Argos took the group out of the countryside towards the west of Long Island.
Ikki was sitting in the window seat, looking at the passing rural landscapes and remained silent, thinking about how quickly this "mission" thing had come about.
First, there was his friend's and his own claim, then a few strange and somewhat normal days followed, him being reborn in terms of power, and finally the mission on this day. Events had occurred faster than he expected.
Well, he would be lying if he said he wasn't anxious about this adventure.
He looked at his other friends, Annabeth was sitting next to him followed by Percy, Grover was sitting in the strong bench beside Argos.
"So far, so good," said Percy to the group suddenly. "Fifteen kilometers and not a single monster."
Annabeth looked at Percy with a frown and an annoyed expression. "Talking like that brings bad luck, seaweed brain..."
"She's right, Neró Agóri," said Ikki, looking at Percy as if he were an idiot for challenging Murphy's Law this way.
"Water Boy?..." Percy translated, looking at his friend.
"Yes, you're a boy, you're short, but your powers are equal to Aquaman's, so Water Boy is a good nickname. I just liked your Greek version better..." Ikki said, amused.
Percy looked at Ikki with a scowl. "Don't call me that…"
"Alright, in that case, I'll keep calling you Seaweed Brain…" Ikki said with a shrug.
Percy made a face and shot a dirty look at Ikki, who just hummed and turned his gaze back to the window.
He then looked at Annabeth and, in an attempt to change the subject, asked, "Help me remember: why do you hate me so much?"
"I don't hate you…" Annabeth denied, in a nonchalant manner.
"I could be wrong…"
Annabeth folded the invisibility cap. "Look... it's just that we shouldn't get along, okay? Our parents are rivals."
"Why?" Percy asked, confused by the girl's logic.
She sighed and replied. "How many reasons do you want? Once my mom caught Poseidon with his girlfriend in Athena's temple, which is extremely disrespectful. Another time, Athena and Poseidon competed to be the patron god of the city of Athens. Your dad made a stupid saltwater fountain as a gift. My mom created the olive tree. People saw that her gift was better, so they named the city after her…"
"They must really like olives..." Percy said thoughtfully, ignoring the rest of the girl's rant about this subject, "Now, if she had invented pizza... that I could understand."
"I totally agree..." Ikki nodded wisely, joining in on this fun discussion.
"Forget it..." Annabeth said categorically, not wanting to talk about it anymore.
The group then fell silent.
Ikki looked out the window calmly, lost in thought.
In the front seat, Argos smiled. He didn't say anything, but a blue eye on the back of his neck winked at Percy, who was left feeling all creeped out by it.
Traffic slowed in Queens. When the group arrived in Manhattan, it was already dusk, the weather was rainy, and it had just started to rain.
Argos dropped the group off at the Greyhound Station on the Upper East Side, not far from Percy and Gabe's apartment.
Attached to a mailbox was a soaked pamphlet with Percy's photo and the bold caption: Have you seen this boy?
Poseidon's son tore it up before the others could notice.
After unloading Ikki's bags, Percy, Grover, and Annabeth, Argos made sure they had their bus tickets and then left, the eye on the back of his hand opened to watch the group as he pulled the car out of the spot he had parked in.
Only Ikki noticed his action, as nothing escaped his senses, but he didn't comment on it.
Percy was looking in the direction of his mother and Gabe's apartment, he seemed lost in thought.
Grover slung his backpack over his shoulders. He looked down the street in the direction Percy was looking and asked, "Want to know why she married him, Percy?"
At the satyr's words, Percy looked at him oddly and asked, "Are you reading my mind or something?"
"Just your emotions…" Grover shrugged and explained, "I guess I forgot to mention that satyrs can do this. You were thinking about your mom and your stepdad, right?.."
Percy nodded with nostalgic and sad eyes.
"Your mom married Gabe for you," said the satyr to his shock; he then explained, "You call him 'Stinky,' but you have no idea. The guy has this aura... Yuck, I can smell him from here. I can sense traces of his smell on you, and it's been a week since you were close to him."
Not knowing how to deal with emotions very well, Percy used his defense mechanism and joked, "Thanks... Where's the nearest shower?"
Grover rolled his eyes and said seriously, "You should be grateful, Percy. Your stepdad has such a disgustingly human smell that it can mask the presence of any demigod. As soon as I inhaled the air in your Camaro, I knew: Gabe has been covering your scent for years."
"If you hadn't lived with him all those summers, you would have most likely been found by monsters long ago. Your mom stayed with him to protect you. She was a smart lady. She must have loved you a lot to put up with that guy... if that makes you feel any better…"
Percy stared off into the distance, thinking about Grover's words, while Grover walked towards the stop where the Daughter of Athena was.
Ikki, who had gone to get coffee at the bus station diner, walked over to him and tapped his shoulder. Before saying something he had kept in the back of his heart regarding this journey, "Come on, I know what you're thinking, rest assured we'll bring your mom back…"
Percy smiled, not at all surprised by this, and thanked him. "Thank you."
The rain continued to fall.
The group grew bored and impatient waiting for the bus, so they started playing footbag with one of Grover's apples. Well, let me correct that. Almost the whole group—Percy, Annabeth, and Grover—did this.
Ikki was just sitting calmly, waiting for the bus.
The game ended when Percy tossed the apple to Grover and it got too close to his mouth. In a single bite, his little footbag game disappeared—core, stem, and all.
Grover blushed. He tried to apologize, but Annabeth and Percy were too busy laughing, and Ikki was smiling amusedly at this. Thanks to his still-active "Veil of Stars," there wasn't a crowd of mortals behind him due to his smile capable of starting wars just to see him once more.
Although it still dazzled the group with its beauty, except for Percy who was immune to it.
Finally, the bus arrived. As the group was in line to board, Grover started looking around, sniffing the air.
"What's up?" Percy asked.
"I don't know," Grover said, clearly appearing tense. "Maybe it's nothing."
"Or maybe it is; we're on a mission. We need to be careful…"
Ikki replied calmly, he had already sensed some familiar monsters nearby since leaving camp.
The group finally boarded and sat at the back of the bus. They stowed their backpacks. Annabeth kept nervously tapping her Yankees cap on her thigh.
When the last passenger entered, Ikki narrowed his eyes. He recognized this last passenger very well. Annabeth, sitting next to him, also sensed that something was wrong; she tensed up.
Seeing this, Ikki took her hand in his, making the Daughter of Athena's heart skip a beat.
As soon as Ikki's hand grasped hers, Annabeth felt everything around her become irrelevant. An unparalleled sense of safety flooded her being, as if even if the sky were to fall in the next second, everything would be okay.
At the same time, she felt her heart race, a flush appearing on her cheeks. Annabeth couldn't help but marvel at the softness of his skin; it was as smooth as silk, and his hand had a pleasant warmth that spread throughout her body. She felt a desire never to let go of his hand; his touch was like an addiction.
"Beneficent," Ikki whispered to Percy and Grover sitting behind him and Annabeth.
An elderly lady had just boarded the bus. She wore a wrinkled velvet dress, lace gloves, and a knitted, misshapen orange hat that obscured her face, carrying a large, patterned wool bag.
When she lifted her head, her black eyes sparkled in the direction of the group.
Percy turned pale and shrank back into his seat, while Ikki looked on calmly, a cold glint present in the depths of his pupils—it was Mrs. Dodds. Older, more wrinkled, but certainly the same malevolent face. In other words, the vengeful Fury was back.
Behind her, two more ladies boarded: one in a green hat, and the other in a purple hat. Aside from that, they looked strikingly similar to Mrs. Dodds—the same wrinkled hands, the same wool bags, the same wrinkled velvet dresses.
The trio of Furies was back.
They sat in the front row, just behind the driver. The two in the aisle crossed their legs right in the passage, forming an X. That was quite normal, but it sent a clear message to the group of demigods: no one gets out.
The bus left the station and continued along the slick streets of Manhattan.
Annabeth came out of her daze from holding Ikki's hand. She had never felt so calm in her life.
"She didn't stay dead for long," Percy said to Annabeth, trying to keep his voice from trembling, but failing miserably. "I thought you said they could be kept away for a lifetime..."
The daughter of Athena had talked about this peculiarity of monsters being reborn after death in one of her classes, but she had said it would take time for that to happen. He didn't think it would be days after his best friend killed her.
"I said, if you're lucky," Annabeth replied defensively. "You obviously aren't..."
"All three of them," Grover whimpered. "Di immortales!"
"The Furies. The three worst monsters from the Underworld. No problem. No problem. Let's just jump out the windows..." Annabeth muttered, thinking of a plan and subconsciously tightening her grip on Ikki's hand.
"They don't open," Grover groaned, trying to open the windows.
"A back exit?" Annabeth suggested.
There was none. And even if there were, it wouldn't have helped. At that point, they would be on Ninth Avenue, heading for the Lincoln Tunnel.
"Calm down, don't forget that I killed the three of them a few days ago. I can do it again..." Ikki said calmly and indifferently, and upon hearing his words, Percy and Grover remembered that fact and relaxed a bit.
Although they were still tense, which was understandable given that they were about to face terrible monsters from Greek mythology.
"Yeah, I almost forgot we have Superman. And they won't attack us with witnesses around," Percy said, trying to ease what remained of the tension by joking, "Or will they?"
"Mortals don't have good eyes," Annabeth reminded about the mist. "Their brains can only process what they see through the Mist..."
"In other words, basically the mortals around us will see three old ladies attacking us..." Ikki said casually.
The group reached the Lincoln Tunnel, and the bus was plunged into darkness except for the corridor lights. It was eerily silent without the noise of the rain.
Alecto stood up. With an expressionless voice, as if she had rehearsed it, she announced to the whole bus:
"I need to use the restroom."
"So do I," said the second sister.
"I do too," said the third sister.
They all began to approach down the aisle.
"Ann, take off your hat for Percy. They want either me or him, and I don't think they're stupid enough to attack me knowing I can kill them..." Ikki said to the daughter of Athena, who nodded in understanding.
"Percy, take my hat," Annabeth said, handing her hat to the son of Poseidon.
"What?..." Percy said stupidly.
"Ikki is right; it's you or him they want. Go invisible and move down the aisle. Let them pass by you. Maybe you can get to the front and escape..." said the daughter of Athena.
"But you guys..." Percy was unconvinced about doing such a thing and leaving his friends behind.
"Don't worry. Percy, I'm here; they might be after me or you, but I doubt they would attack me. They aren't that stupid..." Ikki reassured his friend.
"Still... I can't abandon you," Percy said without hesitation.
"Don't worry about us," Grover said. "Go!"
The son's hands trembled; he felt like a coward, but he did what he was asked. He took the Yankees cap and put it on his head, disappearing from everyone's sight.
Percy was amazed that he couldn't see his body and began to creep down the aisle.
He reached about ten seats before he ducked into an empty seat as the Furies passed by him.
Alecto stopped, sniffed, and looked directly at him. His heart raced. Apparently, she didn't see anything. She and her sisters continued on.
He was free.
Percy reached the front of the row. They were almost in the Lincoln Tunnel now. He was about to press the emergency stop button when he heard a horrible wailing from the back row.
The old ladies were no longer old. Their faces were still the same—I don't think they could look any uglier—but their bodies had shriveled into brown-leather witch forms with bat wings and gargoyle-like hands. Their bags had transformed into whips of fire.
"Mrs. Dodds, do you need another safe passage to the Underworld?"
Ikki asked sarcastically, remaining casual as if he were talking to anyone on the street.
"My dear! It's not you we want this time. Where is he?..." Alecto said, filled with hatred and a killing intent.
The other people were screaming, hiding in their seats. They must have seen something.
"He's not here!" Annabeth stated categorically.
"You heard my friend; if you don't leave, I will make a point to send you back to the Underworld again..." Ikki said calmly with a cold, indifferent voice.
The Furies exploded with rage and intent to kill toward him, raising their whips.
Annabeth pulled out her bronze knife. Grover grabbed a can from his snack bag and prepared to throw it. Ikki remained standing, looking at the Furies with calm, cold eyes.
Before the group started to fight, two flashes of blue light illuminated two of the Furies; they split in half and turned to golden dust.
This surprised Annabeth and Grover, along with Alecto, who looked shocked. They looked at Ikki unconsciously since it seemed he had done it, and the three saw him with his sword [Xífos Tis Níkis] in hand, its tip on the bus floor as if he were using it as a cane, confirming this fact.
Claro! Aqui está a tradução do texto para o inglês, sem alterações:
The truth was that Ikki transformed his ring into a sword and used a casual movement to kill the two Furies, in just half a second, his current speed was exaggerated to the point that he felt he could reach the other side of the world with just one step...
The boy was still sitting in the same place casually. Without appearing to have moved, but he had really just killed two of the most terrible monsters of Greek mythology instantaneously.
Percy didn't have time to think about it. He had to help his friends. What he did was so impulsive and dangerous that it should have been labeled as the demigod with the highest ADHD.
The bus driver was distracted; trying to see what was happening in his rearview mirror.
Still invisible, Percy grabbed his steering wheel and pushed it to the left.
Everyone screamed as they were thrown to the right, and he heard what he expected as Alecto, the remaining Fury, smashed against the window.
"Hey!," shouted the driver. "Hey! Oaaa!…"
They struggled for the wheel. The bus crashed into the side of the Lincoln Tunnel, screeching metal, sending sparks into the air.
Somehow, the driver found the exit, pulling off the highway, passing through half a dozen traffic lights. They ended up on one of those rural roads in New Jersey, where you can't believe there's nothing but New York on the other side of the river. There were woods on the left, the Hudson River on the right, and the driver seemed to be steering toward the river.
Another great idea: Percy pulled the handbrake.
The bus squealed, spun around on the wet asphalt, and crashed into the trees. The emergency lights flashed. The door opened. The bus driver was the first to exit, with passengers screaming as they ran after him. He took the driver's seat and let them pass.
Alecto regained her balance. She cracked her whip toward Annabeth as she wielded the knife. Grover was throwing cans.
When Ikki was going to kill the Fury with a swing of his sword.
Percy took off the invisible cap. "Hey."
He had the contracorrente in his hand.
Alecto turned, showing her yellowed fangs to Percy. Yes, the son of Poseidon was her target.
Before the Fury could attack Percy, she was split in half in a blue flash. She exploded into golden dust.
A thunder shook the bus.
"Let's go. Before the mortal police arrive, or more monsters…" said Ikki, transforming his sword back into a ring and picking up his backpack.
The group, who were astonished that their encounter with the worst monsters of the Underworld had been too easy, quickly followed.
Percy realized he didn't need to do anything; Ikki could have killed the Furies easily, and he felt kind of stupid for it. But he had no regrets since he was trying to help his friends, as much as they didn't need help.
The group ran outside and found the other passengers pacing back and forth, dazed, arguing with the driver, or running in circles and screaming:
"We're gonna die!"
"Our backpacks!" Grover suddenly realized.
The bus windows exploded as the passengers ran for cover. A lightning bolt tore a huge crater in the ceiling.
Before the police or any monster arrived, the group dove into the woods as the rain poured down torrentially, with the bus on fire behind them and nothing ahead but darkness.
A tourist in a Hawaiian print shirt and a camera took a picture of Percy before he vanished into the forest...
Until tonight I will post up to chapter 70 on my Patreon of this story and up to 20 of my other one, so for those who are anxious and want to help me in my projects and in my life (I urgently need money for health reasons), I ask that you please subscribe! You won't regret it.