
Lala's first day of school

Lala: "So that's what happened with your teacher?"

Kenichi: "Yes... I've known for a while that she was interested in me, but I didn't think that way, I didn't go beyond caressing her, so if you don't like it I'm going to distance myself from Aya-sensei."

Lala: "I don't see any problem~ It's normal for a strong man like Kenichi to have more than one wife, if in the future you become the King of Deviluke having hundreds of concubines won't be anything strange~"

Peke: "That's right Saruyama-sama, the current King of Deviluke and father of Lala-sama has an immense amount of concubines, (Although for some strange reason he has only been able to have three daughters) So I don't understand what the problem is that that happened with his teacher."

Kenichi: "It's just that here on earth that's not normal, while it's true that polygamy is allowed because of the low birth rate that has been affecting the world lately, but in this country it's not very well seen for someone to have more than one partner, besides in the eyes of society it's inappropriate for an educator to do something like that with her student"

Lala: "Hmm~ I see, but in my case I don't have any problem, besides Kenichi is very different from my dad, he just goes away for years while leaving all the work to my mom and never consults anything with anyone, then he just comes back with some new women and goes away again like nothing while ignoring my mom, that's why it's not weird that they are separated."

Wow that's a new approach that was never seen in history.... But nothing can be done, many things are unknown about Lala's father, it's not even known how old he is, he may even be even older than this planet.

Kenichi: "I'm surprised that you understand that, from what you told me I thought you didn't understand many things about couple relationships."

Lala: "That's thanks to the books you told me to read~ I never really understood why my parents separated, but after reading those books I understood that it was definitely my dad's fault, that's why don't worry Kenichi, in fact I'm happy at the idea of having many sisters~"

Kenichi: "I see... But don't worry about that for the moment, what happened with Aya-sensei is nothing serious, for the moment I just felt that she had lust for me, I assure you that in the future if I get to have another woman it will only be if I love her as much as I love you."

Honestly I would like to tell her that I'm only going to love her, but unfortunately that's very difficult, not only there are already some girls who have feelings for me like Yukana, besides because of the pervert luck +18 skill all the girls who have affection for me run the risk of having accidents even more perverted than Rito's. 

But what I said is not a lie unless I fall in love I will not go chasing women, the only problem is my lust, since I touched Lala the first day, it is as if the beast that was sleeping inside me had awakened, although thanks to the fact that I see and touch Lala naked every day, now I can contain myself a little, but a while ago I was about to attack Aya-sensei, although seeing how her fetish is I most likely would have enjoyed it.

After that we were happily eating our bentos without any worries as we fed ourselves.

Kenichi: "Say... Ah~"

Lala: "Ah~♥"

Peke: (Although it makes me happy to see Lala-sama so happy.... These two are definitely a stupid couple, they're so immersed in their own world that they didn't notice that key girl standing at the door a while ago)

Peke: "Let's go play for beech Kirara."

Kirara: "Kyuu... Kyuu... Kyuu..."

After that I said goodbye to Lala and went back to the classroom, as there was still some time left until lunch time was over there was practically no one in the classroom..... Except Sairenji and Rito.

Kenichi: (Now that I remember, it was their turn to do the daily chores for the class).

Sairenji could be seen standing outside looking out the window while Rito was taking care of some plants and erasing the blackboard.

Haruna: "Yuuki-kun.... I remember in the past you also took care of the plants when we were in high school, right?"

Rito: "Ah?"

Haruna: "People forget things easily like changing their water.... But you did it quite often..."

Rito: "I-I really... It's really nothing special... We also have a lot of plants at home, since my parents are busy with their jobs and my sister is busy with house chores, I'm the one who always takes care of them."

You just admitted that you leave all the chores at home to your little sister while all she does is take care of the plants, but what a reliable big brother.

Haruna: "I think that.... It's your kindness Yuuki-kun..."

Rito: "S-Sairenji... That means..."

Wow this unexpectedly took a romantic turn, it's possible that now that he gets Lala out of the way these two can have a normal romance.

Haruna: "Yes... I remember very well how you took care of the plants while Saruyama-kun always helped you carry them, I remember how he always stayed up late waiting for you when you were at the soccer club and always helped you when you were in trouble."

Rito: "..."

Kenichi: "..."

Although you're not wrong with what you said Sairenji, in the story they didn't show it but I was always with Rito at those times.... But you just completely killed the mood of the moment.... It was the perfect atmosphere for him to declare his love to you, but now just look at him, he went completely blank.

Rito: "..."

Haruna: "Hehehe, it was funny how whenever you got into any trouble he would go straight to help you, even when other guys wanted to beat you up."

Rito: "Ugh..."

And now you make him feel like a shitty person for ignoring me even when I try to talk to him.

Haruna: "Ah, sorry I'm talking too much, I'm going to take out the trash."

After saying that Sairenji rushed out of the room with the trash can.

Rito: "S-Sairenji... W-Wait, I have something to tell you..."

Haruna: "AH!"

Rito: "Be careful!"

Just as she was leaving the room, Rito's sudden words surprised her and by accident her feet got tangled, normally just before she fell Rito would have accidentally held her and touched her body in a perverted way, but this time it was different, you wonder why..... Well the answer is that I was standing right in front of the door where Sairenji was going to come out, so she ended up accidentally falling into my arms.

Kenichi: "Are you alright Sairenji?"

Haruna: "Y-Yes, sorry S-Saruyama-kun."

Kenichi: "No problem, but for next time you have to be more careful."

If you're wondering if I did it on purpose, then the answer is no, I just stood in the same place from the beginning.

When I was about to say something to him again I felt a rumble like something breaking, I looked curiously behind Sairenji, and I could see the figure of Rito completely lying on the ground over a pool of his own blood.

Kenichi: "..."

Haruna: "..."

Honestly it was kind of a creepy sight, it looked like he was a corpse, he wasn't even moving, both Sairenji and I froze for a few seconds.

Haruna: "Yuuki-kun!!!"

When we finally reacted we both quickly approached to see what happened to her.

Kenichi: "She's unconscious.... And it looks like the blood is because he broke his nose when he fell, luckily it doesn't seem to be anything serious, Sairenji I'm going to take him to the infirmary, you inform Aya-sensei, most likely he won't be able to attend the afternoon classes."

Haruna: "Y-Yes..."

After that I lifted Rito up easily and took him to the infirmary, he was attended by Mikado-sensei, after that I simply went back to class, the rest of the afternoon passed normally, although it seems that Rito was taken to the hospital, I wonder why? From what I could see it wasn't that serious an injury.

When it was time to leave I met Lala at the exit of the school and together we went to see some sets of clothes in the stores while we were holding hands, as usual everyone was looking at us, even in the stores commented that we were a very cute couple, it seems that made Lala quite happy.

We bought several clothes, including several bikinis and underwear, in the history of To Love-Ru, both Lala and most of the girls were always left naked in front of everyone because of Rito's perverted luck or because of Lala's inventions, so I made sure to tell Lala to be careful, besides emphasizing that I wouldn't like other men besides me to see her naked.

And so we spent the rest of the afternoon watching a few movies, although I didn't like them much, she seemed to like them, apparently the entertainment on other planets was even worse than on earth. after spending some time together we went to sleep, Lala was very excited, after all tomorrow we would both go to school together.

We moved on to the next day, and now we were walking together while holding hands, although unlike yesterday now Lala was wearing the school uniform, almost instantly everyone's eyes were on us, the girls were looking at me and the boys were looking at Lala.

But we ignored it all as we chatted happily, when we got to the school we had to split up, Lala had to go meet Aya-sensei before we could go inside.

Shuu: "I heard it all Kenichi~ Apparently they have proof that you were seen holding hands with the girl from the other day, I hope you give us a very good explanation~"

Kenichi: "I see that you're as lively as usual.... And yes I came walking to school with Lala, this is the privilege of having a girlfriend, unfortunately it's a privilege you won't be able to enjoy for a long time."

Shuu: "Ugh..."

This isn't a joke, the teacher he's in love with is getting married in the fairly near future and who knows how long before he has a relationship with Miyamoto, well at least he's not going to stay single.

Raku: "That comment hurt even me."

Kenichi: "What's wrong Raku? You didn't get any breakthrough with Onodera, I'm sure they were going out to buy some stuff the other day, right?"

Raku: "Yes... Everything was going well until the clan guys ran past while being chased by some Gangsters.... When they saw me they went in my direction to wave at me while shooting at them.... That completely ruined the whole outing."

Shuu: "That's right~ Ruri-chan and I even gave them some space and they still failed."

Raku has almost the same bad luck as Rito, plus Onodera being so shy doesn't add anything in moving the relationship forward.

I was about to go sit down when suddenly Yukana stood in front of me and looked at me with a serious expression.

Yukana: "It's true... That you have a fiancée..."

Well, this is quite awkward, for a while now I've known that Yukana has feelings for me, but so far we haven't come to anything, at most we've talked you could say that our relationship is more like friends.

Kenichi: "Yes, her name is Lala, she just transferred to this class."

Yukana: "I see... I'm looking forward to meeting her, if she's your girlfriend then she must be a very nice girl."

Kenichi: "Yes, she's a very nice girl, I hope you can get along with her, because of her family situation she hasn't had many opportunities to have friends."

Yukana: "It's ok..."

Although it was a somewhat awkward conversation we were able to talk normally again.

After that I rang the bell signaling the start of classes, a few minutes later Aya-sensei arrived walking nervously while blushing.

Ayana: "Guys, as you may have already heard today we are going to have a transfer student, go ahead, you can come in."

The moment Aya-sensei said that, the door opened loudly and with a leap Lala came in cheerfully.

Lala: "Kenichi~! We're finally going to be able to be together at school~!"

Normally in this situation just like when Aya-sensei became the teacher in charge of our class, the guys should have been screaming excited to have such a cute girl like Lala transferred into our class, but her words made everyone freeze not knowing what to say.

Ayana: "S-Sorry, Lala-san, but could you please introduce yourself?"

Lala: "Okay~ My name is Lala Satalin Deviluke, you can just call me Lala, I come from the planet Deviluke, I like making inventions, making friends and of course I also like Kenichi very much, we are currently engaged and we are both living together~ Hmm, ah, and in the future we plan to get married and have a big family."

Ayana: "..."

Kato: "..."

Haruna: "..."

Yukana: "..."

All: "..."

Everyone was so surprised by Lala's last words that they completely ignored that she said she came from the planet Deviluke, until now the topic that she had a fiancée was just a rumor, even though I never denied anything, everyone thought she was just joking, completely ignoring everyone's surprised looks Lala walked with joyful steps to Rito's table.

Lala: "Excuse me~ I know it might be a bit sudden, but could you give me your seat?"

Rito: "H-Huh...?"

Rito was in a daze since he arrived at the classroom, plus he had a huge patch on the side of his nose that made him look quite funny, only after Lala spoke to him did he react.

Lala: "Please, yes~! I want to sit next to Kenichi~!"

Perhaps still confused by the situation, Rito simply got up from his seat and went to sit in the empty back seat without asking any questions.

Lala: "Yay~ Now not only am I going to be able to eat, bathe and sleep next to Kenichi we're also going to be able to sit together during classes~ I'm so excited♥"

Everyone: "!!!"

Although I don't really like everyone finding out about our private life, knowing Lala's personality I already knew she was going to do something like this, plus this can also serve to mark my territory, now everyone knows that aside from being engaged we really love each other.

Kenichi: "Lala~ Calm down a little, now we meet during class time, when the recess comes we can talk and hug as much as you want, ok."

Lala: "Hmm~ Okay♥ But on one condition, I want you to give me a kiss."

If everyone was surprised before, now their eyes were almost popping out in surprise, some were even elongating their eyes like One Piece characters, the looks varied quite a bit, there were several guys who looked at me with anger, there were the shy girls like Sairenji, Yukana and Onodera who were looking at us with embarrassment, the stoic ones like Miyamoto and Kato who seemed disinterested on the outside, the teasing ones like Shuu and Momioka who were dying of laughter and for some strange reason there was that girl Sawamura Spencer Eriri who was drawing in her notebook quickly while watching us.

But I just ignored them, I put my hand softly on Lala's cheek, while caressing her silky pink hair and gave her a tender kiss on the lips, it wasn't a lewd kiss, it was just a kiss with all the affection I have for her.

I don't know if it's because this is an anime world or if it was for some other reason, but just as I kissed her a soft breeze came in through the window and stirred Lala's hair beautifully.


I don't know what the future holds, but at least I know that classes are going to be very lively from now on.

*Narrator's POV*

On the outskirts of planet Earth, a large spaceship could be seen sailing quietly through space. Inside could be seen the figure of Zastin, the best swordsman in the galaxy who was now kneeling talking to a skull shaped device that had a purple colored crystal floating on top.

Gid: "So you're saying that an earthling defeated you in a fair sword fight, is that what you're telling me Zastin?"

Who Zastin was talking to at this moment, was the man who united the war-torn universe and kept it at its peak, it was no one else but Gid Lucione Deviluke, the King of Deviluke and also the Emperor of the Galaxy, he was the man who claimed to be the strongest in the universe.

Zastin: "That's right your highness, even though I didn't use my full strength, I was definitely defeated in technique, besides I'm completely sure he didn't give it his all during the fight either."

Zastin spoke respectfully as he addressed his King.

Gid: "And you're telling me that brat also had the nerve to proclaim himself as Lala's fiancé and also said that no matter what I said they were going to get married anyway?"

Zastin: "Yes, your highness, I can assure you that Kenichi is a completely worthy man, besides from the short exchange I was able to observe, Princess Lala also looked quite happy when she was with him, they looked like a real couple."

Gid: "..."

At Zastin's words, Gid was silent for a few seconds, until he suddenly started laughing.

Gid: "Hahahahahaha.... I see~ I see~ If you speak so well of him, that means he is not a simple earthling, okay, this time I will respect Lala's will and I will allow that earthling to be her fiancé, I want you to tell them that, besides I also want to have a brief talk with that boy to see if he really is as interesting as you say"

Zastin: "Agreed your highness."

Gid: "Hehehe, things are going to get pretty interesting, as for Lala's other suitors, I'm going to spread the word throughout the galaxy that whoever defeats Saruyama Kenichi, will have the right to marry Lala and will immediately become my successor."

Zastin: "E-Eh, your highness, but that's-"

Gid: "What's the matter Zastin? If that boy is as impressive as you say then he shouldn't have a hard time fighting off a few thousand suitors, a man who isn't even capable of defending the girl he loves isn't worthy of becoming my successor!"

Zastin: (If that's what he thinks then why did he force Princess Lala to meet with all those suitors, most of them were just wimps or princes who have never touched a weapon.... From what I remember he looked pretty excited at the idea of leaving the throne to one of them).

Of course Zastin just thought that, not in a thousand years would he dare say that to his King's face.

Zastin: "Alright your highness, I Zastin am going to make sure to report this to Princess Lala and Kenichi, I assure you that the result will be satisfactory to you."

After a few last words Zastin cut the communication with Gid.

Maul: "Commander Zastin! We have detected an unidentified ship! It will soon enter Earth's atmosphere!"

Zastin: (They have already arrived)

The moment he received that notification, Zastin knew immediately that some of the suitors who had been following Lala since she fled had already learned of the situation and were ready to attack Kenichi.

Zastin: "I'll go inform Princess Lala and Kenichi right away, keep that ship in sight!"

Zastin: (Kenichi, you are the man who defeated me with the sword, I hope you can protect the princess).

And with that last thought Zastin went straight to earth to talk to Kenichi.

*Kenichi's POV*

*You were officially recognized as Lala Satalin Deviluke's fiancé.

Received: Root of Origin


Name: Root of Origin (The Beginning)

Rank: SSR

Origin: Inou Battle wa Nichijou-kei no Naka de

Type: Superpower

Description: With this superpower, the host can return things to their original form. It doesn't matter if it is a living creature or an inanimate object. Someone can be injured, sick or have their body completely destroyed and it would only take the host a second to return it to its original form.

Important: This superpower can repair broken things, and severely injured people, but it cannot repair those who were born with disabilities, after all that is their original form, and it is unknown if this superpower is able to revive someone who has already died.


Kenichi: "..."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

DaoistmvWChjcreators' thoughts
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