
Chapter 21: Really Small Problems

Inside the Owl House; Eda is stirring a pot while Luz is talking to Gus and Willow on the crystal ball showing off a human removing thumb magic trick which scares Gus and Willow says she makes doing homework actually fun while Luz says they say humans can't do magic.

The human teens shook their heads as some Hexside students were mesmerised, "That's nothing; while I was in that Vegas place I saw someone being sawed in half and put back together in one piece." Eda said as there were looks of amazement.

"Maybe I can try..." Gus said looking towards the humans but they glared at his direction and shook their heads, daring him to try it.

King comes to her on the table saying she had been talking to them all morning and reminds her about the Luz & King Comedy Hour with Eda pleading with them not to.

"Oh no; they keep at it!" Eda screamed putting her hands to her head.

King has a toilet roll on his nose saying he has been working with props asking if he will ever eat again with it stuck to his nose; he then puts the bread of a nearby sandwhich over his face saying that it looks like he is toast with Luz giggling.

"You don't understand comedy..." Luz said with her arms folded shaking her head at the groans as Amity was trying to hide her own but Camila was just amused.

Eda angrily moans about it going on like this for an hour.

"At least this can't be the case here..." Eda told herself.

Luz tells him to quit loafing around and King asks why don't she bake him with them giggling as a red alert goes off on the crystal ball. Luz says that its school time saying that she will see them in class with Willow saying bye and Gus asking about the thumb.

"Oh thank you Titan!" Eda said relieved with it being shared with more audience members.

Luz says that she will finish their comedy hour when they get home kissing him on the forehead; saying to try and not miss her while she is gone before leaving. King waits at the door asking if she will come back and Eda tells him that she always come back but it's cute that he misses her.

King angrily looks at those giggling in the audience.

King puts the loaf and roll away saying that the King of Demons misses nobody and he wouldn't care if she came through the door right now as the door opens with Luz there.

"That was quick..." Eda muttered.

King excitedly climbs to the top of her head claiming that he didn't miss her at all and Luz explains that school is cancelled for the day because apparently there is an infestation of pixies at Hexside.

"WHAT? Do you know how much money and work it takes to clean up the school after one of those!" Bump shouted moaning in terror with other Boiling Isles scared of an infestation of pixies.

King calls it a crummy situation with them laughing. Hooty comes and throws up the mail including a parcel to a look from Luz and King.

"That's how you get your mail?" Camila asked incredulously as Luz looked nervously and Eda shook her head; Camila and Luz shuddered looking at Hooty with Amity doing the same.

Eda sorts through mostly junk mail before finding a flyer saying there was a 1 day only carnival with Luz and King suggesting that they take the Comedy Hour on tour with them 3 going.

Most of the Boiling Isles residents perked up excited at the idea of a carnival coming.

Hooty says an adventure with friends and goes to pack his stuff.

"How would you plan to be able to go Hooty; since I don't think we can get you into that backpack without Author magic." Eda shouted as Luz hugged a disappointed looking Hooty.

Eda brings out her staff saying this could be the thing to try out her new get rich quick scheme having to push the mush off the staff.

"Poor Owlbert..." Camila muttered having expected that Eda would have those plans for a carnival.

Eda says they are in and the 3 leaves for the carnival.

Hooty comes with a hat, a camera and sunglasses with lotion on his nose saying he is bringing games only to realise no one is there and then chases after a fly to get it to talk to him.

Some were feeling sorry for Hooty as Luz hugged Hooty apologising to him; "Wait, Hooty has a camera?" Camila asked as Eda spoke up.

"Sometimes he gets annoying during Trash Day feeling left out and so I give him something to keep him quiet." Eda explained.

The opening is shown.

The three arrives at the carnival with Luz spitting out a fly that got into her nose, Owlbert tries to disconnect himself from the staff with Eda saying that no games for him since they have got scams to run making him sad.

"That is not nice Eda; what if he tattles to you to the Bat Queen?" Hal said as Eda was getting looks again and Eda felt Owlbert on her staff being disappointed.

"Last carnival this joker lost me all the Snails that I brought with me playing those stupid carnival games!" Eda explained.

Tibbles jumps to them dressed as a ringmaster welcoming them to the carnival making them jump; Eda asks Tibbles if he sent it before realising there was a message directed to them with a moving picture on the back.

"Didn't think we would see him again..." Luz said alarmed as with others in the audience.

"He is probably looking for vengeance..." Amity muttered looking quite concerned.

Luz asks if he is mad at them for destroying his live and King says destroying his life was the best part; Tibbles saying that he should be thanking him since ever since his stand was destroyed he revaluated his life and found his new calling as ringmaster of Tibbles's Tent of Tiny Terrors.

"Right... I am as convinced as I am that the human Earth is flat." Eda laughed humourlessly with other humans joining in.

"Wait; isn't it though?" Bo asked as she was being given looks from the humans.

"With the Boiling Isles having their own version of Flat-Earthers do you think they have their version of Anti-Vaxxers?" Luz joked to her Mum who giggled as Amity looked confused. "Anti-Vaxxers are people against vaccinations; basically shots in the arms that helps against diseases." Luz explained.

"Well we have Anti-Potioneers." Amity explained shaking her head.

"Who knows what they put in those potions... OW!" shouted a student who had something thrown at his head by a Potion Track student.

Luz adores the tiny circus which includes a unicorn, a griffon and a winged lion; saying that they are her friends now.

Most of the Boiling Isles residents were wondering how he did that.

Eda doesn't buy it disappearing her staff asking what con is he running and Tibbles insists that there is no con suggesting that they toast to their newfound friendship with a totally innocent bottle of water.

"The idiot thinks that I would fall for one of his scams..." Eda laughed.

"You have before Edalyn." Lilith pointed out smirking as Eda glared at her.

Eda looked like she was about to drink it but throws it at the entrance hitting someone on the head with it as he was leaving knocking him out. Eda says that she knows poison when she sees it and you can't scam a scammer; she then takes over a stand from its proprietor transforming it into Eda's Human Horror House claiming that she has proof that humans shed their skin.

Camila shakes her head at Eda's direction.

King says that they should put a lock on Luz's closet and Luz says that Eda can look through her socks all she wants because today is about spending the day with her partner in crime and King says that he loves crime.

"Ah yes; who else would work and stay with you Edalyn?" Lilith said shaking her head as Eda glares at her some more.

Tibbles waves at them walking saying to have a good time and then darkly says while it lasts.

"He is up to something... Called it!" Eda said with a smirk as Luz, Willow, Gus and King gulped in concern as others were looking concerned as well.

The demon Hexside student from the last episode saying he really needed to hear what King accidentally said to him is running a dunk tank with a skeleton, it's dunked into a cauldron marked skin and the skeleton is freaked out with skin now.

"Seriously; this is supposed to be a Disney cartoon?" yelled a human student terrified.

"Disney is horrifying if you know where to look in their past output." Hal told him shaking his head along with Camila as Luz was interested.

Luz calls it her kind of weird asking King what he wants to do first and King sees a friendship bracelet at the prize stand with Luz explaining and King says they must have them and the proprietor saying that they have to win them with tickets.

"Something that small shouldn't be too hard to win... Wait, I forgot carnivals and the Boiling Isles carnivals are probably not more honest..." Camila muttered.

They go to play the games (after King suggests that Luz beats up the man and steal the prizes) and then they run into Willow and Gus.

"I would love to see Luz try and beat someone up..." Eda laughed as Camila shot her a death glare. Some more Hexside students were silently passing notes to Edric and Emira with bets on when Camila will just snap and attack Eda.

Luz says that she didn't think she would see carniv-y'all there with Gus giving a small boo and Willow shows the invitation from Tibbles saying that it was to 'you other two'.

Most of the audience weren't impressed with Luz's pun.

Gus says they thought it was a trap considering they squashed his stand with a walking house and Willow asks who cares since they have a Scarris wheel with Gus explaining that it's like a human Ferris wheel only it gives you long lasting nightmares.

"You walked into what you knew could be a trap?" asked Perry incredulously along with Willow's dads with Amity shaking their head pleading that they will be careful.

King reminds Luz and she explains about them being on a quest to win a very special prize for King and Willow says that they can help with it with Gus making baby talk to King.

King glared at Gus and others who were giggling.

Luz asks King about the more the merrier and King looking down sure, whatever they want.

King was looking down as well and Luz was wondering if King thought their day together was being spoilt with more.

There is a montage of King falling behind when they reach a throwing ball game which spits out at his head; they put their heads in through holes with the three having their picture selves embracing but King has his in the trash.

"Don't see why this would upset you considering you are happy to eat there." Boscha said.

They tried Fried Orb but Gus eats the rest of it before King can get to it.

"Mija..." Camila lightly scolded Luz.

"I know Mama..." Luz muttered and then looked towards King; "I am sorry that we will have you ignored and I will make sure that it's different when the carnival comes!" Luz promised as King gives a small thumbs up as Willow and Gus looked guilty as well.

King is failing to try and jump up at a dart game while Willow is explaining something to Luz and King looks at them laughing with eachother.

"Wow, this was inconsiderate... Sorry again boo-boo buddy..." Luz apologised sadly as Amity sighed.

"Not that he has been the best friend to you either Luz." Amity told her; "Not that I was the best friend to Willow either..." Amity muttered to herself.

He looks down and walks off; sitting by himself at a spot; then King gets the attention of Tibbles dressed as Obvioso the All-Seeing Psychic and King asks if he has seen him somewhere before since he looks so obvious which Tibbles says before with King saying that he is really psychic.

Most of the audience were blinking and looked towards King; "What? He looks psychic!" King said as they shook their heads.

"He is clearly Tibbles; King I know you are not normally the smartest Demon but... This might top signing a contract without even looking at it!" Eda snapped exasperated.

King explains about today was supposed to be about him and Luz but she is distracted with her cool new school friends and Tibbles asks what if there was a way to make all his problems disappear.

"King... You idiot..." Eda muttered as the audience were becoming tense.

King says that it sounds illegal but also says go on as Tibbles goes inside the tent and gets a spray potion bottle; he demonstrates making a demon disappear claiming that it's only temporary and he only gives his cheeks a tap and then the demon is back laying an egg which hatches.

"Glad I didn't try it since i was clearly right but King..." Eda said warningly as Luz looked at King hopeful that he wouldn't take it.

King is given the bottle and thanks him before leaving finding it amazing when Tibbles knows Luz, Willow and Gus' names saying they will be none the wiser.

The three were giving King looks.

Tibbles laughs taking off his moustache but puts it back on as King comes back asking if in the future he will find love and Tibbles says yes. King leaves and Tibbles says phew as he drops the moustache.

"He might as well have been wearing a shirt saying 'I am clearly Tibbles'! He was lucky that he went to the one dumb enough to fall for it..." Amity said exasperated.

King finds the three as Luz apologises for losing him and King says they should go and win some prizes but Gus points out that they haven't gone on any rides and there is no lines for the bumper carcases. King argues games taking Luz' arm and Gus argues bumper carcases as he has the other arm.

"At least you didn't end up forgetting about King or what he wanted to do." Camila said giving a look to Gus who was looking uneasy that he would be contributing to whatever King does.

Luz leaves to get some rotten candy while they go figure this out hearing her stomach.

"Before you ask; it's no more rotten than the stuff you have in the human world." Eda said to the humans there.

Willow and Gus go over the rides they could go on when Luz comes back as King says that today was supposed to be his and Luz' day and Gus picks him up making baby talk again as Willow giggles.

"Sorry King..." Willow said weakly seeing that she won't be helping.

King demands that they put him down as the bottle drops from his pouch and sprays Willow and Gus making them disappear.

"You didn't end up doing it yourself and it was an accident... Wow call me surprised..." Eda muttered as people looked towards Willow and Gus worryingly including Luz and the parents of the two.

King worriedly asks what has he done as Luz comes back with rotten candy thinking that they had really wanted to ride those bumper carcases and King is about to explain what happened but then Luz kneels down saying that they are going to win those friendship bracelets.

"You were about to own up; so proud King and sorry for what lead to this..." Luz told King as she went to him and gave him a hug and King hugged back ignoring the cute sounds that were coming their way.

King thinks that Willow and Gus will be okay for a little while and King drags Luz away with Luz saying ready or not here they crumb.

"One more stupid bread pun and I won't be held responsible for my actions!" Eda shouted.

"Are you ever?" Steve asked as Eda glared at him harshly as Lilith shot him a proud look with some giggling.

Willow and Gus watch while they are tiny with Gus calling puberty the craziest coaster of them all since first he grows out of his clothes and now he is shrinking with Willow looking down saying 'uh'.

"Seems like one those comedies..." Luz said trying to keep herself from thinking about how terrified she was for them.

Gus asks what happened since he wonders if he blacked out on the Molar Coaster again and Willow says that sketchy carnival rides are not to blame this time and explains that king had something in his pouch that made them small with Gus moaning about jsut getting tall enough for the rides.

Gus moans as some giggles.

Willow points out the demon from before that Tibbles used the potion on and they go to hide in a cup but the demon's tongue easily cuts through it. Willow summons vines that attacks the tongue so they could escape.

"Wait, how small would those vines have to be?" Amity questioned as none of the Plant Track students had any answers.

Willow says that they will have to find Luz before anymore carnival animals hunts them down taking a bit of rotten candy getting the attention of a one eyed fly that she uses as a steed with her having to tell Gus that up close everything is hair as she picks him up to join her.

"So hairy..." Gus muttered.

"Be careful Willow dear; you know how easy people will just swat them away without a second thought or even a first one..." One of Willow's dads muttered terrified as Willow gulped along with Gus.

Eda at the stand shows a fidget spinner asking who wants to touch an outdated human reference with the onlookers getting out their money.

There were laughs from the humans.

Someone says show is over saying Eda doesn't have a license scaring them away with Eda asking if it's the fun police; the person is a gothic clown with a squishy Fun Police badge saying that she is coming with him.

"You have fun police?" Luz asked giggling at the clown.

"The Carnivals are granted the right to police their events since the Guards stationed there were more than likely to just abandon their duties to join in the activities." Lilith explained with a shake of her head.

"Wish there were some sort of police for unauthorised stands at the last carnival I went to with Luz; there were some sort of juggler called Marilyn in the weirdest get up I had ever seen... I found her trying to pick pocket me and after I tried to report her I was told they had no one licensed like that. The stand was gone when I went to look..." Camila muttered as Eda was alarmed with King.

"I was there as well; my brother insisted that he had seen her talking to a dog with a skull on his head..." A human teen said as he stopped and some were looking towards Eda and King who were trying to look innocent.

"Why am I not surprised?" Camila asked shaking her head and her arms folded.

Eda says that she would like to have a word with her staff getting her's out but Owlbert is missing. She asks where is he and Owlbert is busy playing Whack a Giraffe.

Eda moaned as there were laughter at this; "Whack a Giraffe?" Samantha questioned.

"Very popular at these carnivals since most haven't seen a giraffe before." Said a demon.

"Oh yeah they apparently came from your Demon world..." muttered another human teen.

Eda makes an escape telling Owlbert that he is lucky that she can't be made at his adorable antics. She is caught in the rotten candy while the Fun Police officer magically lifts her up with the rotten candy in Eda's hair making her look like the Bride of Frankenstein.

Eda glares at the laughter that the audience bursted into, Luz noticed Amity looking closely at the sight on the screen. "Sorry Luz but I was wondering how a darker version of the hair color would look on me." Amity explained with a whisper as Luz was red in the cheeks from imagining it.

Eda says that she hates carnivals.

"My guards have failed so long at something accomplished by a carnival Fun Police..." Lilith muttered with embarrassment.

A montage of Luz and King playing the games happens while Gus and Willow are trying to chase on the fly. Willow and Gus climbs onto a stand covered in rotten candy from being stuck there with them spotting the House of Mirrors; Willow says that they won't have to for much longer getting an idea.

"Good plan Willow." Amity said thinking of what Willow must be planning as Willow managed to give her a thankful smile.

Eda is tied up in the office of the Fun Police with a clown interrogator facing her at the desk; Eda says that just when she thought that she couldn't respect the law any less it surprises her.

The audience laughed some more.

The interrogator says that running scams at his carnival is his job which he takes very seriously as his tie starts whirring around.

The laughs continued.

Eda asks what does he want and the interrogator says that he could either pass her to the Emperor's Coven who will throw her into the Conformitorium or she can scam for him with a colourful dress and a cart for Caramel Crab Apples.

"I wouldn't mind this as an alternative to you being sent to us for the moment at least..." Lilith said in between laughs as Eda was glaring hatefully at just about everyone.

At the prizes stand the proprietor is counting their over thousand tickets with Luz asking if he wants to spend the tickets on the bracelets and not the talking skull; King says that he does want the bracelets since they are kind of important.

"You are getting ripped off... Ow!" Said a student as he felt King throwing something at him.

The proprietor gets a broom to get the skull from talking again and has to start counting again, the fly then drops some rotten candy on Luz's hair and goes to get a mirror in order to get it off saying that she will be back with King telling the proprietor to count faster.

"You two really made those?" Amity questioned looking impressed.

Luz sees rotten candy arrows leading to the House of Mirrors which she follows and the mirrors insides have different reflections on her.

The humans were amazed at this with Luz excited at the one which made her look like an anime art style.

Luz sees a message written out in the rotten candy saying that she made it and sees Willow and Gus in a giant reflection in a mirror. Willow points down so that she could see them tiny.

The proprietor counted a million tickets giving the bracelets to King with him excited going to find Luz in the Hall of Mirrors.

"A million tickets for those bracelets? I think even human carnival folk would think that was too much..." Camila shouted in shock and surprise with most of the humans agreeing. Some of the Boiling Isles residents were unsure of what was the problem.

Luz is glaring at King and holds out tiny Gus and Willow in her hand; King says that they weren't supposed to shrink and they were supposed to disappear.

"Not helping your case King but sorry if I end up harsh considering I wouldn't have known that it was an accident..." Luz told King apologetically who was looking down.

King explains what happened and shows the spray bottle given to him by the psychic and Luz wants him to give it over. They fight over it with it spilling over them.

"Luz!" Camila yelled in worry as King, Eda, Gus, Willow, Amity and others shared in the worry.

They are tiny as Willow and Gus unenthusiastically says hi to them. King tries to fix it tapping his cheek but it does nothing; King asks why isn't it working as Tibbles comes over saying that he says it is working quite well.

"I need to teach you how to avoid getting scammed yourself." Eda told King shaking her head.

"Someone needs to teach you first Edalyn; remember your first meeting with this pig here." laughed Lilith.

Tibbles takes them to the Tent of Tiny Terrors as King continues to try tapping his cheeks with Gus thinking he is broken. Tibbles uses a spell to get the Obvioso hat and moustache on and it takes a second for King to realise that he was Obvioso with Gus face palming.

"Wow even the Dweeb is done with how long it took you to realise King..." laughed Eda.

"How do you get psychic fortune tellers here anyway since you have Oracle magic?" Luz asked.

Barcus started barking and Jerbo said "Barcus said that some with dishonest auras want to make it seem like they can do so without using Oracle magic. that they have a gift."

Tibbles explains that the potion was designed by him and his cheeks controls it with Luz asking why he is doing this. Tibbles throws his moustache away saying that when his stand was destroyed so was generations of Grimhammer history and now it's time to pay.

"Kind of a dumb question kid..." Eda said shaking her head as Camila glared at her even if she did agree.

He puts them inside the tiny circus with an audience.

Eda, Camila, Perry, Willow's dads and Amity glared at the uneasy looking Hexside students who were seen in that audience.

He rings a bell and out from the tiny tent comes the winged lion, the griffon and the unicorn from before. Luz says that at least the unicorn is still her friend but then he goes scary face.

Luz moans about losing friends there.

Tibbles said that they ruined his livelihood and now they will feed his livelihood with a spotlight on them showing a screen inside. Gus says that if he has to go then at least it's with his best friends and King; they run out of the way as the unicorn charges at them.

"Sorry King..." Gus muttered thinking he would be harsh here. The audience were becoming tense and once more Luz felt her Mum bringing her closer.

Eda in the dress is serving crab apples with one pinching her.

"Seriously my dear sister; this has to be my fave episode in quite a while..." laughed Lilith.

Gus uses an illusion vacuum cleaner scaring the animals as Willow uses vines to grab the water bottle dragging it down.

"How do you know about them?" asked a human teen.

"President of the Human Appreciation Society..." Gus explained slowly.

The lion destroys the illusion as they all go to hide behind the water bottle. King looks and sees the animals trying to reach them calling himself an idiot that it's his fault but he thinks he knows how to fix it bringing out the friendship bracelet.

"You have a worse track record of plans than Luz but let's see what this one is..." Eda commented.

He goes to an edge apologising to Willow and Gus for poofing them and to Luz for taking her away from her friends; that he knows that she will eventually go home and with her spending more time at school so he just wants to be around her as the animals are getting closer.

"Aw King..." Luz muttered looking his way as King sighed in his seat as even Gus and Willow were looking at him understanding what he was feeling.

King dodges the animals and climbs onto them to reach the top of the cage as the audience are booing.

Camila shook her head as the students seen in the audience were having things thrown at them.

Tibbles hears this while on top of a pile of Snails with two in his eyes, he says no refunds but sees the animal pile on the screen as King throws the bracelets at Tibbles saying he only has one shot with them tapping his cheek.

"Okay good plan there King..." Eda said impressed.

Tibbles thinks it was a fly but then quietly says oh no when he realises what this meant.

Some were smirking at his expression.

Eda tells the booing audience no discounts with one saying that they owe him since nothing is happening in the show. One of them said not a single one of the kids got hurt yet as Eda notices the screen saying that those are her dumb kids.

"Your dumb kids as in plural? It seems that Luz' friends are growing on you Eda." Camila commented with a smile as Eda tried to retort but felt Willow and Gus coming over to hug her as she just grunts.

They return to normal destroying the cage and the barrel it was on but so do the animals; Luz is exasperated about the animals being shrunken too.

"Did you really think the animals were just naturally small?" Amity asked her.

"Wouldn't have surprised me if that was the case." Luz replied.

Tibbles replies that it's the Tent of Tiny Terrors so something needed to be tiny. The audience tells the animals to finish the job and one unicorn has a look after eating a crab apple being thrown and so they charge at the running away audience.

The audience were becoming less tense since it seems that the four of them would be out of anger now.

Tibbles says that they will pay for foiling his plans and brings out another spray bottle saying that this time he will personally squash them but Eda takes it from him throwing it away.

"Thought you would have squirted him with it; not that it would have helped with his potions controlled by his cheeks." Someone said.

She says that it's not how entertainment works and the bad guy always gets his just deserts putting all the crab apples in her box over Tibbles.

"Actually there is media where the bad guys win in the end and get off scot free... Ow!" said a human student before being hit in the by the one next to them as the audience were eager to see Tibbles get his just deserts.

Tibbles runs from the animals and Willow remarks about how they ruined his life for a 2nd time and Gus says that they are on a roll.

"Considering who he is; I don't mind celebrating that you keep ruining someone's life..." laughed Camila.

King is relieved that Gus and Willow are okay and Luz says all thanks to him giving him the broken remains of the bracelets. He says that it's okay giving two broken pieces to Willow and Gus saying that it's okay since there is a piece for everyone if they will accept it.

"Aw King!" Willow said as she and Gus went up to hug a protesting King regretting what his future counterpart did.

They do thanking him with Luz calling what King did sweet; he apologises after being picked up saying that demons do crazy things when they miss somebody. Luz whispers that she has been missing him too kissing him on the forehead.

Most of the audience were awing at this as Eda complained about how sappy this was.

King asks that since they still have a few hours of carnival time does she want to still hit those bumper carcases and Luz says that she bread her mind with King cheering for the bread puns.

The audience laughed not at the pun but Eda as she started screaming.

Luz asks Eda if she wants to come but she is sitting on the pile of Snails saying that she has got everything that she wanted as the audience chairs are coming apart; calling it another bright year at the carnival.

Eda smirked at the screen as Lilith just sighed; her discomfort was fun while it lasted.

Back at the Owl House; Hooty tells the fly that they got into some wacky hi jinx feeling sorry for anyone who missed the two rabble rousers getting into scrapes; Eda, King and Luz opens the door but then closes it again after seeing him.

"I completely forgot all about this..." Luz muttered her reaction being mirrored by most of the audience.

Hooty says that good thing that he brought a camera but then the fly flies into his mouth and now Hooty knows that friendship tastes like a bug.

"I lose more friends that way hoot-hoot..." Hooty said.

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