
Neo Android Chp 10


"What?" I ask 

"Bulma wants to make herself into an android," Gohan says again after a bit of watching me

"I...huh, can she do that?" I start before stopping myself and turning to Bulma

"Can you do that?" I ask her a bit incredulously

"As a matter of fact, yes, yes I can," She says smugly before I shake my head at that while beginning to rub the back of my neck

Well...this is unexpected but not unwelcomed

"Typically someone can only stay inside for 2 days which equals 2 years are you sure you can do it by yourself?" I ask after thinking about it for a bit

"Yes, I am although, I will need to make some of the machines from scratch which shouldn't be a problem," She answers but that is when it clicks

"It won't take me 2 years to make the machines but when I do come out, I will be a new type of Bio-Android, if a bit weaker at the start," She says frustrated at that

"What do you mean by that?" Gohan asks

"Well, while I am definitely able to turn myself into an android, there is a reason as to why I am turning myself into a Bio-Android instead. The metal that Gero used for the androids is composed of Katchin something that at the moment, I have no idea where to even get enough of the stuff,"

"Katchin?" I blink at that as from Vegeta's memories Frieza's throne in his main world is made of the stuff

Not only is it rare in the entire universe but it is also incredibly valuable

The reason that I know is because one of the soldiers from the Frieza force discovered the largest amount of the stuff ever found

Frieza had it made into a throne

But one thing that I learned about it, is that it is otherwise impossible to turn Katchin into metal without some very expensive methods

"You know it?" Bulma asks

"Yeah, Frieza's throne is made from the stuff. I know how rare it is, how did Gero get enough to make the androids?" I ask but receive no response as Bulma also begins to think about it

"I have no idea but that isn't the issue right now, I need to go inside..."

"Alright," I tell her much to her and Gohan's surprise

"What...just like that?" Gohan asks incredulously

"Yeah, just like that?" Bulma repeats

"Yeah, I don't mind if she goes in," I tell them as I know that if there is anyone capable of turning themselves into a Bio-Android successfully, it is Bulma

"In the meantime, Gohan, Trunks, and I can use the ship to train for the next 2 days," I tell them

"Alright," Bulma says after a bit


"Mom, are you sure about this?" Trunks asks Bulma giving her a hug

"I am absolutely sure Trunks, this may be our best shot at defeating the androids once and for all," She answers him resolutely and I glance at Gohan as he starts looking at the ground

I turn my head to look at him but he just glances at me and I turn my gaze away

Whatever he just realized must be important

I watch as Mr. Popo opens the door for Bulma 

She lifts up a small box and goes inside

Stopping for a moment, she lets out a rather loud gulp before walking inside

I stare at the door for a moment before turning over to Gohan

"What did you just think about?..."


"OH MY GOD, DOES IT GO ON FOREVER?" I scream out as I look at the white void in front of me

I gulp as sweat slowly falls from my forehead

I turn back to the safe area of the chamber and do my best to ignore the empty void behind me

I take a deep breath as I go toward the box filled with capsules holding the machines that I am going to need

I take a while as I move the machines around to where I will have the most space available...


I wake up from my sleep as I am about to make the preparations to finally make myself into a Bio-Android

I have spent the last 2 weeks going over everything

Making sure that all of my calculations were correct

Making sure that every single piece of machinery necessary was built to the required specifications

Making sure that the serum that I created will allow me to survive the process

I know that during this process my heart is going to be stopped multiple times and I am going to have a machine perform dialysis in order to oxygenate my blood

Part of my face is going to be separated from my skull in order to implant the plates and allow the serum to merge me with the technology that I am putting into myself

I spend the day just relaxing and a bit afraid as everything finally sinks in...

I shake my head as I look at the cradle that I will be in as the surgery is performed

I let out a shuddering breath as I think about what I am going to be putting myself through

Taking my clothes off slowly, I let them fall to the ground as I step forward

Taking my sandals off, I open the cradle and it opens with a hiss

Laying down inside, I press some buttons on the side as it closes

I stare outside of the cradle through the window that I made sure it would have

My finger hovers over the start button for a bit before I press it

Laying back down as several restraints wrap around my arms, legs, stomach, neck, and, head

I feel some needles poking me through my back

One makes its way into my spine through my lower back

Another pierces the middle of it

The last one pierces to the back of my neck as the serum is injected into me

The restraints tighten around me as I begin to shake uncontrollably and soon I am having a seizure through all this several surgical tools start to appear

A paralyzing agent is deployed through the 3 needles and my body begins to relax as I begin to fade into unconsciousness...

I close my eyes in pain as even though the paralyzing agent is helping me deal with some of the pain, I can still feel my skin being cut

A tear comes from my eye as a machine opens it and begins to put in the implants...


"...Process Complete..." A mechanical voice says as the cradle opens

I feel the needles finally leaving me as I slowly open my eyes

I grab the sides of the cradle as I try to control my body

My fingers dig into the metal with ease

I take a deep breath as the air hits my face

I slowly leave the cradle as I try my best not to think about what I put myself through

I begin to chuckle for a bit before letting a bellow of laughter

"Hahahahaha," I laugh and the sound of my laugh makes my head hurt as I finally use my new and improved organs

I look at a mirror next to me and see myself

"I look hot," I say while looking at the new muscles on my body

A warmth continuously spreads from my chest to the rest of my body as the Ki generator in me supplies me with energy

I stare at my reflection as the mirror begins to crack and then...

It breaks

I catch the look on my face on a piece of the mirror

The smile filled with pure madness will haunt me for the rest of my life...

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