
Chapter 30: The Astonishing Separation Charm

Standing by the large tank, Professor Tywin tapped the glass with his wand.

"Fending off a Grindylow is quite simple: don't let them grab you, and use the Seperation Charm," he explained. "But keep in mind, the success of this spell requires a firm will."

"Oh, Mr. Wolfe," Tywin murmured softly, "don't give me that look. Confidence is something you all have. Slytherin and Ravenclaw, I dare say, are the finest houses in Hogwarts. Many great wizards have emerged from these two houses."

The Slytherins, now with self-satisfied smiles, straightened up a little taller.

Tywin continued, "If you fail, don't worry—I'm here. What's there to fear?"

He smiled reassuringly, then said, "Let's start by practicing the incantation without our wands. Everyone, say it with me:haa-sakl!"

"Haa-sak!" the class chanted together.

"Good," Tywin nodded. "But that's just the easy part. Now it's time to apply it. Judy, step up."

Judy Crouch, a Slytherin, walked forward trembling—not from fear, but from excitement. She stood next to Tywin, and a sharp scent of perfume filled the air as she inhaled deeply, savoring his proximity.

The tank shook again, and a low growl resonated from inside.

With a flick of his ebony wand, Tywin turned to her. "Are you afraid, Judy?" he asked softly.

Her face flushed as she shook her head vigorously. Her freckled face resembled a blemished dragon fruit, her nerves showing through her attempt to be brave.

"Good," Tywin said. "I'll open the tank now."

Her trembling hands betrayed her growing fear, but she stood firm, comforted by the professor's presence.

With a soft "click," the top of the tank popped open, revealing a set of sharp, green horns poking out. A sickly green creature pressed its face against the glass, making grotesque faces, its long, thin fingers wriggling like vine tendrils.

The Grindylow rose slowly to the surface, its bulbous head emerging first, followed by its hideous, octopus-like arms. It let out a guttural hiss, and the stench of decay filled the room as its needle-like, yellow teeth flashed like a row of painted steel spikes.

Marcus Belby, one of William's roommates, trembled violently, his eyes wide with a mix of horror and fascination.

Judy Crouch, on the other hand, seemed frozen in place, too stunned to move.

"Judy, don't be afraid," Tywin said softly, his voice full of calm reassurance. "I'm right here. Hold your wand steady."

Encouraged by his words, Judy slowly raised her wand, though she was still unable to speak.

The Grindylow lunged toward her, its long fingers extending like whip-like tendrils.

William, standing nearby, suddenly felt a painful grip on his arm—Marietta Edgecombe had latched onto him again, her fingers digging into his arm with such force it felt like she was trying to crush his bones.

"Haasak!" Judy screeched at last.

A loud crack echoed through the room. The Grindylow froze, its face showing a look of utter confusion as one of its long fingers suddenly vanished into thin air.

The creature lost its balance and fell flat on the floor with a wet thud, its remaining limbs flailing awkwardly like a hapless spider on its back.

"Arthur, step forward!" Tywin called out next.

Arthur approached, his face tense. The Grindylow slid across the floor like an ice skater, extending its remaining claws towards him, its translucent, green fingers gleaming menacingly.

"Haasak!" Arthur shouted, and with another crack, the Grindylow lost another finger.

One by one, the students stepped forward, each successfully severing the creature's limbs. Once the Grindylow was completely disarmed, Tywin fetched another one from the tank.

Soon, it was Cho's turn.

"Remember," Tywin warned the class, "never aim the Severing Charm at a fellow witch or wizard. It's a dangerous spell. Once, I accidentally severed a wizard's clothes—and nearly something else…"

He never finished his sentence. At that very moment, Judy Crouch, perhaps too confident after her initial success, charged forward again. But this time, instead of aiming at the Grindylow, she pointed her wand directly at Professor Tywin.

She had likely intended to replicate the "clothes-severing" effect that Tywin had mentioned earlier, eager to witness the spectacle firsthand. 

Her aim, however, was off—not at Tywin's robes, but at his… well, his lower body.

No one could have anticipated it, least of all Tywin, who had been focused entirely on Cho.

A bright flash of light shot between the Grindylow's remaining fingers, aiming straight for Tywin's leg—specifically, his thigh.

A strange, unpleasant sensation shot through Tywin's leg, as though lightning had struck it. It was an odd feeling, as if his very bones were being sucked out from under him.

The entire class gasped, horrified.

Tywin's right leg simply vanished—bone and all. With nothing left to support him, he collapsed onto the floor, his ebony wand clattering to the ground.

He lay there, his leg a limp, boneless mass, feeling more like a rubbery stocking than an actual limb.

"Oh, haha," Tywin forced out a weak laugh. "This… this is the other possible result of the spell—bone removal!"

Judy stood there, petrified. Tywin, realizing the gravity of the situation, didn't bother offering more encouragement this time. It seemed his earlier attempts at being supportive had backfired—literally.

Lying on the ground, Tywin grimaced as the students crowded around him, but none dared to help.

"Alright," he groaned, his voice strained. "Someone… please… take me to the hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey can…"


A sharp, piercing shriek echoed through the room.

In the chaos, everyone had forgotten about the Grindylow. The creature had crept forward on the floor and, seizing the opportunity, launched itself at the nearest students—Cho and Marietta.

Marietta screamed and waved her wand wildly, narrowly avoiding hitting William in the face. Her walnut wand could have easily poked his eye out if he hadn't dodged in time.

Emotional outbursts often caused magical surges, and Marietta, already panicked, experienced just that. The tank exploded with a loud crash, sending shards of glass scattering everywhere.

Though the tank had seemed small, it had been magically expanded inside. It had contained not one, but six Grindylows. Now, all six were loose, their sharp teeth bared, glaring menacingly at the students.

Chaos erupted. The students bolted for the exit, pushing and shoving in their frantic attempt to escape.

Tywin, still lying on the floor, was caught in the stampede. His expensive robes were trampled, and footprints covered his once pristine outfit.

He almost became Hogwarts' first professor to be trampled to death by his own students.

[tl/n: I've done extensive research, and yes it's separation charm, likely an og spell.]

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I'm absolutely sorry for the late update guys, my family as a whole had the craziest weekend this week and I couldn't find the time to even schedule the chapters.

as an apology I will be uploading two bonus chapters, shortly.

I wish you a wonderful day/night!

HyppoTLcreators' thoughts
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