
Chapter 12

Arriving in front of his abandoned-looking home, Arthur looked around before opening the front door after finding that no one was around or watching him.

Closing the door behind him, Arthur headed into the living room where he took out his clean set of clothes that he had washed and dried at school and quickly changed into them.

'Alright, i should have around an hour and a half to two hours before i have to head out and meet with Jacob and the rest.' Arthur thought as he took out his notebooks and quickly started doing his homework for the day.

It was almost laughable to him how easy the homework was when you knew the entire book by heart.

It didn't take longer than half an hour to complete them all and even then it would have been faster however he was limited by his writing speed and the fact that he had to be careful to not make any mistakes.

He didn't have an unlimited supply of notebooks so he had to save up even on the pages.

After placing the notebooks and school books back into his backpack, he headed to the kitchen where he took out one of the new rabbits that he had hunted and skinned the other day and quickly sliced off a leg.

Cooking it in the stove as usual, Arthur finished his meal in less than half an hour and then cleaned everything up before turning toward the front door, ready to head out.

'Alright, with that everything is ready and in order. Would love to have at least a perfume or some kind of deodorant.' Arthur thought to himself as he brought his nose to smell his clothes.

'Alright, I don't smell at least.' Arthur thought before starting to walk toward the door.


The front door made a loud noise as always when he pushed it open.

Closing it behind him, Arthur quickly started walking away from the house and toward the meeting location in downtown Forks.

They were meeting at a small park in the center of Forks.

Arthur didn't really get why a park was made at all in Forks.

'We are literally surrounded by a large forest on every single side, there was no need for a park to be built. It's just a waste of resources, both material and human.' Arthur thought as he lightly shook his head whilst walking.


Hearing a car horn behind him, Arthur turned his head to check what was going on.

It was a silver Volvo.

A car that he knew very well before this body of his was even born.

He knew it from a past life as well as from this life.

It was Edward Cullen's car.

Looking inside the car through the front window, Arthur saw two people, one driving whilst the other sat in the front passanger seat.

'Edward and Alice? What is it this time?' Arthur thought making sure to keep his mind occupied by different ideas so that his thoughts wouldn't go places when in front of the telepath.

"Alice?" Arthur said aloud as the car stopped in front of him and the side windows rolled down.

"Hey, Arthur where you goin'?" Alice questioned as he gave him a large smile and a wave.

"Ah, I'm meeting with Jacob and the others at the Park, we're going to Port Angeles for some drinks tonight," Arthur said as he returned the small wave before giving Edward a small nod of his head.

"Drinks? Isn't that illegal at your age? What, do you want to be a bad boy? First stealing and now drinking. You're really different from how the professors view you." Alice said her voice clearly showing that she was joking as she gave him a sly grin.

"Right, not everything is at it seems on the surface, either way i dont really plan on drinking, They didn't really give me a choice to refuse with how clingy Jacob is." Arthur said as he released a sigh, creating a small blow of mist in front of him.

For a moment, silence reigned before the grin on Alice's expression widened even further.

"Right, so you don't really want to go right?" Alice questioned.

"Yeah, don't tell others though," Arthur replied his tone soft, clearly indicating that he didn't care even if they did tell others.

'What does she want now?' Arthur thought inwardly though he could already guess but he was hoping that his guess wouldn't be true.

Sadly, it seemed it was.

"Why don't you come with us then? Edward and I are going to this restraunt in Port Angeles for some food, no drinks and probably better food." Alice asked Arthur whilst Edward who was behind her simply nodded his head, showing that he didn't mind Arthur joining them.

Arthur tried his best, he really did however her words caught him off guard and so his mind slipped.

'Restaurants? You can't even eat.' Arthur thought before he quickly focused his mind once more.

Edward raised an eyebrow slightly as he looked at Arthur questioningly.

"Sure, Alice." Arthur said before walking to the back of the car and opening the door before sitting down on the back passanger seats.

"Yeah!" Alice almost yelled with an excited tone though it was clear that she was exaggerating.

"I just remembered, I don't have any money on me right now though," Arthur said as he got ready to get out of the car.

"Don't worry, I'll pay for you. We're friends after all aren't we Arthur?" Alice said as she turned her head to look at Arthur who was seated behind her.

"Yeah, thanks Alice. I'll pay you back later." Arthur replied with a soft nod of his head.

Just as Edward was about to start driving once more, Alice interjected again.

"Wait, I'll sit with Arthur." Alice said, her expression showing a sly smirk as she got out of the car and practically pushed Arthur aside as she sat next to him.

"Hi," She said as she gave him a small wave.

"Yeah, Hi." Arthur thought as his confusion only increased at the woman beside him.


Here's the chapter, thanks for reading and I hope you guys enjoyed it.

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As always, lots of love!


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