
Chapter 1 elementary school

The moment I walked in to bitch ass elementary school in Maryland and Ohio I knew that that was the beginning of my life. I knew that kindergarten in bitch ass elementary school was about to be a shit show of emotions I sat down in his crib as his class and I saw a beautiful man his name is Brian Brian color. Space what is the space I miss crab ass went down and she said situation down bitches it's time for a lesson. As a new life will be over for me the moment I laid my eyes on Brian. Mr. crabs ass Hey man he said very seductive look in his eyes he looked at his wife he said damn look at that sign ass and he proceeded to walk towards her miss crab ass moaning pleasure as them were doing a very very very very very very very very very very very very very good cup of coffee. Mr. crabs ass walked out and said peace out bitches. But anyway Miss crab ass knowing the fact that she is a good lady probably in her mid-20s. Says that we're going to have a very good time we're going to learn ABCs 123's in the miracle of shapes and ice. Ring ring ring ring ring the bell rang oh look it's lunchtime crab ass said. I sat down on the table far away alone until I looked up and I saw Brian was there. End of chapter