few minutes I realize he isn't going to the door so I tell him directly. "Excuse me uncle but it is getting late, so if you'll excuse me I am going to sleep."

My uncle seemed puzzled for a moment before looking as if he had an enlightenment. "Ah, right how could I forget you still need to sleep for eight hours yet. So I will let you rest. Don't forget to come see me tomorrow Shen Zhu."

As my uncle says that he walks out of the door in a timely manner. After I can't see my uncle anymore I take the blanket off of my bed and lay down to rest.

Outside by the window a figure that seems to be see through stands and watches. After some time a small whirlpool forms at Shen Zhu's feet.

"Hmph they think they can contain him like that I couldn't even do that in my prime." The figure seems annoyed by the whirlpool. "No matter if he can't make it through this then it seems he won't fight me again." The whirlpool sinks into Shen Zhu's feet and moves toward the center of his being. When it moved past the first layer it was immediately shattered into pieces by the power of his soul. The pieces were then absorbed and his soul grew by a margin."Oh how curious." The figure faded away slowly after that. The night passed peacefully afterwards.

After I woke up I went to find my uncle. When I was being brought by my uncle he told me to call him Shen Shu. So I went to the inner disciple homes because he didn't have a outer disciple home. Where I was blocked by the guard. "Halt! What is your reason for coming here?"

"I am going to see my uncle — I mean Shen Shu."

The guard seemed to be caught off guard for a moment before a cunning gleam shone in his eyes.

"Alright just go to the left and go straight."

"I thank you for your assistance. May your strength be greater than those around you."

I said passing through the gate.Just as I was approaching the gate to the yard of my uncles house I was surrounded by people and just as one was about to speak a voice was heard with a solid volume.

"Let the boy pass."

To which the people disappeared as fast as they appeared. I walked through the door and saw my uncle sitting at the head of a long table. I asked my uncle:" When are we going to do the test?"

"We can do it right now if you wish and we shall keep the results between us."

I thought on it for a moment and then spoke.

"No as I feel that the Elders Of The clan should know so they can't deny if you wish to move me up in status."

"Indeed. Well in that case it will be a couple minutes as it will take a moment for them all to arrive. Why don't you go sit in a chair while you wait."

"I will. Thank you uncle." I move to the chair my uncle pointed out while I am moving to sit I hear a light voice behind me.

"Watch where your sitting boy."

I quickly rise and turn to see a well adorned man. He was tall with a small scars crisscrossing all over his exposed skin. I heard my uncles voice: "This is Shen Jian. One of the inner elders."

I did a quick salute. "Outer disciple Zhu greets inner elder."

"HAHA! At least you some manners boy."

I look over to my uncle and he points to a adorned chair. As I sit down a person walks over in front of me and seems annoyed. "Get out of that chair it is I, Shen Xurong's, chair."

"No this is the chair uncle Shu told me to sit in. Go ask him if you don't believe me."

They then turn to my uncle.

"Is what this boy said true Clan Head Shu?"

"Indeed so go sit somewhere so we can get this started."

My chair then moved to the center of the room. "Now then shall we begin the test?" My uncle then asked. Silence was the answer of everyone.

"Alright Shen Zhu. We will now pour our energy into you to see if your blood will react to the family cultivation technique or if you have the secret encryption of the Shen blood."

Cliff hanger to start off



Also I go to sleep a 9:30 in the USA on the east side so if I’m not on the server please wait until morning

O_S_Meaduscreators' thoughts
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