
A Company of Milfs

Finding a legacy left behind by one of his ancestors, the real world is slowly unveiled, as series of weird phenomena start happening all over the world.

BlackDemon0f3nd · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs


Ambulances, firefighters, and police cars arrived slowly over an hour, as they began to evacuate everyone from the school.

Nolan stood alongside the students from his classroom, as they took attendance to see who was missing.

Some teachers along with quite a few students were nowhere to be found, people speculating that they fell into the unnatural sinkholes.

Watching the cars that kept coming, he waited for a car that he was familiar with, instead his eyes caught a single black van pull up, opening its doors, a fully covered military squad of 8 men dressed in all black and gray with no symbol began to exit in order.

'They are already here.' with tightened brows, Nolan looked at the men that were already beginning to disperse to the empty evacuated school grounds, sleek black high-grade rifles raised in front of them.

Along the passenger and driver seats, 2 men dressed like secret agents with black shade glasses exited, holding phones in one hand on their right side, while the other ear had an earpiece.

As people murmured about the mysterious soldiers, Nolan kept looking at the school gates, recounting the short conversation he had with Grace.

{Calling me all of a sudden, you miss me that much?}

{Maybe, listen, you said you were Rich rich, right?}

{Oh my, indeed that I am. What, planning on making me spoil you?}

{If that was my intention, how much would you spend on me?}

{Hmm... I would say a lot, what do you plan on making me buy?}

{My school along with the surrounding lands.}

{... That's a strange request, You don't want cars or expensive phones?}

{Those things are useless compared to buying the school. In an hour or 2, you might hear the strange news that happened, But the gist of it is that the school is sitting on a mountain of treasure.}

{Hmm that does sound interesting but material treasures are of no interest to me.}

{This treasure is far more valuable than gold, at least for the years to come. You must already have an inkling of what's happening around the world, once you own the school land, I will show you the mountain of treasure.}

{My my, It seems there is more to you than I imagined. Alright my little cutie, Mommy will spoil you to your heart.}

{Come quickly before those guys claim it for themselves.}

{We shall have a long talk after we are done with this.}

Nolan sighed a little, weary looking at the geared men beginning to ready their equipment for the descent, the 2 secret men holding the police back.

Suddenly four black SUV cars sped up the straight road leading to the school, the school gates opened for them, parking their cars right next to the black van.

The students, Nolan included watched in silence as black-dressed men stepped out of the big Suv cars, In each car 6 men dressed in black suits and black glasses stepped out of the 3 of the SUV cars.

Walking robotically in a straight line and order like soldiers, the 18 stoic men surrounded the 4th SUV that was enclosed in a triangle by the 3 other SUV cars.

The 2 secret agent-like men completely looked inferior compared to the unmoving me18 men. They touched their earpieces, and the 8 squad men that were beginning to descend stopped what they were doing, quickly running to the 2 men, as they formed a circle pointing their guns at the 18 men.

The students and Nolan watched in a ruptured breath as they witnessed this movie-like scene, the 18 men still unmoving waiting for something.

The driver of the 4th SUV car stepped out, walking with an emotionless and stoic face to the back door. He opened the car and lowered its head, a figure dressed in a form-fitting expensive-looking suit unhurriedly stepped out.

'Grace..' Nolan watched in amazed silence at the grand entrance, looking her up and over the business yet sexily styled black and gold suit.

She took a few steps forward, giving a once offer of the school grounds and all the people that stood around.

She looked at Nolan directly, giving a little smile, before turning around at the men pointing guns at her.

Taking off her black fashion-style glasses, she femininely dangled them on her left hand and to her side, the other hand on her hip, She looked carefully at the opposing team.

"Who are you?" One of the secret agent-like men asked as he gave the signal for the opt squad to lower their rifles.

"The new owner of this land, so I would appreciate it if you packed your bags and leave my property." Grace gently without emotion answered.

"I'm afraid we can't do that, we have an important national duty to do here." One of the 2 secret agent-like men scoffed, looking at her in contempt.

"Oh, a national duty? here? that's weird, can you show me your approved national order papers?" Grace smiled.

"Why would we need it to show it to you?" The first secret agent-like man asked with a frown. Putting his hand in front of the second man that wanted to say something.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe because I'm the landowner for a 500-meter radius starting from this school?" Grace said with uncertainty, a finger tapping her lips in wonder.

Everyone gasped, murmuring and screaming about the beautiful woman who was so rich she could own so much land.

The 2 secret agent-like men looked at each other, discussing in hushed tones. The leader took out his phone, calling a number a second later.

"What's your name? I would like to pass this opposition we seem to have to my supervisor." The leading man asked as he held the phone to his ear.

"Grace Aurelia, owner and CEO of Aurelian Holdings." She smiled innocently.

The agent-man was stunned for a second, turning back as he began to hush talk with the person on the phone.

Grace looked at her meticulously done nails, waiting for the argument going on between the man on the phone and the agent.

"yes, understood." The man closed his phone, taking a long look at Grace before signaling the squad to move out.

The 8- men squad didn't talk or complain, following the order to the letter. they collected their equipment, got on their van, and drove out of the school grounds without another word.

Nolan and the others stayed quiet throughout the exchange, the police and the fighter fighters not knowing what to do. Looking back at them,

"Continue what you were doing, don't get close to the holes. Also, where is the principal of this school?" Grace casually said, the stunned policemen and fighter fighters resuming their job a few seconds later, their bosses screaming at them to get to work.

The principal came over, a woman past her prime who looked to be 60 years old.

"Miss, Excuse but, this school property had been the property of my family for centuries. And as far as I'm aware, we have been the owners of it along with every other building built on it." The principal stared at Grace with mistrusting eyes.

She knew who she was, but she didn't believe her family would give up this land they worked hard for so easily. Grace motioned to one of the unmoving bodyguards, who quickly went into her SUV and brought out her purse.

Opening it, she held out papers to the principal, who took a careful look over it. as she read it her eyes widened,

"This is one of the documents stating that the school property had been directly bought with a check from your family."Grace patiently explained to the woman.

"You bought it half an hour ago only!?" The principal asked loudly as she saw the date of purchase, as well as the signature of her older brother who was the owner of the land for a wobbling 200 million in check. Their land only cost about 30 million in value.

The principal sighed in defeat when she saw the large sum of money. With it, they can buy better land and more.

about to relase 4 chap today. Now that my summer Job ended, expect more updates! also keep the contributions coming please!!

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