
List of characters

The Weiher Family

Martin Weiher 

Franz Weiher - Martin's great-grandfather

Marlene Weiher - Martin's great-grandmother


Family Blumenfeld - Jewish family who lived next to the Weihers in the late 1930s


Albert Fuchs* - SS-Unterscharführer

Adolf Hitler* - der Führer

August Hirt* - director of the institute of anatomy in Strassburg

Heinrich Himmler* - Reichsführer SS

Rolf Joseph Schneider - Franz Weiher's friend and comrade

Wolfram Sievers* 

Martin's friends back in the US

Mirjana - his Serbian ex-girlfriend 

Every person labelled with a * existed. The dialogues they have in this novel are purely fictional. I will explain the role and rank of the * labelled people in the novel once they are relevant. I will NOT explain the ranks and roles of obvious persons such as Adolf Hitler or Heinrich Himmler. 

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