
Zhang Ye comes to the music industry?

A few days later.

Everything was back to normal.

The window panes at his rental apartment in Jiaomen were replaced. After the police had finished investigating, they connected it to an official and a few corporations. In the process, Lu Yuhu had intervened and helped to expedite the investigations after Rao Aimin called him. Afterwards, the involved personnel were all either taken away or locked up. In the following days, no one else came to seek revenge against Zhang Ye. They could have been waiting for the right opportunity, or perhaps it was the brazenness of the "Deathbed Poem" that shocked them into inaction, or it might even be due to the attention from the media and citizens regarding the case that made them take a backseat for now and not dare to get on the bad side of Zhang Ye at this sensitive time.

In any case, incidents as a result of the air pollution documentary gradually subsided.

No subject could be heatedly discussed forever.

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