
[28] USJ Incident {1}

[All Might's POV]

Wednesday, 9:15am

I adjusted my trajectory mid-air, landing behind a villain who had cornered a family against a storefront. The mother's eyes were wide, her child clutched tightly to her chest.

"Fear not, good family!" I boomed, feeling One For All surge through my body. "I am here!"

The villain whirled around, but he might as well have been moving in slow motion. "MISSOURI SMASH!"

My chop connected with his neck, and he crumpled like a marionette with cut strings. In one fluid motion, I scooped up the mother and daughter, depositing them safely on a nearby rooftop.

"All safe now," I assured them, flashing my trademark grin. "Just another morning in the neighborhood!"

"All Might!" Mt. Lady's voice rang out as she approached, her expression a mix of awe and exasperation. "Taking all the glory again, I see."

"Ah, Young Takeyama! Just happened to be passing by."

She rolled her eyes. "Right. Like you just 'happened' to be passing by the last three incidents this morning."

A distant cry for help caught my attention. Sounded like a car chase.

"Duty calls!" I said to Mt. Lady. "Keep up the good work!"

I launched myself skyward, the wind whipping through my hair. As I soared over the city, my mind drifted to Young Nakamura. If we'd stuck to the original plan...

The screech of tires yanked me back to reality. Below, a stolen vehicle wove through traffic like a demented snake. I landed in its path, arm outstretched. The car slammed into my palm, crumpling like an empty soda can.

Phones flashed around me as I secured the criminal. I smiled and waved, but my thoughts kept circling back to Nakamura. That raw potential, that drive...

"All Might!" A police officer jogged up, slightly out of breath. "There's a hostage situation at Musutafu Bank!"

Perfect. The bank was near U.A. - I could make it to class on time if I wrapped this up quickly. I rocketed towards the bank, landing with enough force to crack the pavement. Inside, three armed robbers had ten civilians at gunpoint. Child's play.

"VILLAINS!" I announced, bursting through the doors. "YOUR CRIME SPREE ENDS HERE!"

They spun around, guns raised. Too slow. One punch sent them sprawling like bowling pins.

As I checked on the hostages, my reflection caught my eye in a shattered window. My true form stared back - gaunt, worn, a far cry from the Symbol of Peace.

"You're amazing, All Might!" One of the hostages gushed as I led them outside.

I grinned, though it felt heavier than usual. "Just doing my job, citizen! Now, if you'll excuse me - I have a class to teach!"

Young Midoriya was progressing well, but Nakamura... that boy was something else. If we'd chosen him, would he be further along by now? Would he have mastered One For All already?

I shook my head, dispelling the thought. No use dwelling on what-ifs. I'd made my choice, and Midoriya was proving himself worthy every day.

There was work to be done, and precious little time left to do it.

[Yoichi's POV:]

Wednesday, 12:15pm

I found myself sitting across from Yaomomo, surrounded by more organizational supplies than I'd seen in my life. She'd brought three different notebooks, a tablet, and what looked like enough sticky notes to wallpaper the entire room.

"So," she said, clicking her pen. "I've prepared an agenda."

"Of course you have."

She either missed my sarcasm or chose to ignore it. "First, we should discuss the proper documentation procedures for-"

"Hey, can I ask you something?"

She blinked, pen hovering over her pristine notebook. "Oh. Um, yes?"

"Why'd you want to be class rep?"

"Because someone needs to ensure proper procedures are followed and-"

"No, I mean..." I leaned back in my chair. "You're crazy smart, crazy rich, and could probably run a Fortune 500 company right now if you wanted. Why bother with student council stuff?"

She set her pen down carefully. "That's... not really on the agenda."

"Humor me."

For a moment, I thought she'd refuse. But then her shoulders relaxed slightly, and she gave me a small, genuine smile.

"Would you believe me if I said it was because of a butler?"

"Honestly? Yeah."

She laughed softly. "His name was Sebastian. He basically raised me while my parents were busy with the company. And every day, he'd ask me the same question: 'What did you do to help someone today?'"

"Sounds like a good guy."

"He was." She traced the edge of her notebook. "I used to make things for the other staff - little conveniences to make their jobs easier. A better duster here, an ergonomic mop there. Sebastian always said that true nobility wasn't about having things, it was about using what you had to help others."

"Is that why you want to be a hero?"

"Partly." She straightened a already-straight stack of papers. "But also... do you know what it's like to have everything handed to you?"

"Can't say I do."

"It's suffocating." The words came out sharper than I expected. "Everyone assumes your path is set. That you'll take over the family business, marry the right person, live the right life. But what's the point of having everything if you never earn any of it?"

I studied her face. Behind the perfect posture and expensive clothes, there was something fierce in her eyes.

"So you chose the hardest path possible."

"I chose to be useful," she corrected. "To earn my place instead of inheriting it."

"By organizing demon dryer committees?"

That got another laugh. "By starting small. Learning to lead. Understanding what people need instead of just throwing money at problems."

"That's... actually pretty badass."

She blushed slightly. "It's just practical. Besides, someone has to keep this class running smoothly, and-" She narrowed her eyes. "Wait. Are you trying to distract me from the agenda?"

"Would I do that?"

"Yes. Yes you would." But she was smiling as she picked her pen back up. "Now, about those documentation procedures..."

"One more question?"

She sighed, but it was more fond than exasperated. "Fine. One more."

"What happened to Sebastian?"

Yaoyorozu's pen stilled. She stared at it for a long moment, like she was seeing something else entirely.

"He retired three years ago. Or that's what my parents told everyone." She kept her voice neutral, but her knuckles whitened around the pen. "The truth is, he had early-onset Alzheimer's. Started forgetting things. Small stuff at first - where he put the keys, which tea set was my favorite."


"Yeah." She set the pen down carefully. "The worst part was watching him try to hide it. He'd been taking care of everyone else for so long, he didn't know how to let anyone take care of him."

"Did your parents-"

"They wanted to put him in a facility." Her jaw tightened. "A very expensive, very discreet facility where he wouldn't 'embarrass the family name.'"

"But you didn't let them?"

A small, fierce smile crossed her face. "I created a medical wing in our east garden. Hired the best neurologists in Japan. Told my parents it would look better for the company if we took care of our own."

"Speaking their language. Smart."

"Sebastian taught me well." She smoothed an invisible wrinkle from her skirt. "He still has good days and bad days. On the good ones, he remembers most things. Still asks me what I did to help someone."

"And the bad days?"

"He thinks I'm my mother sometimes. Or a new maid he needs to train." She shrugged, but it wasn't casual. "But he's safe. Happy, mostly. Has a garden to tend when he feels up to it."

"You visit him?"

"Every Sunday. He..." She hesitated. "He doesn't always remember my name anymore, but he remembers I like Earl Grey with a splash of milk. Still makes it perfectly, even on his worst days."

I thought about that. About muscle memory outlasting the mind. About love showing up in tea cups when words failed.

"That's why you take notes on everything," I said. "Why you document every detail."

She nodded. "Knowledge is fragile. Memory is fragile. But if you write things down, if you plan and prepare..."

"You can still take care of people, even when everything else falls apart."

"Yes." She looked at me like I was the first person who'd really understood. "Exactly."

"Your parents still giving you shit about it?"

"Language," she corrected automatically, then smiled. "But yes. They think it's a waste of resources. That I'm too... emotionally invested."

"Fuck that."

"Language!" But she was almost laughing now. "Though I admit, I've had similar thoughts. In private. With less cursing."

"Bet Sebastian would approve though."

"Of the cursing?"

"Of you fighting for what's right, even when it's hard. Especially when it's hard."

She was quiet for a moment, fiddling with her pen. "Can I tell you something I've never told anyone?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Sometimes..." She took a deep breath. "Sometimes I'm terrified I'll end up like him. That one day all these notes, all this planning and preparing, won't be enough. That I'll forget everything that matters."

"Hey." I waited until she looked at me. "If that ever happens - which it won't, but if it does - we've got your back. The whole class. We'll remember for you."

"Even the demon dryer incidents?"

"Especially those. We'll make a whole scrapbook. 'Yaoyorozu's Greatest Hits: The Appliance Chronicles.'"

She laughed, wiping at her eyes. "You're ridiculous."

"Yeah, but I made you laugh."

"True." She picked up her pen again, but her grip was lighter now. "Thank you. For listening. And for not... pitying."

"Nah, nothing to pity. You're kind of amazing, you know that?"

A blush crept across her cheeks. "I- that's not- we should really get back to the agenda."

"One more question?"

She rolled her eyes, but nodded.

"What would Sebastian think about you being class rep?"

Her whole face softened. "He'd probably say something wise about how true leadership is about service, not power. Then he'd make me tea and ask about my day, like he always did."

"Sounds like a good man."

"The best." She straightened her notebooks, composure returning. "Now, about those documentation procedures..."

"Actually..." I grinned. "I have another question."

"You said one more!"

"I lied. Sue me."

She tried to look stern, but her lips twitched. "Fine. One last question. Then we're actually getting work done."

"Deal." I tapped my fingers on the table. "What's the weirdest thing you've ever created with your quirk?"

"Oh!" Her eyes lit up. "Well, there was this one time when I was seven..."

The agenda lay forgotten as she launched into a story about exactly that. I settled in to listen, watching her hands move animatedly as she described her parents' faces when they found her conducting unauthorized physics experiments at 3 AM.

Some conversations were worth derailing a few documentation procedures for.

The lunch bell's chime cut off Yaomomo mid-sentence.

"Oh!" She gathered her untouched notebooks. "We didn't get through any of the agenda."

"The agenda can wait. I learned way more interesting stuff."

"Like what?"

"Like how you're secretly a mad scientist under all that proper exterior."

"I am not-" She paused. "Well, maybe a little. But those experiments were perfectly controlled."

We headed back to class, Yaomomo still defending her childhood experiments. The hallway filled with students, their conversations blending into white noise until-

"Yo! Nakamura!" Kaminari's voice carried over the crowd. He waved frantically from his desk as we entered. "Settle a debate for us!"

Beside him, Kirishima and Todo leaned forward like eager puppies. Well, Kirishima did. Todo just looked intensely focused.

"What's the debate?" I asked, sliding into my seat.

"Who's the hottest female pro hero?" Kaminari grinned. "I say Mt. Lady, but these heathens-"

"Mirko's clearly superior," Kirishima cut in. "Those muscles! That fighting spirit! So manly!"

"You're both wrong," Todo declared. "Ryukyu embodies the perfect balance of strength and grace."

I felt a presence behind me. "Having fun discussing your superiors?" Kaori's voice.

"Hey, it's important research!" Kaminari protested. "For... hero studies!"

"Right." Kaori perched on my desk. "So how was your 'study planning' with Yaomomo?"

"Productive," I said.

"Really? Because I heard zero planning and lots of laughing when I walked by."

"The best plans involve laughter," I bullshitted. She raised an eyebrow.

"Come on, Nakamura!" Kirishima pulled my attention back. "You gotta pick!"

"I don't actually-"

"He's clearly avoiding the question," Todo observed. "Perhaps his taste in women is too refined to share."

"Or too embarrassing," Kaminari stage-whispered.

"Or none of your business," Kaori suggested sweetly.

"Nah, now I'm curious too." Kirishima grinned. "Spill it, man!"

I glanced at Kaori, who watched me with poorly hidden interest. "Well..."

"Yes?" Todo leaned closer.

"If you must know..."

"We must!" Kaminari slapped my desk.

"...I think Recovery Girl is pretty hot."

Kaminari choked. Kirishima fell out of his chair. Todo just nodded sagely, like I'd confirmed something profound.

"I knew it," he said. "A man of culture. As expected from my brother!"

"You're all idiots," Kaori declared.

"Hey, don't knock Recovery Girl!" I protested. "She's got that whole experienced medical professional thing going on-"

"Please stop," Kaori groaned.

"Plus she's literally saved all our asses multiple times-"

"Moving on!" Kaminari waved his hands. "What about Mt. Lady though? Those proportions-"

"Are probably really inconvenient for hero work," I finished.


"Think about it. Every time she grows not in costume, she has to buy new clothes. That's expensive. Recovery Girl just needs some comfortable scrubs-"

"I'm leaving," Kaori announced. "You've all lost speaking privileges."

"Aw, come on!" Kirishima had recovered enough to climb back into his chair. "We're just having fun!"

"Your idea of fun needs work." But she stayed perched on my desk.

"What about you, Kaori?" Kaminari waggled his eyebrows. "Who's your pick for hottest hero?"


"No fair! Nakamura answered!"

"Nakamura's answer was deliberately ridiculous to derail your conversation."

I gasped. "Are you suggesting I'm not genuinely attracted to Recovery Girl?"


"My heart! My pure, honest feelings!"

"Your pure, honest bullshit," she corrected.

"Such cynicism! Todo, back me up here."

"I respect all genuine expressions of attraction," Todo said solemnly. "Even questionable ones."

"See? Todo gets it."

"Todo also thinks the proper way to greet someone is to ask about their type," Kaori pointed out.

"A valid method of establishing meaningful connections," Todo nodded.

The classroom door slid open, and Aizawa shuffled in looking like death warmed over. The hero debate died instantly.

"Before we start," he drawled, "I'm curious to know why I just heard an impassioned defense of Recovery Girl's romantic appeal in the hallway."

The class erupted in poorly stifled laughter. I kept my face carefully neutral.

"…No comment, sir."

"Mm." He stared at us. "I don't want to know, do I?"

"Probably not," Kaori agreed, sliding off my desk.

"Right. Well for today's hero training, things will be a little different," he announced, his face as impassive as ever. "All Might, myself, and another faculty member will be observing you."

I watched Aizawa's face carefully. The "another faculty member" bit seemed like more than a casual addition. After last week's incident with the prototype support items, having three pros supervising made sense.

"We're doing rescue training," Aizawa continued, his eyes scanning the room. "Time to put all of those lessons with Thirteen into practice."

"Yes!" Uraraka shot up from her seat, fists clenched. "We finally get to- oh, sorry!" She dropped back down, face red.

"Real rescue scenarios?" Kirishima leaned forward. "That's so manly!"

"Think we'll have to save civilians?" Kaminari asked.

"Obviously," Kaori muttered. "It's rescue training."

"I'm not finished," Aizawa growled, silencing the room. "Wear your costumes if you want, but remember they might hinder you. We're going by bus. Be at the front of the school by 1:30. That's all."

The room erupted the moment he left.

"I've been waiting for this!" Uraraka bounced in her seat. "Thirteen's my favorite hero, their rescue techniques are incredible-"

"Bet there'll be explosions," Kaminari grinned. "Giant fires, collapsing buildings-"

"It's rescue training, not a Mitchell Ray movie," Yaomomo sighed.

"Same thing!"

"Please never become a rescue specialist," Kaori said.

We grabbed our costume cases and headed for the locker rooms. Todo fell into step beside me.

"Brother," he said solemnly. "Have you considered the implications of rescue work on one's romantic appeal?"

"I... what?"

"Studies show heroes who excel at rescue operations are viewed as more attractive potential partners."

I turned to Todo, curiosity getting the better of me. "Alright, hit me with the stats."

"According to the Hero Public Image Quarterly, rescue specialists have a 73% higher approval rating among potential romantic partners compared to combat-focused heroes," Todo pulled out his phone, scrolling through what looked like a spreadsheet. "The effect is particularly pronounced in the 25-35 age demographic."

"You... actually researched this?"

"Of course. Understanding public perception is crucial for hero work." He showed me his screen. The spreadsheet had color-coded columns and multiple tabs. "I've been tracking trends since middle school."

Kaminari leaned over my shoulder. "Dude, is that a dating statistics database for heroes?"

"It's a comprehensive analysis of public response patterns," Todo corrected. "Dating statistics are merely one metric."

"What's that tab labeled 'Marriage Success Rates by Hero Type'?" I asked.

"Ah, excellent question." Todo's eyes lit up. "Underground heroes have surprisingly stable marriages, despite irregular work hours. The theory is-"

"Wait," Kaori interrupted, appearing beside us. "Why do you know hero marriage statistics?"

"Knowledge is power," Todo said, like that explained everything.

We reached the locker rooms, but Todo wasn't done. "Did you know rescue heroes are 42% more likely to receive chocolate on Valentine's Day? Although All Might skews the combat hero statistics significantly-"

"Todo," I said, "how many spreadsheets do you have?"

"Seventeen, currently. Would you like to see my analysis of hero merchandise sales by costume color scheme?"

Kaminari grabbed Todo's phone. "Hold up, what's this about 'Appeal Factors in Hero Team Dynamics'?"

"That's still in beta," Todo said seriously. "I'm working on quantifying the impact of interpersonal chemistry on public engagement metrics."

I caught Kaori's eye. She looked torn between horror and fascination.

"According to preliminary data," Todo continued, "heroes who display strong platonic relationships with teammates see a 28% boost in popularity among-"

"We're gonna be late," Kaori cut in, checking her watch.

"But I haven't shown you the graphs-"

"The graphs can wait," I said, patting Todo's shoulder. "Though I'd love to hear more about that merchandise analysis later."

Todo nodded. "I'll prepare a presentation brother!"


[Next time on "My Hero Academia: Limitless"]

"And here we are in the studio with our latest update on U.A.'s upcoming USJ facility training!" I adjusted my tie, sitting behind the news desk. "I'm your host, Nakamura Yoichi, and-"

"Brother!" Todo burst in from stage left, waving a tablet. "The data supports it - your hero costume's aesthetic tests extremely well internationally! The lotus motif alone could generate millions in merchandise revenue."

"Todo, we're supposed to be talking about-"

"The geometric patterns are particularly appealing to the 18-25 demographic," Yaoyorozu added from her anchor seat, consulting her notes. "Though I question the practicality of designer sneakers in combat situations."

"They're reinforced!" I protested. Anyways, can we focus on the mysterious figure I saw lurking inside USJ?" I turned to the camera. "Viewers, who could this masked man be? What sinister plans-"

"Speaking of masks," Todo interrupted, "preliminary market research suggests adding a domino mask would boost your approval ratings by 12% among female viewers aged 16-20."

"I'm not wearing a-"

"The data doesn't lie, brother! Though we should discuss the benefits of getting your clothes torn during fights. Not that the fans mind-"

"Todo!" I grabbed his tablet. "The masked man? USJ? Possible villain attack?"

"Oh right!" Todo faced the camera. "Tune in next time to see if our heroes survive their first real villain encounter! Will Yoichi's costume survive intact? Will-"

"What do you mean 'if we survive'?"

"Spoilers, brother!" Todo winked at the camera. "But I can share these fascinating statistics about villain attack survival rates-"

"Cut!" I slumped in my chair. "Why did I agree to do these previews?"

"Because the producers said it would improve your relatability scores by 15.3%," Todo replied cheerfully. "Now, about those merchandise projections-"

"Someone please fire him from the sound booth," I groaned.

"Actually," Yaoyorozu said, "his market analysis is quite thorough. Did you know black hero costumes see a 23% increase in-"


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