

"Let's start with Paper Art," Lucius said, turning to Nami. "Watch carefully."

[Demonstration Mode Activated]

[Paper Art Technique Enabled]

[Host can temporarily use techniques for teaching purposes]

Suddenly, Lucius felt his body become impossibly light. He leaped upward, his movement as graceful as a falling leaf, until his head bumped against the dojo's ceiling twenty meters above.

"Ouch," he muttered, though it didn't actually hurt. "Note to self - watch out for ceilings."

"You're actually floating!" Nami exclaimed, her eyes wide. "It's not just jumping?"

"No, look," Lucius demonstrated by drifting sideways. "Paper Art allows you to make your body light enough to be carried by the slightest air current. Perfect for avoiding attacks or navigating difficult terrain."

"Like when I'm running from enemies?" Nami asked hopefully.

"Exactly. Though it takes practice to maintain the right level of lightness. Too much and you'll float away, too little and you'll just fall."

[Technique Understanding - Nami: Basic Level Achieved]

"Luffy, would you mind helping me demonstrate the defensive capabilities?" Lucius called down.

"Sure!" Luffy grinned, stretching his arms. "How many punches should I throw?"

"As many as you can - I need to show how Paper Art works against rapid attacks."

"Okay! Gum Gum..."

[Iron Body Technique Added to Demonstration]

[Multiple Technique Combination Enabled]


A barrage of rubber fists flew at Lucius, but his body swayed and flowed around them like silk in the wind. He moved with liquid grace, each dodge flowing into the next. The few punches that did connect simply pushed him back gently, his Iron Body negating any damage while Paper Art reduced the impact.

"Incredible!" Vivi gasped. "He's not just avoiding the attacks, he's using their force to move!"

"That's right," Lucius confirmed. "Paper Art isn't just about being light - it's about using your opponent's energy against them. Now, watch this."

He activated Moon Walk to demonstrate his descent. Each step on the air created small ripples as he walked down an invisible staircase. The knowledge flowing into his mind told him exactly how much force to use, how to angle his feet to create solid footholds in empty space.

"It's like he's walking on clouds," Usopp muttered in awe.

[System Message: Techniques become more effective when used in combination. Host teaching ability increased]

'This is insane,' Lucius thought to himself. 'Yesterday I could barely climb a coconut tree, and now I'm walking on air? The system is incredible, but I can't let myself forget these aren't really my powers...'

Next, he turned to demonstrate Finger Pistol for Usopp. Before he could ask for a target, a straw training dummy materialized in the center of the dojo.

"What the hell?" Usopp jumped back. "Where did that come from?"

"That's..." Lucius started to say he didn't know, but the system provided an answer.

[Dojo Training Support Activated: Required equipment will materialize as needed for optimal teaching environment]

"This dojo is specially equipped for training," Lucius explained smoothly. "It provides what we need when we need it."

He formed his hand into a finger-gun position, focusing on the technique. Knowledge flowed into his mind about how to concentrate power into a single point, how to release it in an instant.

"The key to Finger Pistol is focusing all your strength into your fingertip," he explained. "Like compressing a spring until it bursts."

When he jabbed his finger forward, a visible distortion rippled through the air. The dummy's chest exploded outward where his finger-bullet struck, sending straw flying everywhere.

"That's as powerful as my lead stars!" Usopp shouted excitedly. "But without ammo! Think of all the money I could save on ammunition..."

"It's not just about power," Lucius cautioned. "Accuracy is crucial. Missing with a normal bullet is one thing, but miss with Finger Pistol and you've wasted a lot of energy."

For Vivi's Shave demonstration, Lucius found himself moving faster than he thought possible. One moment he was at one end of the dojo, the next he appeared at the other end with no visible movement between.

"The key is to kick the ground ten times in an instant," he explained, demonstrating the footwork in slow motion. "Each kick pushes you forward while simultaneously hiding your movement from observers."

"Like this?" Vivi attempted it, managing three rapid kicks before losing balance. Despite her stumble, her form was surprisingly good.

"Excellent start!" Lucius praised. "But be careful - too much force can damage your legs if you're not properly conditioned. We'll need to work on strengthening exercises first."

[Student Progress Detected - Vivi: Initial Aptitude High]

Finally, for Karoo's Tempest Kick demonstration, more training dummies appeared in a row. Lucius swept his leg through the air, creating a visible blade of compressed air that sliced through all the dummies at once.

"QUACK!" Karoo spread his wings excitedly, studying the leg movement intently.

"With your powerful legs," Lucius told the giant duck, "you could potentially create even stronger cutting waves than this. The technique works by compressing air along the path of your kick until it becomes sharp enough to cut."

Karoo attempted a practice kick, generating a small whoosh of air.

[Student Progress Detected - Karoo: Natural Leg Strength Advantage]

"This is all so amazing!" Luffy had been watching each demonstration with increasingly sparkling eyes. "Everything looks cool! Are you sure I can't learn them all?"

"One at a time, Luffy," Lucius smiled. "Each technique requires complete focus to master. Though I must admit, your enthusiasm reminds me of my most eager agriculture students."

[Host Teaching Style Assessment: Positive reinforcement increasing student engagement]

"But when do we start the actual training?" Luffy bounced impatiently.

"Soon," Lucius promised. "But first, you need to understand what you're trying to achieve. Nami, notice how Paper Art requires constant awareness of your body's weight. Vivi, Shave demands perfect coordination between kicks. Usopp, Finger Pistol isn't just jabbing - it's about focusing power. Luffy, Iron Body means learning exactly which muscles to tense and when. And Karoo, Tempest Kick requires precision as much as strength."

[Tutorial Demonstrations Complete]

[Individual Training Sessions Ready to Begin]

[Current Student Interest Levels: Significantly Increased]

[Warning: Student progress will affect Host's Sensei Points]

Looking at his eager students, Lucius felt both excited and nervous. The system had given him the knowledge to teach these techniques, but knowledge alone wasn't enough. He'd need to adapt his teaching style to each student's unique needs and abilities.

"Alright," he decided. "Everyone find a spot on the floor with some space around you. We'll start with the basics - proper breathing and muscle control. These techniques might seem impossible now, but remember what one of my old teachers used to say: 'The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.'"

"Or in this case," Luffy grinned, punching his palm, "a single punch!"

"QUACK!" Karoo agreed enthusiastically.

"Just... try not to break anything while we train," Nami sighed, but she was smiling too.

"The Great Captain Usopp never breaks things!" Usopp declared, then added quietly, "Unless it's on purpose..."

"We'll be careful," Vivi promised, already practicing her footwork.

Lucius watched them begin to spread out across the dojo floor, each finding their own space to practice. He might not be able to use these powers himself in real combat, but maybe that was for the best. After all, a teacher's true power wasn't in what they could do - it was in what they could help others achieve.

"Now then," he said, center himself in front of his students, "let's begin your first lesson..."

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