
Duchess Of The Kingdom

The other figure was Falcon. He seemed fine, but the sleeves of his shirt were soaked in blood. "I'm so sorry, Jovana," Falcon whispered, looking sadly at her.

Elijah was the one on the ground. He was pale and motionless. Falcon was pressing a cloth over a wound in his chest.

"NOOOO!" Jovana screamed as she rushed to her brother's side, not sure of what to do. His forehead was still warm under her fingers, but he was barely breathing.

"He took a damned bullet for me!" Falcon said as he looked at a horse on the other side of the clearing, where the body of the sniper Elijah took down lay lifeless across the saddle. "The bullet went through, but he lost too much blood. And I don't have Serendipity on me. Jovana, tell me you have the vial to help him."

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