
a jealous man and a bar fight

Zombie was the song that let me discover them. And now they're my favorite band. I start dancing and screaming while I sing along. The bartender brought my second drink over and I started drinking. Gosh getting drunk felt good.

I can't believe I am here, doing this with my best friends.

But I could feel eyes watching me. When

I look over I see him, his sleeves rolled up, stray hairs surround his face. He had such a focused look on his face as he aimed his pool stick at the ball. He was utterly mesmerizing to look at.

"Hey earth to Seri." Josie yelled catching my attention "you there?"

"Oh, my bad I was lost in space for a minute." I shouted "What did I miss?"

"First you disappear from the bar, now, you disappear from the present." Josie yelled.

"Sorry, but I'm back now and here to stay." I shouted.

"Good to have you back Seri." Daniel teased loudly.

"I know, I had a nice vacation in space." I shouted jokingly.

"You should come closer and tell me about it." Daniel teased her loudly.

"You should come here instead." I shouted to him.

Daniel nods "Hey Josie," he says tapping her shoulder as she head bangs. "Can you scoot over some?"

I could see the realization on Josies face when she widened her eyes and than gave me a devilish grin and moved over allowing Daniel to come through.

Daniel was pretty beautiful too. What was with this tow having so many beautiful people, it's weird.

"Cheers to your 21st, and let's party like it's your last!" He yelled loudly.

Josie, Brooke and Zaqiel raised their glasses and cheered, taking a drink.

"So how long are you here for?" Daniel whispered into my ear.

His warm voice sent shivers down my spine.

"I'm just here tonight I leave tomorrow morning." I whispered back.

"That soon? Really? That barely gives us time to hangout and get to know each other." Daniel sounded like he was fake sad. I rolled my eyes inside.

"Just have to make the most of what we have now I suppose," I gave him a cute smile.

I could feel His eyes watching me from across the room. His intense glare sent shivers down my spine. I regretfully look over and I see him gripping the pool table fury and disgust written on his face.

Was he seriously jealous? What the hell is up with this man?

Daniel noticed me staring and when he saw who it was, he frowned.

"That's Cyrus Ashborne, he's bad news, he's the leader of a LA mafia called Fallen. He's a dangerous man with a lot of blood on his hands." Daniel warned lowly.

"Who?" I tried to play stupid but I guess it didn't work.

"The man you're staring at playing pool. He's not worthy of you." He said his voice flirty.

"Oh and what you are?" I joked.

"I'm willing to show you I am, if you'd like." He said winking at me.

My face grew red. I definitely wasn't used to this direct attention. But then again back home, I had a rep.

"You're awfully bold, you know, I could be dangerous and have a rep of my own." I joked again, well half joked.

"The only thing I think dangerous about you might be your friends. Josie is absolutely capable of cannibalism and I wouldn't even be surprised." Daniel joked back.

"You might be right. You got me there." I laughed.

The Bad Wolves changed their song to Better Off This Way.

"Oh my god this is y favorite song!" I yelled and started jumping up and down and screaming.

The guitar rip was intense, the music filled my body and I let myself have fun. I moved away from Daniel and grabbed Josie and started dancing. The way a live concert did music was so different than listening from a recording.

Head banging our flipped forward and backward as we rocked out. Brooke smiling as she drank her drink enjoying the company of Zaqial.

"That guy keeps staring at you." Josie leaned

into me and asked nodding her head in the direction.

"I know, I met him outside, he's kind of an asshole. For no reason, really." I said trying to not look over. The last thing I want is for him to catch me looking at him.

I could still feel the anger boiling inside me from our earlier altercation.

"Should I say something to him?" Josie asked.

"No, apparently, according to Daniel, he's a mobster. He says he's dangerous." I warned.

"Well then he should put his eyes back in his head, he hasn't stopped staring at you since you get back." Josie remarked.

"Just leave it alone, it's my birthday and I don't want any drama." I stated.

"Fair enough." Josie replied to me.

After a few songs and head swings, I started to get a headache and thirsty.

"Hey Josie, I'm going to the table I need a drink my head hurts from banging so hard." I yelled to her over the music.

"Okay let's go." Josie said grabbing my hand and leading us through the crowd dancing.

The bar was lively, everyone looked to be enjoying themselves.

Taking some sips of water first and then some of the drink Daniel had bought me.

It was really strong, and I can usually handle my alcohol. I guess the bartender hooked me up for my birthday.

"Hey, I've gotta go break the seal, I'll be right back."

"Okay if you aren't back in 5 minutes, I'll assume you were kidnapped and come looking." Josie said with such a serious tone.

"Hahaha, please do a piss shouldn't take that long."

"K, bye." Josie said waving her hand. And looks back to Brooke, Zaqial, and Daniel.

Walking to the bathroom, which just happened to be right near the game area.


Not looking at him would be weird, looking at him is weird.

Shoot, what do I do?

I'll glance around at the whole game room so he's not special.

Getting closer to him I do exactly that, but then his eyes caught mine stopping me from looking away. This pull from him was ridiculously strong.

Quit looking stupid and just walk to the bathroom. Getting close enough I can look away and it's normal.

Finally at the hallway leading to the bathrooms he was out of side.

I let out a heavy breath, didn't even know I was holding it. Walking into the bathroom it was a lot quieter. You could still hear the music and the crowd, but it wasn't anywhere near as loud.

I use the bathroom and wash my hands.

As I opened the door and started down the hallway I stopped by Daniel.

Daniel got really close and said in a low voice. "I's been wanting to get you alone since I saw you at the table and I'm really glad you Josie invited you."

I started feeling uncomfortable and dizzy. Daniel came closer, I stumble backwards and lean on the wall for support. Daniel lightly pushes me against the wall. Pinning me between his arms.

He leans and says "I really think those lips are kissable"

"I wouldn't if I were you. You'll regret it."

"Why is that?" He said sarcastically.

Suddenly Daniel was ripped from the ground by his neck from behind. We had been so distracted I hadn't seen him coming.

Tossing Daniel into the wall breaking the drywall, piece of it crumbling on to him.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Daniel said standing back up to face the man that attacked him.

I stood in horror as Daniel stood up and he wasn't even scratched, he was just cover in dry wall dust.

What the hell?

"Don't touch her," the man said.

I look over at the man and gasp. Those unmistakable silver eyes looking aggressively at Daniel.

What is he doing here? What is doing to Daniel.

"Who the hell are you, you don't know what you're doing." Daniel said "I've got a strong backer. Behind me I'm not scared of you." Dusting himself off he looked enraged.

"You think I give a shit about your pathetic daddy? I said don't fucking touch. I'll kill you." He said.

My eyes widened, did this guy really just threaten Daniel? I need to leave I'm so sick and dizzy. What the hell was that drink mixed with?

"As if you could, you must not know who I am and who my father is." Daniel smirked at the man.

"Let me show you just how afraid I am." The man said before lunging across the whole to where Daniel stood. Punching Daniel so hard he fell backwards again. Wiping his mouth I could see the blood leaking down his chin and covering the tip of the finger he used to touch it.

"Ow that really hurt you know." Daniel said standing up again and lashing out at the man. But the man just grabbed his fist snapping it sideways quickly breaking his wrist. I could hear the crack of the bone as it ripped through his skin. Daniel shrieked in agony.

This man just snapped Daniel's hand in half. Oh my fucking god.

I scream loudly as it settles in.

People start rushing into the hallway to see the commotion and then seeing Daniel the way that he was many of the people immediately became angry and ran at the man in front of me. I began shaking in fear, I was so scared I could speak.

A fight broke out between the men in the hallway. Three of them attacking the silver eyed man.

My vision is starting to fade, things were getting terrifying as punch after punch was thrown at the man but he we was dodging them left and right. Daniel's friends were abused from behind with the people playing pool with the man earlier barged in and attacked. Blood was spilling on to the ground. Grunts and cries of pain were echoing in the


I could feel myself falling to my knees and collapsing on the hard wooden floors.

"Back the fuck up and get out now or I will kill you." The man spoke but no one listened.

I heard yelling and then sound of guns hurting my ears. I couldn't help it I was triggered by the gun but I screamed as loud as I could as the panic filled my body once more. My hearts drumming almost drowning out the gunfire. The smell of gun power filled my nostrils, and finally my consciousness caved as the words fire being the last thing I heard

before everything went black.

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Also! check out my other two books. The Gentle Maiden and Five Lustful Brothers and Taming Death as a Cruel Prince

devonanycreators' thoughts
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