
Caught Red Handed

Night had approached as Miles loomed over the edge of a building overlooking the FEAST building. His lenses scanned the building, searching for every access point he could enter from.

"Man, this upgrade is something else." Miles whistled, swinging toward the shelter.

[I still don't see why you had to wait for nighttime to check out the homeless shelter.] Genki's voice sounded through his earpiece.

"Well, it's not like I can walk in dressed as Spider-Man," Miles replied, landing on the place's roof. "Besides, this is a lot more entertaining."

[Oh yeah, sneaking into a shelter sounds really entertaining.] Genki scoffed, his voice tinged with sarcasm.

"Uh, I'm going to be sneaky, so I'm going to need to go quiet on the communications," Miles said, sneaking into the building.

Miles activated his cloaking ability and began to sneak through the shelter. It was quite big, which made sense as it was sheltering a good number of people. Hell, Miles had to give Martin Li credit where it was due. He made a great place for those in need. Too bad he had to screw everything up by becoming Mister Negative.

But one thing Miles hadn't been able to decipher was who or what was the cause for Mister Negative, and why was he threatening New York now? Hopefully, he'd find his answers in this building.

Sweeping the building, it didn't take long for Miles to arrive at Martin Li's office. Unfortunately, the door happened to be locked. Miles' eyes scanned the halls. He saw a few steps away that there was an air duct he could crawl into.

Crawling through the air ducts, Miles grimaced at how dirty the place was. There was dust buildup, and he could have sworn he had seen a rat run by. 'Sheesh, someone needs to clean this.'

While he was crawling, Miles noticed that the air ducts split off in two directions. One heading to Martin Li's office, and the other one to a different place.

'Strange. I'll check out the office first.'

Once he had found his way above Martin Li's office, he dropped down silently.

'Alrighty, let's see what we can find.' Miles said to himself, searching the office for any clues. But from the looks of things, there didn't seem to be much in his office except for a few personal pictures and certificates.

[So you want to tell me what you're trying to find?]

"Just doing a routine Spider-Man check," Miles said with a shrug before he narrowed his eyes. 'If I were Martin Li, where would I hide all of my illegal crap?'

[I'm sure what you're doing is breaking and entering, which I'll have you know, is illegal.]

"Well, you see Genki. It's only illegal if I get caught."

[Is that something Spider-Man should be saying?]

"Nope." Miles hummed, placing his hand on his chin, deep in thought. He started to think about the direction of the other path in the air ducts and walked towards that wall. On that wall was a pair of large bookcases.

"It couldn't be that, could it?" Miles wondered, checking out the bookcases. That was when he noticed that they could be moved to the side. Once moved, Miles was greeted with a door, but much to his dismay, it appeared to have some sort of keypad.

[Huh, that's a weird thing for the director of a Homeless Shelter to have.]

"You're starting to believe my Spidey intuition now?" Miles said, checking the keypad. "Too bad that the thing is locked. Guess I'll have to go back through the air ducts."

[Why didn't you do that to begin with?]

"Come on, I wanted to feel like a detective."

[Sorry, but you're no Batman.]

"One can hope." Miles sighed, jumping back up the air duct.

Reaching the hidden room, Miles dropped down and was surprised at what he saw. As he dropped, a bit of dust fell along with him.

"Man, I know this isn't a five-star hotel, but they could still keep the place cleaned," Miles said, patting the dust off. Once he was cleaned off, Miles raised his head and looked ahead. "Oh?"

[That's a wall filled with weapons.] Genki voiced out what Miles was thinking.

In front of him was a wall of weapons, along with a similar demon mask hanging off the wall and a long Chinese sword hanging beside it.

"You still think our guy is innocent?"

[Well, not anymore.]

Turning around, Miles saw a table filled with blueprints and pinpointed locations all across New York.

"These are probably the remaining locations Kingpin used to own," Miles muttered. "Hey, do the lenses allow you to take pictures?"

[Yeah, and videos as well. Don't worry, I'm making sure that everything gets saved to the hard drive.]

"Good work," Miles said, checking out the rest of the room. There was enough evidence here to send Martin LI to the RAFT. But Miles still hadn't found out why Martin Li was doing what he was doing. 

Call it a gut feeling, but Miles felt that if he didn't find the motive, it would come to bite him in the ass later.

Unfortunately, it seemed like Miles' time was up. His spider senses began to ring, and Miles quickly jumped back into the air ducts and hid.

Miles saw Martin Li enter the room. While he was speaking in Mandarin, Miles could tell that he sounded pissed.

'We gotta get a translator or something.' Miles grumbled to himself, watching as Martin LI walked through the room. A few minutes passed before Martin Li ended the call by slamming his phone on the table. 'Sheesh.'

Martin Li let out a deep breath, placing both hands on the table. He stared at the map for a moment before he stepped away.

'I'd really appreciate if you left, man.'

But as Martin Li turned, he stopped halfway before his eyes landed on something. Miles was confused as to what it was. It didn't take long for Miles to figure out what it was.

Martin Li picked up a piece of dust off the table, his eyes looking from the dust to the air duct.

[I think you should leave.] Genki's voice rang briefly before Miles felt his spider senses ring.

Miles crawled out of the way as a wave of negative energy destroyed the spot he was standing in. He kept crawling through the air duct until he managed to find himself back out in the hall.

As he landed on the floor, the door beside Miles was kicked off its hinges, and out came Martin Li.

"If it isn't the Spider-Man." Martin Li said, staring Miles down. "I'm impressed. You single-handedly managed to decouple my organization and figure out my identity in the span of a month. Not even the previous Spider-Man was close to figuring me out."

"Please, you're going to make me blush," Miles joked, putting his fists up. "I rather not fight Martin Li but I can't let you become another Fisk."

"Oh, you seem to be mistaken about something, Spider-Man. You're not dealing with Mister Li anymore. " Martin Li smiled, his body shifting into negative colors as a black-and-white aura shrouded his body. "The name is Mister Negative."

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