
Chapter 11: Oberyn’s Wrath

Due to the situation in the North, Dorne's reserve troops began mobilizing toward the northern border. Additionally, some noblewomen from northern military strongholds were sent to the safer southern regions of Dorne.

House Dayne, one of Dorne's most powerful northern military families, saw Ashara Dayne, sister to the Sword of the Morning, temporarily take residence in the royal guesthouse at Sunspear.

In the garden, Wright spotted the once-vibrant Ashara, whom he had met at Storm's End, now pale and visibly pregnant. Seeing her dispirited state, he approached her to strike up a conversation. Perhaps viewing Wright as just a child too young to understand, Ashara gradually opened up, revealing her past.

She had fallen in love with Eddard Stark at the Harrenhal Tourney. At the time, Eddard was the younger son of High house, and she, a noblewoman, had an equally suitable status. They loved each other deeply, and Ashara was carrying his child. They had even discussed marriage.

However, Eddard's world was turned upside down when his father and elder brother were killed. Overnight, he became Warden of the North. War erupted, and he was forced to marry Catelyn Tully, his brother's betrothed, to strengthen alliances with the Riverlands. To make matters worse, news of Eddard leading forces to attack Dorne had now reached Ashara, leaving her devastated.

Wright, with his usual sharp tongue, berated Eddard as a traitor and heartless scoundrel, accusing him of abandoning Ashara and their unborn child. He continued his tirade until even Ashara could no longer listen and urged him to stop. Wright then softened his tone, explaining that Eddard had no choice. He broke down the situation after the deaths of Eddard's father and brother—the need for vengeance, the duty to rally the North, and the alliance with the Riverlands. Ashara's mood lightened somewhat as she listened to his reasoning.


The Trident battle, now lacking Dorne's forces, resulted in fewer casualties for the rebels compared to the original timeline. Robert Baratheon emerged unscathed from the battle, which allowed him to personally lead the charge on King's Landing with Eddard Stark as his second-in-command.

The royalist forces suffered even greater losses than before, and news of their defeat threw King's Landing into chaos, shattering morale. Seeing the tides of war turn, Tywin Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock, seized the moment. He mobilized his forces and marched on King's Landing under the pretense of supporting Robert. Striking before the rebels could regroup, Tywin's army breached the city walls and launched a savage sack in Robert's name. By the time Robert and his forces arrived, King's Landing had been ravaged.

Robert and Eddard, along with their commanders, stormed the Red Keep, only to find Jaime Lannister seated on the Iron Throne with the Mad King's corpse at his feet.

Amidst the chaos, Tywin's loyal bannermen, Gregor Clegane and Amory Lorch, had brutally murdered Rhaegar Targaryen's wife, Elia Martell, as well as Rhaegar's children, Prince Aegon and Princess Rhaenys.

The Mad King's wife, Queen Rhaella, and Rhaegar's younger brother, Prince Viserys, vanished without a trace.

Robert Baratheon ascended the Iron Throne, crowning himself King. Eddard Stark was tasked with leading the army south to relieve the siege of Storm's End.

Wright and Renly spent a year residing at Sunspear. Wright used some funds to bribe palace guards; while it wasn't possible to leave the palace, messages could still be sent in and out. As for the city itself, centuries-old families had spies in each other's strongholds, so communication, though slow, was still possible. Wright maintained correspondence with Stannis and Robert, albeit with delays.

During his time in Sunspear, Wright often thought of Ashara Dayne's brother, the Sword of the Morning. Inspired, he compiled the unique fighting styles of the four Sand Snakes into four separate books as gifts for the girls. With a mental age of thirty, Wright didn't hold grudges against children. After nearly a year together, their antics had subsided, and he found the girls enjoyable company. Additionally, he planned to use these manuals to teach Renly later.

This world had one major flaw regarding fighting style—they were entirely dependent on family traditions and passed down orally. While this ensured the protection of a family's techniques, it also made them vulnerable to being lost if a key individual perished. For instance, if the Sword of the Morning were to die, House Dayne would potentially lose its legacy for decades, as history had shown.

The four books were titled based on the girls chosen weapons: "Obara's Basic Whip Techniques," "Nymeria's Introduction to Throwing Knives," "Tyene's Fundamentals of Daggers," and "Arianne's Basics Short Spear Techniques." Each book included foundational physical training, simple injury treatment methods, and step-by-step illustrations of techniques, complete with instructions on execution, force application, countermeasures, and variations.

Wright went further by breaking down each technique into individual moves, dedicating a single page to each. This systematic approach was unheard of in this world. Reflecting on how even silly gimmicks like the "Five-Whip Lightning Strike" could gain popularity back in this world, Wright found it a pity that genuine battlefield techniques here were at risk of being lost forever.


History continued to unfold along familiar lines. Robert Baratheon declared himself King of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, taking the regnal name Robert I. With his coronation complete, he turned his focus to rooting out the remaining loyalist forces scattered across Westeros. Meanwhile, Wright began planning his departure from Dorne.

As he mulled over the latest updates from the North, Nymeria and Tyene suddenly burst into his room.

"My father is back! He's going to kill you. You need to escape with us now!" Nymeria exclaimed, grabbing Wright's hand in urgency, while Tyene looked equally distressed.

However, before they could act, a large contingent of guards entered the garden, surrounding Wright and Renly. The guards from Storm's End, unarmed and unprepared, were quickly subdued with minimal resistance.

Nymeria's hand was damp with sweat as she gripped Wright's, trembling visibly at the sight of the approaching guards.

"Prince Doran has summoned Wright and Renly to the throne hall," the captain of the guards announced, gesturing for his men to seize the boys.

Wright turned to reassure Nymeria, his tone calm and measured. "Don't worry. The prince isn't planning to kill us; he just wants to talk."

Inside the throne hall, Prince Doran was locked in a heated argument with his brother, Oberyn Martell. Several ministers were seated nearby, while nobles stood to the side, their expressions tense. When Wright and Renly entered, Oberyn spun around and unleashed a torrent of fury.

"My uncle is dead! My sister is dead! And her two children are dead! Robert is the murderer!"

Though unarmed, Oberyn's voice was as sharp as a blade, and guards with spears flanked him, their stances alert.

Renly froze in terror, unable to move. Wright, however, noted that Oberyn had not acted beyond yelling, a sign that Prince Doran had likely explained the situation to him already.

Wright and Oberyn's previous acquaintance was tenuous at best, forged only by Wright's connection to Robert. Their relationship was no closer than that of a university student to an elementary schooler. Now that enmity had arisen, Wright knew his magic could eliminate Oberyn with ease—but he also feared Oberyn's infamous penchant for poison, a danger magic might not be able to counter.

"Your Highnesses!" Wright began, addressing both Doran and Oberyn. "Prince Lewyn Martell's death on the battlefield was honorable. As for the murders of the princess and her children, the true culprits are Tywin Lannister's men from the Westerlands."

He paused, ensuring the hall absorbed his words before continuing.

"Both of you are well aware of the situation at the time. The rebellion was primarily led by the North, the Riverlands, and the Stormlands. Meanwhile, Tywin Lannister and the Westerlands remained conspicuously neutral, refusing to take a side. This was a calculated move—Tywin was waiting to see which side would prevail before committing."

Wright took a step forward, his voice steady and firm.

"After the rebels decisive victory at the Trident, capturing King's Landing became inevitable. Robert had already issued orders to spare the lives of the royal family. But then Tywin launched a sudden assault on King's Landing. Though he claimed to be fighting under my brother Robert's banner, his actions told a different story. The supplies and wealth he seized were all sent back to Casterly Rock, revealing his true intentions: exploiting the chaos for his own gain."

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