
The Kings Gaze

Ella's juicy bare buttocks jutted out as she got down with her heavy breasts swaying in front. While Evelyn was forced to keep one hand on the back hem of her dress just so it wouldn't ride up and flash every man present, Unfortunately she failed causing half of her heart shaped ass to peak out.

'Thankfully Nessa's not kneeling' I definitely didn't want to test whether those breasts flaps would stay still.

Despite human's still holding obvious contempt toward Elf's and beast kin it didn't change the fact that all were considered equal. The demons were filthy creatures but at least something positive came from the continents turmoil. Nessa was elven royalty which is why the innocent princess had a slightly serious expression.

'She's trying to hard…' Yet I could only mentally face palm seeing her try to mimic Ella's usual indifference.

'….' There was also the problem of Aria who had disappeared right before we had entered the room.

'She said she'd be right back' Of course I knew she was more than safe in the castle yet I was still slightly worried about her.

"How have you been hero" The kings voice drew me out of my thoughts as I glanced up to see him staring down at me.

"Well your majesty" I put on a polite smile and dipped my head just a few inches to show my solidarity.

"Good" The old man smiled back making me wonder just how much of the mask before me was real.

"Alexia you seem…healthy" The king moved his gaze toward Alexia with his words trialing off as his eyes landed on the overflowing bosom of fat.

"Yes your majesty" If she was embarrassed by his gaze she didn't show it as her hand rested on her muscular thigh.

"It's a pleasure to see you again as well white knight" The king looked toward Ella but I felt my lips turn downward when his eyes slowly trailed across her milky figure.

'….' I could only keep quiet as they landed on her puffy barely hidden nipples lingering.

"You as well" Ella spoke calmly but she trembled slightly obviously aware of the old man's gaze.

'How dare he…' The king only looked away when he noticed my piercing gaze with a small cough.

"Princess Nessa I don't believe we've met before" He finally looked toward Nessa and tipped his head downward.

"It's an honor" Nessa spoke with a surprisingly calm voice as she bowed slightly causing her squishy breasts to sway.

"I heard there were two new members of the hero's party" The king's eyes moved toward Evelyn before they narrowed seeing her yanking her dress down once more.

"Evelyn right?" He asked as my elder sister quickly nodded with visible nervousness.

I wasn't really surprised about her attitude, Even if Evelyn was the type who always had something to say this was still her first time meeting royalty. Well not adding Nessa and Aria who technically didn't count in my opinion, The main reason was the neither of them had the same grace as the man before us.

My opinion about the king was mixed

He always had a smile on his face and treated me with respect since I was brought to the capital all those years ago, But I wasn't stupid enough to think he was nothing but a king old man. He might not be as bad but he was born in the same garden as every other noble. The man couldn't even use mana and yet he carried himself as if he was untouchable.

"And Laron right?" The king looked toward Leon whose polite smile faltered for a split second before quickly repairing itself.

"Leon your majesty" I was truly impressed by how that bastard could put on such a fake expression so easily.

"I welcome you all back to the capital or for the first time for some" The king didn't give Leon another thought and spread open his arms with a small laugh.

'…' I smirked seeing the dark skinned man's eye twitching as he struggled to maintain his facade.

"Please stand" The kind gestured and I didn't hesitate to stand up feeling as if my knee was sore from the hard ground.

Leon followed with Ella and my elder next before Alexia finally stood up as well. The three women's bouncing bosoms catching many gazes that I could see, I frowned but couldn't do anything as the sound of trumpets and the kings booming voice sounded out.

"We all know why we're gathered here!" He spoke dramatically walking down the stairs as every noble gave him their full attention.

"The demon's have ravished our lands killing millions of innocent souls!" Melancholy seemed to spread throughout the room and I even noticed a few noble woman with teary eyes.

"But today we are here to celebrate the first intelligent demon to be slain!" The king's voice echoed throughout the entire room before cheers broke out.

"All hale the hero!"


"Death to the demons!" Many voices mixed together filled my ears making me slightly uncomfortable.

"Our valiant hero and his companions are worthy of only praise!" Ella and Alexia looked indifferent underneath the heated crowds gazes while Evelyn looked slightly embarrassed.

'What's he so proud about…' My eyes couldn't help but find Leon though who had a bright smile as he accepted the cheers.

'He literally hid in the back while we fought' I truly didn't think that bastard could get anymore pathetic.

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