
Chapter 4 Breaking News Pt Two


Samantha Danvers, lady wife to a man of extraordinary stats, and sister to Dr. Jeremiah Danvers. She was well known by her peers as a headstrong woman with a sense of credibility for others. However, she did have an issue with one person at the moment.

While walking, each sounds of her heels began getting seriously louder overtime. The people, or coworkers that saw the mood she's in immediately stayed silent, as they didn't wanna deal with her wrath, knowing exactly who she's going to throw her anger out on.

As she reached an office room, Samantha first gripped the door handle and twisted opened hard. Once she did, a man sitting and interviewing someone halted in his speech and looked at her brightly.

Before the man could even acknowledge her presence, the man just told his new employee to stay silence and sit in a chair far from his wife's path. "Sam, I hope you aren't angry about the decisions I've made about on what transpired last night?",

"You damn right I am. Did you hear about what happened, we almost had our target. And yet, you allowed waller and her goons to take it away from us. Like come on Mr. Magician, you could've wielded those fools from attacking our own man!" Yelled Samantha Danvers as she slammed both hands on his table.

"Yes, I've heard of it. But in case you've forgot, we had a problem with last night attacks." Said the nonchalant husband as he brought out a stack of papers and set it on his table foe his wife to see. "This are the pictures that one of our guys and girls manages to capture of the so called heroes."

"I've heard and seen them." Replied Samantha taking the whole stack and reading the first one which was superman. "I've seen superman appearing three years ago, wonderwoman the year after that. Green lantern happened six months after superman's. Aquaman is pretty well known in Maine as it's hero, batman of Gotham has been stopping crimes before superman's appearance. Flash two years ago with his face off against a gorilla and a damn wizard. And a brand new hero called captain marvel who only appeared few months before."

"And two unknown figures. First is the lady with hawk like wings, she calls herself Hawkwoman." Added the husband as he looked up at his wife from his chair.

"And of course our brand new superpower being. Grey." Samantha said cutting her husband Mike off. "This one is actually pretty new, unlike others. But, one thing for sure is his."

"Mother. I've saw her, or basically we all saw her on TV News last night... You think she'll let us get that close to him?" Mike said sitting up straight and taking a drink of his coffee.

"Get close, I doubt that. Although, it never hurts to try... I Mean, take a look at superman, guy can fly from one state to another in mere seconds, shoot lasers out of his eyes. And yet, a reporter managed to get the jump on him by a picture. And wonderwoman for example... Unfortunately, a certain group is keen on recruiting the Amazonian princess." Said Samantha expressing her interest on the issue.

"You mean Argus?" Mike answered seeing a look of distaste across her face.

"Affirmative. And not only that, they also seem interested in the woman herself, due to her son that is." Uttered Samantha as she looked over a picture of Grey's outfi. But due to his mask, they couldn't get a good look at his face.

"Couldn't you know, search up her family history. Find out about her background or something?" Questioned Mike who went clicking on his keyboard.

"Don't bother trying hun. No matter how hard you try to look for anything regarding her and the son, it'll never happened... Take it from someone who has tried searching. Somehow in someway, rosery'n has manages to delete every pictures and videos of her son." Said Samantha only to be cut off by her husband.

"But yet you managed to slip a chip into his clothing?" Stated Mike aware of the fact that his wife Samantha was saved by the kid once from the parademon's.

"Yes, and I can give you a guess of where it led us to." Samantha replied knowing that the chil might've been discovered already.

"Their island." Says Mike as he turned on a flat screen TV. "But we can't get in there without getting permission to enter."

"It means we gotta travel there just like any normal civilians hun." Uttered Samantha smirking at her husband after.

Just as the two was about to leaned forward to give each other a kiss, the office door slammed opened, stepping in was one of their employees, a man of well defines built and a brown faded hairstyle dressed in what an agent would wear undercover.

"Sorry to bother you two. But I believe we've found something that you guys might wanna see!" The man said in alert informing them of the urgent news.

"What is it so important that you have to bust through our doors nellin!?" Mike said sounding dissatisfied for being interrupted.

"Sir, it's about the kid, we've might've found out what he looks like without the mask!" Answered the man earning quite the surprising looks from the two.

"Then lead us to it nellin." Says Samantha pleased to know that they've found another significant info about the hero called grey.

As the two follows after the exciting selling, they began discussing matters between each other till they made a left turn, and when they do, their heads veered up to see a clear picture of the hero grey without his mask.

"I did not expect him to be this damn young!" Muttered Mike as his head looked to where his wife is. "I had thought that we couldn't get any picture or vids of the subject?"

"That's because this one is from a year book of one of the school kids that went to metropolis for a field trip!" A Woman answered for them, walking forward with a yearbook in hand.

"Where did you even get this from?" Samantha asked intrigued by how solid and heavy the yearbook was.

"It belong to one of the kids. I believe her name was faeyr." Replied the woman nonchalantly. "We spent quite some good hours going through each cameras on metropolis, the same clothing that one of the kids wore looked alot similar to the same one that ou-

"That I saw!" Uttered Samantha sounding shockingly, remembering the same exact outfit that grey wore.

"And how exactly did you get your hands on this?" Mike spoke staring the woman with uncertainty in his eyes. "You didn't force the kid to give it up did you?"

The woman slightly bothered for being accused of something like her boss was giving her simply Replied in a formal yet disapproving attitude. "Of course not sir, what kind of animal do you take me for. We managed to ask her if we could take it for ourselves, nothing that serious. Besides, I gave her a hundred fifty in return for the yearbook."

"I guess that's fair enough. Thank you two for the news." Said Mike who was about to disclose the issue regarding the boy but was once again spoken to by the woman.

"Sir, if you two wouldn't mind me asking." She Inquired patiently waiting for their response.

Both looked at one another for a moment and set their sight on the woman. "What is it Kacy?" Samantha asked out of curiosity.

"It's about the boy, he's also been seen flying into metropolis just an hour ago." Kacy told them not expecting a sudden reaction from the female boss.

"What! Why didn't tell us that earlier!?" Samantha exclaimed irritably bothered by how naive her employee can be.

Taking in a deep breathe, Kacy then looked at her boss trying to avoid the cold stare from her. "Well, it's mainly because I didn't think of that first, I figured the year book would be first thing to informed you of. But yeah, I shouldn't have thought of telling you about grey arriving in metropolis earlier."

Putting a hand on his wife, Mike made sure to help ease her mood, and when she finally does so, both Urged for Kacy to inform them of the current whereabouts of the boy.

"Where is he exactly going?" Inquired Samantha following alongside the two.

"Well sir, we caught sight of him going around the city of metropolis. And we believe he's looking for something. We aren't sure as to what it is, it could be something important to him, and that something might be vital, something that we can probably use to our advantage." Explained nellin who walked forth and held the door opened for the trio.

"Whatever it is, we can forget about. We need to have one of our guys and girls to find out his current status, see if his willing to cooperate with us." Spoke Mike without any signs of unwarranted smiles at the news nor any positive moods.

"And if he doesn't sir?" Inquired Kacy unsure if their agents can even force the boy to come with them.

"As much as I like to go with your idea sir, how exactly do you expect us to bring in a kid capable of leveling the entire building?" An uncertain Mike told his bosses unsure of the decisions if things doesn't work out for them.

A slight smile appeared across Mike's face as he had one person in mind. "Is agent June still on her vacation?"

"Yes sir!" Replied Kacy as she swiped her finger across her tablet. "She's still got about three days left till she is available to work again... I Assume you want her on the mission alone?"

"Yes... Tell June that her vacation has been delayed. I want her in bringing in this kid, and make sure she is fitted with any aid she asks for. God knows how much she'll have to deal with the boy." Said Mike who couldn't help but think of one slight problem.

"There's one issue hun. His mother, roseryn will not like the fact that we will be forcing her kid to be brought into the D.O.E.B." Samantha reminded him uncertain of how the woman will react to the sudden news of her son disappearance.

Mike closed his mouth before responding to Samantha, he recalled back to one time roseryn had set out a search party for one of her coworkers that'd been kidnapped by a crook. After hours and hours, days after days, the coworker still hasn't been found yet. That is until the woman had announced a ten million dollar reward, another five extra if the victim is brought in alive... When the news of the overbearing amount of money had spread out into the world, an overwhelming numbers of people immediately left to find the kidnapped victim, and all of them sadly failed to do so, all except two people.

"We'll have to speak with roseryn herself about the boy, see if she'll allow us to do as we wish." Replied back Mike without a hint of ill intent towards the kid. "And no, I'm not speaking about harming the kid. If that's what your thinking Samantha."

A Sly Samantha smiled at her partner uncaring of the accused being thrown at her by Mike. "That's good hun. Let's hope our girl doesn't throw a fit for being taken off of her vacation."


Faey'r P.O.V.

Sitting quietly in the patients room, faeyr was kicking her feet back and forth over time and time again, she was doing this so as to help buy time for the boredom upon her.

But as the moment of boredom continued on in her mind, it finally came to an end when knocks on the door transpired bringing her back to reality. Her head veered forth and saw two people walking into the room.

"Hello lady faeyr it is a pleasure to meet you. I'm roseryn lawven, c-"

"I Know who you are. Mainly everyone around the world does." Replied faeyr as she hopped down from her bed and made her way to the woman. "Nice to meet you ma'am."

"Nice to meet you too as well young lady." Greeted roseryn as she brought herself down to eye level with the girl. "I've heard that you and those from the field trip had came here to my building for sfatey, tell me, how's it treating you all?"

"Pretty amazing, the golden shield is quite a good spell, or whatever kind of tech you use to keep those of the monsters off." Responded faeyr for she thought at first that the golden dome of energy that protected the building was an enchanted spell.

"Well I'll have you know that the golden wall that protected us is made from the brand new hero grey." Informed roseryn in a nonchalant way.

The mention of the said hero caught faey'rs interest, she had remembered seeing him battling those flying monsters. "Are you speaking of the masked figure that had helped the heroes last night?"

"Correct young lady. As a matter of fact, he has made his way to the white house to meet the other heroes for the ceremony." Responded roseryn who made a gesture with her hand pointing at a TV where nearly everyone in the living room was watching.

"That's superman, and batman and wonderwoman. I've heard about flash as well, but I don't know very much about the other heroes?" Uttered faeyr innocently while watching the news broadcast with stars in her eyes fingerling over them.

Standing by, rosery'n allowed the young girl to enjoy her moment in watching the news with amazement. Within herself, roseryn saw a glimpse of herself in faeyr. Back in the real world she used to always read comics books about the justice league and the entire DC universe, including the marvel universe. And if she was to say which one she's more drawn to, then it'd be DC. Comics was one of the many things she used to buy herself from life and boredom. It didn't mean she was lazy, uneducated or simply a lower. No, she was quite the opposite of that, she was smart, kind and a better person who's striped to do the best she can in the cruel and tainted world. Only difference is, in the fictional universe of DC, she can do something to help those that are highly effected by the outcomes of others, whether if it's bad guys or evil people, as well as the good and the heroes that dwells within it.

She may have watched, or in better words, forseen the birth of the justice league, something she knew would come to be very soon. The new age of beings, the dawn of heroes.

Her head tilted up at the TV to see the president coming into view as he then took to the podium to begin his speech for the world to see.

"I wonder where the other person is?" Spoke faey'r as she stood by quietly watching the news.

"Who hun?" Roseryn Inquired already having a feeling on who it might be.

"The nine'th member of the group, you know the one with the baggy grey sweat pants, black hoodie. Although I might have to say why in God's world would he wear a mask from the store. Literally every kids or teenagers have a mask like that?" Questioned faeyr wondering why someone like the masked haven would've worn something out of a Halloween event.

Internally, roseryn was questioning why her son had chose to wear a mask from the local superstore in unity island. She figured he chose it to hide his face from the world seeing him. Only exception is that everyone in the entire world had seen her carry the unconscious form of her son into the vulture craft. Nonetheless, she would have to make a mask durable enough to survive a hit from someone like superman and Darkseid themselves.

"Oh I take back my words, it looks like that grey person is actually arriving in the white house. Gosh, he acts like it's an ever day event to be arriving that late." Commented faeyr criticizing haven's dubious attitude.

"You have no idea child." Roseryn thought to herself.

Grey's P.O.V.

Arriving in time on the location of the white house, haven made sure to have fly over the crowded place of the white house. From up top of the sky he saw a crazy amount of civilians all waving their flags, some with the superman logo, others with batman and wonderwoman logo and even some of the heroes like the flash.

As he continues to fly over them, grey was suddenly spotted by a news helicopter whose cameraman saw him and immediately turned the camera on him.

"Awww crap!" Muttered grey as he heard people from below suddenly lower their voices and turned to look up at where he is.

From below on ground, the heroes watched as their eyes trailed after the descending form of grey in his brand new outfit. Which was a grey sweatpants and black hoodie with a brand new mask.

"I Was beginning to think you wouldn't show up?" Spoke Green lantern slightly pleased to see the kid coming to join them for the ceremony.

"I Didn't want to come at all. But my mother forced me to do so. So there's that." Replied a bitter haven who clearly wasn't a fan of big crowds while shyly waving at the overcrowded front yard of the white house.

Captain marvel with his arms crossed stood by one of the heroes in silence. He eyed the small form of grey with pure interest thinking that he was the only kid on the group. However, he may have been a child hiding under the skin of an adult man. But still, he was glad to not be alone.

"So is this going to be your basic outfit as a hero?" Questioned Billy batson sounding like a grating person.

Grey stopped in his steps, he turned and faced the six foot two hero who's face morphed into a Sly smirk. "Yes. And if you think differently, then that's your problem not mine." Replied haven already getting the sense he won't be very friendly with the boy turned hero.

Captain held both hands up in surrender not wanting any trouble of words with the masked grey. "Hey hey, I'm just asking. Besides, I think its pretty amazing that one of us got out of bed and just showed up in the ceremony in their sleeping gear!"

"Whatever you say dude. It's not like you can stop me from doing so, and besides, at least I brushed my teeth." Responded haven unbothered by the teasing captain marvel.

Hawkwoman set her arms on Grey's shoulder separating him away from captain marvel while wonderwoman was prepared to step in and stop the two boy from attacking each other.

"Okay guys, there's no need for the two of y'all to fight one another. There's people recording us." Says flash stepping in between the two.

Grey being the good person he was nodded in confirmation as he then stepped back and stood by flash and Hawkwoman. Infront of him, grey and the heroes watched as the president strolled forth and Greeted them.

"Helo there young man, I know you might've already know who I am. But please, let me introduce myself to you... I'm president horvath Kelly, and may I know who you might be?" The man said reaching forth for a handshake from the kid.

Trying to be as formal as he is, haven remembered the handshake that his mother taught him once, and once he does, grey reaches up and shook hands with the old man. "It is a pleasure to meet you ol- I'm mean sir." Said haven correcting himself on time.

"The pleasure is all mine young man, thank you for coming." Said the appealing president horvath told grey whereas he then turned to the rest of the heroes. "Same goes for all of you, thank you for coming, I and the people here appreciate you guys for coming."

"It was no problem Mr. President, it's was our honor to be invited by you to the white house." Spoke superman lighting up the civilians whole mood with just a simple smile from him.

"I'm not." Haven says muttering under neath his mouth.

"Just keep your yap shut kid. We'll be out of this the sooner we can!" whispered shaera who didn't wish to be in the same place as the others.

"Whatever you say wingwoman." Whispered back haven earning a sharp look of distaste from Hawkwoman.

Meanwhile, as the president stepped forward to the podium, he took a glance around at the hundreds, possibly thousands of people in the surrounding area of the front yard. News crews of different company all had their cameras on him and the heroes. He had wished that there weren't this many people, for he too wasn't much of a people person, but had to force himself to do his job as the leader of a country.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is within my great pleasure to have all of you come to the fourth of July celebration. However, due to the attack on metropolis last night around nine, many has lost their life from the incursion. Fathers, mothers, children's, sons and daughters. Alot of them had died from the previous event. However, let us not be the only ones who had suffered, for everywhere around the earth, countries such as China, Russia and Iran, Japan and many others has faced the same circumstances as the united state! I know alot of you have been saddened by the attack, but please, let us fret any longer in despair!" Exclaimed president horvath with his arms spread out as all the civilians applauded him for his speech of the previous night.

As the crowds all continued in cheering for the man, horvath signaled for all of them to quiet down and then turned to face the heroes with a gesture. "However, as the dark times came to our world, just as we thought we would succumbed to fear of our ending time, hope came, it answered our plea for help. Heroes arose and responded back to the invaders with hatred and hearts for humankind, for they helped defended us all from certain death. Please! Allow me to introduce to you all the-" The president halted in his speech and turned to whisper back to the heroes away from the mic.

"What do you call yourself?"

The heroes reluctant from speaking glances at each other in clear embarrassment in not having a name for their group.

"We can call ourselves the super nine, you know since there's nine of us." The ever so cheerful flash responded only to stop when the rest of the heroes shot him indiscriminate looks.

"How about no. That's even worst then the super friends name that captain marvel over there came up with!" Hawkwoman told the speedster.

"I Don't really care what name you all come up with." Added haven breathing in and out in boredom.

"Then what do you have for us dude?" Billy batson asked slightly bothered by haven's comment.

Haven stood there ignoring captain marvel with clear disinterest. He then heard wonderwoman boots making a sound as the Amazonian looked at them. "How about justice league. I fight for justice of others, same for some of you I would say. Plus, you all also fight like a league of teamates just from last night's attack."

Batman unclasped his arms and nodded at her in agreement. "Justice league sounds like a better name then super nine and super friends."

"Me too." Replied superman with a chuckle as he thought about the silly names. "Justice league sounds like a more fitting name."

"Then it's final, we will go with that." Aquaman added while he and the heroes looked at the president in confirmation of the agreement he and the group had on the name.

President horvath nodded and turned back to face the crowds presenting them all with a brighten change of mood. "Ladies and gentlemen, please allow me to introduce to you all the JUSTICE LEAGUE!"

Immediately after president horvath finished speaking numerous amounts of people, men women and children, all of which clapped, whistling and applauding the presented justice league.

And as time goes on, the ongoing cheers gradually comes down. Superman seeing that people were finally silencing throughout the courtyard stepped forth and took the podium. "Hello there citizens, many of you know who I am, some don't, which I might say is kind of a blessing. No, it doesn't mean I'm hating on yall, for I am simply new to all of this. Being looked up as a role model by many, young and old... And as some might say, an angel in disguise. So please do not be s-"

Cutting superman off, a certain reporter budged through two people while her cameraman trailed behind her. "Superman, superman. Question please!?"

Superman's eyes mpved down to where it landed on the woman. His smile showing his delightment in seeing the reporter. "Ms. Lois, I'd half expected you to stay in the back with the other news people... What is it you wish to ask of us?"

Before Lois lane could utter a word, two other news reporters rushed their way through the overcrowded place and stood their place between one another.

"Superman, my name is lyla of catco News. Forgive me for cutting your girlfriend, but if you would, can I ask you some question?" Spoke the reporter as she held her mic out close enough to where the kryptonian voice could be heard.

"Sure do." Responded superman slightly glad that it wasn't Lois who was asking question this time. "What is it you wish to ask of me?"

"Three years ago, when you first made your appearance. You once stated that your not from earth, but that of a different planet... If so, are you able to tell me and the entire world what planet did you come from, and is there anymore like you out there, hiding?" The woman Inquired severely asking superman straightforwardly.

"Yes, it is true." Responded superman as he halted for a moment and looked out into the crowds. "I'm not from earth herself. Originally, I was born on a planet called krypton. I do not know much about my homeworld, since I was just an infant back then... Secondly, I'm not sure if there are even any more of my kind out there. If there are, then I'd be happy to know that I'm not the last of my people."

Feeling sentimental towards superman's story, the reporter felt slightly bad for her question. "Forgive me for my rudeness superman. I Am sorry for what you went through... Is it alright if I could ask your friends some questions as well?"

Superman pauses for a moment and turned to face the justice league members. "Any of you guys up for an interview?" The man of steel asked seeing each of the heroes undecided on who should go next.

"I'll go." Wonderwoman answered trekking towards the podium and stood next to superman. "I Guess I'll be the one to go second."

"Gladly." Lois lane spoke up forcibly cutting lyla of catco off. "Hello Ms. Diana."

"You know of me!?" Uttered wonderwoman with one hand set on her right chest armor slightly pleased to hear the woman being aware of her.

"Yes ma'am. If I might. When you came here, outside of your island, you said you wanted to create a peaceful cooperation between your people and the world of men... And if that is true, how will you accomplish that task?" Lois lane asked watching the Amazonian in question.

"Ummm, yes, that is true. However, when I was first introduced to the outside world, I had wanted to explore it. I Wanted to venture out there, I wanted an adventure throughout the world. See what it's like since I've been living in my island home for thousands of years." Responded wonderwoman seeing multiple people in the crowds beginning to be intrigued by her story.

"Thousands of years!' Muttered Lois overhearing her opponent lyla and the other reporter stupified by the Amazonian age. "If you said thousands of years, then you must be older then you look."

"Yes, I am Ms. Lane." Replied Diana unbothered by the murmurs transpiring around the crowds. "I Am currently five thousand tweny six years old."

"If you are five thousand and twenty six years old." Spoke Lois still quite surprised by the shocking news. "Then how old is your friends. Hopefully they aren't over a hundred years old!?"

Hawkwoman sheaths her mace and strolled towards the podium. Wonderwoman seeing her approaching stepped aside allowing her to take place. Thankful of the act, Around her, she could see many faces forming into that of certain expectations and pure interests.

"I Am Hawkwoman, a thanagarian warrioriess of the planet called thanagar. My age is quite the problem here."

"How old would you be then ma'am?" Asked lois intrigued by the news.

"Three thousand two hundred twenty three." Hawkwoman answered catching sight of many people chattering and murmuring under their breathe. "Any more questions?"

"Yes. If you and your friend wonderwoman are over the age of eighty." Says the third news reporter as she took a glance at each of the leagues. "Then how old exactly is your other heroes?"

"Tweny four." Superman responded giving people a smile.

"Same as him." Green lantern added in.

Captain marvel stayed quiet for a moment and sheepishly looked around at each members of the heroes. "I'm Twenty three." The boy said lying.

Batman and the other league members all looked at the boy turned hero dissaprovingly clearly understanding that he was only lying due to him having to hide his identity which was understanding.

"Twenty." The red speedster spoke up with a peace sign of his fingers.

"Your really twenty!?" Haven asked picking at flash surprised by what he heard which he received a yes from the speedster. "Forgive me, I thought you were like eighteen."

"I wish." Flash Replied laughing for a moment as haven smiled underneath his mask.

"What about you, Uhh, respectfully. What should I call you sir?" Lois lane asked taking her turn after the third reporter looking straightly at the half man half machine next to aquaman.

"I'm nineteen." Cyborg answered getting quite the response from most of the youths in the crowds.

"I'm Twenty five." Aquaman spoke before the reporters could even ask him his age.

Batman and haven glanced at each other, and before the dark knight could tell the kid to go first, haven dissaproved of his bat glare just gave him a dry stare.

"I am about the same age as aquaman over there." Batman says as he was about to continue on but was sadly interrupted by lyla of catco.

"You are the dark knight of Gotham. I've heard so many stories about you, about how the police department like James Gordon tries to capture you every chance he could get... Tell me, what age are you?" Lyla Inquired uncaring of the fact that she was rudely reminding batman of who he is.

"The cops in Gotham has tried time and time again to arrest me, and it'll never be easy for them... As for my age, I am near twenty five, I'm only a few months ahead of superman." Batman told the reporter who was scribbling down info's on her pad.

With the rest of the groups having to tell their exact age out to the world, Lois lane saw the last member of the leagues. In hers and every people's sight, they could all see how he dressed as it reminded them of an average outfit a high schooler wears.

"And as for you young man, I saw you on TV last night. You did great in helping those above your grade. If you do not mind me asking, how old are you?" Lois lane asked being a formal as she can so as to not be seen as rude of a person as the catco reporter.

"I'm fourteen." The masked haven answered earning looks of shock and surprises from those of the crowded area and especially the heroes.

"Just fourteen." Uttered the third reporter in surprise. "Don't you think your a little bit too young in doing this heroic jobs."

"I am, but you don't hear me complaining. Clearly you've all seen what I can do. Yeah, I know that I seem a bit too young, but that's part of life, we can't control how old we can become." Replied haven simply giving back the same attitude to the reporter.

"Sir!" One guard said as he strolled towards the president and whispered to his ear quietly.

"Yes what is?" President horvath asked leaning his head towards the guard all the while closing his fist around the mic so as to not let anyone hear them

"There's an attack on the coast of Hawaii, its active volcano. It is said that the police force there tried their best, and um, well sir, some died trying to help people. They are in deep meed of aid sir!" The guard told him.

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