
Jaerys 2


"Is that one on firmly your grace?"

"Yes Jaerys, it's holding comfortably."

The Velaryon nodded, glancing down at his lord and master. The boy had grown considerably since he had last faced death he knew, held at dagger point on the shores of Dorne. His journey to the south and the months spent preparing for war were not lost on the boy, and it was clear that he was taking the first step towards manhood.

With all the unfortunate impulsiveness that came with it.

It wasn't that he was wrong exactly for leading the "assault". The town was most likely planning to surrender having seen the firepower of the fleet, and not even having a proper wall to fight back against an organized army.

Still, though, it left a bad taste in his mouth. As powerful as he might be, Prince Arthur was still not yet a man.

Not that he didn't look like one in his armor, albeit still a bit of a short one, and still with the slenderness of youth to him. His armor was polished steel and of a heavy make that was clearly designed for maximal protection. A raging stag sat on the front of his bright yellow tabard, and his hand rested on the sides of a belt of black leather that wrapped around his waist over his armor, holding up not only a sword but also a trio of pistols.

The boy looked over himself without his helmet, chuckling. "I don't think it suits me very well."

Jaerys had to chuckle at the look on his face. "You are not a man yet, your grace, and most boys your age would not wear it half as well."

The prince chuckled. "I'm in the process of conquering myself a kingdom, I cannot afford to even pretend to be a boy any longer." He placed his helmet down over his head. "So, let's begin."

"Yes your grace."

Jaerys did not speak often to the lowbrow men who made up his lord's armies. Marines or these newer "Regulars", they were the same as far as he was concerned. As long as they served their purpose they were no different than any other smallfolk.

He could not deny however that they were striking, the Marines in their yellow and black, and the Regular army in yellow and blue. The majority of them wore breastplates and helmets only, but this was not the case with the grenadiers, who the prince was bringing with him today.

No, these sixty men were big and broad as oxen, tall and strong, especially for smallfolk, and unlike their comrades, they were fully armored, better so than many hedge knights he had seen. The breastplates were the same, but their helmets were of a different shape, with a heavy visor covering all but a strip for their eyes. With a mixture of plate, chainmail, and thick gambeson shielding the rest of them from harm.

None of them were giants like the Mountain, but they were obviously more than normal men, and the black spheres held on their belts indicated their true terror.

He had seen grenades detonate before, shaking the sky and ground with their force.

He doubted many men would stand to receive their charge after a volley of those.

"Ready?" The Prince shouted at the head of the rowboat, raising his long cutlas into the air above his head.

The reply was loud and boisterous.

Then they hit the water, another rowboat behind then cheering similarly. Oars began to strike water, advancing towards the town.

He was sure it was very gallant for Prince Arthur to be out front that way, but after a moment, he tugged on the boy's shoulder.

"Get down. You're arrow bait there."

The young prince turned back, before nodding, dropping down into the front, standing out far less.

"And here I wanted to make an impression. Thank you Jaerys."

"The Cannons already did that your Grace."


The rowing was intensive, perhaps five minutes before Prince Arthur stepped forward onto the beach at its side, his feet firm on the gritty sand.

"Alright men, you know your roles. We're here to find the town's leaders, be they merchants or thieves, I don't care as long as I have whoever runs the place. I want a proper surrender." The Prince turned over them all. "And I don't want to hear about a single looting or rape here. This won't be enemy soil as of tomorrow, but part of my domain. You understand that?"

There was a sharp reply of "Yes your grace" from the assembled men.

The prince slapped his visor down firmly, covering his face.

"Good. Now put it into practice." The prince towards him, "We move for the town square."

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