
Don’t tell mom

People jumped from their chairs quickly moving out of the way of the two men rushing in.

These men moved fast knocking over chairs and tables. People panicked rushing blindly toward the door. Josie and Brooke got up and moved quickly, after they realized I hadn't moved and was still sitting there.

I couldn't help staring at one of the men who came rushing through the door after our server, he's tall and lean, he had dark brown hair and there is this red glow around him. It's so weird I've never seen anything like that before.

They pulled out guns and opened fire inside the restaurant shot after shot.

The sound of the guns brought me back to my nightmare from and I froze instantly in fear. Images flooded my mind. The crying woman, the sounds of guns, and screams, visions of terror took over my sight.

Bullets passed by hitting furniture and breaking windows. They went running through the kitchen doors the other men chased after.

After a moment I got up and ran after them.

Why am I running after them when I should be running away from them? I couldn't stop though. Something was forcing me to follow.

Pushing open the back door I find them in the kitchen jumping between counters and stoves both groups now shooting and dodging and deflecting the bullets with pans.

My mouth dropped the six of them moved faster than anything I've ever seen. It was inhuman how fast they were moving. Dodging bullets like it's the matrix.

Something about the dark brown haired man felt off. I knew him.

"Seri, what the fuck are you doing?" Josie whispered jerking me down. "Let's go."

"No, there's something I have to see." Thats when the dark brown haired man looked me right in my eyes and looked shocked to see me. After they take off out the kitchen side door followed by Camio. I go to follow but I was jerked back by Josie.

"What the hell? What are you so desperate too see? Is it worth your life?" Josie said yelling at me.

"Let go" I shouted.

"No you get your ass out of here with me right now!" Josie wasn't taking no for an answer she dragged me out of the kitchen. Running across the street to join Brooke who was rocking back and forth.

"What the fuck? Was that Seri?" Josie yells. "Look at Brooke! Look at her?"

Brooke was trembling. Tears streamed down her face. Her hair was wet from sweat.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me…" I shook my head, what the hell happened? Oh god I'm so disappointed in myself. What was I thinking?

"Well that was seriously fucked up and dangerous. You want to die a virgin before you can even buy your first drink?" Josie lectured.

"Did you see them glowing?"

"What? What do you mean?" Josie raised her

eyebrow clearly questioning my sanity right now.

"I'm serious, those guys that busted in, one was glowing white and one was glowing red. And the guy that was glowing red I swear to god, Josie I know him from somewhere."

"Where could you possibly have had a chance to meet any guys like that?" Josie asked "I think you're in shock babes, you're talking nonsense."

"Josie, I'm serious, damnit."

"I know and that was scares me, I've got Brooke melting on ground and you seeing shit and chasing after men with guns." Josie through her hands up "Am I the only sane one here?"

"Josie I'm telling you something was weird about that whole thing."

"Dah, Seri, there was a gun fight in a fucking taco restaurant." Josie rolled her eyes "what wasn't weird about that?"

She was right.

"I guess we don't have to pay for our meal?" I smirked looking over at Josie.

Brooke picked her head up, eyes red and puffy "If they made us pay after that, I might shoot up the place."

Me and Josie both just look at her shocked by her joke.

"Did you just crack a joke in the middle of a meltdown?" I asked.

"I guess so." She chuckled.

"I need to buy a whole new outfit, this one is covered in dirt and food and fear." Josie said dusting off her black pants.

"Really you're thinking about shopping after all of that?"

"Yes, and you need new clothes too. If your mom sees us like this, she'd lose her mind, and you'd never be allowed out of the house again." Josie said

"Yeah please let's never let this get back to my mom."

"Let's not have it get back to any of our parents, my dad's would keep me locked up for the rest of my life. I'd probably never see the light of day again." Brooke added.

"You're right, I guess lets go shopping after being involved a violent attack." I shrugged my shoulders. "Let's go, we still have to drive back so we can eat dinner with my parents."

Walking back to the mall I try to explain what happened.

"Listen, I didn't see the glow or shadow at first, and when our server Camio walked away I saw him get pulled aside and someone said something to him right before those other guys busted in." I paused taking a breather, when I think about the nightmare, my heart starts racing and I get anxiety. Swallowing I continue, "It wasn't until after I had a flash back to my nightmare last night and after I could see the glow. I'm telling you, the sense of familiarity I had was overwhelming, and it was like this need to see more overpowered me and any bit of self preservation I had."

"You know what, I believe you. You've never lied to us before, so it doesn't make sense for you to start now." Brooke responded.

"Really? Just like that? You both are a perfect match. You're both crazy." Josie said.

"You know you're going to get more than one outfit right?" Josie said glaring me.

"What ever you say. Let's have fun."

"Should we tell her or wait?" Brooke asked.

"Tell me what?"

"Well I guess we'll have to tell her, since she's gotta find an outfit for it." Josie admitted.

"Ha! I knew you guys were hiding something. Confess."

"We're traveling too Eureka tomorrow

morning for a day at the beach and then after we have a concert at The Red Lion." Josie started.

"We're taking you to see Bad Wolves!" Brooke shouted interrupting Josie.

"Are you guys serious?" No freaking way am I going to see my favorite band on my 21st birthday.

"Yep, and it's an intimate venue, it's a more private show for a friend of theirs. That I just so happen to know, because that friends dad works with my dad, and I may have been able to snag 3 tickets." Josie said proudly. "And so that's why you need a new outfit."

"Don't tell your mom we told you, she wants to be there for the surprise reveal, so we have to put on an act." Brooke informed us.

"No problem, thanks for giving me the chance to pick out the perfect outfit. And thanks for this I love you guys so much!" I hugged both of them tightly.

"Ow, too tight!" Josie cried and Brooke laughed.

"Sorry." I chuckled.

"When did you start lifting weights?" Josie joked.

"I haven't"

"Well feels like you have." Josie joked some more.

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Also! check out my other two books. The Gentle Maiden and Five Lustful Brothers and Taming Death as a Cruel Prince

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