
The Turning Point

Rudolf Diesel was a name synonymous with ingenuity, a name that would one day be etched in history for revolutionizing the field of internal combustion engines. However, in the year 1905, Diesel's reality was far from the bright future his inventions would later bring. The man who had dreamed of creating an engine with higher efficiency, lower fuel consumption, and the ability to use low-quality fuel was now living on the edge of bankruptcy. His revolutionary diesel engine had immense potential, but the world wasn't yet ready to embrace it. His financial troubles, compounded by a lack of business acumen, had led him to a dead end.

Oscar, however, saw something in Diesel that most people overlooked—a genius whose ideas would shape the future of warfare, transportation, and industry. He understood that securing Diesel's talents now would give him a considerable advantage in the race to develop military engines, particularly for tanks, armored vehicles, heavy trucks, and submarines. These applications were indispensable to the future of modern warfare, and Oscar knew that Diesel's work would play a crucial role in shaping Germany's military might.

As he traveled to Augsburg, Oscar's purpose was twofold: to change Diesel's fate and to bring the German genius into his fold. Augsburg was not a city one might associate with grandeur, but it was home to the mind that would one day change the way the world powered its machines.

Oscar arrived in the city, heading straight for the address he had painstakingly tracked down. The office was located in the suburbs, in what could only be described as an abandoned factory—its exterior worn and weathered by time. Inside, Oscar was greeted by the sight of scattered engine parts, oil stains on the floor, and a pungent smell that lingered in the air. It was clear that Diesel's resources were limited, but what caught Oscar's eye was the engine itself: a crude yet brilliant creation that could revolutionize the world once refined.

"Excuse me, is Mr. Diesel there?" Oscar asked, his voice betraying no sign of hesitation despite the rough surroundings.

A middle-aged man emerged from the back of the workshop, wiping his hands on a rag. Diesel looked worn, his face weathered by both age and the hardships he had endured. When he spoke, there was a palpable sense of defeat in his voice.

"I am. Who are you?"

Oscar took a deep breath. This was it—the moment that could alter the course of both their lives. "Mr. Diesel, my name is Oscar. I've heard of your work, and I must say, I am very impressed by your invention. A high-power, low-fuel-consumption engine that can run on low-quality fuel—this has the potential to change everything."

Diesel gave a rueful smile, nodding as if he had heard this kind of praise before, but it offered him little comfort. "Yes, this is the diesel engine I invented. But not many people in the market see its value. Investors have turned away, and I am left struggling to keep the research going. There's no market for it. The world isn't ready."

Oscar could feel the weight of Diesel's despair. It was a fate he could not let happen. "Mr. Diesel, I believe in this engine. I see the future in it. And I want to help make that future a reality."

Diesel's eyes flickered with a spark of hope, though it was quickly doused by the weight of his years of struggle. "I wish I could believe that too, but the reality is harsh. I'm afraid I won't live to see it."

"No, Mr. Diesel," Oscar replied firmly. "I believe in your work, and I believe in you. You have a bright future ahead of you, and I will make sure that you get the support you need."

Diesel's eyes narrowed, as if he were trying to figure out why this young man had so much confidence in him. "Why do you believe in me so much?"

Oscar smiled, knowing the time had come to reveal his true intentions. "Let me introduce myself properly. I am Oscar, Prince of the German Empire. I am the owner of Deutsche Werft and the Deutsche Welfare Lottery Company. Recently, I have also registered a new company, Deutsche Engine Works, and I would like you to join me there."

Diesel's eyes widened in surprise, disbelief taking hold. "Prince Oscar?" he stammered. "But… but you're royalty! Why would someone like you be interested in me?"

Oscar chuckled softly, appreciating the shock that had overtaken Diesel. "Your work is of great value to me. I understand the importance of what you've created. And I believe that if we work together, we can develop diesel engines for military applications—tanks, armored vehicles, heavy trucks, and submarines. These are industries where your invention could make all the difference."

"Your Royal Highness…" Diesel started to speak, but his hands were covered in engine oil, so he awkwardly pulled them back. His awe was palpable. "You truly want to support my work?"

Oscar nodded, stepping forward to make his offer even more enticing. "I'm willing to purchase your technology patents outright for five million Marks, and in return, you'll have the full support of my company. I'll provide the research and development funds, and I'll build a state-of-the-art research center here in Augsburg. The factory can be located here as well, allowing you to remain close to home. Your dream of creating a diesel engine with greater reliability, higher power, and more compact dimensions can become a reality. I'm convinced that the future of this engine is incredibly bright, and I want you to be at the center of it."

Five million Marks. The offer was staggering, a sum so vast that Diesel couldn't even begin to process it. His life, which had been plagued by financial ruin, seemed to be turning around before his very eyes.

"Five million Marks?" Diesel repeated, his voice shaky with disbelief. "This is… I don't even know what to say."

Oscar smiled warmly, his confidence unwavering. "All I ask in return is your dedication. Together, we can perfect the diesel engine. And together, we will shape the future."

The room seemed to grow quieter as Diesel processed the enormity of the offer. The grim circumstances that had once defined his life were now giving way to a future full of potential. He looked at Oscar, his eyes filled with both gratitude and disbelief.

"I… I accept," Diesel said finally, his voice steady with newfound determination. "I will join your company, Your Highness. I will give my all to this work."

Oscar's eyes gleamed with satisfaction. He had secured the future of Diesel's genius, and with it, the future of German engineering. This was just the beginning.

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