Lasers sliced through the air, igniting the oxygen as they travelled. These lasers collided with the power armour of Ned who was closing in towards the Master's newly gained form.
"Ugh!" He got knocked back a step in his sprint before leaping forwards, the hammer arching above his head as his power armour roared in mechanical exertion, his body launching into the air.
<Sky_novel_lover- Slam his head, it is probably weakness.>
<Yuna_Uzumaki- The laser rifles are powerful, be sure to dodge them... They can damage the power armour.>
<CrimsonFucker69- Hehehehehe... Don't let that little timmy loving fuk get away Spidey...>
Ned saw the chat flicker in front of his eyes as he pulled the Warhammer down from its raised position and slammed down with the full force of his strength, melee build and the power armour. The air hummed as the hammer swung down. Anger flashed in the eyes of the Master. A crunching noise was all that responded... The hammer landing onto the right shoulder of the monster's form.
The Master swiped his claws at the armoured form of Ned as a minigun started firing into the side of him, only to be met with an energy shield that broke after a full volley was released.
"Vault Dweller, I am out of ammo!"
Ned swam through the air, flipping end over end as he heard this. Shaking his head from the mild dizziness of being struck like he had, he responded in desperation.
"Switch to the flamethrower!"
His companion followed his orders and began taking off a flamethrower from his backpack, the corpse of one of the creatures slumped behind said companion in a wrecked clump of bullet riddled flesh.
Ned landed on his ass as the power armour whirred in effort, the mid-section dented in slightly as several servos overclocked on their movement as the suit tried to aid Ned in his ascent. Getting up as quickly as he could he was intercepted by the Master that proceeded to pierce the back of his armour with long rakish claws.
Blood slithered down these claws as Ned felt the distinct pinch-like pressure reach inside his body and pull out. Shaking his head as he noted the drop in HP, he dropped his hammer and pulled his shotgun from the side of his hip-holster.
"Eat lead, you son of a bitch."
"AGGHHHHHH! YOU fucker... Saviour... AHHHHHHHHHH!" A chunk of the Master's ear flew off as his body stomped backwards from the strike instinctively. Bursts of gunfire and combat was heard by him but ignored as his companion dealt with more incoming enemies. Noxious gas oozed out from the ceiling in puffs as the groaning and crooning laughter of infected people echoed from the distance.
Grates in the walls vibrated with the movements of the Master in his new form as the vats that were broken hissed out steam, green liquid lathering the floor in ichor. Cable hung from the ceiling and spark as many connected to the master's head.
'The cables...'
Pressure sprayed from the legs of the power armour as Ned got up to one knee, his shotgun reloaded and aimed straight at the cables above the head of the Master. The Master screeched like an alien as he started to sprint towards Ned, the cables gliding along the top of the room on slats.
He unloaded two shots rapidly up into the cables. Minor explosions preceded the implosion of a couple cables, the screech reaching new heights of volume as the creatures around the room all dropped to the floor for a few seconds. Then they stood up once more but this time less coordinated, as if they were slowly losing control of their bodies for some reason.
The body of the Master charged into Ned and blasted him back into a wall, cracks and detritus spraying all across the wall adjacent to the entrance.
'Guess there's an upside to this... I am now on my feet.'
<Sky_novel_lover- The cables! Didn't even think of that!>
<DivinitySlayer- The shotgun seems super effective... Use that more.>
<CrimsonFucker69- Tear out his <strong>fukin throat!
<Ironman6969- Kid, use explosives... They are area of effect and could strike more them at once. Also the flamethrower to keep him distracted.>
Ned read the comment made by Ironman6969 and immediately took his advice since it was sound and purely logical. He pulled out a grenade from his inventory and pulled the pin. At the same time yelling to his companion...
"Target The Master! Flames at his his head and any other weapons at wherever you can get him!"
The companions all responded and aimed at the Master, the wretched abomination of a form lumbering backwards after the critical hits on the cables above. The head was shaking side to side as bloody tears slinked down the red-raw skin of the cheeks.
Flame encompassed the entire upper half of the monstrous body as a sniper round was blasted into the side of the Master's right calf muscle.
Ned loosed the grenade above the Master's head as he pulled the shotgun out once again, reloading quickly as the grenade tumbled end over end until the fissile material began reacting with the chemical trigger. A blinding flash encompassed most of the room as shrapnel sprinkled through cement and flesh-alike.
Implosions sounded, like deep-sea mines, as a massive roar filled the chamber and a meaty clawed hand grabbed out at the companion holding a flamer, popping their head in an instant. Blood drenched the floor. Brain matter exploded outwards akin to a firework going off. Deep breathing echoed eerily in the steamy centre of the room amidst this scene. Guttural grunts, groans and chest-breathing ensued until the half eviscerated form of the Master stepped out after the meaty hand.
"You'll, die, for that."
Ned didn't even give a fuck and pulled another grenade, the pin tinkling as it hit the metal grated ground. The clinking of the trigger then sounded a clock that had just started ticking for when the grenade would go off.
He threw it once more. Once again it flew through the air... But this time a barely alive abomination from one of the vats leapt up from the blood lathered cold metal floor, its maw wide open as it ate the grenade and rolled onto the floor. Watching it, Ned paled in horror as the grenade detonated inside the creature's stomach and splattered it all of that side of the room.
'That was my last grenade...'
<Ironman6969- Use the dynamite! your companions as a distraction and plant it, bait him over to it then pull detonation button.>
<Yuna_Uzumaki- Careful he still has flamethrowers!>
Flames poured in Ned's direction as Yuna spoke, his body jumping to the side as his dodging skill allowed him to escape the vast majority of the damage, his armour taking the brunt of the the remaining damage.
Anger flashed through him as he considered what he had went through to get this armour... So much talking, so much learning, killing, understanding, getting skill checks and scum-saving... No, he was fucking over this little shit of a boss.
His hands pulled up the hammer he had dropped earlier and ran into melee with the Master, sledgehammering into the side of the boss's form as it made him tumble a bit. He pivoted to the side using the previous momentum and swung around, landing a shot up towards where the heart would usually be on a human body.
A roar raked through the auditory systems of the game as the claws of the boss tried to scrape and scratch away his armour and furthermore, his life. Each hit was tanked though as the armour pumped in stims immediately to replace lost HP.
Ned pulled back the double headed Warhammer once again and aimed for the crotch next, causing a stun effect on the boss. He repositioned and jumped onto the back of The Master, taking the haft of his Warhammer and pulling it against the head as the servos and mechanical parts of his suit leveraged the pull of gravity and the immense mass of the suit.
Sparks flashed as the head slowly began to become untangled from the body below. The metal sealing joint was very hard though and resisted constantly. It was at this time that the Master started to toss and turn, hoping to fling him from his back. This failed however as Ned dug his power armoured fingers into the fleshy sinew in the back of the boss, a single hand left out to hold the hammer.
"I am trying... NO, FUCK YOU!" The Master screamed and whispered out as his eyes slowly became apoplectic, blood vessels bursting inside of his head as its size slowly increased.
<CrimsonFucker69- This boss is like me frfr!>
<Saviourcomplex- You're fucked up Crimson...>
<Yuna_Uzumaki- Take off his head! LET CHAOS REIGN!>
<Saviourcomplex- You too Yuna?>
Ned was so frustrated with his current situation that he started to headbutt the Master's head as the hammer slowly choked and yanked backwards on the sealing mechanism, its defences slowly wavering.
"Let me show you why Humanity will always win!"
Sick of the tie, Ned pulled his fingers out and grabbed the haft of the hammer, dropping backwards with all of his weight. Screws and bolts popped menacingly as a wheezing release of oxygen and other chemical started to pour from the newly made warpages in the sealing case for the head.
"noo..... NOT, NOW!!! NOOOOOOOO...."
With a sickly popping noise the entire head went flying. All cables were rent from the head as if someone had taken a blunt spoon to cut the metal. Blood pissed through the space as the abominable body recoiled and started to slam around for a time, until it collapsed into a nearby broken vat, a large piece of armoured glass punctured and skewered up into its heart and out through the chest.
"Nnnnnnnnn-hhhhhhhhhhhh...ooooo...." The word came out as a desperate last gasp of life. A deadly, crazy, insane plea for his own life. The head eventually dropped to the floor as the last of his cables broke away, the pulped head gurgling as the light in its' eyes slowly faded away.
'I did it...'
"F-fuck yeah! I did it!"
<CrimsonFucker69- Fuk yeah you did it!!! I'd give a sloppy but I'm afraid that your co*k's too big... Nah I am lying! do it... No one can understand my sexual preference.>
<Ironman6969- You ignored my advice, but it worked out. Good job kid.>
<Yuna_Uzumaki- Death by a thousand chaotic cuts: slashes>
<JaSUS- What happened, I just got here...?>
<DivineSaviour- I told you not to miss it SUS!>
As his entire chat and he celebrated a console in the back of the room started to beep. Confused as to where the noise was coming from or why it was even sounding, he looked around for the source. getting to the console he stopped and noticed a massive warning light glowing upwards into his face.
"Shit... SHIT! We gotta run, gotta go, gotta go now!"
He ran out of the base and exited through where he first entered, out of the cathedral above, passing by the corpses of priests he had left behind. Getting to the edge of the zone he finally left and was met by a slough of ending scenes... A nuclear explosion tearing apart the cathedral as the windows all blow out and the mushroom consumed everything in his vision.
Military base Ending-
"Your mission beneath the Mutant Stronghold is successful. Your actions today will influence the outside world for years to come." Scenes of the Mariposa Military base start to play, destruction of numerous vats being lit by the atomic destruction of nuclear weaponry.
Cathedral Ending-
"Your mission beneath the Cathedral is successful. Your actions today will influence the outside world for years to come" A nuclear explosion tears apart the cathedral as the windows all blow out and the mushroom cloud of a nuclear detonation consumes everything in within his vision.
Super mutants' Ending-
"The death of the Master was the first major step towards ending his mad dream of conquest and enforced peace, but it is the destruction of the Vats that neutralizes the mutant threat. Without the ability to create more mutants and enforce their harsh brand of justice, the mutant armies flee to the east, beyond the no-man's land." A harsh desert is shown as ghouls slowly walk through it, the dust blowing into the face of Ned and his audience as groans can be heard in the background.
Necropolis Ending-
"The ghouls of Necropolis learn how to maintain the repaired water pump, and eventually rediscover many lost secrets of engineering. They form a business selling this technology to other towns." A prosperous electricity filled ruin of a pre-war city is show as cheerful voices resound out into the wastelands surrounding this glorious sight of society.
Followers of the Apocalypse Ending-
"The Followers of the Apocalypse rise to become a major influence in New California. With your help, they gain control of the LA Boneyard." The image of a cross contained in a circle with flames licking around the side glowed as it soon faded, a golden glow suffusing into another ending...
Shady Sands Ending-
"In Shady Sands, Tandi helps her father Aradesh bring a new community and new life out of the broken remains of the world. They are responsible for the New California Republic, whose ideals spread across the land." The once dusty little town is shown being rebuilt and populated more thoroughly. New businesses pop up and hundreds and hundreds of happy voices can be heard in the background.
Junk town Ending-
"Killian Darkwater takes firm control of Junktown, drives out the last of Gizmo's kind, and then enforces his own brand of frontier justice. Life is fair and safe under his law." A still of a smiling Killian is all that is seen in this part as the game flashes to the Brother Hood.
Brotherhood of Steel Ending-
"The Brotherhood of Steel helps the other human outposts drive the mutant armies away with minimal loss of life, on both sides of the conflict. The advanced technology of the Brotherhood is slowly reintroduced into New California, with little disruption or chaos. The Brotherhood wisely remains out of the power structure, and becomes a major research and development house." A dark and powerful looking bunker is shown with new technologies being researched, a single man, Rhombus, standing on a set of stairs overlooking it all in triumph.
Hub Ending-
"The Hub disperses before the might of the mutant army and will never recover." The simple image of a ruined town is shown as mutants now roam the lands around where the Hub used to be.
Khans Ending-
"Thanks to your persistence, the Raiders are destroyed as an effective fighting force, and disband. None of the Raider survivors are ever heard from again." A flapping flag in the wind with skulls on it falls over and then gets covered by the sand as the rising sun shines over a new land.
Finally these ending screens finished and Ned was his character again, seeing the Vault Overseer in front of him. A scrawny silver haired man with a wicked underbite and a fearful appearance. His blue vault jumpsuit pristinely sitting upon his clean body as he nervously begins to speak to Ned.
"There's no way the people of the vault could ever thank you enough for what you have done. You've saved all of our lives. Who knows, maybe even saved the human race." He sighed. "That makes the rest of this even harder."
Ned frowned heavily upon the 'harder' part of his little speech.
"E-everyone will want to talk to you. Every youngster will look up to you, and want to emulate you. And then what?"
"They'll want to leave. What happens to the vault if we lose the best of a generation? What of we are the only safe place in the world? You just gave us back all these lives... I can't take the chance of losing them."
"I-I've made a lot of tough decisions since I took this position. But none of them harder than this one. You saved us, but you'll kill us. I'm sorry. You're a hero... and you have to leave."
<CrimsonFucker69- That's some BUUULLLSHEEETTT.... Kill im, kill im quick!>
<Ironman6969- I agree with Crimson here.>
<JaSUS- All in agreeance?>
<The Entire Chat- AI!>
"Last choice you'll ever make it seems..."
Ned pulled his shotgun and shot the overseer, half of the man's body becoming pulp as the other half fell. After it fell, the half that was left slowly began crawling along the ground towards the vault door, coughing blood out and pouring gallons over the cavern floor. Until finally, he died, painfully and brutally.
"Fuck that guy."
His vision faded once more only to be replaced by the image of his own character, decked out in power armour and all of his equipment, walking the wastes of California, alone... He couldn't get back into the vault it seemed and he was left to die out in the wastes.
<CrimsonFucker69- Holy fuck that ending was cathartic! I wanna have shit happen to me every day... Ohohohoho!>
<JaSUS- You need help man...>
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