

When we returned to our small ship and set sail, I finally allowed myself to think seriously. The main reason why I didn't suppress Crocodile was simple — unwillingness to take responsibility for the further course of events. The Mugiwar team, no matter how chaotically they acted, somehow solved global problems. Their presence was significant to the world as a whole, even if I didn't know all the details.

I had already eliminated such figures as Gekko Moriya, Enel and Doflamingo, but I was sure that these actions had not deprived Mugiwar of important stages of their development. Of course, I still make it difficult for Robin and the team to form a normal relationship, most likely I weakened the chances of meeting Brook, and also prevented the formation of an alliance between Trafalgar and Luffy. But this is a future event that is still capable of happening, but Crocodile is the present. He is one of the important parts of their journey. Defeating Crocodile would strengthen some of their team members and help them make useful connections, including Nico Robin. She also played a role—although I wanted to learn from her, I wasn't going to take her with me. Leave her on an island later? That would be low. Leaving her with the Mugiwars seemed like the logical decision.

On the other hand, I've already intervened in history. The death of key figures creates a power vacuum, and the consequences are obvious: the search for a replacement, the acceleration of the project to disband the Shichibukai. When the Crocodile falls, this process will become even faster. Add here the possibility of interference in a possible conflict between Belous and world governments, and the need to confront Blackbeard — the playing field will change beyond recognition.

But there is also a moral aspect. My inaction will lead to casualties among the people of Alabasta. Helping them means saving lives, but it can also weaken Mugiwara, leading to even more future casualties. Strengthen them artificially? Create additional obstacles for them or train them?

While I was thinking about it, I caught myself thinking that in the end I was just postponing the choice. I have to justify my interference or inaction for myself — not with excuses, but with clear principles. I turned to Nico Robin, who was sitting across from me, calmly watching the sea.

— Miss Oldsunday, if you had the opportunity to interfere in other people's plans, knowing that it would benefit many, but at the same time disrupt your own plans and deprive you of control over some important events, what would you do?

She turned her head slightly, studying the Mugiwar ship as it sailed away. Her face showed no emotion, but the pause she made before answering was meaningful.

— I can assume that such situations do not occur very often, — her voice was relaxed, but even so I understood that she was being cautious. — However, before acting, I would think about whether I have enough information to understand what result my intervention will bring.

—Information is the key," I nodded, following her words carefully. — The only question is how to use this information.

"Depending on the case," she didn't refute my words, she just wanted to understand what I was getting at. — Details are extremely important to make decisions or give advice, Mr. Historian. I'm afraid an exchange of opinions is unlikely to help you in any way.

I squinted over the misty horizon, I was interested in her degree of trust in me. I decided not to take any chances and not to reveal my cards.

I've spent the last week reading books, studying everything I could find about history, without violating any prohibitions. If he didn't understand something, he had to resort to fortune-telling or consult Robin. I admit, I got so carried away that I didn't notice the agents of Baroque Works arriving at Rain Diners. I realized this only when I saw them already leaving the casino.

From that moment on, it became clear that events had begun to unfold much more rapidly. It seems that today is the very day — the culmination of all this mess. To be honest, I wasn't particularly eager to get involved, so I decided to stay in the room and watch. To do this, I used Bruno's hidden dimension, which is a convenient place for surveillance. I just waited and watched everything that was going on.

A couple of hours later, the Mugiwar team was captured, and along with them, Princess Vivi was imprisoned outside. The most interesting thing here was, of course, the Smoker. Funny, I wonder if he remembers me. We crossed paths a year ago. But I decided not to draw attention to myself. Well, why? I'm kind of not a criminal, just an observer. So when Crocodile left the room, I came out of the hidden dimension.

—Good afternoon,— I greeted the prisoners with a slight smile. "Can I help you?"

—Hey, what the... Luffy was the first to speak, blinking his eyes as if he had seen a ghost. "Who else are you?"

— Ah, ah! — Usoop immediately made a fuss. "It's him!" The guy with that scary woman!

— I did scare you. I made a conciliatory gesture with my hand. — Don't worry, I'm not an assistant to the Baroque Works. I studied history and only accompanied her. So, can I help you?

Luffy tried to get closer, but the cage was in the way. The rest of the team watched me warily.

"Studying history?" Smoker asked, narrowing his eyes. — What exactly are you interested in?

"The past of this world,— I shrugged. — Poneglyphs, ancient civilizations, lost knowledge... In fact, I don't care what I study.

— You're lying! — Nami was outraged. "If you're not with them, then why were you hiding?"

—Caution," I answered honestly. — It's better not to show up against the Crocodile once again. However, you have now seen for yourself.

"So you're going to get us out?" Luffy looked at me with childish expectation.

— Why not? — I was instantly inside the cage itself.

—Hey, what are you doing?" Usoop cried out.

"I need some space," I replied calmly. — Step away from the bars.

When they obeyed, I fired an air bullet, which tore a large hole in the cage with a loud explosion.

— Wow! — Luffy was at the gap in a flash. — That was awesome!

"The main thing is that it works,— I smiled. "Now hurry up. Crocodile won't be waiting long.

— Thank you! Luffy happily patted my shoulder before rushing out into the hallway.

"Wait, you idiot! — Nami and Ussop tried to stop him, but it was useless.

— Well, good luck, I'm leaving you, I still have things to do. I'll see you soon. — That was the last remark before I left the room.

I didn't explain that I didn't need the Mugiwar team, but only Nico Robin. Even though I wanted to earn her trust, it wasn't my style to interfere in events so rudely.

After leaving the room, I went to my VIP room to pick up the collected books. Then, like a ghost, he appeared on the Mugiwar ship. I decided to wait for them here.

It was a reasonable decision: in an empty room, I could go about my business in peace. While on the ship, I hoped to convince Niko Robin to teach me how to read the ponoglyphs, and then go to Jaya. I had another goal there, to catch Blackbeard.

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