

Limon inclined his head ever so slightly and cast his gaze upon the assemblage of mercenaries congregating nearby. Directing his question to Qina, who stood before him, he inquired, "What is the nature of your business here...?"

Qina, perceptive of the man's inquisitiveness, responded with a warm smile and said, "We have been enlisted by the mercenary captain, Celesna, to venture forth into the Deadwood Forest in pursuit of undead monstrosities."

The Deadwood Forest?

Was this not the very same destination to which he himself was bound for the purpose of hunting undead?

What an astonishing coincidence... yet, notwithstanding the fortuitous nature of this encounter, adventurers and mercenaries were distinct breeds, and their respective missions were bound to vary in essence.

She must surely be the "Celesna" of whom Qina had spoken.

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