
A cascade of hidden howls

Fantasy Romance
Contínuo · 558 Modos de exibição
  • 1 Chs
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What is A cascade of hidden howls

Leia o romance A cascade of hidden howls escrito pelo autor Nyx_astraea publicado no WebNovel. A cascade of hidden howls is the story of an enigmatic soul who always embraced randomness, and wished to carve her niche in every peck of life. Elara, born to Eliot and Mira is an extraordinary girl....


A cascade of hidden howls is the story of an enigmatic soul who always embraced randomness, and wished to carve her niche in every peck of life. Elara, born to Eliot and Mira is an extraordinary girl. In the initial days, she lived in a place where she found a lot of charm, congruency, positiveness and grace. Then in her grown-up days, her family shifted to a new environment where she struggled to acclimate, taken aback by a non-soothing ambience, which later brought her to a strand of autoimmune disorder. Elara, being not a coward unleashed the battles of all bizarre circumstances bravely. These tit-for-tat days through the mysterious home jerk collapsed her. Being a girl, she suffered badly. But as light scatters through the canopy of the forest, a loving leap for free trial sprouted in her life too. Later Elara agreed to the confidential marriage with Orion. A consonance heaped unknowingly which made her an individual with flying colours of passion and professionalism. Like a bolt from the blue, this is the story of a moon girl who found her Moon on Earth and what allures them to fall in love is extremely super magnificent. The story proceeds through excruciating lashes where she thinks of giving up her whole life several times because of ostracism. But the sparks of hope from a supernatural power made her feel to live again and fight the evil eyes, becoming an active servant of humankind and to fight with the ghastliness of life. In between somewhere, there are waves of romance. Orion and Elara who have never seen each other agree to marry for their parent's happiness, living miles away on two mainlands. Orion started falling for her and tardily became the laughing bell of Elara's journey. He upholds and embraces her dreams as his own which makes him a charismatic real comrade. Thus a cascade of hidden howls is all about the howlings of evil society and the uncompromising mind power of a true soul who always tied her hand lace with God Almighty.

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满袖藕花香 · Geral
Classificações insuficientes
228 Chs


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