

Magical Realism
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Leia o romance 30l1 escrito pelo autor DaoistwNQfp5 publicado no WebNovel. OK...



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**Due to extreme family difficulties the book is on hold for now, hope to resume in April or before.** This story is a tale of how an office worker, at an intelligence agency, got summoned into another world and married the demon lord. Yuna is a strong willed, independent woman, who has worked hard to get where she is. Yet she couldn't make it out onto the field, where the real action took place, and became a handler to the world's top agents. Because of this she found other ways to find happiness in the world. She is a comic junkie and an avid gamer. One day, as she is leaving her job, she encounters her fellow agent in trouble. In freeing him from his dilemma she is inadvertently teleported to another world. She is annoyed that such a thing happened to her. However she presses on and through a series of misadventures ends up married to the demon lord she was summoned to stop. What will her fate ultimately end up being? Will she somehow break her bound of marriage and regain her freedom? Will she embrace her new role and burn the world? Or will some other fate fall upon her? This book is a comedy romance. The romance starts off extremely slow, Yuna meets the demon lord in chapter 21. I hope you will give it a read and that it will give you some laughs. Please consider donating your powerstones to this book. Powerstones are the best way for this book to be found by other people. So if this book brings a smile to your face, please share it by donating your stones. Also consider adding this book to your collection as I do daily updates. Thank you! Please enjoy the book! My personal discord https://discord.gg/ERfXt8w

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