
Perfect Plan

A black clad figure sprinted along a roof top as he made his way towards the Hu clan. It was a big residence and was easy to find from a distance.

His Master had ordered him to deliver this message to the Hu clan, so he had wasted no time. As he reached the gate leading into the clan he stopped and appeared before the guard. The guard had not noticed him before he had stopped and was completely shaken.

Not wishing to waste words he spoke to the guard.

"Bring one of your elders here right now."

He said it in an imposing tone and the guard hesitated for a second before a small badge flashed in the strangers' hand. Noticing the symbol he instantly recognized the Feng clan symbol as he had been taught who not to offend.

Once he saw it he sprinted away and instantly went to find a elder. Finding the elder he didn't waste words and only said 2 words.

"Feng Clan"

The elder was confused for a second before he got the true meaning behind the words. Knowing that he was a gate guard he immediately stood up and rushed towards the gate indicated. Reaching there he saw the black clad figure and shuddered when he felt his aura.

Not saying anything he threw the letter to the elder before disappearing. Only his voice was left as it rang in the elder's ear.

"Deliver this to your patriarch immediately."

He bowed in the direction that the figure had been and didn't delay as he rushed towards the main building in the clan.

As he was making his way through the clan suddenly the figure of the elder disappeared and nothing was left behind. Not even a shred of blood was left as he disappeared never to be seen again. The letter was gone as well as the evidence that anything happened.

The guard who had been out the front had also disappeared as nothing was left of him.

Off in the distance a slight ways behind the retreating Feng clan cultivator a different shadow suddenly materialized behind a building and looked in his direction. He could see the Feng cultivator!

A little drip of blood could be seen on the letter that the figure was holding and it could also be seen that the Feng clan seal was on the envelope. Looking for another second the figure disappeared from where he was.

As if he had never been there in the first place.


Wei Jin made his way down the street as he pulled Fang Rou behind him. He remembered what his dad had told him the other day and was going to enact the plan now.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll find out soon, today's going to be a fun day!"

Fang Rou was confused with the vigor with which Wei Jin was pulling her around; he was acting a bit different today. What could be the reason? She thought to herself, but she didn't mind it, they had been out on many adventures through the years, this would just be another one. She lightly smiled to herself as she continued to follow Wei Jin.

Soon enough they were standing before a huge building with many people streaming in through the gates. The building before them was the Qing Clan amp theater that had certain plays going on every day. It was a very popular place for families and people to go to for entertainment.

"Why are we here?"

Fang Rou couldn't understand why they were at the theater, some of the plays were good but she only liked one particular play that wasn't usually on. It would have been more fun to go exploring around the city and meeting new people.

They may have been going around for the last 6 years around the city but they still hadn't explored it all, Spring City was the capital and was humongous compared to ordinary cities. With it holding 3 major clans and the imperial clan it was no wonder that it was so huge, and it would take Wei Jin and Fang Rou many more years to explore the whole thing.

Of course when their cultivation realms enhanced to a higher level it would become easier but in the Qi condensation realm and below it was a never ending journey.

When questioned by Fang Rou what they were doing there Wei Jin only gave her a huge smile and pulled out 2 tickets. Handing one of them over to Fang Rou she was confused for a second before she saw the title on the ticket.

Celestial Empress!

It was her favorite play that she had loved to watch since she was 4 years old. After the first time she saw it with her parents she had been enthralled. She had gone on and on for weeks about the play to Wei Jin and even pulled him along to see a showing one time.

She never tired of watching the play as every time she watched it she would find something new or interesting to the play. It wasn't just that as the main character of the play, the Celestial Empress was a character that she idolized.

The celestial Empress one of the only people ever to reach the Palace realm and above, she had ruled the continent for a long time and was revered as one of the best rulers in its history. Kind, compassionate and brave, she was someone that all girls in the empire would look up to.

Why would it be such a rare play that was shown then? Many would wonder why the play would be shown less than most, but the reason was because the actors required to play the show had strict requirements and cultivation bases.

Most of the time the whole cast couldn't do the play at the same time, or weren't around. Because of these facts the play was only done once in a blue moon and was very popular when it was showed.

When it would be played there would be 3 sessions for the day with one in the morning, afternoon and night. Right now it was the afternoon and the theater was packed. Fang Rou parents would always get her tickets to the night session that would have the best actors and setting for the play and would usually go for a lot of spirit stones or money.

The morning and afternoon shows wouldn't be as appealing to the major and middle clans and was better for the minor clan people to attend. Wei Jin father had the tickets for his wife and himself to go, but once he had heard about Wei Jin inviting Fang Rou to his debut, they had talked it over and he had gotten the tickets.

Fang Rou looked at Wei Jin with surprised eyes before a smile appeared. She gave him a big hug and thanked him for the tickets before she started to pull him into the theater. She was more excited to watch the play than he was.

2 and a half hours later the play finally finished as Fang Rou pulled Wei Jin out of the theater, she was talking excitedly about the play and complimented the actors over and over. She lamented that it wasn't as good as the night plays but it was good nether less.

She was happily skipping about as they moved further away as they continued to talk.

"Thanks for the tickets Jin, you were right today is a fun day."

Her smile was overflowing as she turned back to look at him. He just smiled at her and then took her hand again.

"The days not over yet!"

She was once again surprised that there was more going on today, the play itself made her happy enough, she wondered what else could make her day happier.

They walked a few blocks away as Wei Jin enact the next part of his father's plan. They soon stood in front of a 2 stories building. The words Wu Restaurant was on the store board that hung above the door. Moving inside Wei Jin asked for the reservation that his father had booked and they were soon at their table.

Fang Rou looked around as she had never been in this restaurant before, her parents had gone to other restaurants with her before, and they had actually been more high class than this one. But after the surprise that was at the theater she was looking forward to what happened next.

Ordering so that Fang Rou wouldn't hear him Wei Jin asked for a specific dish and began to talk to Fang Rou. She sat and talked to him her anticipation building.

After 15 minutes the dish was finally bought and placed in front of Fang Rou and Wei Jin. Before she saw what it was Wei Jin talked to her.

"I know it's probably not the best you've had, but my parents say the one here is one of the best."

Fang Rou tilted her head before the dish was revealed. Her mouth opened in surprise as her favorite dish appeared in front of her. The sweet aroma that she loved drifted into her nose and her stomach almost grumbled.

She was slightly hungry after watching the play for 2 hours and the food in front of her was irresistible. She looked up at Wei Jin who was smiling at her as she thought to herself.

Why is he being so nice today?

It's not my birthday. And he has taken me to my favorite play and is treating me to my favorite dish.

What is happening?

Giving him a smile she started to eat the dish in a ravenous manner, she had been taught manners from her parents, but when she was with Wei Jin she didn't follow them much.

Wei Jin just smiled from the side as he saw how happy Fang Rou was, the plan was working spectacularly. Only one final step and she should be happy enough to say yes. And when her parents here how nice I was today, they should surely say yes.

Wei Jin was still only 10 years old and pretty simple minded.

Hey guys here's the chapter. Hope you enjoy.

Is it a date, when they both don't know what date's are? Food for thought and Fang Rou.

Thanks for Reading :)

Zevrencreators' thoughts
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