
Dantian Forging

The presence following from the distance stopped closing in on them once they had crossed the threshold of Trial Disciple lodgings. Lin Fei bid Chen Wei farewell and entered his residence.

"They have stopped." The moment Lin Fei stepped foot inside, Lin Xinyue manifested before him. Only this time she was modestly dressed, and it caused him to raise a brow. "What?" She pouted.

"But I didn't say anything." Lin Fei retorted.

"But you were thinking." She strongly asserted. "Hmph. I can dress appropriately alright. The other times I'm just teasing you."

Lin Fei grumbled inwardly but didn't say anything.

"So, what do you want to do first?" She asked. "Breakthrough or increase your comprehension?"

"Dantian forging Pill costs less than Meridian Washing Pill, and I already have enough for the purchase. Though I think I should first establish elements first."

Lin Xinyue flashed him a smirk. "That's right. Having a stronger foundation in knowledge and comprehension always contributes toward the sturdiness of your cultivation base."

"I guess it's settled then."

Having decided on his course of action, Lin Fei took a seat cross-legged on his bed. The box full of Essence stones rested before him, open and ready to be utilized.

Once more, he started with the ones he was already familiar with. There were seven Essence Stones in each category except Fire, which had a total of nine.

After realizing his affinity to the Fire was greater than others, Lin Fei decided to save that for the last.

The session began with the Earth Essence Stone.

One by one the stones crumbled to dust, having had their essence siphoned. This very essence coursed through him, filled him with thoughts and ideas, and congealed into his dantian and meridians.

Lin Fei calmly switched from Earth to Water. Just like that, he could understand his own body a bit better. He could feel the weight of this light fog that shrouded the world, almost impossible to notice. And then Water Essence Stones were exhausted.

Then came the Wind. Each of the essence stones was devoured, stripped of its foundational component. All contributed toward increasing his awareness.

At last he had chosen Fire. Fire felt the most intimate to him. It called to him on a fundamental level, embraced him, filled him with warmth. And he welcomed it all with open arms.

By the time Lin Fei had emptied out the thirty Essence Stones, he could feel the change within himself. His own essence had been dyed by the multicolored shades of reality that these elements imbued.

He swept a fleeting glance at the System to note his increase. Earth Essence Understanding had grown to 66%, Water to 47%, while Wind had grown only slightly less at 45%. But the most impressive change was no doubt Fire Essence Understanding, which went from measly 25% all the way to 81%.

Lin Fei decided to finally focus on the two new Essence Stones: Lightning and Ice.

Starting with the Lightning Essence Stones, which were light blue in color, Lin Fei took a deep breath before focusing.

Lightning as the fundamental force of the world focused on speed and power. While Wind Elemental Arts might have more grace and leverage when it came to aerial combat, no one could deny that Lightning Elemental Arts boosted the greatest movement speed.

When Lin Fei started to immerse himself in the feeling of prickling sparks, he found a connection being established. One just as deep as he shared with Fire.

He could feel his understanding skyrocket with each stone he consumed. Until there were none left.

Lin Fei opened his eyes as a faint blue light passed within them. He then focused on the last five Elemental Essene Stones.

Most of the Essence Stones weren't much different except for the color variation. But Ice Essence Stones were known to radiate a chilling cold. That's why they needed to be stored in an isolated container to avoid them leaking out entirely.

Many cultivators even used them to chill their wine or keep their residences cool.

Lin Fei picked one and felt an ice-cold sensation course through his skin. He clasped his hand around it and started meditating.

Ice, as the fundamental truth, represented stillness, cold, and preservation. It focused on restraint and defense.

Although he lacked the same affinity he shared with Lightning and Fire, he still picked up on the truths of Ice Element and started expanding his awareness.

When he opened his eyes, a number of notification windows were greeting his vision.

Lin Fei shoved the ones denoting his increase of earlier elements and focused on the ones related to Lightning and Ice.


║ Congratulations! You have achieved the level of Essence Understanding [Lightning]. ║

║ Reward: 500 SP ║



║ Your understanding of Essence [Lightning] has risen to 24%. ║



║ Congratulations! You have achieved the level of Essence Understanding [Ice]. ║

║ Reward: 500 SP ║



║ Your understanding of Essence [Ice] has risen to 20%. ║


This essentially proved his theory of only rewarding the rarer elements with a higher number of points.

With this, his total had increased to 3,370. A Dantian Forging Pill only costs 2,300. He would still have more than a thousand points left.

Lin Fei proceeded with the purchase and watched as a small wooden box materialize before him. Upon opening it, he came face to face with a shiny golden pill the size of his thumb.

"Dantian Forging Pill."

Taking hold of the pill, he set the container aside and took a deep breath. This was the moment of the truth. This was the moment when he would finally be able to step into the ranks of true cultivators.

Lin Fei opened his mouth and swallowed the pill down.

As the Dantian was an organ inside the human body, it dealt with both physical/material and metaphysical/ethereal elements of the cultivation. That's why even a soul with no body would possess an imitation of a dantian.

As the pill took effect, he felt a thousand needles poke within his body. He gritted his teeth and endured the pain, feeling as if his insides were dissolving and flaking off.

The sensation lasted for a long time before Lin Fei had the sudden urge to vomit. He opened his mouth abruptly and clasped his hand around his mouth. Feeling a sense of urgency, he ran toward the wooden tub and started regurgitating a black tar-like substance.

It stank of pungent odor, and Lin Fei scrunched his nose in disgust.

"I thought I didn't have any more impurities?"

Lin Xinyue snickered from the side. "These aren't just simple impurities; these are traces of your mortal self. Within that black goo lies an uncountable number of cells of your mortal shell. This is the very first step toward the true path of immortality."

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