
chapter 20

The first day of the spring semester passed uneventfully, aside from Severus Snape's usual demeanor, of course. However, in the life of one Harry Potter, peace is notoriously fleeting...


Tuesday began like just another ordinary day, but everything shifted a little after three in the afternoon when the third attack occurred. Harry was in the library, diligently researching potions to avoid disappointing Professor Snape with his brewing skills. Suddenly, a piercing scream shattered the calm, echoing from an upper floor. Despite knowing that something was amiss, Harry's curiosity got the better of him. He gathered his belongings and made his way toward the source of the cry.


As Harry descended to the third floor, he found a crowd of students, mostly Hufflepuffs, tightly clustered around something that obscured his view. Whispers rose above the clamor, revealing the grim news: another attack had occurred—this time, Justin Finch-Fletchley had been petrified, and Nearly Headless Nick was in a state of distress.


Not long after, the headmaster arrived, flanked by several professors, ordering students to return to their dormitories. As the crowd dispersed, Harry confirmed the rumors: Justin lay frozen in shock, while Sir Nicolas appeared a dark, smoky shadow, levitating motionless a few inches off the ground. Remembering the need to obey the order to avoid disciplinary action, Harry turned and headed back to Gryffindor Tower.


About an hour later, Professor McGonagall entered the common room, clearly unsettled. Conversations regarding the incidents halted as all eyes focused on her, awaiting her words. However, even she seemed unsure of where to begin.


"As you all know, we have had another attack on a Hogwarts student today." Professor McGonagall finally spoke. "We had hoped that the situation would improve after the incident with Thomas White, but regrettably, that is not the case. Therefore, the enforced curfew is reinstated until the perpetrator behind these attacks is apprehended. Also, I must insist that no student venture outside their dormitory alone during these troubling times. We must stick together. Is that understood?"


"Yes, ma'am!" echoed the Gryffindor students.


"I would also like to ask if anyone has any information regarding how these attacks are being carried out. Any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated." She paused, but silence reigned as no one had any insights into the alarming petrifications. "Very well," she continued, "before I return to the staff meeting, I will take a few questions."


"Do you know what is attacking the students?" a fourth-year girl Harry didn't recognize asked. McGonagall grimaced; while she had anticipated this inquiry, she was reluctant to respond, particularly since there was little she could definitively state.


"Unfortunately, we do not have that information at this moment. However, evidence suggests that whatever is responsible is not human." Harry stifled a snort—if one believed the tales of the Chamber of Secrets, this seemed evident from the outset. "It appears that whatever creature is causing this harm lacks human-level intelligence, meaning there is someone orchestrating these attacks—someone who identifies himself as the heir of Slytherin." Somewhere in the back, Ginny Weasley flinched at this revelation. Although her possession by Tom Riddle was a secret, McGonagall could not detect it. "Do not worry, Ms. Weasley. We are doing everything in our power to protect all of you, and I assure you that we will apprehend the one behind these attacks soon." 'Ginny' nodded, but in her mind, Tom smirked, noting that though they suspected his control, they were far from the truth.


"Fat chance of that, Professor," he thought. "They suspect me, but they're clueless about the actual beast. I need to maintain my disguise, or risk exposure." After absorbing what he needed—knowing the staff would inevitably arrive at wild theories that would miss the mark—Tom relinquished his hold on Ginny, crafting a set of memories to conceal his influence.


"Do you know what kind of creature is responsible?" a fifth-year boy inquired.


"As I mentioned, we do not yet know the identity of the creature; however, due to Salazar Slytherin's affinity for snakes, we suspect it is some form of serpent. Unfortunately, there are no known species of magical snakes capable of petrifying that inhabit Scotland." The transfiguration professor responded. "Any further questions?" A first-year girl named Helen timidly raised her hand.


"When will everyone be cured?" she asked, her voice trembling.


"Since the key ingredient for the Restorative Draught is extract from mature mandrakes, we will need to wait another two to three months. However, I assure you that everyone who has been petrified will be treated." McGonagall reassured the students, eliciting a collective sigh of relief, particularly from the younger years who feared losing their friends. Several more questions followed, which she answered to the best of her ability, before retiring to the staff meeting.


~/ *** \~


Despite the staff's efforts to protect Hogwarts' students, Wednesday ended tragically with the petrification of Tracey Davis and seventh-year Slytherin student John Freeman—a boy usually accepted despite his mixed heritage due to his magical prowess and strong work ethic. The incident generated further panic among the student body: the heir was now targeting even his own house, using methods capable of harming even a ghost. Truly, dark magic at work...


Recognizing the growing danger, Harry felt compelled to temporarily halt large meetings of the Defense Study Group, suggesting that each house conduct separate discussions in their common rooms for safety's sake. While not popular with members of the group, they understood the rationale behind this decision: common rooms were the safest locations at present.


Unfortunately, it seemed Harry was worrying more for the safety of his fellow students than the staff. Aside from the occasional escort from teachers or prefects, little else was done to prevent new attacks. Meanwhile, the Board of Governors remained suspiciously silent: two days had elapsed since the renewed wave of attacks, and no one had even voiced basic concerns about the situation. It was likely they were kept unaware of the tragedies at Hogwarts, suggesting either that the heir was attempting to minimize the investigation or that the staff wanted to shield the wizarding world from their inability to keep the students safe. In either case, it was dire news.


~/ *** \~


Thursday night passed without further petrifications, but tension hung in the air, preventing any sigh of relief. The atmosphere was so stifled that even Potions Master Snape refrained from targeting Gryffindors, appearing surprisingly fair for once.


Not to be outdone, Lockhart seized the opportunity to boost his popularity, claiming to have identified the perpetrator behind the attacks, waiting only for the right moment to catch them in the act. Miraculously, a few students still took his words at face value.


After Defense Against the Dark Arts class had concluded, Harry was approached by two Slytherin witches. While he and Draconica shared a budding friendship, Daphne was merely an associate.


"Can I help you, ladies?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow. They nodded in unison.


"Potter..." Daphne, the dark-haired witch, began hesitantly. "I know you aren't like the rest of the rash Gryffindors who impulsively confront dangers without thought, but if—if you do decide to pursue the monster from the Chamber... we would be willing to assist you." She spoke quickly, making it difficult for Harry to follow.


"What Daphne means to say is that we are ready to provide limited assistance if you choose to take matters into your own hands... After all, if this continued, Hogwarts might close, and we would all have to continue our education elsewhere. Plus, we wish for the person behind these attacks to face justice for Tracey's plight." Draconica clarified.


"...Thank you," Harry replied cautiously. He hoped that the authorities would resolve the issue without him having to confront the monster from the Chamber of Secrets personally.


"Well, our escort has arrived," Draconica said, glancing toward the head boy and a female Slytherin prefect positioned by the door. "Good luck with Lockhart backing you up," she smirked before joining her fellow Slytherins, eager to return to their common room. Harry released a long sigh of frustration.


Another sigh escaped his lips as he glared at an empty parchment, wishing his Potions essay would write itself. Following a dispute with Ron Weasley earlier that day—where Ron accused him of being a dark wizard intent on harming them for merely conversing with Slytherins—Harry found himself in no mood for homework.


Suddenly, he heard a sharp cry of pain and turned just in time to see Parvati faint while poring over her notes. Most of the common room's first and second-year occupants screamed and panicked, uncertain of how to respond. But Harry's mind remained focused under pressure.


"Enervate!" He cast, reviving Parvati, who tried to sit up but nearly toppled over again, clutching her head as if enduring a terrible headache. "What happened, Parvati?" he asked, concern etched on his face. She groaned in pain, unable to articulate a response. "We need to get her to the Hospital Wing. Can someone fetch Professor McGonagall?"


About five minutes later, a flustered Professor McGonagall entered the Gryffindor common room and quickly approached the chair where Parvati was resting.


"What happened here?" the Scottish witch inquired, glancing around.


"Parvati screamed and then fainted," Neville Longbottom explained first.


"I believe she suffered a powerful traumatic shock for an unknown reason. When she fainted, she fell onto the table and may have bruised her stomach. I revived her, but she's in pain and barely coherent. We should take her to Madam Pomfrey." Harry elaborated. Professor McGonagall nodded, taking decisive action.


"Very well," she said, using her wand to gently levitate Parvati off the ground. "Mr. Potter, Mr. Longbottom, I need you both to accompany me so we can explain the situation to Madam Pomfrey."


"Yes, ma'am," they replied, following her as she guided Parvati towards the Hospital Wing.


Once Madam Pomfrey administered powerful medical potions, alleviating Parvati's pain and healing her bruise, Professor McGonagall felt compelled to question the girl, seeking insights into the incident. Unfortunately, all that Parvati could recall was a flash of yellow before the pain overwhelmed her consciousness.


Since it appeared that the circumstances surrounding Parvati would remain an enigma, McGonagall decided it was time to escort Neville and Harry back to the common room before she returned to grading those frustrating transfiguration essays.


As they prepared to leave, Professor Flitwick, accompanied by Professor Sinistra and two Ravenclaw prefects—carrying two petrified students—entered the Hospital Wing.


"Thank Merlin, you're here, Minerva!" Flitwick exclaimed. "Unfortunately, I bring only dire news... There was yet another attack," he whispered, gesturing to the unmoving forms the prefects were levitating.


"Who?" McGonagall asked gravely, bracing herself for the answer.


"Padma Patil and Amanda Greendale." Harry didn't know Amanda, but she appeared to be a fourth or fifth-year student. "These..." Flitwick continued, pulling out a box of polished metal plates from his robes. "...were found scattered around them." He paused. "Ms. Greendale had planned to study runes in the library tonight, and Ms. Patil, interested in Ancient Runes, accompanied her." McGonagall sighed heavily, recognizing that the heir was striking again, petrifying her students with seemingly little they could do to stop it.


"...Twins' bond!" Harry suddenly exclaimed. All eyes turned to him. "What happened to Parvati was a reaction to the attack on her twin sister." Professor Flitwick, having seen Parvati in the Hospital Wing but not yet introduced her to her petrified sister, nodded in understanding.


"Five points to Gryffindor for keen observation," the Charms master announced just before McGonagall ushered her students back to the common room.


~/ *** \~


The attack on Padma deepened the anxiety among students—though from Indian descent, she was a pureblood witch, and if the heir targeted her, then truly no one was safe. Countless theories circulated regarding the identity and methods of the assailant, each more outlandish than the last.


As fear gripped the student body, an underground market burgeoned, with enterprising students selling amulets and other magical trinkets that claimed to offer protection from further attacks—remarkably, the assaults ceased after Padma and Amanda's petrification.


While the majority of Hogwarts either spread absurd rumors or sought to profit from the fears of others, Harry resolved to investigate the attacks himself, enlisting support from Neville, Hermione, Daphne, and Draconica, though he had yet to formally ask for their collaboration.


The only certainty thus far was that the creature involved was likely a serpent, leading them to study tomes detailing various magical snakes and their kin. Presently, Harry was absorbed in reading about a tropical, highly venomous snake known as Ormr. As he turned the page, he came upon an illustration of the creature.


"You certainly are a beauty," he remarked, absentmindedly running his finger along the drawing. The snake seemed to stare back, causing gasps from the Gryffindors and Slytherins beside him. "What?" he inquired, bewildered.


"Potter... You... You can speak Parseltongue!" Draconica exclaimed in astonishment.

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