
Ultimate Knowledge—Mechanical Life Tinder!

Editor: Atlas Studios

Han Xiao did not arrive quietly but made it known to everyone. The army's subdivision sent an announcement to all its members to welcome the arrival of their Army Commander. The many new faction members all went to watch. They had heard a lot about Black Star of the Shattered Star Ring, but never had they seen this big boss with their own eyes.

On Planet Gilman and in the army's subdivision, countless players witnessed a spaceship flying out from the blue stargate and approaching the subdivision.


The spaceship flew toward the entrance of the dock, then linked with the electromagnetic rails and entered the wide dock.

The dock was already filled with players. Countless people broadcast the event to the forums with excitement.

As the hatch opened, wearing a black robe, Han Xiao walked out with a few hovering guards behind his head. He smiled and connected to the quantum network with his mind.

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