
Using Copy

In the crowded streets of Musutafu, Naoki wandered aimlessly, scanning his surroundings, his sharp eyes flicking left and right. He wasn't just taking a stroll—he was looking for someone.

'Well,' he thought, 'I turned thirteen last week. Time to use Copy. I've waited long enough, and I still haven't found a better quirk. So, I'm nabbing All Might's.'

Naoki adjusted his pace, heading towards one of All Might's known patrol routes. He knew Copy required proximity—100 meters, to be exact—but that was not much of a problem, 100m is a respectable distance.

As he walked, he hummed a song under his breath, words flowing in rhythm with his steps:

🎶 Get the f*** out of my head. 🎶

🎶 So long, sucker. 🎶

🎶 I don't wanna see you; I hate this life. Wooooah! 🎶

🎶 Get your fingers out of my hair. 🎶

🎶 You're gone, sucker. 🎶

Just as he reached the second verse, a sudden commotion erupted. The crowd began buzzing with excitement, and a wave of exclamations rose.

"Woaaaaah! It's All Might!"

"He's so buff!"

"Can I get an autograph, All Might?"

"I wonder what kind of hair gel he uses."

Naoki turned his gaze, and there he was—the man, the myth, the legend himself. All Might stood larger than life, his trademark grin plastered across his face as he declared, "I am here!"

Naoki didn't waste a second. He focused and activated Copy.

[Copy Activated]

[Target: Yagi Toshinori]

[Copy Options Available:]

1: Master Grappling

2: Master Intimidation

3: Master Boxing


8: True Heroic Spirit


13: Quirk: One For All


23: Kind Soul


The list was almost overwhelming, a testament to All Might's incredible abilities. Naoki scanned through it briefly, nodding in admiration.

"Man, respect where respect's due. This guy's got skills on top of skills," he murmured. "But... obviously, I'm picking 13: Quirk: One For All."

[Attempting to Copy Quirk: One For All...]


[Quirk: Transfer Acquired ]

[Quirk: Stockpile Acquired]

[Quirk: Gearshift Acquired]

[Quirk: Fa Jin Acquired]

[Quirk: Danger Sense Acquired]

[Quirk: Black Whip Acquired]

[Quirk: Smokescreen Acquired]

[Quirk: Float Acquired]

Naoki blinked as the notifications flooded in.







"Da f***?"

He shut his mouth quickly, realizing he was still in a busy street. Without hesitation, he headed toward the train station, trying to process the flood of information.


Back home, Naoki sat cross-legged on his bed, staring at the Easy Access Screen. His mind raced as he reviewed the quirks he had just copied.

[Quirk: One For All: A quirk born from merging of two very compatible quirks. Growing and absorbing quirks into itself as it is passed down from user to user.]

[Quirk: Transfer: A quirk capable of transferring quirks from the user to another.

Transfer conditions:

1: The user must be willing to transfer the quirk.

2: The user's DNA must be ingested by the receiving party. ]

[Quirk: Stockpile: A quirk capable of stockpiling energy.]

[Quirk: Gearshift: Manipulates the acceleration and deceleration of objects.]

[Quirk: Fa Jin: Accumulates and releases kinetic energy.]

[Quirk: Danger Sense: Detects nearby danger and hostile intent.]

[Quirk: Black Whip: A quirk capable of producing and manipulating tangible black energy tendrils.]

[Quirk: Smokescreen: A quirk capable of producing a large amount of smoke in a short amount of time.]

[Quirk: Float: A quirk allowing the user to float.]

Naoki sat frozen, staring at the screen. He ran his fingers through his hair, muttering, "This… this is nuts. Where's the super strength? Isn't All Might supposed to be all about raw power? How is he this strong without a strength-based quirk?"

His thoughts were a jumbled mess.

"What the hell is this? I thought All Might's quirk was super strength or some kind of kinetic force emitter! There's nothing here remotely related to strength. Even if he charges Fa Jin every waking moment, it wouldn't support his ridiculous feats. And eight quirks?! What even is this!"

'More importantly, I wanted more raw power. These are just miscellaneous quirks. I'll probably be able to replicate them with Truth using some clever phrases anyways .

How does he even have that much power anyways? Does he have some other talent or something with a misleading name, so I didn't notice? And why don't he use all the quirks. The other quirk aren't that obvious but I've never seen him use black whip or smokescreen before in any of the videos of him. These should have very visible signs of usage. What gives?'

"Argh, my head. I'm getting a headache just by thinking about it." Naoki clutched his head and complained.

Just as Naoki was complaining, a blue screen popped up,


[Vital Energy Stockpile indicator has been moved to the resource section.]

"Vital Energy?" Naoki frowned. "What's that?"

Naoki quickly opened the Easy Access Screen and looked into it.

[Truth Energy: 913/1000]

[Vital Energy stockpile: 1]

"Vital Energy huh, maybe that's what All might is using. Let's try it out."

Moments later, he sat in disappointment.

"Okay, that's... underwhelming. Barely noticeable increase in strength, and it only lasts a few seconds. Worse, it took three whole hours to stockpile one point. What kind of scam is this?"

But then, Naoki noticed something odd.

"The Vital energy didn't drop to zero—just grayed out. Let's try using it again."

A few moments later.....

"So, I can't use it while it's grayed out huh. What's going on??"

Curiosity piqued, he paced back and forth. Then, like a thunderbolt, realization struck.

"Maybe.....maybe the Vital Energy is just utilized, not expended. Like a muscle! You don't run out of muscles after using them. You just tire them out and after a while, they can be used again."

Naoki sat down on the bed again,

"So All Might got this strong after years of stockpiling Vital Energy? No no, it still doesn't make sense. At his earliest known activities, he's only in his early twenties. And he's already changing the weather with his punches by then."

"A couple decades worth of Vital Energy stockpile will only get you the strength of a moderate strength enhancing quirk for a few hours."

He quickly returned to the screen, scanning for answers. His gaze fell on the description of One For All.

[Quirk: One For All: A quirk born from merging of two very compatible quirks. Growing and absorbing quirks into itself as it is passed down from user to user.]

"Ahh, eight quirks. So eight lifetimes worth of Vital Energy stockpile huh? That'll do it."

Naoki lied down flat on his bed, stared at the ceiling and sighed.

"Mystery solved huh. Still sucks though, the quirk is practically worthless to me. I will be in my middle ages whan it starts becoming mildly useful."

He sighed deeply, rubbing his temples. "Okay, calm down. No point crying over spilled milk. They're still quirks, and I can use them. Let's figure this out."

[Truth Energy: 929/1000]

[Vital Energy stockpile: 1]

"Wait a minute." Naoki's eyebrows scrunched up. "The Vital Energy displayed does not show maximum capacity. Does it mean it can stack up indefinitely?"

Then Naoki suddenly remembered the description of Stockpile,

"Stockpiling energy.....hmmm.....FCK STOCKPILING ENERGY!!"

Naoki shot up from his bed, eyes wide and started praying to every known Dietes.

'Dear Gods and Goddesses, Buddhas and my patron, please let this work!!!'

"Transfer 300 Truth energy into Stockpile "

[Truth Energy: 632/1009]

[Vital Energy stockpile: 1]

[Truth Energy stockpile: 300]


AN: The will probably be no chapter tomorrow. I don't know about other authors, but it takes me about 4hrs to write a chapter, put it through gpt, then modify it so it has some personal touch and not Ai generated-ish to read, reading the outcome and fixing some knickknacks, then re-reading again. So, it's not really feasible for me to release a chapter everyday (with schoolwork and stuff). I'll release at least a chapter evey other day, and more if I have some free time and my creativity is tingling.

Anyways, enjoy the fanfic guys, Author out;)


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