
Chapter twenty Watchfull eyes

*Hamasaki Reina POV*

For the past two years, I've been working in this coffee shop, six years ago I was a model. I had friends, I had a life where I wasn't at the top but I wasn't at the bottom and now I serve coffee to randos, I have now hit rock bottom. It's definitely not every 22-year-olds dream job. Is it weird to say that I miss high school, ironic that I hated the people that always seemed like they peaked in high school yet now I feel like I am one of them. I feel like at some point someone or something was taken from me and I had absolutely no idea until it was too late. The sound of the coffee machine echoed in my ears as my reflection diluted in the brown pot of warm, bittersweet memories. I haven't talked to any of the people I knew from high school since graduation. I remember always thinking I would…I would still be friends with them, but after school we didn't try to keep in contact. It was like we were friends by location not by choice.

"Excuse me, can I have that coffee now please?" The tan woman at the register asked, holding out her hand.

"Oh, of course. Sorry about that." I handed the coffee to her while staring at her face, something about her looked familiar. She had short messy black hair and a killer body, not that I couldn't compare. I watched as she walked out of the shop wondering who she was.

*Hayakawa Anju POV*

I sipped on the coffee as I pulled out my phone, unlocking it and immediately going to the contact list, I clicked on the one that said 'Blonde hoe' and put it to my ear. The ringing lasted a few seconds before the familiar voice of my sister entered my ear,

"Hey, what's up?"

"You will never guess who just served me coffee, Hamasaki Reina."

"The bitchy model girl from when we were in high school?"

"Yep, she now works in a coffee shop looking dead inside."

"Ha! She deserves that. Thanks for telling me this wonderful news."

"Of course, see you later love ya."

"Bye love you." I hung up the phone and placed it in my pocket as I walked to the train station. The train arrived just in time and I was off to my destination. After about 15 minutes I noticed the person next to me was wearing an all too familiar uniform, the basic white with the few red stripes and a boring old red skirt. 

"Do you go to Hinata academy?" I asked the person who looked to be 17, maybe 18.

"Hmm, oh yes. I take it that you did too when you were my age?"

"Haaa, sadly yes. Tell me, does the English teacher from hell still teach there?"

"Miss Kuroki?"

"Ha! Yes. So she still teaches there, someone needs to put that bitch in her place."

"I couldn't agree more… miss?"

"You can call me Anju."

"Miss Anju, I'm Oozora Hibiki, but you just call me Hibiki." The girl held out her hand and I shook it. The girl and I continued to chat for a while until her stop came right before mine,

"It was nice to meet you Anju."

"You too Hibiki," I said as I watched her get off the train.

*Oozora Hibiki POV*

I walked off the station and saw my boyfriend waiting for me. He was a real man, he stood at Six feet and 2 inches and had raging muscles but still respected me. His silver hair spiked up and in his hand he held a metal bat.

"Hibiki!" He yelled my name and threw me a helmet. "Put it on, we're almost late." He turned around and walked down the pair of stairs leading to the place where he parked his bike. He sat on the front and I strapped on the helmet grabbing onto his back and pushing my breasts against his back. "Hold on tight Hibiki." He said as the sound of the engine screamed out.


"And we're off!" He yelled speeding off. We drove for about ten minutes until we stopped in front of a large Japanese style mansion. He parked his bike and walked through the front gate. I followed behind him as he opened the sliding door to the house like he owned the place.  "Hey, I'm back." He yelled into the halls of the large house. A man who looked to be about the same age as Anju-22-popped his head out the entryway of the living room. The man had short brown hair and golden eyes. My boyfriend looked at him and bowed

"It's good to see you boss." The man gave a kind smile and replied

"Good to see you too Masashi." Masashi stopped and looked excited, probably thinking, 

'he knows my name!' A woman's hand reached from the entryway and grabbed his shirt's collar, dragging him away. From the distance I could here part of their conversation.

"You're not escaping me that easily slutzumi,"

"Heh, who ever said I was trying to escape Risa." The sound of a sloppy make out session began to come from the living room so me and Masashi walked past it keeping our heads down, but as we did I got a glimpse of the girl. She had slightly tan skin and long beautiful silky brown hair matched with an amazing figure for a woman who looked to be in her mid to late 20's. I eyed her as we walked past toward another room.

*Hamasaki Risa POV*

I slammed my tongue into his mouth and brought my hand over his butt. My husband was a man who appeared very kind and he was, but if you cross him get prepared to meet a very different man. My husband  Imaizumi Keita. 

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