
The River of Styx



A tall, thin, black staff shot through the air, a boy riding it as he struggled to balance with just his feet.

'Too many.'

Illian thought, sweat dripping down his face as he breathed heavily.

His staff could easily decimate all of those creatures. 

However, due to the fact of them being spread out, it was almost impossible to get them all in one go without hurting himself.

Especially the flying creatures and smaller monsters that could slip past Ruyi. 

Not to mention, Illian had to do this while blind because of the female snakes.

If he happened to miss these creatures the first time, it would give them the chance to close the distance.

And although Illian didn't like to admit it, he was useless without Ruyi.

'But that won't be the case for long.'

Upon thinking this, the speed at which Ruyi was expanding slowed until Illian was sailing through the air, standing upon his staff as he looked around.

'It still hasn't gotten easier to intricately control Ruyi. But I need to see where I'm going.'

However, because of this…



Looking back, Illian frowned as he witnessed three female vampires brandishing their teeth as they pointed their sharp dagger-like fingers at him.

Not too far behind them was a familiar lion flapping its bat wings, letting out an unfriendly roar as his eyes locked with Illians.

'Okay, maybe a little faster, Ruyi.'

Illian sweated as he looked straight ahead, turning his head from left to right as if he were looking for something.

And it wasn't long until something caught Illian's eye, over the horizon. 

'There you are.'

Illian grinned deviously.


"I have a question."

Illian spoke as he sat before Demeter. Naturally, she nodded her head allowing him to continue.

"What's the River of Styx?"

Demeter narrowed her eyebrows. It wasn't because of the question. 

No, it was quite natural for a mortal to have little knowledge of matters of the underworld.

But rather, a thought entered Demter's mind as he asked this.


"I heard Hera mention it earlier. I just want to know if it's something I should be wary of." Illian shrugged innocently.

Demeter paused for a second before answering.

"Styx is a river that flows through the Underworld, separating the realm of the dead from the living."

Illian raised an eyebrow upon hearing this, seemingly confused.

"That's it? The way Hera spoke of it…is that really all it is?" 

Illian asked, his eyes curious but his tone almost accusatory, locking eyes with Demeter's gaze.

"No. The river has the potential to grant…power to those who bathe in it." 

She answered reluctantly, a tinge of reluctance evident in the way she spoke.

Silence prevailed as Illian's expression remained the same.

But in the next second, one side of his lips curled upwards.

"Well, that's nice to know…"

"Stop. I can see the look in your eye. Before you do anything reckless, you should know the effects of the river are unpredictable."

"Even as Gods, we cannot predict the outcome of anyone who comes in contact with the river."

'Unpredictable my ass. They're afraid.'

Illian could only assume the Gods have had a bad experience with such cases, answering why even Hera was apprehensive about the thought.

But more importantly, Illian was focused on the fact that even Demeter was against the idea, seeing her uncomfortable expression.

'Why wouldn't she be?'

Demeter had put herself in a tough position.

For all she knew, Illian was going to use all this information for selfish gains. 

She practically shuddered at the fact of Illian becoming a problem for the Gods.

'Well, to be fair, she isn't exactly wrong. Everything is for my gain.'

But for Demeter, she had no choice. She was desperate.

And this desperation was something Illian could exploit.

"If I'm going to survive Tartarus, let alone the whole Underworld, I'm going to need every advantage I can get."

'I wonder. Will she choose to side with the Gods' needs or the life of her daughter?' 

Despite asking this inwardly, Illian already knew the answer.

"Fine. But if you're going to do this, it'll be a controlled procedure." Demeter gave in, her words causing Illian some confusion.

"What do you mean?" 

"I meant what I said about the River of Styx. It's too unpredictable, thus making it dangerous."

"Even ten seconds, which is the least amount of time to reap all benefits, will have consequences even I can't foresee." 

Saying this, Demeter raised a single finger.

"Therefore, I recommend drinking the water of the Styx consecutively every day for a period of around 6 weeks."

"This way, you'll have a better chance at surviving and…are you listening to me?"

Demeter abruptly stopped, staring at the boy before her who didn't seem to be paying any attention.

Raising his head in the realisation that he'd dozed off, Illian answered.

"Yeah, I hear you. Continue." 

'I'm really starting to not like that smile.'

Demeter thought. Though Illian's words were calm and sincere, they didn't match his grin. That only made Demeter uneasy the more she saw it.

'What is he plotting?'


Illian shot through the air, standing atop Ruyi as deformed and bloodthirsty creatures tailed him.

'Found you!' 

He exclaimed inwardly, seeing the long and seemingly never-ending body of water. 

Its blue luminous light illuminated the once pitch-black surroundings, the only light source Illian had seen since he'd gotten here.

'The River of Styx.'

Illian grinned, seeing the river that stretched on, further than even his eyes could see.

His heartbeat quickened and his legs started to shake due to nervousness. 

It wasn't because he was being chased by literal monsters of hell or the fact he was currently on the edge of Tartarus land that made him this way.

No, it was something else.

Something that made him remember the words Demeter had told him.

"Consume the water over a period of 6 weeks for the safest results. Anything else and even I can't help you." 

Illian summed up the lecture Demeter had given him.

'But there's a problem with that.'

Illian thought, nearing the River as he looked down and basked at the sight.

Death's Certainty.

The Curse which crippled Illian's hands and gave him less than two months left to live.

It was because of this Curse that…

'I don't have the luxury of waiting 6 weeks.'


Thinking this, Illian leapt off Ruyi, diving headfirst toward the river.


Illian darted his head to the side, noticing a few vampires diving like darts toward him.


Illian yelled as Ruyi shrank, flicking toward him as it spun through the air.

With the vampires dangerously close, Illian never faltered as Ruyi appeared beside him.



Despite it growing considerably in size, Ruyi didn't lose its spinning momentum, continuing to spin rapidly as a monumental pillar, creating a barrier between Illian and the monsters.

For the few Vampires arrogant enough to try and force their way through, their blood splattered through the air as they met the same fate as bugs on a windshield.

However, those who were left froze, the thought of moving around the pillar never occurring to them, though it would have been hopeless anyway.

No, instead the vampires and even the Lion stopped in midair as they stared at the boy diving toward the River of Styx.

Despite their intelligence lacking that of humans, their survival instinct was as good as any.

And every creature knew never to be near that River.

"Ruyi, come to me!"

Illian yelled, Ruyi shrinking and flicking toward him as he grabbed it with his teeth.

Despite the absence of Ruyi, the creatures still didn't pursue.

Because to them, that human was already about to meet a terrible fate.

'That's probably what they're thinking.' 

Illian thought, glancing at the creatures for a second as he looked away.

'But I don't care.'

During his first Scenario, Illian had realised one thing.

He was weak.

Abundantly so.

He could no longer blame it on his crippled hands or awful luck, as he couldn't help but think the situation would be the same even without the Curse.

He needed to become…more.

And it was because of this that he was never willing to even consider Demeter's offer.

'They're watching. I know they are.'


"I will be the best!"


The creatures watched as Illian dived into the river, disappearing under its luminous blue glow.

A second passed as they watched in disbelief.

Though they believed the boy was doomed, their curiosity overpowered them. 

They'd never seen what happened to those who came in contact with the river, and so naturally, they waited to see what happened next.

But as another second quietly sneaked away, nothing happened.

The water of the river quelled after the sudden disruption of Illian diving in and even the air bubbles were no more as the river returned to its usual divine lull.


A few of the vampires presented displeased expressions. 

Some were annoyed their dinner had escaped while others were hoping to see a show but were disappointed.



Soon, silence descended, the vacant surroundings returning to its…



The River exploded as the water shot into the air, parting as it revealed the solid ground once hidden underneath.

If the monumental black pillar that had appeared wasn't enough, riding the pillar and being shot off toward the solid ground, a small boy flipped through the air, bracing himself as he landed with a THUD.


Despite the speed at which he hit the ground and the height he dropped from, he straightened his body, seemingly unaffected as he paused, staring into blank space.

With his white clothing from Olympus completely drenched, it revealed a glimpse of his now lean physique. 

The visible ribs and almost caved-in abdomen were no more, replaced with a chiselled torso.

"I feel…different."

The boy mumbled, not only that, but he looked different too.


He thought, staring at the Goldfurred tail protruding from his back and waving before him.

But as if to confirm his thoughts, a screen appeared before him.

[You have triggered a premature Progression]

'The system, huh? I thought I wouldn't be able to access it in my scenario.'

The boy stared at the first screen, a few others appearing in succession to it.

[Ruyi Jingu Bang has undergone a transformation]

[Your Fiery Eyes have entered the next stage]



The water from the river descended with a BOOM, the river entering a small frenzy as if it had become a wild beast.

But as it calmed, the growls of a familiar beast entered the boy's ears as he looked to the side, brushing up the hair that stuck to his upper face, only to reveal his Golden Eyes, shining brighter than usual.

"I guess you'd like to be my test subject."

The boy mumbled while the Lion kept its focus on the pillar not too far away from them.

It had seen what the staff was capable of. But more importantly, it had seen the boy was useless without it.

And so, before the boy could get a chance, it leapt, brandishing its sharp teeth.



The Lion's teeth shattered as the boy kicked its jaw like a football, sending the Lion tumbling a few feet as it whimpered.

Using all the power it had, the Lion struggled to stay standing, looking back, blood gushing from its mouth, it felt something foreign to it rise from within.

Something it had never felt before, but it knew what it was. 

It was the same emotion that entered his nostrils whenever he cornered his prey.

Looking at the boy, it took a second to stare.

"This is Tartarus."

His cold Golden Eyes shined within the darkness, glaring at the Lion. 

The Lion could tell the boy was different than he was when they last saw each other.

If the change in demeanour and power weren't enough to signify this, the golden-furred tail flapping behind him definitely suggested he wasn't the same.

"The only thing that matters here is survival. There are only two options here. Die as the weak or live as the strong."

The boy stepped forward and soon crouched before the frozen Lion. 

As the seconds passed, it became more and more apparent what the Lion was feeling.

"But there's a third option. At least, a third I'm going to attain for myself."

It was fear.

"To become the best and rule over all."

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