
A Company of Milfs

Finding a legacy left behind by one of his ancestors, the real world is slowly unveiled, as series of weird phenomena start happening all over the world.

BlackDemon0f3nd · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs


Nolan looked at the students, who showed worried expressions, peeling Jimmy from his arms, he walked to Ms. Elena, who tried to calm the students.

"Everyone keep calm! Everything will be announced, we just have to stay in the classroom!" Ms. Elena shouted to the students that were bombarding her with questions.

"Ms. Elena, I would like to check out the situation, "Nolan handed Jimmy to her, beginning to turn towards the door.

"Wait! You guys need to be here, I should be the one to check out!" Holding his hand, she looked at him with a panicked and overwhelmed face.

"The students need you here, they won't listen to themselves, so just stay here." Releasing her grasp, he walked to the door, opening it before looking back,

"Lock it after me, don't let anyone else enter." Closing the door, Nolan looked to both sides of the empty hallway, choosing to go to the left towards the stairs to the lower floors.

Descending the stairs, the second floor was filled with loud murmuring, and looking around as he stood on the stairs, a couple of teachers were outside the classes on the second floor, seemingly discussing what was happening.

"I don't think we should leave the students alone, let's wait for further announcements instead, we are responsible if anything happens to the kids while we are away." A male balding teacher wiped his sweating head with a napkin, looking much older than all the other teachers.

"Do you want us to stay here and do nothing? We have to understand what's going on and plan what to do next from here on instead of waiting!" A younger slightly handsome teacher said, the other 3 teachers nodding at him.

"If you don't wanna go, fine you can stay here in the hallway and stop the kids from leaving, come on let's go to the principal's office." The leading male teacher gathered the other three teachers, going to the first floor.

Nolan hid behind the stairs, watching as the teachers descended to the first.

Staying hidden, he looked toward the balding fat teacher, his math teacher walking in rounds in the hallway.

"Those stupid kids, not respecting their elders, I have been working in this school for 30 years, this kind of announcement only happened 3 times before and all of them were... Murders," His sweat increased, wiping it with an already wet napkin.

Nolan frowned, wondering what was happening in the school. Just as the math teacher looked away from him, he bolted quietly down the stairs, already halfway to the first floor when the math teacher heard a clicking sound from his boots.

"Who was that!?" The balding teacher looked toward the stairs, his body releasing more sweat from everywhere, his hair tingling and raised.

'Once this is over, I'm retiring!!' The math teacher thought in fear as he went to his classroom, closing the door behind him.

Nolan reached the first floor, seeing the previous 4 teachers turn left, going to the hallway that connects this building to the office and management building.

Nolan looked at the quiet first floor, finding it strange that not even one person was around. Looking outside the glass doors, he found the outside empty as well, a deeper frown on his face.

He began walking in the same direction the teachers took, catching up to them as they turned to a corner through a door into the office building.

As he was halfway to the door, he heard screams from multiple people, running as best and humanely possible he could, he passed through the door, turned to the corner, he saw the reception area empty, no sign of any people and blood.

The floor was littered with misplaced chairs and was littered with papers, looking completely abandoned.

Nolan walked to the center of the reception area, looking around the place with closed fists, but there was no sign of anything suspicious.

'What happened to the teachers?' Nolan felt a little spooked out by the strange incident, walking toward the reception desk.

As he took another step, his foot missed the floor, and a second later, he found himself falling into a deep tunnel, air swooshed his uniform, landing on a rocky earth with a dust cloud kicking from the soles of his feet.

He surveyed the surroundings, utterly dark with no light, he saw the smooth tunnel he found himself in that was made of normal cavern walls, he looked at the ground, seeing dragged streams of blood and displaced rocks going deeper into the tunnel.

With a composed calmness, he followed the trails of blood for a while, his tunnel ending in an intersection where other tunnel pathways could be seen.

The intersection was filled with blood marks, Nolan inspected with guarded eyes at the intersection looking for the perpetrator.

Finding nothing that could pose a danger, he carefully walked out of his tunnel and into the 20 meters long and 5-meter high intersection, trying to discern what they were hiding in their darkness.

Clicking sounds emerged from one of the dark tunnels, another tunnel following the same, then another before every tunnel released clicking sounds, the darkness in them revealing white shark-like teeth, ones that spanned half of his face vertically.

Nolan saw the creature completely exit the tunnel, in total darkness, he was able to see exactly what it looked like. It was a worm, a giant worm with extremely long and sharp teeth in its mouth head. It was 3 meters in length and reached half to his torso as it raised its front part.

The creature's sides quivered as two thin arms ending in sharp claws extended from its torso, clacking them against the ground, using it as extra drag force.

Nolan stood in silence, wondering why the creature seemed to be wandering around instead of coming directly for him.

The creature seemed to be doing something, moving its head everywhere, more specifically toward the other entrance tunnels where clicking sounds were still going on.

Then it flinched all of a sudden, turning toward the location he was standing in silence before it clacked its claw arm extensions on the ground toward his location.

'What's it doing?' Nolan thought as the creature began to get closer, clicking its claws in his direction repeatedly before the claws clicked on the path he stood in.

The creature stopped 5 meters away from him, raising both of its bug-like claw hands and clicking them right at where he stood, a second of quiet before numbers of intense clicking reverberated all around the tunnels.

Nolan didn't need to understand that he was found out by what seemed to be smart, weird and monstrous worms.

Crossing the distance of 5 meters in one second, he formed his hand into a knife form, penetrating the bug-like shell the worm wore on its neck, his hands emerging from the back of its long neck or upper torso, being shaped like a long tube was difficult to understand what was inside it.

His shirt burned from what seemed to be the internal liquids of the monster, his hand being pulled back was completely fine, the monster falling to the ground in front of him.

Nolan looked at the tunnels that became silent when the monster impacted the ground before more intense clicking sounded.

A rumbling sound came from the tunnels, and the worm monsters spilled out of it in unending waves, coming directly at him, each one with readied claws and huge mouths filled with sharp teeth.

'Oh, this might become a little troublesome.' Nolan chopped the neck of the first worm monster that reached his range, the neck falling to the side and hanging limply there, the monster falling to the ground after a few seconds of thrashing.

The first chap of the day, getting a little exciting plot-wise, thank you Ramyboyz15 for the power stones, and thanks to Timothy_Perez for the contribution of power stones, your contributions ensure this story continues being pupnlished.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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