
Chapter 2987-running for young master

Right! You didn't see wrong!

This Dragon Seal Master was really frivolous!

His surname was Wu, and his Dharma name was Dragon Seal. As for the title of 'master', it was just a respectful title for people outside the Buddhist League.

In terms of age, he was actually only a little older than Yun fanqing.

As a monk, he ate meat, drank wine, gambled, and flirted with girls. It could be said that he had no taboos and dared to do anything!

The most exaggerated one was when he went to hit on Yun fanqing. Before he even saw Yun fanqing, he ran into priestess Dinghai of the three saints nunnery and was almost beaten to death!

From this, it could be seen how frivolous this guy was!

Over the years, Wu longyin could not avoid being criticized by others, but he did not take it to heart at all.

As the saying goes, wine and meat pass through the intestines, but Buddha's heart remains! He did all those ridiculous things to train his Buddhist heart!

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