
A Good Day


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"Ugh!" I finally let out the moans I was holding back as her wet mouth slid across my aching cock.


"Gag" Aria resumed her diligent work letting my tip hit the back of her throat while letting out lewd gags that filled the room.

I knew I was close and couldn't hold back anymore as my cock started to jump around, The young princesses eyes went wide but instead of pulling back she pushed her head down even lower, Her small hands tightened around my base and that was the last straw.

"Uh!" I groaned and gripped the arms of the chair as my cock bulged in Aria's mouth before exploding.

"Mn" Aria's eyes widened even further as my semen splashed into her mouth slowly puffing up her cheeks.

"S~shit" I cursed as stream after stream shot out until the petite princesses cheeks were as large as a chipmunk.

'It feels so…' I slowly calmed down while letting out a deep breath and looking down at Aria.

Knowing I just came in the mouth of the kingdoms beloved princess made my heart race. What would people think if they knew such a thing, But at the same time I couldn't help but want Aria to continue her sloppy yet incredible blow job.

Aria looked up at me through her fluttering eyelashes and kept my cock in her mouth for a few seconds, It was as if she was making sure to collect all of my seed before finally pulling up. Her plump lips slid across my sensitive shaft leaving behind a trail of salvia from her sloppy work, I felt slightly disappointed when my cock popped out of her mouth.

"…." Aria kept my gaze with a mouthful of my semen and proceeded to shallow leaving me speechless.


'Shit' The noise was loud and I could see a bulge on her slender neck that disappeared soon after.

"H~husband y~your nutrients are d~delicious" Arias cheeks were flushed as she spoke such lewd words making my heart race.

'I don't think any one else is coming to breakfast' I glanced at the empty room and then back to Aria as a smirk slowly filled my face.

"If that's the case" I didn't hesitate to slid my fingers across her cheek until I reached the back of her head.

"Then maybe you should get some more?" I slowly pulled the young princess closer as her cheeks flushed red.

"H~husband" Aria muttered in embarrassment but she didn't hesitate to part her lips once more engulfing my tip.

"Mn" I groaned feeling her wet mouth start to slit across my cock leaving me to lean back with a smile on my face.

'Today's a good day'

Not only did I get to experience the princesses mouth but I had plans later to spend time with my beautiful fiancé. Of course the most important thing was that after the night passed Leon wouldn't be able to be intimate with Ella anymore, it felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off my chest.


I spent most of the morning with Aria and surprisingly I had a very good time. Of course I enjoyed her wet mouth but I started to realize that talking with the young princess was actually nice, Especially if she was using her small hand to stroke me at the same time.

"Ha…" I let a deep breath as I wrapped a towel around my bare waist.

The steamy air of the bathroom obscured my vision although I didn't find it hard to reach the door that led to my room. I was greeted to a rush of chilly air that made me shiver just a tiny bit, I guess one of the perks of being the hero was resistant to high and low temperatures.

My hands grabbed a clean long sleeve shirt that I put on along with a pair of regular slacks, Nothing to fancy and just enough for a night in. I was already looking forward to spending time with Ella, I couldn't help but feel as if my time had been split so much that we hadn't hung out like we used to.


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