
Chapter 70: The Tale of the Four Stones (Part 1)


The day before Anne's birthday, all was going well in Saint James Middle School. Class periods were ending, which gave students a chance to walk to their next classes. As the students walked, or went to their lockers, the announcer went off. "Attention students, this is yet another reminder, that the pink powder inside the soap dispenser is not candy dust. So please-"

Out of nowhere, the PA speakers were hacked and a familiar voice echoed the hallways. "What's up SJMS!" Sasha cried out. "Instead of that boring stuff, how about an awesome K-Pop Dance Party?" Then the next thing that happened was that the lights went out and light beams were raging across the halls. The students cheered and danced the day away. They drop their papers and bags in the process.

Inside a janitor's closet, Anne, Darrel, and Marcy were inside with cages filled with dogs. "Great touch up on the lights, Darrel," said Marcy. "It's like you got the magic touch." Darrel shrugged, "Eh, I do what I can, whatever blends well with the environment." "Hey, do you guys think we should be doing this?" Anne asked. "Of course," replied Marcy. "It's not like anyone's getting hurt," said Darrel. "Unleash the puppies!" cried Marcy.

The next thing the school sees is a stampede of puppies. Most of the students race through the halls with the puppies, Sasha regroups with Darrel, Anne, and Marcy and the four dance the day away. Without a care in the world, they were having a blast. Marcy was so excited she threw a puppy in mid air.

The party raged on until the house lights were back up, stunning the four. The next thing they saw was the last thing they'd expected; their school principal, "Waybright, Loyalitat, Wu, Boonchuy. My office, now!" "Oh crud," said Darrel. "Busted."

Outside the principal's office, Darrel and Anne showed deep concern about what to expect. Darrel was more scared than her, because he wasn't used to getting in trouble. He doesn't like to be yelled at by anyone, it makes him more of a disgrace to himself and his family.

He sees Sasha exit the office, looking like she went off easily. "All yours Marc," she said. Marcy waves at the three friends and enters the office. "How'd it go?" Darrel asked. "Was it bad?" Anne asked. "Nah," replied Sasha. "Mrs. Murphy just said she wished my leadership skills went towards something positive."

Darrel grows more anxious about this visit, "It's like you don't even care," he muttered to himself. "I've never gotten in trouble before." Sasha pats his back. "Relax Darrel Barrel, you'll just get a firm lecture and you'll be fine."

Just then, Marcy comes out of the office. She shrugs to her friends, symbolizing that it wasn't as bad as she thought. "What about you Marcy?" Darrel asked. "What did Mrs Murphy say?" "She was impressed with how I hacked the PA system and told me not to do it again," replied Marcy. "You're up next, Darrel."

Darrel was not feeling wiser for the wear. Despite the assurance from his friends, he hated himself for getting caught. "I'm telling ya," said Sasha. "There's nothing to worry about." Darrel gulped and slowly made his way into the principal's office. "See you all on the other side," he said. He opens the door, looks back at the girls, and then closes it behind him.

Inside the principal's office, Darrel shook quietly. Mrs Murphy could see this is something he wasn't used to. "Take a seat Darrel," she said. "I just want to talk to you." Darrel takes a deep breath and sits down. "I brought you in here because I'm worried about you."

Darrel looks up with curiosity, "Like me, specifically?" he asked. "Yes," said Mrs Murphy. "This is the first time I've asked to see you. I know Sasha's going to boss her way through life, Marcy will probably solve world hunger. Anne is bright, but I'll tell her that shortly."

Mrs Murphy takes out Darrel's files that show his transcripts from elementary school to now at Saint James. "I noticed a change in your grades when you started Saint James," she said. "You worked hard for yourself, but then they started going down. Then, you started making all these holographic pranks with your visual effects. You're a very creative boy, Darrel. But something is bothering you. Why the sudden change in behavior?"

Darrel wanted to find a way to explain to Mrs Murphy, but he didn't have the words to describe it. "I… I…" Mrs Murphy was most concerned. Until she remembered something. "Is it because of your mother's condition?" she asked.

Darrel perked up, most surprised that she was informed about Sarah's cancer. "How did you know that?" he asked. "She told me," Mrs Murphy replied. "And she was aware of how much it's affecting you."

Darrel sulked back into his seat, "I just wish there was something I could do," he said. "I don't want to lose her." "It's alright to be concerned for your mother," said Mrs Murphy. "But don't you think your mother wouldn't want you to get in trouble with me? You're full of promise, Darrel. But you need to start worrying about yourself if you want to succeed in life. You worry too much about others that you're failing to see that you're hurting yourself."

Darrel looks at his hands and can see the imprints on his hands. His fingernails made clear marks from gripping too tightly from time to time. He knows that Mrs Murphy is right, and the pranks he helps pull were just a way to block the reality of his mom's situation.

"So you're saying I have to think for myself sometimes?" he asked. "Exactly," replied Mrs Murphy. "There comes a time when you have to be loyal to your happiness. And that's what your mother would want from you."

Darrel wanted to smile, but he couldn't because he started to feel disgusted with himself. But he looked up to Mrs Murphy and nodded, "Okay, but it's not going to be easy." "Life is challenging," said Mrs Murphy. "But that's what builds our characters."

"Now let's be straight here. Did those three girls push you into this prank?" Darrel knew this would be his first test of loyalty to one's self. He may get an earful from Sasha, but he knew he would want to make his mom proud. He nods, "Mostly Sasha. Anne and I were pushed into this."

"I'd also like for you to write an essay on what you want to do in life, and what you're willing to do to make it happen," said Mrs Murphy. Darrel accepted, "Okay, Mrs Murphy. Did Sasha and Marcy get this assignment too?" "Nope," said Mrs Murphy. "But you are going to have to choose the type of person you're going to be. Never forget that."

Darrel looks down at the page Mrs Murphy handed to him. The title says, 'Who am I?' Darrel looks at the paper with determination and says, "Alright, I won't forget." "Good," said Mrs Murphy. "Now could you please send Anne in here?" Darrel nods, and leaves the office. "Alright Anne, you're next." "You okay, Darrel?" Anne asked. "If you girls don't mind, I'd like to be alone for the rest of the day. I'll see you tomorrow." And with that, Darrel steadily paced to his next class.

- Flashback ends

Back in the present, Anne, Darrel and the others were held captive in the dungeon. Shackled by reinforced plasma chains and spheres covering their hands and feet to prevent escaping. Clipper, Domino Two, and Joe Sparrow were cuffed on special occasions, considering they're animals.

"We've got to get out of here before Andrias annihilates Earth," said Sasha. "Darrel, can't you or Tint break free with your magic?" Hop pop asked. "We can't," said Tint. "These restraints are so strong that they're also impervious to magic." "Perhaps we need to use a little more force," said Grime. He tried to break free with his strength, but it wasn't enough. "I'm out of ideas."

"All is lost!" cried Yunan. "Don't panic," said Sprig. "I'm sure we can figure this out before the invasion starts." "Uh, Sprig," said Darrel. "The invasion is starting now."

"Primates of Earth!" Andrias announced. "We have arrived!" The crowds of Los Angeles gasped in horror as the castle of Newtopia hovered over the city. A visual projection of Andrias appears and continues his announcement. "Hello Earth. Congratulations on being conquered! I have good news and bad news. The good news? Your planet is rich in the resources we'll need to conquer more impressive worlds. The bad news? We'll need to destroy your civilization to get those resources."

The people of Los Angeles were scared out of their minds. "Omletes, broken eggs; you get it," said Andrias as he closed the projection screen. Inside the castle, Darcy prepares to start deploying their army. "Speaking of eggs, how about a show of force!" They push the red button and two egg capsules dive into the streets. The eggs burst open and two giant mind controlled herons start rampaging the streets.

The United States Army arrives on cue and uses their tanks to fire at the herons. The herons retaliated and used their wings to divert the missile strikes. Then, they change tactics and fire at the castle. Only to find a shield generator protecting the kingdom. The castle then deploys the army of Frogbots and gets ready to attack. The general was out of options, except for one. "Get me the phone."

On the other end of the line, a familiar face responded to the call, Mr X. He responded to the call from the general, "We're on it. Alright you four…" He turns around to four heavily suited figures standing right behind them. "This is what we've been waiting for."

The group could hear the screams of the people outside and feel the quakes of the missiles striking the city. Darrel couldn't bear to hear it anymore. "We've got to get out of here! There's no time left!" he cried. "He's right," said Anne. "I've got this." She closes her eyes and focuses on channeling her calamity powers.

Sprig stops her, "Wait, Anne don't! Everytime you or Darrel use those powers they wipe you out." "Sprig is right," said Hop pop. "We need both of you in fighting shape right now." Anne sighed, "Good point. So what do we do?"

Darrel turns his attention to Frobo, and then gets an idea. "Polly," he said. "Can Frobo's eyes still shoot lasers?" "Of course he can," replied Polly. "Then we need him to cut our restraints so we can escape," said Tint. "Go for it Frobs," said Polly.

Frobo scans the area looking for a weak point, he finds one on the floor and uses his lasers to cut the surrounding area. At first that didn't do anything. But then, the floor gave away and the restraints were turned off.

Everyone was then falling from the castle at great heights. The shackles on their hands and feet suddenly break off by the freezing winds from the sky. "Woah," said Polly. "Darcy's RSSI level must have dropped below negative seventy dBms!" "Still not used to you being smart," said Sprig.

Darrel whistles Clipper to catch him and Tint, and the three succeed. Everyone else got on either Domino Two or Joe Sparrow. But as they got on, they splashed into a swimming pool on top of a building. The group caught their breath as they climbed up from the water. "We need to work on our timing," said Sasha.

The group hear the sound of the giant herons causing havoc on the town, and look at the disaster of what Andrias and Darcy have unleashed. Grime, Olivia, and Yunan were most surprised. Considering that this is the first time they've arrived on Earth. "I don't believe it," said Grime. "So this is Earth," said Yunan. "It's very geometric," said Olivia.

"Oh great," said Anne. "Andrias brought some giant herons." Hop pop, Polly, and Sprig stood in shock and realization. "Those aren't just any giant herons," said Hop pop. "Those are the giant herons." Darrel gasped, "You mean..?"

"Those two?" "Attacked our parents?" Sprig and Polly asked. "I recognized them anywhere," said Hop pop. He remembers back to the day they attacked Wartwood. Hop pop watched in horror as they screeched and tore up the town.

"With their blood red eyes and razor sharp teeth. Those two have been terrorizing the valley for years. I arrived too late to save your parents. But not too late to fight back!" "Never thought you'd see them again?" Tint asked. "Nope," replied Hop pop. "Much less here."

The group hear a scream close by, the three humans spot a mother and child being surrounded by a few robots. "We need to get down there and help people," said Anne. "You've read my mind!" said Darrel. "Right behind you," said Sasha.

The three drop down and slice through the robots that were about to fire on them. "Get indoors, and stay hidden," said Darrel to the civilians. More robots come floating down, preparing to fire at them. Then, out of nowhere, an armored man comes sweeping down and pile driving on the floating robots. Then, a black van shows up and three more figures come out blasting at the robots. One comes out and treats the civilians for any injuries. It touches the girl's scrape and it heals instantly.

Darrel was curious, "Wait a minute." The four figures gather together and remove their helmets. Revealing to be the Loyalitat and Boonchuy parents. "Anne! Darrel!" Anne and Darrel smile with happiness and relief. "Mom? Dad?" Anne cried. "Woah," said Sasha. "Boonchuys? Loyalitats?"

The parents go to hug their specific children. "Hi Sasha," said Mrs Boonchuy. "Long time, no see." "Mrs Loyalitat, you're looking great," said Sasha. "Well let's just say, I won't need chemotherapy anymore," said Sarah. "Thanks to Tint and Darrel, I'm feeling good as new."

Sasha was surprised. "It's true," said Darrel. "Tint used his magical abilities to eradicate the cancer inside her pancreas. She's healthy as she was before." "Heya Boonchuys," said Hop pop. "Hi Loyalitats," said Tint. "Bet you weren't expecting to see us again so soon. And then some." Tint points to Grime, Olivia, and Yunan, who all wave hello.

"Actually, we kinda were," said Mr Boonchuy. The group turn to the van, and see Mr X rolling down his window. "Okay, okay," he said. "Let's take this party on the road." Darrel and Anne were shocked to see Mr X again after everything that's happened.

"Mr X! What are you doing here?" Anne asked. "It's okay," said Matthew. "He's with us." Then, two more people came out of the van. It was Jane and Amelia. "Darrel!" cried the sisters. "Get back in the van girls," said Sarah. "We've got work to do." The group gets in the van and makes tracks.

"Let's just say we've had a few weeks head start, thanks to these six," said Mr X. "We were gearing up, training up," said Mrs Boonchuy. "We also convinced the military we're not insane," said Mr Boonchuy. "Alright gang, enough chatter," said Mr X. "We need a base of operations so we can plan a counter attack. Something close by, but inconspicuous. Anyone know a heavily fortified prison-like structure?" Darrel, Sasha, and Anne smiled. "I know a place," said Darrel.

The group arrived at Saint James Middle School and set up their headquarters in the science labs. "I need time to set up some equipment," said Mr X. "Anne, can you and your friends do recon?" Darrel saluted, "We're on it." "Make sure we weren't followed," said Mr X.

The amphibians turn on the television to watch the news about the invasion. "In a shocking turn of events, the city has found itself invaded by a talking lizard, his robot army, and a couple of giant angry waterfowl. But in other news, Crypto is up big. Let's do the numbers." "Typical LA," said Hop pop.

Polly looks over to the next room that is known as the robotics club. The room has loads of tools and equipment needed to get Frobo back on his technical feet. "Woah, what is that?" she asked. "That's the school's metal shop," replied Sarah. "Private schools, I'd tell ya," said Mr X. "Well, Frobo. Think it's time for an upgrade?" Frobo smiles with delight and the two race to the metal shop.

Mr and Mrs Boonchuy enter the science lab with two trays of food. "We brought some takeout from the restaurant," said Mrs Boonchuy. "Can't save the world on an empty stomach." Grime's stomach growled in response. "Wow, Mrs B," said Sprig. "You guys thought of everything." "Want to join, Grime?" asked Tint. "Their food is delicious." "I don't see why not," replied Grime as he took a plate of food. "But be careful that's very-" Grime bites down, then gets a fiery tingling sensation in his mouth. "Spicy," said Tint.

Out in the hallways, Darrel, Sasha, and Anne hear Grime's scream of agony. The three chuckled, as he continued screaming. "Sounds like Grime tried some of Anne's parents' food," said Sasha. "Sounds like he couldn't stand the heat," laughed Darrel.

Anne turns to find her locker not far from them. "Oh, hey my locker!" She opens the door only for piles of junk to fall on top of her. "Anything in there that'll help us take down a giant heron?" teased Sasha. "Unless you can bore them to death with overdue homework, I don't think so," said Darrel.

The three turn to see a blank piece of paper in Anne's locker. "Hey what's that?" Sasha asked. "That looks like an incomplete essay," said Darrel. "How do you know that?" Anne asked. Darrel takes out his piece of paper from his locker near Anne's. "Because I got the same one." "I almost forgot about this," said Anne. "Me too," said Darrel.

"Hey guys," said Sasha. "Do you really think we can do this? I mean that thing knows our every move, it's even taken Darrel's staff." "Darcy only knows the old us," said Anne. "Which means," said Darrel. "They have no idea what we're capable of. And besides, they may have my staff. But its powers will not answer them." Sasha laments about hearing what they used to be before Amphibia. "The old us, huh?"

Anne goes to her locker and takes out the photo of her and her three friends. "It's not who we were that matters, Sash," she said. "It's who we are now that counts." "Yesterday is history," said Darrel. "Tomorrow is a mystery. But today is a gift. That's why it's called the present." "Hang on, Marcy," said Anne. "We'll get you out of there."

Meanwhile, in the castle of Newtopia, and far beyond what lies inside Darcy's head. A virtually trapped Marcy was in a room filled with puzzles. She spent most of her time solving them on her own. All alone in a simulated world. "Man, I have lost track of time," she said. "Speaking of which, I have been here for ages. I'm starting to get a little worried."

Then out of nowhere, a simulated door appears in front of her. She slowly walks up to it and takes her hand on the handle. She turns it, and the door opens. Revealing on the other side, a giant library. Simulated newts were everywhere, reading books, and organizing shelves.

"Welcome, Marcy Wu," said a familiar low tone voice. Marcy turns her head to see none other than Andrias' father, King Aldrich. "My name is Aldrich, I'm here to welcome you to the Core's inner sanctum. You'll be the first human to join our ranks. A great honor."

Marcy was confused, "I don't understand. What's the Core? How did I get here? My memory is so fuzzy. Like big chunks of it are missing or something." "None of that matters, my dear," said Aldrich. "Behold." Aldrich changes the library to another simulation. One where Marcy was most fascinated with. She gasped in excitement, seeing the castle, a dragon flying by, and endless floating rocks in the sky.

"Woah, no way!" "We've seen your memories," said Aldrich. "We know your love of books, games. This is the fantasy world you've always dreamt of. And that's what the Core is, a place where dreams come true." Marcy tends to her head, trying to think about what's next. "Hmm, yet I can't help but feel like I'm forgetting something important."

"Yes," said Aldrich. "Your map." He gives her a map of her fantasy world and she smiles with glee. "You can't go on a fantasy adventure without one of these." "Right, of course," said Marcy. She jumps with glee, wanting to see more of her fantasy world. "Come on Aldrich. Let's dive in!" However, Aldrich and Marcy were unaware that they were being watched. Another hooded figure who stayed in the shadows and waited for the right moment.

Back at the school, Mr X was equipping their new recruits with blasters. Polly was finished fixing Frobo and introduced the group to Frobo 2.0. He was given a fresh coat of pink armor, and special features that make him look like a galactic samurai warrior. Everyone, including Mr X, were fascinated with the upgraded robot.

Everyone, except Sprig and Tint. Sprig takes out the letter he got from the secret room under their house, and shows it to him and Hop pop. "What'cha got there boy?" he asked. "It's the blank sheet of paper we found in that secret room," he replied. "It's somehow important, but Cronaxx said we need Andrias' glasses to read it." "We may not have time to get those glasses," said Tint. He points to the ruckus that's still going on in Los Angeles.

Sprig groaned, "The quicker we fix this mess, the quicker things can go back to normal." That statement made Hop pop and Tint very sad. Tint takes off his uncle's hat and sighs, "There's no going back." "What do you mean?" Sprig asked. "It'll be me and Anne, you and Darrel, all of us hanging out. Monster of the week stuff, yada yada yada."

"Sprig," said Hop pop. "Don't you think Anne and Darrel have to go back to their lives after all this?" "As much as it pains me to say it," said Tint. "Hop pop's right." He looks down at the hat, affirming his statement. "Things are bound to change, they always do." "Oh guys," said Sprig. "Anne will always be a big part of my life. Just like Darrel with you, Tint." Tint smiled sadly, "Yeah, I know."

"Okay, gather around everybody," said Anne. She, Darrel, and Sasha bring in a whiteboard with the next plan of attack. The group gathers around, to get a lay of what's going to happen next. "Here's what we're going to do," said Darrel. "Mr X, the Boonchuys, Jane, and Amelia will help me, Anne, Tint, and the Plantars fight the robots, the herons, and save as many civilians as we can."

"Meanwhile," said Sasha. "Grime, Olivia, Yunan, the Loylitat parents, and I will take Joe Sparrow up to infiltrate the castle. The box will be too heavily guarded, but Olivia thinks we can sneak in and turn off the forcefield protecting the castle." "And give you earthlings a fighting chance," said Grime with a jug of water by his side.

"Wait," said Cronaxx. "I'm coming with you Sasha." "What?" Tint gasped. "Why Uncle?" "To help save Marcy," replied Cronaxx. "If she's stuck inside her head, I'm going to infiltrate the hive mind of the Core and see if I can lend her a hand to help her."

"But Cronaxx," said Darrel. "What if you get stuck in there too? The Core is very powerful, and may find a way to keep you in there as well. You could lose your chance to cross over to the next life." Cronaxx smiles and gives his two wizards one final life lesson: "With the world at stake, the only thing of importance is that you complete your mission… no matter what you have to sacrifice… or who."

Tint and Darrel look down with sorrow. "Listen," said Cronaxx. "Draw strength from each other, and follow your hearts. It will never fail you." The two nod in agreement and smile with determination. "Alright everyone," said Anne. "Hands in!" The group places their hands in the center of their circle. "Let's do this!" The group cheered and got ready to fight again. Darrel, Sasha, and Anne hug for good luck. "Good luck out there." Anne said to Sasha. "See you two on the other side," said Sasha.

In the castle, Darcy controls the robots and the battleships like a regular personal computer game. They click and drag on the robots and click on the tanks signaling them to attack. "Oh we missed this," she laughed. Andrias looks down, looking glum at what he's done to Marcy. He could remember the day he first met her. She was so innocent, and cheerful, that she made him laugh for the first time in a thousand years. He allowed her to explore the kingdom, until he started talking with the Core, and his father.

He looks down at the pin Marcy had given him the moment they met. "Congratulations big guy," said Darcy. "After a thousand years, you've finally made amends." The two look over the destruction they're causing. "Ah, isn't this grand?" Darcy asked. "Who needs friends when you have everlasting power?" "Yes," replied Andrias in a gloomy tone. "It's everything I ever wanted.

Then, out of nowhere, the alarm was buzzing off, giving Andrias and Darcy some troubling faces. They turn to see Darrel and Anne flying and fighting against the robots. Darrel turns his attention to the two where he was being recorded. "Oh Darcy!" he cried. "You have a little pest control problem!" He takes his blade gauntlet and slices the camera offline. Darcy was not happy. "You're Kidding US!" Darcy cried. "They escaped?!" "Don't worry," said Andiras. "They'll never get by the herons."

Anne, Darrel, Sprig, and Tint ride on Clipper and Domino Two. Taking out any squad of robots that come their way. Then, the four come across a giant buff robot. Darrel and Anne jump onto its arm and slash through its head destroying it.

As they continue to fight off against the robots, the Plantars hear a screech not far from them. The screech was so familiar to them that they stood in fear. "It's them," said Hop pop. "The herons." "Those things got mom and dad?" Polly asked. The herons take notice of the frightful frogs, and Darrel, Anne and Tint send Frobo to rescue them.

In the sky, Joe Sparrow took the rest of the crew to the castle. They find an opening through one of the engines keeping the castle in the sky. They get past the shield and make their way into the castle. "Alright," said Sasha. "We get in, take out the forcefield, and get out. Cronaxx, do what you gotta do."

Cronaxx salutes and phases through the castle walls. Olivia guides the rest of the team to the shield generator. Unaware that a small group of cloak bots are watching them. Cronaxx goes through the castle and sadly comes across an old passage where his room used to be. He felt a wave of nostalgia hit him like a ton of bricks. But he had a mission to complete, and he kept going.

Back in Marcy's simulated fantasy, she and Aldrich were overlooking the castle from across the valley. "It's amazing, isn't it?" Aldrich asked. "It's what your heart has always desired." Aldrich gives her a flower, making her smile. "It sure is," replied Marcy.

"It's a little lonely though, no offense." Aldrich chuckled, "None taken. But if it's friends you want…" Aldrich reaches his arm out covering a piece of the landscape. As he pulls his arm back in, behind the cloak reveals her three human friends, Sasha, Anne, and Darrel.

"Hey, Mar Mar," they said unanimously. Marcy was overwhelmed with joy seeing them again. "Guys! Oh my gosh it's so good to see you!" She hugs her three friends, and cries for a moment. "I-I I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry for everything."

"Nevermind that, Mar Mar," said the simulated Sasha. "Do you like your new outfit?" asked the simulated Anne. "I conjured it up just for you," said the simulated Darrel. Marcy looks down to see herself wearing a green ranger dress with a brown cloak. She looks to see her friends in fantasy clothing as well. Sasha, dressed in a red coat of armor. Anne, an adventurous shade of light blue, equipped with a sword, and her hair pulled back. And Darrel, dressed in a grayish blue wearing a wizard hat and carrying a white staff with a glowing sunstone.

"You guys look amazing," said Marcy. "This is everything I ever wanted." "Well don't wait up Mar Mar," said simulation Darrel. "Adventure awaits!" Marcy races off to her 'friends' and the mysterious figure watches them, and Aldrich from afar.

Back in Los Angeles, Darrel and Anne get the frogs together, who are still shaken up. "Are you guys okay?" Anne asked. "I don't think they are," said Tint. "They're frozen in fear." "I've never seen them like this," said Anne. "Sorry," said Hop pop. "We still have a tad bit of trauma left over from WHEN THESE HERONS DESTROYED OUR FAMILY!"

"Hop pop," said Tint. "Listen to me. I get what you're going through. I've lost family members myself. But we can't do this without you. I can't do this without you. Before and after I lost my uncle, you took me and Darrel in. When nobody else wanted us. We've overcome so much as one big family. And I know we can get through this too." Darrel smiled, "Tint's right. We're all in this together."

Suddenly Hop pop began to stutter. "Hop pop," said Darrel. "Slow down." "That trauma is really messing with his head," said Anne. "No! Look!" cried Hop pop. "The Boonchuys!" He points to Mr and Mrs Boonchuy fending off against the herons. Amelia and Jane were close to their side as well. "JANE! AMELIA!" Darrel cried.

The four take shelter in a nearby bus, until the herons ripped off the roof. "OH NO!" Anne cried. "NOT MY SISTERS!" Darrel shouted. Then, out of nowhere, Tint, the Plantars, and Frobo were coming at them full steam ahead with brave faces on them. "CHARGE!" they cried.

They grab the herons' attention. "If you think we're going to sit here for another second…" "… while you try to take away the only family we have left…" "… You've got another thing coming!" Darrel and Anne rescue their family members and fly off to somewhere safe.

The herons screech to attack the amphibians, but they fail to get a beakful. Instead, the Plantars, combined with Tint's magic, work together to destroy the two monstrous waterfowl. "There's a lesson to fighting huge enemies," said Tint. "The bigger they are…" "The harder they fall," said Hop pop.

The Plantars and Tint take a grappling hook from Frobo and wrap around one of the herons. They wrap the legs, and then wrapt the wings to prevent them from flying. The heron lands on the other heron and the sudden impact destroys their collars.

The four amphibians soon go toe to toe with the giant predators of frogs. "We're not afraid of you anymore," said Sprig. "You may have taken something important from us," said Polly. "But you're not going to take anything else," said Tint. "Well kids," said Hop pop. "What do you say, we teach these monsters some manners? Tint, follow our lead."

Tint smiled, "I think I know what you're going for." The four get in position and the herons watch in curiosity. Soon the four began dancing around in sync. Darrel and Anne were happy to see what they're doing. "What are they dancing to?" Jane asked. "It's the Plantar family hunting dance," replied Darrel. "And Tint's joining them."

After the dance was completed, the herons were tamed, under their complete control. Polly commands them to destroy the robots, and the herons complied. They take to the skies and destroy the firing squads in the air. "Have you ever seen anything this beautiful?" Anne asked. "I already have," replied Darrel as he took her hand.

Inside the castle, Darcy was getting frustrated. They didn't want any more setbacks. "This has gone on long enough," they said. They turn to Andiras, "Get out there and bring me those two worthless humans! Break their legs if you have to."

Andrias complied with Darcy's order and set off to face them. But before he could go further, Darcy stopped him. "Oh, and Andrias. If you fail, you can forget about ever joining your father and the rest of us up here." Darcy points to the Core's helmet, giving Andrias a more pressuring conviction. "Ready the Dyoplosaurus," Andrias said to a robot.

Just then, Cronaxx's spirit finds himself overlooking Darcy. He knew that it was now or never to try and save her from the inside. So when Darcy turned to find the group entering the shield generator, Cronaxx took his chance and risked his eternal peace, entering the Core's helmet. Darcy didn't feel a thing, but was too busy to notice the intruders were near their location.

Outside the hall, Olivia guided them to the ladder near the generator. "This'll take us to the hall just outside the shield generator." Suddenly, the group was ambushed by the cloak bots. They camouflaged out of sight, but Grime's slam with Barrel's warhammer, gave their location away.

"You four go on," said Yunan. "Olivia and I will handle these creepos." Matthew, Sarah, Grime, and Sasha make their way up the ladder and head to the shield generator. "I'm glad you're with me, general," said Olivia. "Likewise, m'lady," said Yunan.

Sasha, Grime, Matthew, and Sarah run down the hall and make their way to the shield generator. "This is it," said Matthew. "Watch yourselves," said Sarah. "It could be a trap." The group runs for it, only to be pushed back by a few mechanical tentacles. Sarah and Matthew get coiled up easily. Leaving only Sasha and Grime to come face to face with Darcy.

"Walking by without calling?" mocked Darcy. "So rude. Then again we're not surprised. Marcy always thought you were kind of a brute." "I know what you're trying to do," said Sasha as she drew her swords. "And it won't work." "Yeah," said Grime. "You really think you can manipulate the Queen of Manipulation?" "Thank you Grime," said Sasha. "Ahem, sorry."

"Aw, don't you want to know what she really thinks of you?" Darcy asked. "We know what she thinks of Darrel. And quite frankly, we were bored with what we know." "It doesn't matter what she thinks of me," said Sasha. "I'm here to save her and stop you."

Standing firm in her fighting stance, Sasha prepares for any attack. Darcy adjusts her neck and takes another staff in hand. "Well then," The staff sheathes its blade to look like a scythe. "Let's rumble, girlfriend." Grime and Sasha lunge forward to attack Darcy. The three fighters collided their weapons together and kept a firm grip on their clash. Matthew and Sarah could only watch as the three fought.

Back in Los Angeles, Mr and Mrs Boonchuy worked well with Jane and Amelia fighting off the robots. Mr Boonchuy was most pleased with his power suit. "Hey X. When the battle's over, can we keep this stuff?" "That is proprietary government property Mr B," replied Mr X. "So that's a maybe?" Jane asked.

On top of a roof, Anne, Darrel, Tint and the Plantars took care of a few look out bots. And then, they see the castle hover closely above them. They see hatch doors open to reveal a giant mech jump out and onto the back tower, the tallest tower of Los Angeles. Darrel had a gut feeling it wasn't just a giant robot.

And he was right. "What's going, primates?!" Andrias laughed. "Andrias," said Anne. "Ten coppers I can snipe him from here," said Sprig with his slingshot. Andrias opens his mech helmet revealing his face to the city. "I gotta be honest," he said. "You've put up a pretty good fight. For a species as primitive as yours that is. And even though we could easily wipe you out, I'm willing to strike a little bargain. I'll call off this whole invasion, if Anne Boonchuy and Darrel Loyalitat beat me in single combat. That's it, no gimmicks. One life, for thousands. And if they don't…"

Andrias' castle fires the primary weapon and a blast destroys the Hollywood sign along with a chunk of mountain with it. The citizens were scared out of their minds, just thinking that their whole home could be wiped out with just a push of a button. Darrel and Anne weren't going to let that stand.

"You hear me kids!?" Andrias cried. "It's time for a rematch!" He dawns back his mech helmet and prepares to fight. Darrel and Anne glare at where Andrias stands. "I'm not going to let him hurt anyone any more," said Darrel. "Don't do it guys," said Tint. "It's a trap for sure," said Hop pop. "Perhaps," said Darrel. "But I can feel there's something off about him. I can't say for sure, but he's slipping. This way, no one else has to get hurt. Anne?"

Anne takes out her blank essay she kept in her pocket. "You know, before I ended up in Amphibia, I didn't care about right or wrong. I just did what was easy. I let people walk all over me. I think that's because I didn't love myself. Not really."

She turns to her friends, "But meeting you three, has changed all of that. And thanks to Darrel and Tint for guiding me, and all the months we've spent together, have shown me the person I really want to be." Darrel walks up and places a hand on his shoulder. "I just did what any wizard would do for his fellow companion: guide them from right and wrong. And the person you want to be, is someone I grew to love with. I want to stay by their side no matter what life throws at us."

He looks to glare at Andrias, "Trap or not, we must do this." The two humans were suddenly hugged by their amphibious companions. And Anne and Darrel returned one to them. "Then you better kick his big stupid butt," said Polly. "Couldn't have said it better myself," said Hop pop. "You guys got this," said Tint. "For Cronaxx," said Tint. "For Cronaxx, buddy," said Darrel. "Thanks you guys," said Anne.

The two call upon Domino Two and Clipper and they take them to the top of the bank tower. "Go Bro, Go!" Amelia cheered. "Take him down!" Mrs Boonchuy cheered. 'Good luck, Darrel,' thought Tint. 'You can do it Anne,' thought Sprig.

The two landed in front of Andrias and stared up at their enemy. "You wanted us," said Darrel. "Here we are." "You rang?" Anne asked. "You know," said Andrias. I think I've finally figured out why the stones picked you two as their champions. From the moment you walked into my throne room, I underestimated you two. A scruffy little girl with one shoe and leaves in her hair. A timid little boy with a cape and twigs like antlers, along with a walking stick of a staff. Yet underneath it all, a true Warrior, a true Wizard. Such brilliant deceptions."

"When it comes to magic," said Darrel. "Looks can be deceiving, you dragon." "Exactly what he said," said Anne. "You went from Santa Clause to super villain pretty quick there." Andrias chuckled, "Touche. Oh, and I know about the time limit on your precious powers. Do you really think you can beat me before you pass out?"

"That depends," said Darrel as his eyes glowed red for a brief second. "Because in my favorite book; The Warrior, the Wizard, and the Dragon, the story ends with the enemy of one slain in combat. Depending on who wins that fight, is up to the fighters."

The whole town watches as the helicopters broadcast the three from a fair distance. Then, the two teens power up their calamity powers and take off. They take the first offensive attack, but Andrias counter attacks them and slams them against a few buildings. Then, he fires homing missiles at the pair. Darrel duplicates himself to confuse the missiles and they start flying everywhere. But that spell didn't confuse Andrias. He jumps through a cloud of smoke and punches the two to the ground.

Back in the castle, while Matthew and Sarah struggle to get in the fight, Sasha and Grime fought with all their might against Darcy. Darcy laughed as they twirled their scythe, clashing their weapon at the two warriors. Darcy then calls to one of the robotic tentacles and has it push them against the wall.

Grime knew that they couldn't keep up with the delay, so he made a plan. "I have an idea. You go for the generator, while I distract her!" Grime charges at Darcy with all his might. Giving off a battle cry, like any other warrior.

Sasha took this chance and made a run for the shield generator. But on the way, she was spotted by Darcy. "Oh no you don't." Darcy takes a plasma dagger and throws it at Sasha. "Sasha! Look out!" Sarah cried. But before she could turn around, the dagger hit her in the ankle. Sasha kneeled down in pain, unable to move.

Darcy jumps in and prepares to attack her. "Gotcha!" Sasha gazed in fear, knowing she was vulnerable. "NO! Sasha!" Grime lunged in front of her and pushed her out of the way. Just as Darcy took a swing with their weapon. Grime's vision went black in a moment of pain. Then, he saw his left arm fall to the ground. Detached from his body.

Sasha was sad to see her toad friend hurt. He falls in pain and exhaustion. "Grime, you big dummy!" Sasha cried. She takes her cloak and wraps his injury tight to stop the bleeding. Grime used the rest of his strength to talk to her. "Listen to me, Sasha," he whispered. "Before I met you I was nothing. Just a bully in a tower. But you, you inspired me to be so much more. And if you can do that, you can do anything. You can do this…" Grime then passes out from exhaustion.

"Oops, looks like he's disarmed," mocked Darcy. "Get it? Disarmed?" They laughed, showing no regret for their actions. Matthew and Sarah look to see Sasha gripping her swords tightly. 'Big mistake,' they thought.

Sasha shouted at the top of her lungs and attacked Darcy. She slammed her swords in front of them and wasted no breath. Darcy couldn't get a chance to attack, so they defended every slash of her swords. They tried to use their tentacles, but Sasha cut them with one strike. What they didn't know was that the tentacles they used were also the ones holding Matthew and Sarah. Sarah goes over to Grime, and Matthew fends off more tentacles coming after them.

Back at the fight outside the castle, Anne and Darrel gave everything they've got against Andrias. Their collisions caused shockwaves across the city. "Why fight it, you two?" Andrias asked. "Everything you love will eventually crumble. Your world, your friendships, each other!"

"So what?" Anne asked. "We're supposed to give up? Stop feeling things? Like you?!" Anne lunges at Andrias, pushing him back. And Andrias pushes a button from his control stick, and plasma Olms come after the two humans.

"All I hear from you is just talk," said Darrel. He reaches out in the air, and the Eternal Staff is yanked from its holding cell. Darcy tried to reach for it, but Sasha grabbed their attention away from the staff. "But in the final accounting, where does all that talk get you?" Darrel asked as he grabbed his staff. "A futile quest for power?"

Darrel blasts at the plasma Olms causing them to disintegrate. "A thousand years of isolation, of pain and suffering? Burying your feelings? I pity you! Your place is no more than being your father's errand boy!" Andrias growled. "Enough!" He takes another swing and slams the two humans back on top of the bank tower.

The sudden impact causes both humans to lose connection with their calamity powers. "You have no right to say his name!" Andrias shouted "My father was one of the greatest kings in all of Amphibia! My father's crown has given me the role as the leader of the most powerful army in the known universe!"

"Come on guys," said Sprig down below. "If only we can let them know that we're all behind them." Suddenly, Tint gets an idea. He takes out Darrel's old video camera. "Mr X, can you help?"

Mr X smiled, "Behold!" He takes out a remote and pushes a button. "Your tax dollars at work!" The lamp posts turned into amps and tuned to Anne and Darrel's favorite K-pop music. "Hey Anne, Darrel," said Mr X over the speakers. "Looks like you could use a little mood music. And a little birdie told me that this was your jam."

Tint gives X the video camera and broadcasts it across the monitors of the city. The Boonchuys, the Plantars, Tint, the Loyalitat sisters, and the citizens of Los Angeles cheer for the two and chant their names. Their encouragement caused the two humans to reconnect with their calamity powers.

"Well hello there," said Anne. "Sweet life giving K-Pop." The two lunge at the giant and give it all they got. "You just have an army that has no loyalty, no spirit, just programming!" said Darrel. "What have you to show for all that power? What have you to gain?! I'll tell you, more isolation, more depression, and your curse is to live with what you've done!"

Back at the fight with Sasha and Darcy, Sasha gets a hit at Darcy. Causing them to get a cut on their cheek. "That was for Grime!" Sasha yelled. Then, Darcy pulls another trick up their sleeve. They create a smoke screen surrounding Sasha, and show her the heads of Darrel, Anne, and Marcy. "You think these cheap tricks will work on me?!" Sasha asked.

"Yep," replied Darcy. She appears from behind and slashes her in the back. Causing a scar to appear from her back. "Oh, too easy!" laughed Darcy. Just then, Darcy gets punched by Matthew. "Don't forget about me," he said. "I haven't," said Darcy as they charged at him.

Back inside Marcy's fantasy, she was having a blast. Seeing her friends, going on the adventure of her life, and not having any problems at all. "Okay, so, should we tackle the Marsh of the Mystery first or the Cavern of Courage?" Then, she hears another familiar voice. "Marcy!" "Huh?"

Marcy turns her head to see Cronaxx racing up to her. "Cronaxx! It's so good to see you," she said. "Marcy, you need to listen to me." "Hold that thought. We can talk when we start our journey," said Marcy as she turned away. "So, where will we go first, guys?"

"Whatever you want, Mar Mar," replied the three simulated humans. "We only want what you want." Marcy smiled at their response. But then, she started having weird vibes. It's as if something in her mind is off, that something is wrong in a place that's right for her. She caught glimpses in her mind back to the day when Andrias revealed the truth.

She rubbed her eyes and asked them, "What did you just say?" "We want what you want," said simulated Sasha and Anne. "Always and forever." Simulated Darrel simply walked up to her and placed his hand on her cheek. "No matter what," he said. "We'll always be together. You and me."

All Marcy could feel on her cheek was not a warm hand, but a cold breeze. Her checks weren't flustered, but it made her feel sad. Then, she looked down to see that her map,changed into a photo of her and her friends.

Cronaxx watched from behind and sighed, "Marcy?" Marcy started crying, knowing in her heart that what's standing in front of them, are not her friends. "Cronaxx?" She asked. "This isn't real is it?"

Cronaxx shook his head, "I'm sorry Marcy. I'm not even alive." Marcy reaches out to touch Cronaxx, only to have her hand phase through it. "My spirit is real, but I was slain by Andrias a long time ago."

Marcy looks back to her photo, "The real Darrel, Anne, and Sasha, don't want what I want. And it hurts. But forcing them to follow my dreams, and forcing Darrel to like me back, is wrong. I love Darrel, but he's not mine. And I hurt him, and his family. I learned that the hard way."

Cronaxx walked up to her face, "But Darrel cared enough to let you express yourself, as a true friend." His statement made Marcy's eyes water up. "He never gave up on you, so don't give up on him."

Then, the two hear a low growl from Marcy's back. Cronaxx stood in shock, seeing the last person he wanted to see. King Aldrich, the king who killed his brother, Cyrus. "This is getting tiresome Marcy," siad Aldrich. "We gave you your silly games, and your idiotic little friends. It's time for you to be assimilated into the Core. Now!"

Cronaxx used his magic to counteract Aldrich. "Not today, Tyrant!" He shouted. "Cronaxx," said Aldrich. "It's a surprise you've decided to join us into the Core." "I'd never join you," said Cronaxx. "You killed my brother, Cyrus. That wasn't an accident. You lied to me."

"Your pathetic brother wanted to destroy everything we worked hard for," said Aldrich. "I've learned this much; take what you can, when you can." "Then you've learned nothing," said Cronaxx. "Join us Marcy!" Aldrich cried.

Marcy smacked Aldrich's hand, giving a bright yellow glow. "No!" She cried. "Only a coward would hide away in this place. Well I reject this sick fantasy, and I reject you!" She takes her photo of her friends and Cronaxx gives off a light spell. Pushing Aldrich back. They get a good glimpse of Aldrich's eyes, which are the same as the Core's.

"You fool!" Aldrich cried. "The only thing waiting for you out there is rejection and misery! Even if your friends win, your parents will still tear the four of you apart." Marcy looks down and remembers one statement Darrel said to her, 'We're Dungeon buddies for life, no matter what.'

"I started this whole mess because I wanted to escape that reality," said Marcy. "But I won't run away from it anymore!" "It's over, Aldrich," said Cronaxx. "You've lost. The cycle is broken." Aldrich stares down at the two. "So be it," he said. "Then suffer you two, in eternal darkness! And anything left of her personality will fade away."

Aldrich turns off Marcy's simulation leaving her and Cronaxx in a giant void of darkness. But then the mysterious figure appears alongside them, giving them a surrounding light form where they stand. "Who's that?" Marcy asked.

The figure removes his hood, revealing an old Olm, smiling at the two. Cronaxx immediately perked up seeing his face. "That's Elim the Eternal: The first wizard in Amphibia." Elim nodded, not saying a word, and kept the two safe.

Marcy looks down at her photo and hugs it tightly. "Anne, Sasha, Darrel, I believe in you." "I won't leave your side," said Cronaxx. "No one like you deserves to stay in eternal darkness."

Back in Los Angeles, Anne and Darrel continued to swing punches, magical blasts and pin him down back on top of the bank tower. Darrel and Anne glare down at the fallen king. "It's OVER!" Darrel shouted. "Call off the invasion!" Anne ordered.

Andrias wasn't bound to give up so easily, but luck was soon on his side. Darrel and Anne's calamity powers were about to run out. Andrias grins, "Times up. Looks like your powers are finally running out."

"Oh no," said Anne. The two humans lose their powers and fall with little energy they have left. "It's over," said Andrias. "And you were so close too." "Like heck it is," said Anne trying to land another punch. But Andrias grabs her by her fist. Darrel jumps up and tries to attack with his staff.

But before he could conjure up any more magic, Andrias slams his fist down on the human boy. The sudden impact caused the gem on the staff to crack, and push Darrel back down, giving him a black eye. Andrias then throws an exhausted Anne down next to Darrel.

The town gasped at the development. Tint and the Plantars most of all. "Anne, Darrel, Oh no!" cried Hop pop. "We have to help them!" Polly shouted. Sprig looks around his pockets trying to find anything to help his friends.

Then, the letter falls out of his pocket and Mr X picks it up. His special glasses read the hidden message and decode it in front of him. "This is a letter to Andrias," he said. "This letter is encoded with special ink that's only visible with red lenses." Tint and the Plantars were shocked to hear it. "Cronaxx was right," said Tint.

Sprig takes the letter and X's glasses and reads it at a fast pace. "I have to get up there," he said. "I'm going with you," said Tint. "I have unfinished business to attend anyway." The two take one of the nearby herons and make their way to the top of the tower.

Darrel crawls over to Anne, with little strength he has. The two watch as Andrias prepares to give them the finishing blow. Seeing there's no way out, Darrel looks to Anne, and she looks back. He places his hand on hers and the two close their eyes and brace for impact.

Then all of a sudden, Andrias was hit by one of the herons and Sprig and Tint jump down to the humans. Andrias grabs the heron and throws him down to the highway. "Andrias!" Tint shouted. Sprig takes a boom shroom and hits Andrias with it.

"Anne, Darrel," said Sprig. "Get out of here guys," said Anne. "He's too much, and we're useless now." "Not yet," said Tint. "We have one more card to play." Andrias recovers from the heron attack and spots Tint and Sprig. "Four for one eh? Why not!?"

Andrias prepares to slam down on them, but Sprig stops him. By showing him the hidden letter. "STOP! I have a message from Leif!" Andrias stops the moment he hears her name. He looks down at the letter and sees the hidden message. "How do you know that name?" Andrias asked. "Sprig is Leif's descendant," said Tint. "He found the letter in his family's basement."

"She was the one who betrayed you alongside Cronaxx, wasn't she?" Sprig asked. "So what if she was?" Andrias asked in an angry tone. "She still has something to say to you," said Sprig. "I would like to take this chance to show you her memories too," said Tint. As Tint conjures up a vision spell, Sprig reads Leif's note to Andrias.

' My Dearest Andrias,

This message may never reach you, but I hope it does. I know you must hate me. Please hear me out. After hiding the music box on Earth, I knew I could never return to the kingdom. Change was scary and it was hard for me to open my heart to others again. But I'm glad I did. We spent our lives afraid of change, but after many years, I realized the beauty of life is the change. And through it all I had such wonderful memories of you. For even though you, Cronaxx, Barrel, and I are no longer together. The three of you never really left my side. In the end, my only remaining wish is that somehow, someday, my love reaches you. So I'm begging you, my dearest friend. Don't close yourself off. Open your heart, and follow it.

With love always,

Your Leif'

Tint portrays Leif's memories like a crystal ball showing him her treasured memories she kept in her heart. From the day she left the kingdom, to settling down in Wartwood, to the end of her days. To the fondest memories she had with her oldest and dearest friends. It even made Tint cry a bit, seeing how happy his uncle was with Andrias.

Sprig loses grip on the letter, but Andrias catches it in the wind. He looks down on the letter and opens his helmet. Showing a heartbroken face on him. "All this time," he said. "I thought you had forgotten me, just like Cronaxx. And I tried to forget you." Andrias gripped the letter and started to cry as well. "My dear friend. And Cronaxx… What have I done?!"

Andrias falls to his knees and starts crying his heart out. Tint cries, seeing the enemy of his family, heartbroken with what he's done. He walked up to Andrias and spoke to him. "Cronaxx never wanted to forget you or his friends. But he sacrificed his memories, and his dreams, to keep those he cared about safe. To keep you safe."

"But it's too late," said Andrias. "The things I've done, the pain I've caused. There's no GOING BACK!" He slams down on the tower, causing a tremor in the city. "You're right," said Tint. "There is no going back. So we have to move forward." "How do you do that?" Andrias asked. "Like this," replied Tint. "King Andrias, I forgive you. For hurting me, my family, and my friends." Andrias looked up to the fire salamander in shock and surprise.

Back in the castle, Sasha was instantly healed by Sarah and got back in the fight with Darcy. Darcy overpowered her and Matthew again. "Well, my friends, it's been fun." Seeing there's no way out, Sasha said, "Do your worst." "Sure," replied Darcy.

Before Darcy could swing their weapon, a voice in the hive mind tells them that Andiras has stopped fighting. "It can't be," said Darcy. Andiras' crown opens its eye looking down on the heartbroken king. Darcy opens a window to see Andrias kneeling on the tower. "Aldrich, your son is losing the will to fight," said Darcy. "That weakling!"

"Hey Sasha, as a fellow control freak, you'll probably appreciate this!" Darcy conjures a mind control wave on Andrias. Tint takes notice and watches them attempt to control Andiras. Andiras tried to fight back, but couldn't do it. "Andrias!" Darcy cried. "Stand up and fight you pathetic excuse for a king!"

"NO!" Tint shouted. He conjures up a counter spell to stop Darcy from controlling Andrias. "We are all you need," said Darcy. "That's not TRUE!" Tint shouted. Tint gave it all he's got, while Anne and Darrel slowly recovered their calamity powers. With Darcy distracted, Grime uses his newly recovered strength to kick Sasha's sword to her.

Taking her sword, Sasha recalls the words from her best friends. 'It's not who we were that matters, Sash. It's who we are now that counts,' said Anne's voice. 'Yesterday is history, tomorrow is the future, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present,' said Darrel's voice. Sasha gathers up what strength she has left and glares down at Darcy.

She spots Cronaxx's ghost leaving the Core's helmet and helps Sasha. "Fear nothing," he whispered. Sasha nods and charges at Darcy. As Darcy fights Tint's counter attack, they turn around at the last second and Sasha takes a powerful swing at her foe. "I am not that person anymore!" Sasha announced.

After the strike, Darcy dropped their staff and checked for any wounds. So far, it looked like there wasn't a single scratch on them. "Ha, you missed," they teased. Sasha grins at her enemy. "Wanna bet?"

Turns out the strike was on the Core's plug connected to the castle. The cord was sliced in two, and Darcy gave off a horrifying scream. "AAAAHHHHH!" "My connection! You FOOL! Do you have any idea what you've done!?" Darcy tried to fight for control, but without the support from their power cord, the helmet started to shut down.

They gave off a dying wail, causing the eyes surrounding the room to crack and shut down. Then after Darcy stopped screaming, they collapsed to the floor and the helmet was shut off. The helmet disconnects itself from Marcy's head, freeing her from control. Sasha looks down at her passed out friend, "Marcy? Marcy, wake up. Marcy." "Let me try something," said Sarah as she rushed to their aid.

Back at the tower, Anne and Darrel are recharged, and ready to fight for round three. "This. Ends. NOW!" Darrel shouts as he and Anne charge for one final blow. Adrias prepares for another fight, but looks back to Leif's letter and remembers her words. 'Don't close yourself off, open your heart, and follow it.' He then looks to Tint who has just forgiven him for all the hurt that he caused to him.

Andrias decided to follow his heart, and fulfill his closest friend's request. He removes his helmet and allows the two humans to deliver the last blow. The two strike their blows through the giant robot's heart, destroying Andrias' mech, and himself at the same time.

After the blow, Anne and Darrel pass out from exhaustion and are caught by Sprig and Tint. With the robot mech destroyed, Anne and Darrel win the fight for Los Angeles. The crowd cheers across the city and Tint and Sprig congratulate their friends.

"You guys won!" Sprig cheered. "You did it!" "No," said Darrel. "We all won," said Anne. "And as far as I'm concerned Tint," said Darrel. "You have officially become a wizard. You stood your ground against your greatest foe. You showed compassion and forgave those who hurt you. I think Cronaxx, and your family would be proud of the salamander you have become."

Then, the four hear Andrias coughing. They turn to see him heavily wounded, but filled with wires and circuits coming from out his body. His left arm, left leg, and a part of his tail were missing from the strike. "He's a cyborg," said Darrel. "Andrias is a gosh dang cyborg!"

"Living for a thousand years was not without sacrifice," said Andiras. Darrel looked down in shame. The once great king Andrias, sacrificed his mortality to live for so long. To fulfill his father's long awaited plans of world conquest.

The four turn back to the castle and find that Sasha has turned off the shield generator. "The forcefield is down!" Anne cried. "Sasha must've won!" "Marcy," said Andrias. "You must save Marcy." Darrel and Anne were shocked to hear that Marcy's in trouble so they took to their flying companions and flew to the castle.

They enter the generator room, and find Marcy looking lifeless, being held by Sasha. Darrel and Anne raced to her aid. "Mom, can't you heal her?" Darrel asked. "It's not physical," said Sarah. "I'm sorry, I did all I could."

Darrel and Anne look down at their friend in sorrow. "It's not your fault," said Darrel. "Oh Marcy," said Anne as she hugged her friend. "We love you and…" "We forgive you," said Sasha. The three friends hold a tight grip on her hand. "Please," said Darrel. "Come back to us. Don't give up on me, Dungeon Buddy."

As the three grieve, Marcy slowly opens her eyes. "Anne? Sasha? Darrel?" The three looked with joy and relief. "Marcy!" "You came back!" "You're alive!" The four were so happy to be together once again. The surrounding friends were all relieved that Marcy was okay.

"Guys," said Marcy. "I'm sorry. I was so scared of moving away. The thought of losing you was just so big. I was afraid that if we weren't together, we wouldn't be friends any more." Anne takes her hand and says, "I know it's hard Marcy. But no matter how much we fight it or deny it, things change. We can't stop it. But nothing, not distance or time will break the bond that we share. Because nothing can take away the memories of the time we spent together."

"She's right," said Darrel. "And believe me, I would never ever stop being your friend. No matter how far apart we are. And just because I love Anne doesn't mean I don't hold a special place for you in my heart. We're dungeon buddies for life. End of story." Marcy wiped her eyes and asked, "You promise?" "I promise," replied Darrel. "Nothing can ever defeat us." "Not when we have the Power of Friendship," said Marcy. "And besides," said Darrel. "If you didn't do what you did…" He points to his mother who is back in healthy shape. "My mom wouldn't be standing here right now."

"Now come here you guys!" Anne said as she hugged them all. "I'm so happy!" Darrel cheered. "Can you guys believe that we just defeated an ancient invading empire?" Anne asked. Sasha chuckled, "That's going to look real good on future job applications." "And we'll have videos to prove it," said Marcy. The four friends laughed and got everyone in for a group hug, Grime included. What little do they know was that the Core's helmet instantly turned on and crawled out of sight.

Back in the streets of Los Angeles, the herons were cleaning up all the rubble and robot parts that have been left on the streets. Matthew and Sarah return to help the Boonchuys and their daughters. They look at their phone and contact Anne and the others. The four friends were planning on tying up loose ends. They gathered all their Amphibia friends, Andrias included, and prepared to go back to Amphibia.

"Now we just need to see everyone back safely to Amphibia," said Anne. "And make sure everything's okay on the other side." She gives them a thumbs up, and so do Jane and Amelia. "We'll hold down the fort here," said Mrs Boonchuy. "Just until you get back home," said Matthew.

"And Mr and Mrs B and L," said Marcy. "Could you let our parents know we're okay?" "And that we'll be back soon?" Sasha asked. "Sure," replied Mr Boonchuy. "Now that the robot attack was all over TV, it'll be easier to explain."

"See you soon," said Marcy. "And Mrs L, I'm glad you're feeling better." "Me too, Marcy," said Sarah. "Me too." "Bye everyone," said Darrel. Then, Anne hangs up and the group set out for Amphibia one last time. They charge the music box and drive the castle through the portal.

Back in Amphibia, the resistance was still fighting what's left of the robot army until the castle returned to Newtopia. They looked like they were going to land, until the castle missed the landing pad and landed in the shallow waters next to the city.

"Woo! Stuck the landing!" Polly cheered. The rest of the group groaned, "Okay," said Marcy. "Who thought letting Polly drive was a good idea?" The group walk to the balcony to find the resistance looking over the castle. Lady Olivia delivered the good news, "King Andrias and Darcy have been defeated! We are Victorious!"

The citizens of Amphibia, frogs, newts, toads, and salamanders were all so happy that the war was officially over. The crowd cheered and cheered, and the group looked down on them with happiness.

"Huh," said Sasha. "Everything is over. Looks like we didn't even need that prophecy." Marcy was shocked to hear what Sasha said. "Prophecy? What Prophecy?" Darrel and Anne look up to the sky, holding hands. Sprig looks down and asks them, "Anne, do you think things between us will change too? The way that things change between you, Sasha, Marcy, and Darrel?" Anne smiled, "It's hard to say Sprig. But if they do, we'll face it together." "Together," said Tint. Darrel nods in response. The four look back up to the sky, and Sprig spots something very strange.

"Hey, is it just me? Or is the moon getting closer?" The four look up, and so do the rest of Amphibia. They watch in horror as the red moon, overlooking Amphibia, is approaching at an alarming state. "Wha- What's going on?" Anne asked. "No," said Cronaxx. "It can't be…"

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