

Brooke: You don't think you should have lead the conversation with that one?

Me: Well, no, there's been a lot of crap lately I don't know how to make heads or tails of any of this.

Josie: Well shit Seri, you're life is getting exciting!

Me: Too exciting, wanna trade?

Josie: Uhh… No…

Brooke: Hey guy's I gotta go I've been away longer than my 5 minute break has allowed. I'll call when I'm off from work.

Josie: Same, we have a lot more to discuss. We'll chat soon. Love ya!

Me: Toodles.

Hanging up the phone, I laid in my bed gazing at my ceiling. The stars on it always made me

feel better, like theres so much out there. Like every star has a story and every story has it's own star. Infinite.

It was 4pm and I still haven't taken Sammy like I said I was going to. But I was scared. What if I wasn't safe on my trail anymore. Or in my house.

My mom! She can check the camera's and have me on dial ready to call.

Okay, I can take Sammy as long as my mom was watching.

Changing into a black hoodie with the words redrum (murder backwards) in red with black leggings that had pockets on my thigh. Shove my phone in my pocket and step into the


I hear her talking to someone about there being disappearances in town over the last few days. I want to listen in more but my mom says, "I know you're listening we'll talk later about that. What do you need?"

"Hey mom, Sammy needs to go on his jog and I need a breather it's been a really annoying day. Can you watch the camera's for me?"

"Of course I can, go and hurry back. If we didn't live so far out from town I'd be way too

concerned to let you go and insist we order a treadmill for you and Sammy instead." She really thinks she's funny doesn't she?

"You really think you can stop me? Let alone Sammy. We all know this is his house and we

just live in it."

"That's true, but yes, I'd panic lock the house you naughty child of mine. You can't out hack

my system, even if you have skills."

Little did she know I'd been practicing, but she's right I don't think I could beat her system.

"Whatever, watch my back?"

"I'll send the drone." She said.

"Even better, I've never been grateful for the level of surveillance we have always had."

"I'll remember you said that its recorded on camera here." My mom said pointing at the cameras in the different corners of the room.

"Nothing in my room right?"

"To be honest there is one, but it's outside and face's only the window. It's not to look in

but observe a dangerous entry and exit point." My mom facing me waved her hands

in denial.

"So you don't spy inside my room?"

"No way, that would be super creepy, what do I look like to you?" She shot me a "the audacity" look.

It made me laugh.

"I'm going now. Bye."

Heading to the door gathering my backpack.

With Sammy's harness and leash I yell out to him. "Come on you lazy mutt, or I'll leave you

behind for another dog."

In seconds the scramble of footsteps could be heard pattering across the ceiling and then you hear the clicking as the sounds of his nails hit the metal steps.

My handsome shaggy beast. Scuffling his hair.

"Tsk, come."

Another jog. Starting on our path I quickly pick up speed and this time I run without music and listen to nature. My hearing has been exceptionally sharp lately. I begin

running on autopilot and take the long hike. Zoning out letting myself focus completely

on the sounds around me, since I've noticed it I've tried to practice using it to hear things well. From how far away. There's been changes in me slowly as I've approached turning 21. I can move faster, see auras sometimes, and apparently super hear.

Putting all of my effort into concentrating I listened. The chatter of birds, it seemed frantic and and I could hear them panic flying back and forth in the trees. I could hear the difference between a tree and a bush now. The sound of animals stepping on the ground as if running from something.

Realizing this I look up. And the sky has gotten more grey as clouds suddenly started building in the sky over her entire town and by the looks of it over the mountains even. The sun seems to have hidden in fear of the storm brewing.

I also wanted to hide in fear. Something felt off, the hair my arms started to stand up. There was an ominous almost foreboding atmosphere shifting in the air.

Seems Sammy noticed too his tail was pointed up and his hair was looking a little extra fuzzy.

He started to bark again.

"Sammy, let's get home."

Sammy and I pick up our pace and run full speed back home. Almost half way the storm

released a flood worthy rainfall. Drenching Sammy, me, and the ground. It was quickly turning into mud. The rain was thick it was getting hard to see through the torrential downpour.

I needed to get home faster. Suddenly I was passing Sammy at his top speed, and then

leading him making him increase his speed to match mine. And some how he found that extra bit of stamina because we beat our best time by probably minutes. Arriving on the front porch completely soaked dripping all over the patio deck.

Panting I look over at Sammy I bust out in laughter. I couldn't breathe between each laugh I as almost chocking on my own laughter. I did say I needed to give him a bath.

Sammy sat like a good boy dripping with rainwater. Soggy and lanky, all the volume in his coat was depleted. His tongue falling from his mouth as he's panting.

Both of us shaking off the water now soaked and freezing. We come inside and my mom walks over to us from the kitchen with her hands full.

"Here, take these soft towels and warm blankets to dry off and warm up, I've got water

boiling for you for after you change out of your wet clothes. Hurry up now before you catch a cold." She said to me before returning to the kitchen.

"Wait here" I nod to Sammy.

I quickly get to my room and change into a pair of grey sweats and baby blue thick fleece sweater. Putting my hair in my hair towel and wrap it on top my head. I joint my mom in the kitchen down stairs.

"Go get your slippers from the front door, and dry your dog, I'm mixing your hot chocolate."

"My brother mom, Sammy is my Brrootherr mom brother." I say walking to a shivering wet Sammy sitting at the front door waiting like the good boy he is.

Using the towel my mom gave me I dry him as much as I can before I take the warm blanket and bring it over to the living room.

Mom brings in my hot chocolate and Sammy a bowl of warm water.

He quickly laps up the water, which helped warm his shivering body faster than drying his fur and giving him a towel. After he finished the water he curled up on the blanket and mom brought him another one to place on top of him.

Mom lights starts a fire in our fire place to help warm the room faster. Both me and Sammy were violently shaking from cold. It was a chill that had seeped into my bones.

After two full mugs of hot chocolate and an hour of napping in front of the fireplace I was

finally feeling warm. I kick the blankets off me.

It was still pouring with no signs of lightening up anytime soon.

"Honey your father called, said the roads are dangerous, to stay home, he's staying at the

hospital to help with the incoming patients." My mom mentioned.

"Okay just tell him to be safe."

"I did, are you hungry I made my special Campbell's tomato soup." She asked.

"Yeah, you going to tell me about the disappearances?"

"Yes. Now come on then get up lazy bones." She was always rushing me.

Serving the soup on the table she begins:

"So you've heard about the recent disappearance of people that started around this time last year?

"Well its been increasing and this week there's been a lot, the FBI might be called in, it's becoming extremely concerning.

"And since yesterday, one restaurant's employees disappeared in the town you were in when you went shopping at the mall."

Her words caught my attention. The Taco place?

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Also! check out my other two books. The Gentle Maiden and Five Lustful Brothers and Taming Death as a Cruel Prince

devonanycreators' thoughts
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