


"Get them out" I commanded watching as Henry shot down the last of Jules's men at the shed.

Finally, the last piece in the puzzle.

Henry jogged up to me. "Liam and Brett are already in there, do you want to go in and check on them? They can be quite aggressive and intimidating"

I sighed and dropped the cigarette I was about to put between my lips back into the packet that I always carried.

It had taken me two hours to drive here from the mansion but I had to do that as quickly as possible after killing Jules. I needed to get the girls out before someone else attacked the shed and took them.

"Stay right here and alert me if there's anything needed or if someone's coming" I ordered him, removing my gun from my holster before going in through the damaged door.

The two men of mine inside were trying to talk to the two girls who were huddled up in the corner, crying and shivering, their bodies barely covered with tattered clothes.

Liam and Brett immediately stepped back, sensing my presence.

"Leave" I growled to the two men who immediately left the shed to stand outside with Henry.

I focused my attention on the girls, a sigh escaping my lips.

"Natasha and Samantha?" I inquired even though I knew who exactly they were.

One girl with dirty blonde hair raised her face up, holding the other tightly in her frail hands.

"What do you want with us?" She asked, her tone shaking.

The other girl angled her face a bit to look at me before she looked back to the ground.

"Nothing. You are free" I said cooly.

She looked at me with disdain in her eyes. "I know the likes of you …" she spat out.


I smiled at her. "Indeed you think you do but you don't. It would be a lost cause to let you die here after going through all the trouble so I ask again, come with me" I stretched a hand to her but she didn't take it.

"How do I know that you don't want to sell us again and put us through that like the other girls" She inquired, her gaze darting behind me briefly in fear.

"You don't. You'll have to trust me, Natasha. Keisha, isn't it? Your elder sister? She asked for my help and I promised her" I looked for her expression shift which came in a heartbeat.

Hope filled those tear-stricken eyes. "Keisha?" She muttered.

"La mia famiglia ha fatto domanda anche sulla mia presenza? Sono informati che mi trovo qui?" (Did my family ask for me too? Do they know I'm here?) The other girl Samantha whispered, her voice cracking as she looked at me.

I looked at her and shook my head.

"No, non ne sono al corrente, ma ti prenderò con me e ti assicuro che sarai trattato con ogni cura." (No they don't but I'll take you with me and I promise that you'll be well taken care of)

She looked at Natasha who was biting down on her lips and contemplating my offer.

"Who are you?" she spoke up, looking at me with fear.

That bastard had done a lot of unimaginable things to them and now they looked no more than frail creatures.

"I can't tell you my name but you can call me Signore" I tilted my head towards the other girl who looked up.

That one didn't understand English just Italian.

"Signore?" Natasha who could speak English said, helping Samantha to her feet.

"Yes," I said calmly. The literal translation was Sir. Maybe not the best alias but it was one that I always gave anyone who cared to ask from one of these missions.

They didn't say anything and were barely holding themselves up when I sighed and looked behind my shoulder. "Liam! Brett!"

The two burly men ran back in, their faces hard. The two girls cowered at the sight of the men.

"Don't be scared… they won't hurt you" I smiled at them, watching how Natasha quickly said a few words of reassurance to Samantha who nodded briefly.

"Take them to the van and get Rita to look them over while we go back" I ordered, walking out of the shed.

As soon as I walked out of the room, I saw Henry frowning at the path.

"What's wrong?", I asked looking at the desolate road, my eyes squinting at it.

He raised his gun, a frown on his face and that's when I realized that the ground was vibrating and I could hear a faint humming sound.

We had company.

"Hold them off," I said calmly, heading back to the shelf.

"We have company. Keep them quiet. You two stay quiet and don't make a sound" I told the girls who were staring at me.

Natasha held Samantha tighter to her chest. "What is happening?", this time her voice cracked very openly and I was tempted to rip the throats of whoever was coming as they had made these girls scared again.

"Hold them down if you must" I informed my men who nodded.

Natasha's eyes widened and she didn't bother translating that piece of information to Samantha.

"It's for your safety" I smiled at her and she slowly slid to the ground.

The sound of voices outside made me smirk. Oh, they're here.

"No one's allowed inside" I could hear Henry say and the sound of footsteps could be heard.

"Oh c'mon, what's the big deal?" I heard someone else who wasn't part of my team sneer.

I walked back to the mouth of the shed, immediately pulling out my gun and pointing it at him.

"Back off," I said coldly, my gun aimed right at his head.

The man was clearly not expecting me because he immediately stiffened and took two rushed steps back.

"Cassian?" I looked over at the leader who was wearing black gloves.

"This wasn't part of Jules's property" The young man said, removing a glove from his hand.

"I'm well aware…I was here first" I reminded him.

He grinned. "You already have Grace. I have reason to believe that some girls are here"


"Oh c'mon, it's not really fair right? We can share them. Two of them, wasn't it? I need new blood in my club" He said with a smile that looked as fake as the golf chain resting on his neck.

Seeing as I didn't answer, he smiled. "I've always wanted to try with you. Let's try it out shall we" he wiggled his brows at me.

Henry sent me a look and shook his head but I nodded at Cassian.


Fight to the death.

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From, Author Gem Noir

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