
Intense pain of changing bone

"Auntie, what good news do you have?" Fang Yuan immediately asked with a foolish grin.

As he was asking, an old man walked in from outside.

Bai Ning Bing secretly glanced at the old man; this old man was a Gu Master!

However, he only possessed rank one initial stage cultivation and was very old, there was nothing to worry.

"Young man, this is our village head." The old lady introduced the man.

Fang Yuan and Bai Ning Bing hurriedly stood up.

Fang Yuan scratched his head appearing to be uneasy: "Honorable village head, I am…"

He hadn't even introduced himself when the village head waved his hand with a smile: "I know, you two are outsiders."

Gu masters could sense the aura of other Gu Masters. However, Fang and Bai had the breath concealment Gu in their ears; their Gu Master aura were concealed, and the village head couldn't detect it.

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