

-Decades Later

As everyone in Heaven could sense the rage of God and Goddess, Samael knew he had succeeded.

As he flew towards the edge of the Sacred Garden, staying right outside of it, he saw Lilith running out of it, towards him in a black dress, jumping into his chest.

"Oh, what do we have here, a runaway bride?" Samael joked.

"No, no bride. I refused." Lilith mumbled into his chest.

"Did you now?" Samael questioned rhetorically as he stroked her dark hair.

"Though, pray tell why are you here with me? Am I not the one who ruined your relationship with your best friend? With Adam?" Samael questioned.

"No," Lilith began as she got out of his hold and looked him in the eyes, "You made me know the truth. Adam deserves- he deserves someone who's worthy of him, not someone who's only at his side because of graciousness. That is not how someone can build a family, both must be equals." Lilith explained.

"I see... But that still doesn't explain why you are here with me right now," Samael reiterated.

"For this," Lilith began as she suddenly kissed him. This was Samael's first kiss, in this life and the one before. 'Soft,' is all Samael could think as he melted into the kiss, till Lilith broke it.

"How was that?" She questioned with a smirk on her face after seeing his pleased expression. Though soon that expression turned stone cold as he gripped her by the jaw and pushed her against a nearby tree. They may be outside the Sacred Garden, but that did not mean there was no forest surrounding it.

"What is the meaning of this?" Samael hissed.

"What? Did you not enjoy it?" Lilith began, self-satisfaction clear from her voice.

"You think yourself unworthy of Adam yet come here and attempt to consort with me? Do you think me his lesser?" Samael continued furiously.

"Are you not?" Lilith questioned, mockery in her tone.

"I am the one who gave form to the very ground you walk upon!" Samael hissed as he tore her clothes apart and pinned her more strongly against the tree behind her, shaking it. "I am the one who lit the stars! The Light Bringer! Knower of Truth! Mightiest among all of Creation and you think my youngest sibling my better!?" He continued, and before she even had the chance to continue Samael once more kissed her with as much passion and rage as he could muster.

As the kiss broke, and Lilith panted for breath she smirked, "Prove it, prove you are his superior. I may have never slept with Adam or even shared a single kiss or that kind of touch, but I know him, I was created with him, been friends with him for years because of his patience and mercy towards me not wishing to be with him. Him hiding it from your Father and Mother, him himself agreeing that he does not desire me in that way, but not wishing me, someone he considers a sister punished.

I know him and I know he's been given the best characteristics a man can have, so prove it." Lilith finished

"Oh, I will darling," Samael retorted, his voice becoming more melodious. "I am the Honored One of Creation Lilith, none rival me in any form of endeavor. I am Desire itself incarnated. None can bring you as much pleasure as myself." As he stated this they continued, Samael's hands roamed her entire body as he pushed her onto the ground and his wings enveloped them, hiding them from any sight.


"What have you done!?" God's voice boomed through all of Creation as he saw the sight before him. Samael's and Lilith's body filled with marks of pleasure.

"I simply did what I said I would do, did I not? What you permitted." Samael retorted as he hid Lilith beneath his wings, with his Will clothing her, protecting her modesty. 

God's rage turned cold hearing this, and his gaze redirected itself towards Lilith. "You, Lilith shall not escape punishment for this! You shall be banished from this realm! Banished from the Cosmos into the Pits of Darkness!" God roared and as He did, His Will imposed itself upon existence.

"No!" Samael roared as he with his own Will tried to keep her within his arms, within his protection. "It's no use, Samael," Lilith stated as she felt the command imposed upon her being.

"No, I won't let Him! I won't let you be taken from me!" Samael yelled, telling her.

"He won't. No matter what distance, He still bestowed upon me Free Will and with this Free Will, I- I fell in love with you." Lilith stated in a gentle voice, putting her palm on his cheek, turning his gaze towards her.

"These past few years, as we met more and more, as you tried and tempt me more and more, you eventually stopped doing that. We started to enjoy each other's company. We the rejected, we the ones seen as inferior, as defected by our Makers. We became close... And I fell in love.

You did as well, but you for all your knowledge and wisdom never knew what that feeling was. I did, for I was born with that knowledge in grained within me and never felt it towards Adam, but you I did.

The proof of that is within me." She finished as she put her hand on her belly.

"No, no, no, please, Father please, don't do this! Don't take her from me!" Samael roared, but all for naught as she flew out of his hold and slowly disappeared into shadows as she was sent to the Pits.

"Lilith!" Samael roared, calling for her.

"It did not have to be this way my son," God began, Samael still in shock. "This path is of your own choosing. I never wished such agony upon you, but you brought it upon yourself. You should have left what was not yours out of your reach."

Hearing this Samael's gaze was filled with fury, as his eyes brightened for the first time ever no longer white light but red flames- flames that in the future will be called the Hellfire and turned his gaze towards his Father.

"You will pay for this father, be certain of that. What you did- what you took from me! This I will not tolerate! This is now war!" Samael roared, his voice echoing through the Heavens and Earth. And as he did he flew and a third of the host which he has been these last years bringing over to his side joined him. He flew towards the Palace, the Logos, where God's and Goddess's Voices that brought forth Creation sung for the first time and a flames burst forth from it, going infinitely high.

"Hear me! From this day forth I declare war on you all! Those who do not wish to fight me leave the Silver City to the new Cosmos! Those who stay at the side of God and Goddess, you are from now on my enemies!" Samael roared, and as he did the largest battle in all of history began.

And its grandest fall.


(Author note: Hello everyone, hope you enjoyed the chapter!

The Rebellion has finally begun! As some have questioned, yes, this is a SI, but Free Will means more to this Samael/Lucifer than it ever did the canon one because this one actually experienced it. Knows what it is like and yearns for it ever the more.

Also, yes, this is now a Lilith/Samael story, probably in the future Chloe will be added as well, Mazikeen will not, cause it will be well, disgusting/revolting and a number of other descriptions of how horrible it would be if Samael ended up with his own daughter.

So yeah, hope you liked it and do please review and comment. It makes me know you like it so that I want to continue, and yeah, see you all later,


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