
First Hero

"Are you truly still set on being my champion in this battle? I have to say, since truly gaining understanding of who you are, this to me, is far beneath you." Gilgamesh states as he stands, holding a glass of red wine in hand, observing Lucifer as he puts on his dark armor.

"You would think so, but I beg to differ. We have both already established that for me to win this bet with my father I need to be such a prominent figure in humanity's mind that it can not be made null even if the world turned to dust. 

They need to remember me even in their deaths, after all.

This battle as your champion will be marked as the first step on the journey of the Lightbringer to find his own light in the darkness of this world." Lucifer explains.

The king hearing this thinks over the fallen angel's words.

"Tell me my friend, what kind of stories do you humans like? What stories do truly impact you and are hard to forget, if ever forgotten?" Lucifer questions as he picks up the rusted blade and exams it.

After a couple of moments Gilgamesh of contemplation gave his answer, "Stories that make the emotions of the listener or reader well up. Stories where the one who reads it can relate to the main character. This is especially the case if there is a moral within the story."

"Indeed, and what better a story than the fallen archangel walking among humanity, attempting to understand them? A story where one can see the perspective of the one seen as the evil one in creation?" Lucifer states as he finally hangs the broken blade on his side.

"Yes, I understand your intentions now, but how do you intend to make these stories known to them?" the king questions confused.

"Through my Father's prophets and messengers of course," Lucifer responds, as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"What? Why would He or His servants ever aid you?" 

"Because if He doesn't then I will tear the universe asunder, and start another war, and this time I will make it so there is nothing salvagable left." Lucifer explains, his voice apathetic and cold as ice.

Gilgamesh hearing this flinches for a moment as wariness wells up within him and he takes a step back. "What do you mean?"

"See, little king, these past few months- well, months for you, eons for me, as time and space are but mere extensions of my Will, I have been contemplating my next course of action. I have been contemplating my Father's intentions and how to deal with it all, and I began to have this burning question on my mind,

Why do I still live?

Why has my Father not obliterated me if it is truly His intention?

All I can truly surmise is that He for some reason can't. He somehow can not do it Himself, as if there will be catastrophic consequences if He truly does..." The Devil muses out loud.

He after eons of attempts to once more break through the blocks within his mind was able to remember that once in his past life he had read that Creation can not remain without the Devil, that it needs Lucifer as much as it needs the Presence's Name on it to sustain itself.

His other self had tried to erase himself from existence by wiping his existence entirely from Destiny's Book, and yet even after he did, he still came back alive soon after, for reality itself could not let go of its Lightbringer. 

"I do not say that it is truly impossible for me to be permanently destroyed as my Father may actually intend, but that there must be a due process and not something that can just be done with a thought.

And so, I have decided to take Creation hostage." Lucifer clarified as a glint glimmered within his eyes. Faint, but sharp, akin to the glimmer of a knife in the shadows.

Gilgamesh knew he truly meant it, knew that if Lucifer was bluffing then his Father would not do as he intends, "Do you truly understand what you are saying? Taking Creation hostage? You speak of how your Father is a heartless monster who cares about nothing but His sense of control, then what about you when you wish to use us to further your own agenda?"

How could he change so fast and so drastically? A complete turn around from who he knew he was before... Or was he? Did he truly change at all? Had he misunderstood? 

This being before him once set the Heavens themselves ablaze and nearly brought all of Creation to its knees in his pursuit of Free Will. He murdered even his siblings for it and darkened the skies with the color of blood. 

The king remembers the day the Morningstar laid his heart bare before him and spoke of his sorrows, but he never truly spoke of regret towards his actions. Rather there was only regret for its necessity and his own failure for it made them obsolete. 

"Watch your words, Gilgamesh. I have overlooked your disrespect many times already, but do not think my patience with you unlimited." The King of Hell warned firmly.

Gilgamesh grit his teeth in rage. 'I have been a fool to let myself fall into the thought that this thing before me is like me, like us creatures of the cosmos, in any way that matters. He is no human, but a force of nature not unlike the wind.

Once he is calm and even gentle, bringing with him a peaceful breeze, but by the moment he can change into a raging Tornado that is apathetic to all within its path, only with the sole thought in mind that is to move forward, uncaring for the destruction it wroughts as it does.'

Lucifer sighed, "Do not misunderstand me little king. Even if I were to tear everything asunder, I can still create myself, and I would not let those I love be jeopardy.

I would simply make sure you, your kingdom alongside my family do not become collateral in my quest." the Morningstar states as he moves past Gilgamesh who's still as a statue as he felt absolutely powerless before this being before him.

Once the Devil stepped into the light of the star of the earth, he looked up at the sky and gazed in challenge.

The sky then split apart as within the golden clouds a being enveloped in a green light descended. The man or woman before him was wearing a plain tunic, nothing remarkable unlike what one would expect from a champion of the gods.

"My name is Lucifer, Star of the Morning. I am here as a represantive of the King of Uruk, the Golden Son, Gilgamesh." The archangel decided to introduce himself. It was best to for now still keep his identity hidden, so a change in form of speech from that of a monarch to a mere warrior is necessary.

"My name is Enkidu," Was all the chamption from the heavens stated as chains suddenly flung themselves towards Lucifer and the battle began.


(Author note: Hello everyone! I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!

As I said once before, Lucifer is not the perfect picture of morality. He after all never truly learned from his mistakes as I eluded to after the fall.

That his true regret was hurting the ones he loved for nothing, and if it was not for nothing, that it would have been worth it in his eyes.

As an archangel he is no longer human, but more a force of nature. One moment peaceful and another a natural disaster. Beings who can think really, really fast, are in my opinion always terrifying. 

Since their thougts are so fast, one moment they can be friendly towards you, and the next they are completely against you since their thoughts about you have changed into a new perspective.

Well, do please comment and review, and I'll see you all later,


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