
Grudge Match

Mid-day, Konohagakure. The Academy stood as tall and imposing as it ever did, where some of the best ninja produced by the village were trained, and where the Hokage assigned missions. Sasuke, like most other young ninja at some point in their lives, had at one point considered being trying to become Hokage himself. But he'd soon grown out of that. He left such dreams to his blond friend, who would one day probably become Hokage simply by refusing to ever shut up about it. Sasuke had to admire his persistence, if nothing else.

The dark haired boy looked up at the building one more time, considering all the history surrounding that place and the office it represented. He knew it well, as the history of Konohagakure was tied to the history of the clan, as well as his clan should have been tied to the legacy of the Hokages. But instead, one clan had nearly monopolized the office. But it wasn't much of an issue, Sasuke thought. His hand rolled around inside his shirt, caressing a small clay ball hidden there, given to him by Sakura. Ironically, he thought, its construction would not have been possible without the assistance of the Fifth Hokage.

Entering the building, Sasuke ascended to the office of the Hokage, knocking twice on the door. He waited, arms crossed behind his back, dressed in a white zippered shirt, arm warmers, and his usual belt, blue cloth and pants. The kusanagi blade rested easily in its sheath on his back, the wood highly polished.

The voice came from within, bored and slightly imperious. Sasuke imagined it really wasn't all that different from the way he spoke most of the time. "Come in," The Hokage said.

Sasuke entered quickly, closing the door behind him with a solid thunk. Tsunade was looking at some papers on her desk, feet propped up. At least, he assumed she was reading the papers-the Hokage hat shielded much of her face from view, and he couldn't really make out her eyes. She was wearing her usual outfit, green haori, grey blouse, obi, pants, and those high heeled sandals, one foot balanced over the other on the desk. Not exactly the most refined pose for a Kage, Sasuke thought.

Tsunade was of course, obviously beautiful, but Sasuke knew full well how that was simply a result of her Transformation technique, looking like a woman in her twenties when she was in her early fifties. Such vanity. Sasuke also noted that behind her the windows of the round office, offering a grand view of the entire village, were shut. Good. He dipped a hand inside his shirt and crushed the ball of clay, which quickly disintegrated into an invisible mist. As Sakura had told him, he could smell it, a sharp tang as of flowers, but other than that, it had no effect. On him, anyway. But if Sakura was right…

"Hokage, I have a request to make of you." Sasuke said, standing a few meters from her desk, arms calmly at his side. While he once again did not bother to call her Hokage-san, or Hokage-sama, he at least used her proper rank. He had a small amount of respect for the office she held, if not the one who held it.

After remaining motionless since he had entered, Tsunade, shrugged one shoulder, tilting her head to look at him. He could just make out those rich brown eyes of hers, shaded by the brim of the hat. The cloth veil hung behind her hair, still shiny gold and lustrous, another reminder of her mastery of the Transformation technique. Sasuke had heard of only two times that it t had faded, and both had been under remarkable circumstances and significant strain.

"Oh, ho? You have a request to make, Sasuke-chan?" She was needling him, trying to get a rise out of him. Though Tsunade knew Sasuke was a skilled and powerful ninja, that didn't mean she liked him or would act as if he was anything other than a child. A gifted and accomplished child to be sure, but a boy not yet of twenty years.

Sasuke inclined his head. "Yes, Hokage. I know my actions have disrupted the village, and caused various strain among my fellow shinobi-" He was referring to his leaving the village, the actions taken to recover him, and all such activities. Not, tactfully, his frankly irresponsible philandering.

"And I am sorry for that." That was actually kinda true. Sasuke wasn't going to go around on bended knee pleading for anyone's forgiveness, but the results of some of his actions were regrettable. Even if he had felt at the time, he had had no better course of action, and still held to that. A necessary evil was still an evil, he mused.

"But I feel that I can still be of great use to this village. So I have come to task that you will allow me to go on missions once again." He paused, resisting the urge to sniff, letting his sharp senses tell him what he suspected would happen-the scent had filled the room, strangely noticeable by him, but not Tsunade, and yet with no effect on him, while the effects on her, well he would see about that soon enough. With the windows closed, the scent would permeate the room faster and stay hovering in the air longer.

Tsunade seemed to notice something, one eyebrow cocked at the young ninja before her. She slowly swung her feet back down and leaned forward, dropping her papers and propping her chin up with one hand. "You are truly repentant then?" She smirked.

"Yes." Sasuke was sincere, not letting his irritation show.

"And you wish to serve Konohagakure in any way that you can?" She was definitely teasing him, leading up to something, he could tell. But so was he. He imagined his wouldn't be as funny, but likely much more satisfying.

"Yes, Hokage."

She leaned back in her chair, clapping her hands back. "Very well then. There is a matter of great concern to me, as Kage of this village." He waited as she drew out the silence, her vibrant tongue even darting out from between her lips briefly, not quite trailing along the pink lips, simply touching them and then withdrawing like a swift snake.

"My shoulders ache. Come, give me a massage, Uchiha-chan." He scowled, but immediately schooled his features back into impassiveness. Sasuke had learned the value of patience. "Very well, my Hokage."

Lifting her hat up off her head, Tsunade made a show of stretching her arms, causing those ridiculous, enormous breasts of her to bounce slightly. Tsunade knew how to work what she had been blessed (and carefully worked to hold onto) with. First she raised one arm, slowly, extending her fingers to their very full length, then dropping her arm. As she dropped her arm suddenly, her breasts jiggled a bit more. Jirayia had estimated over a hundred centimeters of titflesh rested on Tsunade's frame, nearly three and a half feet of round, blouse-stretching goodness. She repeating the procedure with her left arm, dropping it low again and shaking her shoulders after, causing her bosom to heave and quake. Sasuke waited until he was sure she was quite finished, enjoying the show despite himself. How the hell did she walk with those things, let alone run and fight in heels?

Then he was behind her, a small demonstration of his speed. He paused, looking down at the soft hair upon her head, loose ponytails. Her body was warm, heat radiating off. Now he had a slight advantage-Tsunade could not turn to look at him without giving the impression that she overly cared what he was doing. She compensated by pretending to be utterly disinterested, going back to looking at some mission summaries. "I haven't got all day you know, and my muscles are quite tense. Being Hokage is stressful work."

Sasuke smirked, thinking the woman rather unfit for the position. "I'm quite sure." Then he reached out firmly, fingers digging into her shoulders, kneading the soft flesh there. When he wasn't fucking Sakura's brains out (which was often, teenage sex drive or not), he knew how to do traditional boyfriend tasks like giving a good back and shoulder rub. Sasuke calculated it was a useful skill for a man to have.

Sasuke took his time, occasionally wringing a soft moan or pleasured exhalation from Tsunade. "That's actually…pretty good, Uchiha-chan." She whispered.

Rubbing Tsunade's shoulders, which were shapely but still possessed of significant muscle tone under the skin, Sasuke first worked a hand down to one of her upper arms, and then the other, gently rubbing and squeezing her biceps. Sweat beading on her forehead, Tsunade sank back against her chair, not protesting when Sasuke helped her slip out of her haori. The soft green garment pooled around her lower back, her bare arms visible. Sasuke took a moment while working on her muscles to admire the visible lines of her collar bone, the soft sheen of her peachy skin, and the gigantic swell of her breasts

It had been a long time since Tsunade had felt this way-a very long time. She had been no means become celibate after Don had perished so many years ago, but she had certainly become less interested in sex and relationships. But now, with those strong hands working on the bare skin of her shoulders, with Sasuke's body close behind her, breath on her neck, separated only by the chair of the Hokage, Tsunade felt tingles in places that had long been dormant. Sasuke's touches felt alternatively soft, like a breeze pushing at her arms, lingering along the exposed skin on the back of her neck. Then he was firm, his strength and grip honed through years of grueling practice and combat, never allowing his actions to be routine, melting the tension from Tsunade's upper body. She was actually a little tensed up, but Sasuke imagined that came more from slouching in a chair all the time as opposed to actually letting the stress of her position get to her.

Moving to her right side, Sasuke pushed gently on Tsunade's back, compelling her to stand. He nudged her chair back with one foot and moved in closer to her, his body pressing against hers. The blonde's lips parted slightly, an involuntary sigh escaping at the feeling of his body forced flush with hers. It was to Sasuke's credit that he wasn't sporting an erection right then and there. This became even more difficult as Tsunade, possibly without thinking, slowly rolled her hips, causing her ass to rub against him. With her heels on, her impressive rump (Sasuke hadn't really noticed it before because her tits tended to get most of his attention, but she had a very healthy rear as well), was nearly at a perfect level to grind against his crotch. The Uchiha was finding it increasingly difficult to contain himself, but he simply concentrated-if he could manage to fight off ninja with decades more years of experience than him, he could contain his arousal, at least for a little while.

Without the chair between them, Sasuke was able to reach much more of Tsunade's body, and his hands dipped down to her lower back, his fingers played out and working into the pressure points there. Sasuke slowly moved one of his hands around to Tsunade's front, lightly rubbing her side through the cloth of her obi. His hand traveled upwards, soon less than an inch from the shelf-like expanse of her breasts. Tantalizingly, he ran his hand just along the cloth of her blouse, grazing the underside of her bosom as lightly as he could. His hand came up, and his fingers dipped just between her cleavage, pressed together tightly as her breasts were there wasn't a lot of space. But the tips of his fingers just barely touched between the two magnificent orbs, before running along her upper chest and across her clavicle.

"Uchiha-chan." Tsunade said, realizing what she was feeling was not entirely normal. "What have you done to me?"

Sasuke smirked behind her. "Well, Hokage-sama," his tone was sarcastic, "It's actually an invention of a medical ninja student of yours, Sakura. A little powder that brings out a woman's inner inhibitions. I wasn't entirely sure it would work on you, but you wouldn't be feeling the way you are now, aroused, horny hungry, if deep down you weren't attracted to me on some level. At least, that's what Sakura says."

Tsunade shook her head slightly, tits jiggling even at that minor action. "What makes you think I'm turned on?" She said softly, unable to muster up a lot of resistance.

"Well, these, for starters." Sasuke's pressed his body harder against her now, not bothering to hide his growing hardness. His hands curled around and cupped the huge tits, far larger than his hands. Searching, wandering fingers found her nipples, hard even through the blouse she wore. His hands moved up from her nipples, hot on the soft creamy skin before he gripped her blouse and tugged it down. With a motion that should have been accompanied by some sort of 'boing' sound, Tsunade's tits flopped into view, bouncing like a trampoline on her chest.

"Ahh! Sa-Sasuke!" She cried out softly, using his first name for the first time. Despite her lack of resistance, she was still the Hokage, one of the greatest ninja of her time. If she wanted, she could break this young ninja's arms, shatter his bones like she had to Jirayia all those years ago. And yet, that was the last thing she wanted right now.

"And of course, this as well." Sasuke said, one hand kneading her huge mounds while the other dipped down low. Untying her obi deftly, he tossed it aside and pushed the lower portion of her blouse aside, suddenly placing his curved hand flush against her crotch. She was positively moist, and Sasuke's smile only widened as he felt her obvious, dripping arousal.

"You're in heat, as they say, Hokage. And its time something is done about that." Sasuke gripped her pants at the waist and pulled down, exposing her lovely, lithe legs. Her blouse still covered her groin and ass, but he remedied that by pushing her forward. Ankles constrained by her pants, Tsunade wobbled and fell forward, arms shooting out to catch herself on her desk. Her ass was peeking out from the underside of her blouse, and Sasuke gripped the grey cloth at the bottom, tugging and pulling.

With a ripping sound, the blouse came undone, falling in two halves from the front of Tsunade's body, now completely exposed. Sasuke took time to admire the view as he leaned forward again, his now completely erect pressing through his pants and nestling directly in between Tsunade's ass cheeks. The heat coming off of her was incredible, and as she turned her face to look at him, her cheeks were flushed, face burning red.

"Why are you doing this?" Her voice was strong despite her seemingly vulnerable position.

"Besides the obvious, you mean? The way you walk around looking like a slut half your age, tits bouncing everywhere. That smug attitude just begging to be taken down a peg or two? A reason beyond your artificially maintained beauty?"

She merely nodded, head rising from the desk to look back him. He didn't look impassive anymore, or even horny. He looked like he was getting angry, voice rising with every question he asked.

"It is because of who we are." Sasuke leaned back just a bit to remove his shirt. "You are the last Senju, and I am the last Uchiha. My family should have had the first Hokage's seat, and yet yours has dominated three of the five positons there have been. The Senju have always been inferior to the Uchiha, and yet the other, foolish clans could not see it!" He tugged his belt off, pushing his pants down. Tsunade could not quite see his penis, with their bodies so close and him behind her as he was, but she could feel it, hot, surprisingly long, and above all, heavy. As he rubbed himself up and down the crack of her ass, the soft flesh encompassing nearly his entire length, she was impressed above all be the turgid hardness of his member.

"So you're planning on taking revenge by fucking me?" Tsunade asked, not sure whether to be aroused (well, more than she already was), angry, or simply incredulous. She didn't even consider herself a Senju anymore, she had left that name behind when she had abandoned the path of the ninja.

Sasuke grinned and backed up, rubbing his cockhead along her labia. He grabbed her arms by the wrists and tugged back, pulling up and hard on her limbs. A less flexible woman would have hyperextended or even dislocated her shoulder, but Tsunade merely hissed a bit at the unexpected contortion.

"Do I strike you as someone with a good sense of proportion when it comes to retribution, Hokage? You saw the lengths I was willing to go to get vengeance on my brother, far beyond reason. This should not be such a shock." He kind of had a point

"Well, I wouldn't say a shock," She replied, turning her head so that one cheek rest on the smooth of her desk, looking back up at him. "Just a surprise. A big surprise. Who knew you had something so impressive between your legs, eh, Uchiha-chaaahh!" She cried out as he speared into her, inch after inch of meat stretching her wide. Her lips splayed on either side of shaft as he fucked the Hokage, bent over her desk in the middle of the day. It had been years since anyone other than herself had even touched Tsunade's pussy, and had it not been for the aphrodisiac she'd inhaled flowing through her system, she wouldn't have been able to take even half of his length so quickly. As he forced more of the length inside her with each thrust of his hips, refusing to withdraw even slightly until he'd crammed it all inside, her breasts dragged swung back and forth, in danger of whacking against the edge of her desk. Despite their incredible size, they didn't hang that low, impossibly firm and ripe on her chest-another product of her jutsu mastery.

"You know, you're pretty tight for someone who parades around with such a low-cut blouse, Senju. I figured you'd be a lot looser than this, especially given your age. But I guess if I was fucking the real you, you would be huh? Not that I'd want to stick it inside such a shriveled up old hag!" He borrowed Naruto's nickname for her, baring his teeth in anger. The Uchiha would have their vengeance on the Senju, and he would prove his clan's superiority once and for all. These thoughts drove him on as he pushed himself deeper, penetrating Tsunade fully at this angle, balls swinging up to slap against her enflamed cunt, her heavy impossibly youthful ass pressing against his hips. His hands tugged on her delicate wrists, pulling her ass back towards him as he surged forward, his cock tunneling deep inside her, filling her up. The faster he thrust, the more her tits swung, two heavy pendulums that were soon bouncing off her desk in a pleasurable and only slightly painful way. Tsunade had endured worse than a rough fuck in her life, even if it was from a massive cock such as Sasuke.

"Oooh, Sasuke!" She moaned. Tsunade wanted to be angry at him, taking advantage of her like this, shamefully pounding inside her from behind like she was a common whore, but in her current dizzy state of mind, she just couldn't bring herself to do it. Let him take out some misguided aggression on her if he wanted, if it made her feel like this.

Sasuke released her wrists and fell to her swaying orbs, palming them with surprisingly gentleness considering how hard he was ramming inside her pussy. Tsunade, quick as ever, gripped the edges of her desk for support, throwing her own hips backwards in time to meet Sasuke's thrusts. The two quickly feel into a mutually pleasurable rhythm, and their moans and groans, along with the sounds of flesh smacking against flesh, plus the soft 'squelch'ing of Sasuke's enormous member in her dripping tunnel soon filled the office.

Tossing his head back at how she was squeezing him, flexing her inner walls to clench and writhe against his dick, Sasuke reached down and lightly squeezed her clit with his fingers. Tsunade, ever the willing participant, surprised Sasuke with her next actions. Tightening her grip upon the desk, she swung her legs up from the floor, keeping herself totally horizontal, with just the weight of Sasuke's cock supporting her aside from her own hands. It was an impressive display of athleticism under any circumstances, especially from a woman in her fifties who was getting reamed out by a ten inch prick.

"Hunh, huff…Sasuke. Don't stop, keep going, right..ung…there!" Tsunade let out, locking her legs around the teenager's waist. Her heels dug into the skin of his back slightly, the mild pain only egging him on to fuck harder. She was completely sucking him into her pussy, gripping him wonderfully, the tight purchase making it a struggle for him to pull back as he thrust. Despite not being as experienced as a woman of her age and beauty might be, Tsunade was no slouch. As he frigged his fingers along her clit with alarming speed, she seemed to somehow get even tighter, the heat of pussy wrapping around his dick like it had been molded for it.

"Oh, gaaawwd!" She yelled out, cheeks burning a deeper red. Sasuke was going to pull out, feeling his own climax approach, but with her legs wrapped around him and her pussy squeezing him in just the right way, he couldn't. Bearing down on her instead, he slammed his hips forward a few more times, her glutes having been marked red by the frenzy of their coupling.

"Ah, you Senju whore!" Sasuke gasped, gritting his teeth as he unleashed inside her. With most other women, he might have been worried about getting her pregnant (not that she'd be the first), but with her age, he considered it unlikely. Her legs slowly unwrapped from him, settling back upon the floor shakily. Sasuke pulled out, drips and drops of his come leaking from Tsunade's vastly expanded hole.

Not done with her by a long shot, he raised one hand and brought it down upon her asscheeks with a thunderous sound. Again and again he spanked her, muttering words like "bitch" and "slut" under his breath. Tsunade closed her eyes a bit, and then let out a soft chuckle.

"Come on, Sasuke! I'm one of the strongest ninja of mine or any other generation! Can't you do any better than that?"

Piqued by her challenge, his eyes landed upon his fallen sword. He held it with two hands, drawing the blade and then gently setting it aside.

Standing up with the sheath in his hand, his voice was grim.

"Turn over, Tsunade." He nearly spat.

She complied, heaving her back up onto the desk, with just her round ass hanging slightly off. He got a good look at her breasts again, perked atop her chest, heaving and shuddering with every breath she took. Her stomach was soft and flat, pubic hair neatly trimmed. She raised her legs high in the air, ass on full display for him, waiting.

"Do your worst, Uchiha." He swung the sheath up and brought it crashing down onto her ass, the supple flesh exploding out into fleshy, obscene ripples, the impact rocking all the way up her body. Tsunade looked back at up, refusing to admit defeat as he swung again and again, she simply howled in ecstasy, the pain turning her ass red. Sasuke switched off from each side of her ass, not giving her time to get used to which large side of her rump he was going to hit next.

"Hah-harder!" She shouted out, and Sasuke gripped and swung the wood so mightily he felt it might break off in his hands.

Seeking to urge him to greater heights of lust and frenzy, Tsunade looked to her bouncing, jiggling tits. Gabbing her right boob, squeezing firmly with her own muscled hands, she pushed the swaying sphere up, craning her neck. As Sasuke watched, mesmerized, she licked and kissed at her own breast, finally managing what he wouldn't have thought possible and popping her own engorged nipple into her mouth. She sucked and even grazed her teeth against it greedily as he continued to smack her ass, turning it from red to a slightly bruised purple. His cock stiff again, veins straining at the underside, he finally dropped the wood to the ground with a clatter. Beaten but by no means broken, Tsunade merely switched to sucking on her other boob before he gripped her around the waist. Hauling her off the desk, Sasuke held her in the air and dove his head into her chest, licking and slurping at the tits, shaking his head back and forth. Tsunade moaned and gasped, wrapping her hands in his dark hair as he motorboated her astounding rack.

After a minute or two of this, he let her drop, rubbery, to the floor. Taking a seat in her chair, Sasuke ran a hand up and down the length of his dick, purple head throbbing.

"Time to live up to your nickname, Hokage." He dared her.

On her knees behind her own disk, Tsunade looked up at him whorishly, batting her eyelids a bit. She reached out experimentally with one hand, jacking it up and down Sasuke's length, still slick with remnants of their combined fluids. Giving him a broad grin, she quipped, "I just hope you can handle this, Uchiha." Then she withdrew her hand, nuzzling her face in close to his shaft. First she rubbed her nose along the underside, tongue lapping up at his sweaty balls, swirling about the leathery surface. She was teasing him, drawing the prelude to this act as long as she could, and tracing the pulsing vein on the underside of his dick with just the tip of her tongue. When she came to the head she swirled her tongue around, before licking her way back down the other side of her shaft, her eyes never leaving his.

Sasuke's hands were balled into fists, feeling anticipation and pleasure shudder throughout his body. Her tongue was agile like a dancer, always darting this way and that, never pausing, sometimes just sticking out a little then extending as far as she could, wrapping around each of his balls in turn, getting his entire rod slick with and shiny with her saliva. Finally she dragged her head back up the front of his cock, giving him one last coy look. Giggling wickedly, Tsunade opened wide and popped the tip of his cock head inside.

Sasuke groaned, running one hand across his own face. This felt incredible, the suction on his cock so great it was like a vacuum seal. Slowly, ever so slowly, she descended, hands squeezing and tugging on his balls as her mouth worked its way down his shaft. She swallowed, flexing her throat muscles over and over again as the tip of his cock moved down past her tonsils. She felt like tight wet velvet clenched wrapped around him, fondling him with her inned muscles.

"Fuck's sake…" Sasuke gasped out. Obviously the Legendary Sucker didn't just apply to her terrible luck.

Not that Tsunade felt her luck was so bad right now. Even back when she was more sexually active, she couldn't recall a time when she had gotten this hot and bothered. Even now her pussy was leaking like a drippy faucet, which she supposed was a function of the powder he'd used on her. Not that she was complaining. As she neared the base of his dick she paused, working him within her throat as she rocked back and forth, spit leaking from her tight lips. She had maybe two inches or so left, but that was just the start of her oral skills.

Giving him a salacious wink, Tsunade closed her eyes and plunged head down, until her forehead rest against his abs and her nose was buried in his bush. Having taken him in fully, she dipped her jaw open fully, looking like she'd almost dislocated the damn thing, as her tongue lolled out, rubbing along his balls. Her fingernails raked along his sensitive inner thighs, trailing up and down his muscled stomach as Sasuke wrapped his hands in her blonde tresses. Not gripping too harshly, he was simply seeking something to hold on to, something solid to rest his mind against the crashing waves of pleasure she was giving him.

Tsunade pulled back, moving slowly again, until his dick fell free of her mouth. A bead of drool piling up on her lips, she kissed his tip, tongue flicking out to taste his slit, dabbing back in and swallowing the beads of pre-come he was leaking. Then she opened wide again and plunged all the way down, faster this time. She paused only long enough for his brain to register she'd taken the whole thing again with nary a cough or a moment's hesitation, before she pulled back and then shoved her throat back down upon his cock. Even Sakura couldn't blow him like this, and while Sasuke was no stranger to skull fucking girls, it was more Tsunade was fucking him with the muscles of her throat. Tsunade hummed merrily on his member, enjoying herself more than she had in ages. If only every day of being Hokage was like this.

"Ah! You nasty Senju! I'm going to-" Sasuke broke off in a strangled gasp, his pleasure too much for coherent speech.

Tsunade pulled off him with impressive quickness, his entire dick shiny with her drool. "Oh, if you liked that, you're gonna love this." She teased, before tugging up her massive tits. Placing them on either side of Sasuke's dick, he was soon smothered in firm, soft, sweaty breasts, a veritable marshmallow heaven. Mashing them together, Tsunade pushed her tits up and down in unison, not having to move very far as even Sasuke's large member wasn't much more than the length of her titties. She shook them upon his cock, bounced them up and down, went from sliding up and down at the same time to rocking back forth, one gliding up while the other slid down. Helpless to resist, Sasuke thrust his hips steadily, his balls knocking against the underflesh of her wobbly mams as his orgasm drew ever closer. As his dick pierced the valley of her tits she would lick and suck at his tip, a constant, unceasing sensory overload for every inch of his cock.

"Gah, ungh!" He moaned, unable to contain himself any longer. His first shot sprung out, lancing up and globbing onto Tsunade's open lips and nose. Another landed on her bouncing tits and then Tsunade had a wicked idea.

As Sasuke's orgasm continued, she swallowed his dick again, his sperm blasting against her palate and then down her throat as she engulfed every inch of him. Craning her mouth open impossibly wide, she scratched his nuts lightly with one hand as she scooped them up, pulling them forward. In an act as lewd as nearly any Sasuke had seen or done, and something he would not have thought possible, Tsunade swallowed his balls as well, muscles in her face, jaw and throat working overtime. Drool bubbled up in her mouth, and she eagerly gulped it down along with the last shots of his jizz.

Sasuke's face was fleshed now, panting for breath, sweating heavily. The sun danced through the wide windows of the office onto Tsunade's face as she pulled off his softening prick. She gave him one last sloppy dick kiss, bubbles foaming up.

"If you should spend the next hundred days just getting your dick sucked," She said thickly, "You would never find anyone better." Her boasts rang true, and Sasuke could only nod in agreement, breath ragged. He could tell from the look on her face, idly rubbing her giant tits again, that she wasn't done, and Sasuke wasn't ready to call it quits either.

Standing up, he pulled her with him, spinning her about slightly. He was behind her again, both of them facing the grand windows and the village beyond. Sasuke took a step, pushing her with him.

"Someone might see us, you filthy boy," Tsunade moaned. Sasuke didn't stop until she had to turn her head to keep from smashing her nose against the glass. Cheek resting against the cold surface, she felt the wind of Sasuke dropping down to his knees behind her. For a moment she wondered what she was doing, and then her eyes shot open wide in surprise.

"Oooh! You dirty fucker!" She giggled. One hand on either side of her still very sensitive ass, Sasuke had pushed his tongue up inside her rectum. Waggling it about, she suddenly felt a great pressure as the appendage inside her grew longer and thicker. Reaming her ass out his tongue, Sasuke's fingers moved around to her pussy.

"Ah…picked up something more than the Cursed Seal from Orochimaru, eh?" She gasped. In her younger days, she'd become familiar with the snake ninja's little tongue tricks.

Sasuke was silent, even if he hadn't had his face buried in sumptuous assflesh, he had a job to do, getting her prepped. He worked at Tsunade for minute after minute, sometimes dragging his mouth from her ass to lick at the sensitive folds of her pussy, fingering her ass as he did so. Sasuke was going to turn her brain to mush before he was done.

Soon enough, Tsunade's breath hitched, and her fists bounced against the glass softly. She couldn't quite see clearly enough to determine if anyone was looking at them from down below, but it was the middle of the afternoon, people would be out walking, and someone was bound to look up sooner or later. That thought, of all Konohagakure being able to glance up at her naked body writhing in delight, pushed her over the edge.

"Ah, fuck, I'm cominnng!" She gasped out, slumping forward slightly. Her tits, slick with sweat and spit seemed to stick to the glass, her skin growing warm under the sunlight.

Sasuke didn't stop in the slightest, determined to show Tsunade she wasn't the only one with impressive head game. He worked from her ass to her vagina, fingers sliding in and out, rubbing inside, outside, and at the sensitive skin between her holes. Between his thighs, his cock was rising to attention again, but he was going to make her climax a few more times before he did anything with it.

Sasuke's relentless tongue-lashing gave Tsunade no time to come down from her climax, and she was soon squealing again, juices shooting out to coat his face. "Oh, goddamn." She moaned, delirious.

She closed her eyes, lost in the sensation, simply enjoying feeling her tits mashed against the glass and Sasuke's eager ministrations on her fuckholes. She could have stayed like this forever.

But Sasuke had other plans, and after Tsunade began to bite her lip through her next orgasms, the pleasure making her legs weak and numb, almost too much for her brain to handle, he stood up.

Turning her around by her thick hips, Sasuke pushed her back against the glass, face to face. Tsunade leaned forward and kissed him, tasting both her pussy and ass on him. Sasuke reached down and lifted up one of her legs, bending it up high as possible, until it was pressing nearly completely vertically against his chest, heel up over his shoulder between their bodies. His dick was pushing insistently against her stretched out asshole, and she merely looked at him, tongue lapping at the girl come on his lips and chin.

"Go on, then. Fuck me with your big Uchiha cock. Make me scream your name, if you can." Sasuke pressed his mouth to hers, tongues battling inside the wet cavern of her mouth as he forced himself inside her backdoor, fucking the Hokage standing up against the windows of her office. Her back squeaked as the sweaty skin was forced up and down the sheer panes, streaking them as her ass cheeks were pressed flat, bulging at as Sasuke burst past the tight ring of her asshole and continued on.

"Oooohawww!" She wailed, drawing back from their kiss, eyes tossed up to the ceiling. She didn't know a dick in her ass could feel this good-she wasn't an anal virgin, but given the relative size between the few partners she'd had before and Sasuke, she might as well have been.

Sasuke pounded on now, going faster and faster. If it had been normal glass and not the resistant windows of the Hokage's office, Tsunade would've worried about them plunging through. Instead, the pane simply banged and rocked in its setting as Sasuke forced every inch of his fat cock inside her ass. He latched his mouth onto the skin of her swan-like neck, lips peeling back as his tongue whirled over the skin. Biting down, his teeth pressed tiny indentations into her skin as she moaned and ululated upon him.

Driven on to greater heights of sexual frenzy by the wanton, voluptuous body of the Hokage, Sasuke fucked her ass faster and faster, balls slapping against her skin. He gnawed her neck with his teeth as Tsunade cried out, experiencing her first anal orgasm. "Sasuke!!" She shouted, hands wrapping about him, unable to support herself on her one leg any further as she collapsed back against the glass.

Pulling out for just a moment, Sasuke turned and threw Tsunade onto the floor of her office. So body-blasted was she that she couldn't catch herself with her hands, and merely sprawled out in a sweaty, curvaceous pile of flesh. Pouncing upon her like a hound, Sasuke turned her slightly, pointing her legs to one side as he plunged back into her ass, this new position and angle making her fucked-out hole seem fresh as ever before.

Not able to last much longer, Sasuke ramped up his speed, whamming against her assflesh again and again. He was going to fill up this Senju cunt with his come, right in her fucking ass. Working her so hard Tsuande felt like she might break in half, she simply rocked back and forth, actually pushed forward a few inches by his thrusts. Sweat flew from the tips of Sasuke's hair as finally lost control of himself in the final moments of this animalistic act.

"Sasuke, Sasuke, Sasuke!!! Yes, yes, yes!" She cried, completely out of her skull.

"Tsu-naade!" Sasuke yelled, hilting himself inside her ass, feeling like he'd hit a wall inside her. Her pumped-out anal passage made dreadful noises as he packed it to the brim with his seed, and Tsunade could feel the pressure of his orgasm stretching out against the separation to her vagina. It'd be leaking out of her for a day at least.

Unwilling, and possibly unable to pull out, Sasuke sprawled against her, head reeling. Their faces somehow found each other, searching in their afterglow, and they kissed once more, gently this time, if only because each lacked the strength to be anything but gentle.

"Ah…Hokage-sama." He said softly, the previous venom gone from his voice. Well, most of it.

"Uchiha-san," She said, placing one palm flat against his face. "That was fucking amazing."

He nodded blearily. "You said a mouthful."

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