
A Challenged Man's Ascension

What if one day, you wake up and find yourself with a power that defies common sense, a power only seen in fictional stories and wielded by stupidly powerful individuals? Would you decide to uphold justice? To bring chaos and destruction? Or something else entirely? For Blake, well, he wants to do many things, but certainly not these two boring tasks. Hey, I'm a new writer. English is not my native language, so feel free to give me your opinion about the story so that I may hopefully improve my writing.

SleepyChaos · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

I Am Speed


A spine-chilling bellow reverberated in a luxuriant forest, signalling the beginning of a chase. A blur was swiftly avoiding, jumping over, and destroying anything on his path. Behind the indistinct figure, an imposant creature similar to an eastern dragon was piercing the air with its serpentine body. The skyscraper-sized dragon annoyingly looked at the little thing that dared to disturb his sacred sleep.

His wrath intensified as the puny human kept his momentum, not even acknowledging the majesty of the offended Jortur. Fuelled by primal rage, the beast increased his aerial speed even further. Vertical ebony pupils were fixed upon a running Blake, while a massive body kept pursuing the hasty man with surprising speed.

'System, that flying lizard is getting closer. Give me something, anything!'

Like a speeding train, the man ran without stopping, his only focus being to escape the fast approaching dragon.

[Jorturs are known to be extremely powerful even at their early stages]

[Therefore the system advices Host to purchase...]

Listening to his advisor, the man's eyes trembled.

'What was that? It seems like I couldn't properly hear what you said. The wind is strongly whistling in my ears.'


[Host has to purchase-]

'Such strong wind.'

[Host would need more SP to purchase something more useful]

The androgynous voice warned and the speedy human suddenly paused his goofiness.

'What if I bought a trial?' Expectantly, Blake asked as a last ressort.

[It is possible to buy a trial and escape the jortur]

[However, the Warlords' remains might notice the Host's spacial fluctuations]

[And will therefore take more interest in Host once he returns]

With his last hopes deflated, Blake crossed his arms and violently wiped out the upper body of a tree standing on his path.

'Fine, buy it.'


Receiving confirmation, the System purchased what it determined to be the most adapted solution for the current situation. Keeping his pace, Blake began to feel something new, encompassing his current self.

Meanwhile, the jortur was steadily approaching Blake, unsatisfied of his speed however and eager to quickly punish the sinner, he slowly opened his large jaw. Deep blue electric arcs traversed his mouth, leaping from one tooth to another, they went to stimulate the tongue and play around in the Behemoth's mouth. Finally they descended further down the throat and illuminated its insides.

All of a sudden, as the jortur widely opened his mouth, lightning came out and quickly condensed into a giant 'ball'. And with terrifying speed, the ball was launched towards a running target. The voltaic charge dangerously approached Blake, and before the latter could react, it hit the ground a few miles away from the runner and exploded.


A destructive deflagration was generated by the hit and a whole area was annihilated. Plants, trees, animals, everything was impacted in a 300 miles radius. Decimation ensued, living a charred and desolate land behind. Only occasional sparks remained to prove the draconic wreckage.

As the Jortur finally arrived and witnessed the destruction he created, a satisfied expression made its way on his face. However, It rapidly changed to one of confusion, then incredulity, and finally rage. His wide eyes slightly glowed a cerulean hue and gazed. Gazed in the faraway distance, at something fast, very fast crossing the large forest. Shrouded by amethyste lightning, it was quickly making its way towards the crimson lands.

Moving in a straight line, it did not care about dodging. Anything on its path was purely and simply destroyed by its purple lightning. The Jortur seeing this rose to the skies, anger and hate fuelling its every movement. As if reacting to the behemoth's emotions, deep blue bolts of lightning began appearing around his body. Crossing, multiplying, and powering.

Thunder was heard and the Jortur rose higher. The giant creature then opened its mouth, and lightning began to dance. Erratic, it could not stay inside and went to multiply outside the jaw. Releasing smokes of lightning, the dragon prepared its final attack.


One, two, a dozens balls of lightning emerged from the Jortur. A cataclysm advanced towards the purple figure. The latter, feeling the incoming threat, and almost seeing the reddish lands muttered.

"<Persistant> 100 points on Agility."

Boosted by stats and abilities, a man felt like he reached a new peak of existence. Other senses could not follow his newly gained speed. The vision blurred, the mind slowed down and his awareness lowered. However, at this moment, the man did not care.

He was speed, he was movement, a primordial force of existence, and nothing else mattered.

However, above the man, like legendary tribulations, the lightning fell from heaven. Wrought by wrath, they hastened. And reaching the world, they brought devastation.


The bolts bombarded the land full of life, turning hectares of vegetation into dust. Sounds of death echoed, and the destruction ended. The Jortur gazed once again, finally convinced of the sinner's death. Letting out a roar, he sent a last look towards the destroyed place and flew away.

At the periphery of the forest however,

A figure managed to cross and feel the scorching, crimson sand. Purple sparks occasionally appeared on his body as his breathing remained unstable. Standing naked, a bruised Blake was slightly trembling. Scorched marks enveloped his body, while a reddish tatoo was forming on his back.

"You're nuts... haha..."

With his last words, Blake dropped to the ground, an amused smile forming on his face. His body and mind pleaded for rest while his eyelids became heavier by the seconds. Hearing a last sentence, he finally gave up to his tired state.
