
4.246 Light Years

What do you imagine when you look up at the night sky? Have you ever thought that when you look at the beautiful shining stars you are looking back in time? Dara, a smart young girl has a deep memory as she looks up at the night sky. At a young age, Dara needed to face inner turmoil, failure, rejection, and mental problems that she was not aware of. She lost many things in her life, family, money, job and also friends. She was trying to get out of her problems and move towards her dreams. She wants to bring memories from her past to build her future. Memory about 4.246 that brought an impression on her life. Will she be able to overcome all the challenges in her life?

Yulian_Aska · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 15 : Goodness and Good News

Dara came out of the Villa owned by the Dean family, carrying the files in her hand. Her thoughts and feelings were still mixed. She still couldn't fully compile what had just happened to her. Mr. Yogi was about to take her back to the Hall where she parked her bicycle, but Dara was quite surprised to see Leo and Billy sitting on the sidewalk across the Villa. They finally saw Dara and looked embarrassed.

"Sir, you don't have to take me back to the hall. Thank you very much," Dara said quickly to Pak Yogi who seemed to understand because he also saw Dara's two friends were there.

Dara immediately crossed the road before the two of them could escape. At least that's what Dara thought. Even though in truth, there was no way they would just leave after they saw Dara know of their whereabouts.

Dara looked at them asking for an explanation of what they were doing there. But neither of them spoke. Finally, it was Dara who started the question. "What are you doing here?"

"This was Billy's idea," Leo replied trying to keep himself safe. But he didn't lie. It's just that he let his friend cornered.

"But he also agrees with me," Billy said defensively.

Dara sighed before speaking again, "Are you guys worried? Just admit it."

"No, of course not," said Leo quickly. He didn't want to admit his feelings.

"So what are you doing here if you're not worried? Are you afraid Dean is doing something bad, aren't you?"

"He's the most absurd person we've ever known in this world. It's normal for us to be wary." Leo seemed to agree with what Dara had suspected.

Dara of course not angry. She was pleased with his friend's concern. "Yeah, I'm fine. He's not as bad as you think. Aren't you guys hanging out?"

"Yeah, it's because he's paranoid that it doesn't happen," Leo replied, glancing at Billy which made him awkward.

"Oke whatever. I want to go home. It's too late," Dara said a little annoyed.

"You want to walk home? Do you want me to take you home?" Leo asked casually. But Billy was clearly displeased. Realizing this Leo immediately changed his offer. "Or better, Billy will drive you home."

Dara clearly caught on to what Leo meant. But Leo couldn't take his words anymore. Billy was clearly annoyed with him. He regretted revealing his biggest secret to Leo, who wasn't very good at pretending.

"I just want to go home by foot," said Dara a little coldly.

Billy was unable to say anything. He was quite clumsy and hard to control himself.

"Are you sure? It's very late. Your bicycle is also still in the hall," Leo asked again.

"Would you like to take my bicycle here?" Dara asked defiantly.

"It's okay if you walk. The sky is still bright, after all, it's only in our cluster area," Leo answered quickly.

Even though Billy was willing to get Dara's bicycle, he still couldn't control himself to say something. But he wasn't sure Dara would want it. He was more certain that it would only make the situation more awkward.

"Okay, I'll go first, you guys take care," said Dara, not wanting to argue anymore.

"Okay, see you later," Leo said.

After Dara left them, Billy looked at Leo sharply. "Sorry," Leo said with a chuckle.

Billy didn't respond and walked away. They finally returned to their respective homes. Canceled their intention to chat for a while at the coffee shop. While Dara snorted slightly annoyed. But she was grateful for the concern of his two friends. However, because of them too, Dara had to walk to the Hall, pick up her own bicycle, and then go home quite tired.


When Dara arrived at her house, she did not immediately open the files given by Dean. She had time to think about Billy and Leo's behavior which was starting to annoy him. Dara felt the change in their attitude. She wanted to dig up information from Leo what was really going on. But she gave up her intention. There have been enough internal problems that have occurred between the team.

Dara flipped through the files from Dean casually, she didn't expect anything. There are many files that she doesn't understand about detailed investor information and many other things. Leo and Tiara are experts at this. While she was still flipping through the files, her attention was quite distracted by a file she understood well enough. A file and certificate of the Dean family villa is there.

Dara could guess what Dean was thinking so that the certificate was there. But her mind couldn't digest it quickly. She wasn't comfortable with it either. She also didn't understand how she really felt. There was a feeling of shock, confusion, and also questioning herself what she should do with it. Dara really needs it. But she felt she didn't deserve it for granted. She didn't know if it was still normal for her to accept such a thing from someone who wasn't even her friend.

When she turned the files again there was a letter left with her name on it. Dara was a little hesitant to open it. She had already obtained a lot of information in a relatively fast period of time. She didn't know if she could still digest what was written in the letter or not. But in the end she opened the letter because she was too curious.

I'm guessing you'll be surprised at what I'm giving you. I don't want to show that I can buy anything with money. But I have nothing else to give but money.

I'm not good at doing good, I also don't know how to love people. I hope you can receive a little kindness from me. I hope what I give can help you achieve what you want.

Dara held the letter tightly. She had a hard time denying that she wanted to reread the letter over and over again. Dara doesn't know what decision she will make next.


The next day Mr. Yogi came to Dara to take care of the transfer of the assets that Dean had given her. Dara is still unsure, she wants to meet with Dean first, but his phone can't be reached.

"Mr. Dean has gone to America. Sorry I can't provide the contact details. That's his order," said Mr. Yogi to Dara, who still looked confused.

"Is there a way I can talk to him again?" Dara asked hopefully.

"I will tell him. I'll let you know later."

"Okay sir, thank you."

"Mr Dean also wants your family to accept this."

Mr. Yogi handed Dara a few more files. Dara began to feel uncomfortable with Dean's gift, which she judged was too much. Dara took the file and then looked at it. Meanwhile, Mr. Yogi continued his explanation.

"Mr. Dean chose the best therapy for Ms. Nemma to treat her leg. Everything has been taken care of, Ms. Nemma just has to come. I will pick up Ms. Nemma on the therapy schedule."

Dara was stunned holding the files. For this time, she could not decide by herself. But still, she started to feel uncomfortable with all that Dean gave her. She still wasn't used to it. Although she was grateful for it.

"I personally hope that you will accept." Mr. Yogi suddenly spoke while Dara was still speechless, unable to say anything. "Mr. Dean is trying his best to provide all of this. Maybe you have a hard time accepting it, but please consider."

"Thank you very much. This all feels too much. But tell Dean that I am grateful and accept all the kindness he has given me. But I'm not used to receiving too many gifts like this. So tell him that this is enough for me and my family."

"Okay, Ms. Dara, I will tell him."

Dara lowered her face still looking at the files that had just been given by Mr. Yogi. "Regarding this therapy, I will ask my aunt first. I'll let you know later."

"Ms. Dara, I have to go back to the office."

Dara nodded slowly. Dara's head was still deep in thought when Mr. Yogi disappeared from her sight. She didn't know what she was doing was right or not. She was not comfortable with all the gifts. But Dara thought that if she was in Dean's position she would feel sad if Dara refused all the kindness she had prepared. Dara judged that Dean's intentions this time were sincere to her.

Dara imagines if she gives something to her friends and then they refuse Dara's gift just like that. She will feel sad. She didn't want Dean to feel that way. Although it may also be true that Dara cannot force people to be happy with what she gives them. If people don't like and are not comfortable with what Dara gives, Dara also needs to consider that.

Now Dara is in the opposite position. She is a person who accepts kindness from others. She felt a little uncomfortable. Dara thought she might need to calm her feelings down a bit. For her it was okay to sacrifice her comfort for the comfort of others. She didn't hurt herself either. She was even helped by what Dean gave. After all, if Dean was happy, she felt the same way. Finally Dara decided to accept all his kindness.


For several days Dara did not come to the hall. Her friends were quite surprised because Dara didn't usually on leave without explaining the reason clearly.

"she's not sick, is she?" Tiara asked her two friends.

"I don't know either. She didn't say anything," Leo replied.

"Do we need to go to her house?" asked Billy.

"Maybe you shouldn't. Maybe Dara is working on something personal, we don't know. I guess we need to give her space," Tiara replied. Leo and Billy seemed to agree with her argument.

Dara is quite busy with the transfer of Villa's assets given to her. Her energy and thoughts were quite drained in the last few days. Meanwhile she had quite a lot of work to do, including asking Nemma about the offer Dean was given.

"So, Tity will accept the gift from Dean or not?" asked Dara.

Nemma was silent for a very long time. Dara doesn't want to talk much and give arguments. Dean's topic is still very sensitive for her family.

"If you can't accept it, I'll tell Mr. Yogi."

"I would," Nemma replied curtly. Dara didn't ask much. She didn't know what Nemma was thinking. But Dara did not want to make her more depressed. The accident had left a deep wound on Nemma. She could understand that it was not easy for Nemma to remember anything related to it.

Dara arranges Nemma's therapy schedule with Mr. Yogi. Dara was still asking if she could talk to Dean or not. "Does Dean still not want to talk to me?"

Mr. Yogi just shook his head. He began to empathize with Dara. Mr. Yogi actually also urged Dean to talk. Although he was a little scared, he felt that Dara really needed to talk to Dean. Dean didn't want the same. Dara is hard to accept. She really wanted to talk to Dean. Although she didn't know exactly what she wanted to talk about. Dean just disappeared from Dara.


By the time Dara had started to work, she had started to forget her desire to talk to Dean. None of her friends asked what Dara was doing when she had been missing from them for a few days.

"Ehm," Dara cleared her throat following Leo's way when he was trying to get the attention of his friends. Tiara, Leo, and Billy seemed to understand and immediately approached her. "I have an announcement."

"You will to get married?" asked Leo nonchalantly. But Billy suddenly looked shocked. Dara just looked at him sharply and did not respond to what he said.

Dara handed the files Dean had given to Leo without explaining anything. Leo looked at it for a moment. He looked stunned and at a loss for words. As Dara expected, Leo was really happy. He was a little jumping up and down watched by Tiara and Billy who still didn't understand.

"Where did you get all this from?" Leo asked Dara.

Dara did not read the details of the files. She just knew she needed to give it to Leo. Seeing all her friends who looked confused, Dara told all the things she had experienced for the past few days. After finishing the story, her friends were even more confused.

Their curiosity paid off, but another confusion overtook them. They had a hard time digesting everything they had just heard. Even Tiara who usually easily understands a condition, she was also silent for quite a while.

"So you are now the owner of that nice big Villa?" Tiara asked with a look of astonishment on her face.

Dara just nodded without saying much more. She also still couldn't believe what she suddenly got.

"Dean just gave it all away?" Leo asked making sure what he heard was the truth.

"Yeah, like I said earlier."

They were all confused for a while, but they finally realized and began to accept everything. Dara also explained the reason why she finally accepted all the kindness that Dean had given her. At first, it was difficult for her friends to understand Dara's way of thinking, but in the end they agreed with her thoughts.

"If I were Dean, I would also want my gift to be accepted. He may still be a beginner in doing good, so we understand that we are a little surprised to receive so many gifts from him," said Leo.

"That's right, never mind he wants to change for the better," Tiara agreed.

Only Billy remained silent. He didn't seem to like Dara getting that much kindness from Dean. But he also thought the same thing. He thought Dean just wanted to make up for his guilt.

"Okay, so when do we move?" Dara asked excitedly to her friends.

"Oh yes, we have a new office, huh? Wow, I'm really curious about the details of Dean's villa." Tiara also seemed just as excited as she was. "When can we start moving?"

"Today," Dara replied, showing the key that she had pocketed.

Needless to say, they all looked happy. Finally that day they all packed up their things. Leo brought his pickup truck to transport their things to Villa, which now belongs to Dara. Dara still does not believe in what she currently has.

Arriving at their new office. They were very surprised because the villa had been transformed into a real office. Some items such as a house sofa and some ornaments were still preserved, but now the villa clearly looked different from the first time they all visited it.

"You turned this all become an office?" Tiara asked Dara.

"When I received it, everything just like this," Dara replied.

"So Dean also prepared all this?" Leo asked. "If I didn't know the history between the two of you, I would think he really likes you."

Billy looked uncomfortable hearing that. But he also seemed happy to see what they got.

"I've chosen a room for each of you," said Dara with a beaming face.

"We have our own room?" Tiara asked still in disbelief.

Dara nodded with a smile. They all seem happy in the end. They surround the villa which has now been converted into their office.

"This elevator was also built on purpose for you?" asked Billy finally speaking.

"It's been there from the start," answered Dara.

"I wonder how rich he really is, he can afford all sorts of things." Tiara still looks surprised. "My mother runs a lot of business. Her wealth is not even 1% of Dean's visible wealth."

"This villa inherited from Dean's grandfather." Dara began to explain. She got the information from Mr. Yogi. "This villa was built about 15 years ago. The building is sturdy because it was deliberately designed by his grandfather before he died a year after this Villa was built."

"You know enough about his family now?" asked Tiara.

"I have talked a lot with Mr. Yogi the last few days. Mr. Yogi often comes to my house because he was assigned to take my aunt to therapy." Dara explained again. "It turns out that Dean's grandparents have quite a different background from his parents. We know Dean's family is a successful businessman. Dean's grandparents were lecturers."

Her friends looked serious listening Dara's explanation. Moreover, Tiara seemed interested in the stories of many people she knew. "I've never heard of it. Their family are quite famous in our area. And what people know is that their family is a businessman."

"I was also surprised when I heard all the information from Mr. Yogi. Dean's grandfather was an architect who eventually taught in Singapore and married his grandmother who is a Singaporean citizen. Her grandmother is a lecturer too. Mr. Yogi said, the lifestyle of his grandmother and grandfather was much different from the Dean's family we know. They live simply in Singapore.

Well, Dean's grandparents were going to live in this villa after they retired. But his plan couldn't be done because his grandfather pass away and his grandmother decided to stay in Singapore and gave this villa to his father. "

"Dean's grandmother is still alive?" asked Tiara.

"Mr Yogi said Dean's grandmother pass away while Dean was in prison."

Dara's friends' thoughts about Dean slowly began to change. Dean wasn't so bad like what they thought. While it's true, Dean does a lot of mischief and gets them quite annoyed at times. But they were starting to think that Dean had a good side in him too.


The following days, Dara and her friends were getting busier. They started planning for new recruits. Dara clearly needs some programmers to help her. She could no longer do everything alone with Billy. Now they are not only working on project 4.246, but they are slowly starting to plan Dara's other ideas to be realized.

Leo and Tiara were rally busy. Leo, who is sometimes reckless, makes Tiara annoyed. Tiara, who really couldn't continue to help develop their business plan, started complaining to Dara. "Business development, promotion, those are not my expertise. I can help, my basic competence is public policy. If it's too detailed, I don't know much either. I can help with record and various administrative matters, but the rest I'm blind."

Dara could not answer anything. She also didn't understand much of what Leo was talking about. While Leo was quite grumpy when he started recruiting. "Nothing good. Some of them don't want to work here. They prefer to live in big cities. We lack on resources."

"What if they work online?" Dara asked a bit timidly. Leo's mood becomes unstable due to the pile of work he has to do.

"I need someone here, in person. It's also hard to do some coordination online. Talking with Sofi is quite an effort. She still can't come back here."

Dara remembers Sofi. She really missed her. She's been so busy lately that she rarely talks to her best friend. Dara imagined that Sofi would be happy to work in her new office. She had always dreamed of working in a real office.

"I've selected some good candidates." Suddenly Billy spoke to her. Enough to wake her up from her daydream. Billy handed over some files for Dara to look at. "You'd be surprised to see the first candidate."

Dara was quite surprised to see the first page of the file. She saw that Selly's name was there. Dara still remembers her. Her college friend used to be very popular among her friends.

"I know this person, she was a friend of mine from college."

"Selly Prasetya?" asked Billy quite surprised.

"Yeah, you know her?" Dara asked Billy innocently.

"Everyone knows her. She's an Instagram influencer. Pretty famous. If she can cooperate with us, we can get a free promotion too."

"Influencers? She's quite famous in college, but I don't know what she's doing now."

Billy was not surprised. Dara is famous for not knowing much about the news. She seems to live in her own world and doesn't pay much attention to things outside her circle. If Dara finds out something popular, her friends will be surprised.

"I want her to work here. She is nice person," said Dara firmly.

Dara also remembered her friend Zaskia. Dara really needs someone who can help Tiara and Leo. Finally Dara ventured to contact her to ask Zaskia to work with them.

"We need an illustrator or whatever to make videos and posters," said Leo. His face still looked tense. "I can no longer do these promotional videos alone."

"Why is he always angry," Billy said quietly to Tiara.

"When he's hectic, he likes to be grumpy." Tiara seems to agree.

Dara also agrees with it. Leo is terrible when he's overworked. In the middle of her thoughts about Leo, she suddenly remembered someone. Dara smiled to herself remembering it. Tiara and Billy realized that. They looked at each other and were surprised.

Dara then returned to her own room. The room Dean used to occupy. She did not change the layout of the workspace. The condition is still the same, only a few additional items belonging to Dara are there.

Dara opened her laptop excitedly. She remembers someone from her past. She still remembers his name and even his social media profiles. Tony, someone she used to stalk for no logical reason. She seems obsessed with him because she doesn't like Mrs. Risa and Trisna who talk about him unfairly behind his back. Dara felt like defending him. Dara smiled remembering the silliness she did before. But this time she wanted to bring some of her past memories.

She searched for several minutes until she finally found him again. Dara almost screamed with joy seeing a few pieces of memories from her past. She remembers the face of Tony, who she doesn't even know in person. She still remembers him. It turns out that now Tony has opened his own business. Dara immediately took her laptop and half ran to where her friends were gathered in their main meeting room.

"I've found the illustrator," Dara said excitedly.

Leo, who was still busy, seemed surprised by Dara's sudden arrival. Dara immediately showed Tony's profile to Leo. Leo still looks surprised when he sees the profile and portfolio shown by Dara. "Who's he?"

"No one," Dara replied casually.

Leo looked disbelieving but he didn't want to ask too many questions. "Okay, why should we use his services?"

"Because I'm sure his work is good," Dara answered firmly, making Leo even more surprised.

"Okay," Leo frowned. "Tiara will contact him."

"Me again? We really need Sofi here or anyone who can help me with this administrative matter," Tiara protested.

"I've contacted my friend, her name is Zaskia. She used to work really hard. But yeah we don't have to work too hard. Hopefully she will join us." Dara looks excited after she is nostalgic with some snippets of stories from her past. She used to have a very hard day, but now she can remember it in laughter.

Dara is increasingly convinced of the theory she believes in. That feelings change. Sadness doesn't last forever. Now Dara feels happiness in her heart. Problems will come and go, but Dara is no longer afraid. Because she believes that happiness will also come again.


"Dara, we haven't seen each other in a long time." Zaskia hugged her tightly when they were finally reunited. "I'm very happy to work with you."

"Thank you very much for helping my company."

"Of course I want to help. I've always wanted to resign from you know. But I can't because I still have to support my family."

"But are you okay working here? Quite far from Bandung."

"Of course, we're close again."

Dara smiled happily. Zaskia lives not far from her house. She occupies a boarding house owned by Mrs. Ussy. Selly and several programmers have also joined her team. Selly still warmly greeted Dara. After a long time she did not forget Dara.

"You really know her?" Leo asked to Dara.

"Yeah, why are you so surprised?"

"You really know a famous influencer?"

"You underestimate me, don't you? If I know then why?"

"You don't know the names of celebrities. You don't even know Dua Lipa."

Selly's presence brought a new color to their company. Now they seem to have a brand ambassador. Even Sofi was interested in returning to their cluster soon. She wanted to get to know Selly directly, whom she had only known through social media.

About Tony, Leo is quite happy with the results of his work. Dara doesn't really know how Tony works. She didn't understand at all. She just wanted to prove to her that Mrs. Risa's words were made up. When Tony came to their office, Dara couldn't help but laugh. Her friends clearly don't understand what happened to Dara. Dara just hopes that Tony doesn't suspect that she's known about him for a long time.

"What's wrong with Dara, it's really weird. Maybe Tony is her ex." Leo couldn't control his curiosity.

"Her ex? I don't think so. Tony doesn't seem to know Dara," Tiara argued.

"That's right, or maybe Dara used to like him but didn't reciprocate."

Tiara considered Leo's thoughts which were quite reasonable. But still she didn't really agree. Dara doesn't show signs of being interested in Tony.

The company built by Dara is quite well developed. Investors also keep coming and now there are quite a lot of employees in the company. The villa that was once only occupied by the four of them is now starting to get crowded. Leo was also less grumpy because of too much work. But still he looked dissatisfied.

"What else happened to him?" Dara finally asked Tiara. "Zaskia has helped him a lot. He said he also liked the way Zaskia worked. Why is he still in a bad mood?"

"He needs friends for business discussions. He just suits Laura."

"Laura still doesn't want to join?"

Tiara shook her head in disappointment. Dara also wants Laura to join them. But so far no one has succeeded in persuading her.


Dara saw that Nemma's recovery progressed quite rapidly since she was treated at the doctor recommended by Dean. Dara was very happy to see Nemma getting happier. When Mr. Yogi came to pick her up that afternoon on Saturday, Dara again asked about Dean. After a long time he started to forget him.

"Dean still won't talk to me?"

Mr. Yogi shook his head. He also looks disappointed.

"But is he okay?" Dara asked again. The question just came out of her mouth.

"Mr. Dean is fine. Now he lives in America with his mother."

Dara never knew the relationship between Dean and his mother. But when Mr. Yogi said that, Dara was reminded of the incident when Dean's mother slapped her. When she remembered it, her mood changed. She realized, being friends with Dean was not easy. There were too many painful things she could remember.


As the months passed, Dara increasingly recognized Leo's reliability in managing their company. There's no doubting that Leo's good predicate. Now his actions are starting to be recognized and widely covered by several media. Meanwhile, Dara prefers not too many people know her. She prefers to be involved behind the scenes.

Leo also seems to agree with Dara. But he didn't have much choice. Being a little famous was his risk now. Their company is growing and starting to attract public attention. Their first project, which is 4.246, is still in great demand. The project has indeed paved the way for them and especially for Dara herself. Dara thought, if she didn't dare to start, she wouldn't have the chance to get everything she currently has.

"Why is this company named 4.246 Light Years?" asked a youtuber who deliberately interviewed their company.

"Because our first project is 4.246 Light Years, so we decided to name this company with the same name," replied Leo. Now he can memorize the project name 4.246 Light Years easily.

Leo remembered, they never talked about why Dara chose that number. What is the true meaning of that number. Even now Leo and her friends don't know about it.

After the interview is over. Leo looked a little tired. He's still not in a very good mood. He still hoped that Laura could join them. He returned to his room without suspecting anything. When he opened the door to his room, he saw Laura was already standing there.

"Laura," he shrieked loudly. A happy expression was clearly visible on his face. His mood instantly changed. Even though he didn't know why did Laura come there.

"Yes, I'm here." Laura looks mature as usual.

"Do you want to join us or are you just coming to visit?" Leo asked.

"I don't want to waste my investment money. I want to be directly involved," Laura replied casually.

"But why? Why did you finally want to join? I'm certainly happy, but for so long I assure you, you never want to."

"The girl came to me," Laura replied with a smile.

Leo thought about Laura's words. "Dara?"

Laura nodded in agreement. "That kid can't see you in a bad mood all the time."

"You rejected me so many times. She only asked you once and you accepted right away." Leo protested a bit

"It's hard to resist her wish."

As Dara expected, Leo was getting more and more excited about work. Laura's presence really helped them. Laura as Leo and Tiara said, was indeed very good in her field. Very professional. Dara is grateful that she can help their company. But Laura still can't fully work with them. She still has to mind her own business. Dara and her friends don't mind it.

It was finally time to come home from work. Dara, Billy, Tiara, did not go home immediately. While the other stuff one by one had left the office, Dara deliberately enforces regulations not to work excessively. They only work overtime when absolutely necessary. Otherwise, they were all obliged to go home on time. She doesn't want anyone to be overworked or under too much pressure.

Zaskia said goodbye to Dara. Dara could not go home with her because she had plans with her friends. Billy, Tiara, and Dara gathered in the lobby of the office while waiting for Leo, who still hadn't come down from his room.

"Why did you just come?" Tiara protested when Leo finally arrived.

"I'm now the CEO, remember? Many people contacted me."

"Okay, okay." Tiara still looks annoyed.

"Alright, let's go." Dara immediately intervened between those who were about to start fighting.

They had planned to come after Grandma Nomi together from the hospital. She was able to be moved home with the help of a professional nurse who accompanied her. Leo already had enough money to hire a nurse. Now Leo doesn't have to worry anymore because he can keep an eye on Grandma Nomi every day more easily.

They went in Dara's old car and Billy's car. Arriving at the hospital, they immediately took care of their administrative matters and take Grandma Nomi back home. Leo looks happy. He seemed to miss his grandmother very much.

Dara teary eyed seeing them. Grandma Nomi's condition is difficult for Dara to describe. Tiara couldn't hold back her tears when she saw her. In fact, at first glance, nothing is wrong. But they just felt it. Not even Billy could bear to see it.

Dara sees that Grandma Nomi is really old. Natural conditions that could happened to every human being. Dara also has a grandmother, but Dara has never seen her grandmother that old. Grandma Nomi has difficulty walking and moving freely. What she was talking about was also not easily understood by Dara. Plus her gaze is a bit empty, making it difficult for Dara to describe what she feels. Dara held her warm hand. But Nomi's grandmother doesn't seem to recognize her.

They take Grandma Nomi to the house along with the nurse who accompanied her. Even though the four of them were quite exhausted after a long day of work, they looked happy. Dara offers her friends to eat together at Leo's house while they get acquainted with the nurse who will be staying there. The nurse is Mrs. Susi, she is about 50 years old. She is very kind and patient.

They were all about to go home, but Billy suddenly made an announcement. "I want to invite all of you to my house, the day after tomorrow."

"What event is it?" Dara asked excitedly.

"We want to celebrate my parents' 30th wedding anniversary."

Smiles immediately spread on Dara and Tiara's faces. Leo also looks happy. They are happy because Billy's parents' marriage is getting better. Even though Sofi couldn't come back and couldn't possibly attend the party, they were all still happy with the news they heard.

Finally they all went home. Dara was quite surprised when she was going to park her car in the garage, because Mr. Yogi's car and another car were also parked there. Dara's ftont yard is not too big so she had to park her car on the side of the road because she ran out of space.

Dara was obviously surprised because when she passed her house none of these cars were parked there. Many questions arise in Dara's head. But none of them make sense to her logic. She didn't want to think too much anymore. Although Dara was a bit unaccustomed to and a little awkward with the presence of guests in her house, she ventured in.

With a little hesitant, Dara said hello and then entered the living room which looked very full. There was Mr. Yogi and 5 other people she didn't know. They all saw Dara coming. Dara felt increasingly uncomfortable being the center of their attention. Nemma was there, but Nemma didn't explain anything either. Finally, because Dara felt that she had no interest there, Dara finally allowed her to enter her room.

Dara was actually very curious about what Mr. Yogi talked about with Nemma without involving Dara. Dara guessed, maybe they were talking about Nemma's treatment process, but who are the other 5 people that Dara doesn't know? Dara did not have time to pay attention to them in detail.

After a long wait, Dara began to fall asleep. She was quite tired after working so late that day. Finally Dara fell asleep in her bed just like that until morning came.


Nemma had started cooking in the morning before Dara woke up. Dara was a little afraid to ask. Until they finished breakfast, there was no conversation between them. Until Dara realized there was a luxurious diamond ring wrapped around Nemma's ring finger. Dara watched it for a long time, making Nemma realize the curiosity in Dara's heart.

Nemma wasn't used to expressing her feelings. It is not easy for her to share her feelings with her family members. It was easier for her to talk to her best friend Bella than to her late parents. Especially with Dara. She wanted to talk things over with her niece, but she had a hard time doing it.

"I've been proposed," she said simply. Her face was blushing. Happiness clearly shone on Nemma's face.

Dara just froze. She tried to digest quickly what she just heard. A wide smile spread across her face. The news was too happy for Dara to cloud the uncomfortable feelings she felt because she felt uninvolved in the process. Dara did not care. She knew Nemma. She understood that it was not easy for Nemma to tell her.

"Who proposed to you?" Dara asked with a smile that was clearly growing wide.


"Mr. Yogi? Mr. Yogi, our Mr. Yogi, right?" Dara asked still not believing what she heard.

Nemma just nodded while blushing. Dara then hugged her. It was the first time they hugged again. Dara couldn't remember the last time they hugged. Maybe when Dara was very young and she didn't remember at all. Or maybe when Dara was a baby.

Nemma cried in her arms. Dara felt warmth in her heart. She's happy. Her emotions were broken for a moment. It wasn't just this happy news that made her happy, but she could feel that she had a family again.

Finally they could talk freely now. Dara talked a lot about Nemma's wedding party idea. Nemma looked enthusiastic. Dara was finally able to show her joy again in her house. After a long time her laughter was not heard there. Her lonely house is starting to color again. Although the laughter of her parents and also her grandparents was not heard anymore. Dara was sure if they were still around, they will also be very happy.

"So how many months from now?"

"2 Months," replied Nemma.

Dara didn't know if they could prepare the event within 2 months or not. They decided to have a simple party at home. L Although Dara somewhat disagrees because she didn't want her house to fall apart. But Dara could not refuse Nemma's wish. They won't invite a lot of people. Mr. Yogi does not have many relatives in Indonesia. After knowing Mr. Yogi for a long time, Dara just found out that Mr. Yogi is actually half Malaysian, half Indonesian.

Dara was actually curious about their love story. Dara wanted to know how they decided to get married. They haven't even known each other for a year. But Dara realized that it was not easy for Nemma to tell her about it. Dara wanted to ask Bella. Because Dara was sure that Bella had all the information.

Dara shared the good news with her friends, including Sofi. They were all happy and planned to help Dara prepare a simple party at Dara's house.

"Congratulations to your aunt," said Tiara.

"Thanks a lot. We still have enough time to prepare the wedding, right?"

"If the wedding is simple, it's still possible. Have you prepared your clothes and other things?" Dara shook her head. "Hmm, we have quite a lot of homeworks then. Sofi is good at this. She's really good at shopping."

Dara thought, she wanted to persuade Sofi to come back. But the situation here was a bit complicated. Billy's family condition has improved. She wasn't sure that Sofi's presence there was the best choice. Dara just felt Leo's feelings now. It's not always easy to coordinate online. She could work with the programmers online, but there were things like this that were difficult to do virtual remotely.

"I really need Sofi," said Dara.

"She prides herself on her shopping skills and taking care of things like this. But when we really need it she's not even here."


They were present at Mr. Reynold and his wife wedding anniversary. It turned out that the party was very private, only attended by them. Dara was happy to see that Mr. Reynold's family is now fine. Billy also looked happy.

"Thank you for coming," Mr. Reynold said to all of them.

Dara remembers Mr. Reynold's kindness to her. Dara is very grateful. Even though Dara still can't accept what Mr. Reynolds did to Sofia. By the time they were about to go home, Dara took the time to talk to him to express her gratitude. "Thank you very much sir for your kindness to my family."

"You're welcome. Thank you for being so kind to Billy. Now Billy is very happy because he can work according to his dreams."

"Billy's the only one who helps me a lot."

Mr. Reynolds smiled at her. Actually, Dara had been angry with Mr. Reynold for a long time. She still couldn't accept what had happened between him and Sofi. Dara really wanted to blame him. However, Dara realized that Sofi was also guilty. In the end Dara was also able to make peace with the situation. Nor could he forget Mr. Reynold's kindness for granted. Although she didn't deny she was so hurt by what he did to Sofi.

The following days Dara was very busy with the preparations for Nemma's wedding party. Mr. Yogi helped her a lot, but still she was quite busy. Leo, who is busy as a CEO, was also forced to take the time to help decorate Dara's house. Billy helped him, but he wasn't very good at that sort of thing. Meanwhile, Leo has proven that he is still worthy of the all-rounder title.

"Don't keep it there," Leo shouted at Billy who was getting frustrated because everything he was doing was wrong.

"I'm starting to understand why Dara often complains about him," he said quietly to Tiara.

Tiara ignored him. She was busy taking notes and organizing things. Her expertise was very helpful at times like this. Meanwhile Dara and Nemma are both feeling stressed. They both don't like big parties. Finally Nemma just stayed in the room.

Dara knocked softly on her door. Nemma didin't want to meet her. Nemma preferred to be alone in this time. Dara smiled as she entered. She sat herself on the edge of Nemma's bed. "Tiara and Sofi have taken care of everything. Insya Allah, everything will be fine."

Nemma nodded. She looked tensed. Dara could tell that Nemma was quite nervous about her wedding day.

"Just one last touch." Dara took out a box containing her grandmother's wedding ring which she still kept. Nemma straightened her seat as Dara handed the ring to her. "Grandma would be happy if you wore it."

Nemma said nothing. She saw the ring and remembered everything about her mother. Her guilt, her longing, her affection, all mixed in her heart. Dara lefr Nemma alone. Dara knew Nemma desperately needed some time at times like this.

Dara was happy, finally her grandmother's wish can come true now. Even though her grandmother couldn't be there to watch her only daughter marriage. Dara saw a family photo posted in her house. Photo when Dara graduated from high school at the age of 16. They look happy and very proud of Dara. Now they are gone. Dara no longer remembers them with pain in her heart. Dara has begun to accept, although she always feels longing when she remembers her family.
