
10. Heavy Raccoon Strategy

Alex would rather them just run away from here and leave Deliora to this continent's Mage. But Deliora has locked them as his target, so they can't even run away now.

Instead, turning their backs against him is more dangerous because they can't see what he will do. That's why facing the giant demon will give them a better chance instead.

"Is that possible?"

Ur seems unsure after hearing Alex's plan although it certainly seems to have the highest success rate.

"We need to try to know. But we will race against time because I can't do it for too long."

Alex urges Ur to make a decision quickly because they don't have much time to discuss. Ur finally agrees after thinking for a while, so Alex immediately makes his preparation.

Deliora is walking towards them, so Alex can't waste more time. Ur also gets ready while Ultear is holding Lyon who thinks he is included in the plan. Gray is still held by the sand, so they don't need to worry about him.

"Take Over! Beast Soul: Shukaku! True Body Mode!"

A massive yellowish brown magic circle appears beneath them with Alex as the center. He has learned more about Take Over Magic, so his transformation looks like proper magic now.

The use of a magic circle to transform really shows its worth when transforming into Shukaku's full body mode. His transformation is faster and he uses a lot less magic power than when he didn't use a magic circle.

The massive magic circle glows and then the soil beneath them starts to turn into sand. Then the sand moves up and starts covering Alex's body.

Even the others are also being covered by the sand although unlike Alex who is getting fully covered, they only get their lower bodies covered by it.

Soon, a full size Shukaku appears. Shukaku's size is a little bigger than Deliora, maybe because he is fat, unlike the muscular Deliora.

Alex releases Ur from Shukaku's sand body while he keeps the 3 kids buried and only leaves their heads outside. They are on top of Shukaku's head now, so he can protect them anytime.

"Are you ready, Aunty?"


Ur is still stunned by Alex's Full Body Shukaku transformation. She never saw this kind of Take Over Magic before, after all. Heck, she doesn't even know what beast this is.

"I can still only use physical attacks in this form because I don't have enough magic power to use Shukaku's magic spells in this form. So I'll leave the magic attacks to you."

Alex doesn't hand over the control to Shukaku because Shukaku will just fight recklessly. Besides, the giant raccoon also prefers Alex to fight by himself to gain experience.

After holding Ur's feet on his head with his sand body, Alex runs toward Deliora. He needs to use his hands to help him propel himself forward because he has really short legs.

Deliora shoots another beam, but Alex dodges it easily even with how big Shukaku's body is. He is very agile and nimble for his size, which surprises Ur because it means Alex has very high physical power in this form.

Alex arrives in front of Deliora after a while and sends a punch with his right hand. Deliora counters it with another punch and the clash creates a powerful impact that destroys the already broken buildings around them even further.

Unsurprisingly, half of Alex's Shukaku right arm is destroyed. Deliora still has more physical power than even Alex in his Full Body Shukaku form.

"Tch! He's really strong."

Alex doesn't feel hurt even though his arm is destroyed. After all, this body is made out of sand and he can restore it.

Though seeing his arm getting destroyed still scares the others because they really think that Alex is losing his right arm. So they sigh in relief when Alex's Shukaku arm grows again.

"Hey, kid. That guy can destroy my arm at the current level, so we can't seal him because he can just destroy the seal too. Our only choice is to kill him even if it's difficult."

Shukaku tells Alex that even his seal won't stand a chance against Deliora. The power of Shukaku's abilities depends on Alex's power, after all, and now Alex is still not strong enough to match Deliora's power.

"Then we can only depend on Aunty Ur's magic. But we need to assist her."

Alex knows that even Ur can't defeat Deliora. This demon is very durable and has high resistance to most magic spells.

The most effective magic against Deliora is obviously Devil Slayer magic. But there's no Devil Slayer among them, so it will be difficult.

It will be difficult but it's not impossible. Normal type magic will still damage demons, after all. The examples are how the Fairy Tail Mages defeat the demons in Tartaros.

It's just that Devil Slayer magic inflicts more damage to Demons than normal magic. So normal type magic still causes damage to demons. The same case also applies to Dragons and Gods.



"Ice Make: Rose Garden!"

Ur creates massive ice chunks in the shape of roses and thorns that bind Deliora's body. But then Deliora shoots another magic beam towards them.

Thankfully, Alex reacts in time. He jumps high to the sky to avoid Deliora's magic beam. Thanks to Ur's magic, Deliora is unable to move, so he can't move the magic beam to chase them.

Alex is now high above Deliora. He plans to drop on Deliora just like hos Shukaku dropped on that facility to destroy it.

Ur knows what he wants to do and quickly makes her own move.

"Ice Make: Nail!"

Ur creates a massive Nail above Deliora's head where Alex will fall.



Alex understands what Ur wants to do, so he starts spinning himself in the air. Then he slams his massive tail onto the giant nail instead of punching it or simply falling on it.

Shukaku has told him that Tailed Beasts' tail attacks are very strong. Coupled with Shukaku's body weight and the rotation, the tail attack just now becomes even stronger than how it should be.

Ur also uses her magic power to push the Ice Nail down after Alex hits it. So now the Ice Nail's power is very high.

The Ice Nail almost hits Deliora's face, but the Demon seems to realize how dangerous it is. So he uses all his power to move his head away from the giant Ice Nail.

Because of that, the giant Ice Nail hits Deliora's left shoulder instead. It actually pierces through the shoulder deep enough into Deliora's chest.

If Deliora is a human, then that nail will already pierce through his heart and kill him. But Alex doesn't know Deliora's body structure and how it's still alive with that giant Ice Nail piercing him like that.

Ur and the others also wonder the same thing. Not only Deliora is still alive even with something like that piercing his body, he also doesn't seem to feel pain.

Then to Alex's surprise, Ur suddenly dispels the Ice Nail. He wants to ask why, but then he sees blood spraying out of the wound caused by the Ice Nail and Deliora finally screams in pain.


"The Ice Nail was blocking the blood from coming out of his wound. Also, the coldness from the ice seems to numb his sense of pain. You remember what I taught you when you had an open wound, right?"

"Ah, we need to put pressure on it and in the case of Ice Mage, we can use our magic to close the wound to prevent blood loss."

Alex and the kids finally understand why Ur removes the giant Ice Nail. But they still can't relax yet because even with blood spraying out of such a big wound, Deliora still seems able to continue the fight.

Still, now they know that they have a chance to defeat Deliora because their attacks can damage him.

"It seems physical attacks are more effective against him. I realized that your tail attack on the nail was the biggest reason that Ice Nail could pierce Deliora's body. I also pushed the Ice Nail with my magic, but it didn't seem to give much effect."

"Huh? Wait! Does this mean?"

"Yeah, I'm counting on you, Alex."

Alex's face darkens because now he has more burden. He was supposed to assist Ur before, but now their positions are reversed.



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Ch. 60: Magic Council Squad

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